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Posts by amczy1  

Joined: 14 May 2010 / Female ♀
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Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 6
From: Australia
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Genealogy, history

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14 May 2010
Genealogy / Jalowiecki coat of arms and title inheritance? [21]

I have recently been trying to trace back my family history. My grandmother's maiden name is Jalowiecki and her father was apparently hrabia (which translates to count or earl in english). He had no sons and I think he was an only child. It's unlikely my grandfather held a title (they divorced shortly after the birth of their children if this changes anything). Am I correct in assuming hrabia cannot be passed down through a female member of the family? She has had one daughter and one son (who were alive when my grand-father passed away) but they hold the surname of their father and I'm unsure if my father could be considered a direct male descendant.

Does anyone know if the coat of arms h. Lodzia is able to be passed down through a female member of the family? I have been trying to research this and have come up with mixed responses including a site that stated the coat of arms can be passed through both the female and male lines. I have a copy of the coat of arms from my grandmother so it's not an issue trying to obtain one, I know it exists.

I'd really love to keep a family tradition going, especially with all the stories I've heard from my grandparents of their lives in Poland before they emigrated.

I'd appreciate any help or answers anyone is able to give me
14 May 2010
Genealogy / Tschiediel, Jalowieski, Jansz-Stengert, Biedniakov-Bielakiewicz [4]

I've been trying to research my family history and have reached a dead-end of sorts.

I'm searching particularly for the following names:
Tschiediel (which I believe may be German but I'm certain they resided in Poland for quite a while before WWII),
Jalowieski(definitely Polish),
Jansz-Stengert (Russian?),
Biedniakov-Bielakiewicz (Russian but eventually married into Polish family)

I'd also appreciate it if anyone has advice for researching polish genealogy from another country (I've never been taught polish which makes the searching harder).

Is there a particularly good site that could give me some information on my ancestors?
They tend to come from quite a varied background so one website may not cover all of the branches. I know my father's paternal grandfather came from Lodz in Poland and his surname was German, I'm not sure where his wife came from. I also know that my father's maternal grandfather was from a part of Poland on the border of Lithuania and his wife was from St Petersburg in Russia and he was an officer in the Polish army during WWII.

Is there also a particulary good english language website for researching members of the Polish underground? From stories I've been told, my father's paternal grandfather was aiding the Polish underground financially and got sent to jail multiple times when he was caught by the Germans but they needed his factory to keep running, which wasn't happening when he was locked away so he kept on being released, until a final time where he and his family were forced to flee Poland as things became too dangerous.

My grandmother has also told me that her cousin's husband was a key figure in the leadership of the Polish underground and was assumed dead towards the end of the war when he never returned home and they never found his body). I'd love to track these member of my family back and see if there is much documented evidence of these family stories.

I'd appreciate any advice.
14 May 2010
Genealogy / Tschiediel, Jalowieski, Jansz-Stengert, Biedniakov-Bielakiewicz [4]

Thank-you for your advice, I hadn't noticed the genealogy resources on this site but I will have a look.

The names I've listed are the original spelling - they were changed/ altered when my family arrived in Australia and I have a few different spellings of Jalowiecki that are listed on the families coat of arms. I don't think the Ellis island records would help much as the majority of my family came to Australia and not America, although I think some of my grandmother's distant relatives emigrated to the USA more recently so I may have a look.

Thanks for your help, I really appreciate it
15 May 2010
Genealogy / Jalowiecki coat of arms and title inheritance? [21]

Thank-you for that information, I didn't know the translation and find it quite interesting. I may eventually find the answer of where it came from (if it was a town) once I've managed to dig through the family history far enough.
15 May 2010
Genealogy / Jalowiecki coat of arms and title inheritance? [21]

I agree with you enkidu that it is much more than a picture.

Do you have any ideas if it is somehow possible to retain hrabia and the coat of arms, and if so do you have any ideas how I could go about it? Is there any particular place that I may be able to get answers from?

Thank-you for your comments
15 May 2010
Genealogy / Jalowiecki coat of arms and title inheritance? [21]

Thank-you. I'll try and chase my family tree a bit further back to see if it offers any clues, I'm mainly going on stories passed down from my grandmother who grew up in Poland, and some documentation and based on where that branch of my family lived. I'm assuming the title came from either Lithuania or Russia as Poland doesn't seem to be an option so I'll try searching in either of those countries once I gather more information.

I'm planning on possibly visiting Poland at some stage in the future and will try and visit the National Archives to see what documentation they have. I read on another website that they house family histories and genealogies so it may prove to be quite a useful source, so long as I have someone with me that can read and understand Polish.

I really appreciate your comments and help :)
16 May 2010
Genealogy / Jalowiecki coat of arms and title inheritance? [21]

there is no place called Polish National Archive

I didn't realise there wasn't a National Archive. I thought the Warsaw archive may hold some general information and I could branch out from there. I'll try and get a bit more information out of my grandparents and hopefully get an idea of where to start looking. My grandmother has already told me the name of the town she lived in and shown me it's location on a map so that should help. I know her family name came from the Lodzia clan so I may also be able to find some information around Lodz for much older ancestors once I've exhausted other options. It does seem like a better idea to hire an organisation to help me since I don't speak the language but I'll ask some of my relatives still living in Poland if they'd be willing to help me a little bit first- They've offered to have me stay with them and I'm considering taking a semester off university to visit next year. I'm just grateful it's only my grandmother's family I have to research so it should make searching easier, my mother's father has researched her side of the family and a relative of my father's has done my father's father's side, although I may need to trace back my great grandmother's family.

ome of them were burned down

Do you know why they were burned down or what type of churches they were? I hadn't realised any churches had been targeted, and that could definitely make my search harder. I believe I'm looking mainly at the Roman Catholic Church but when I move towards my grandmother's mother I know she was Russian so I'll probably have to move into Russia to start that search, but I also know she spent 2 years converting, in Poland, to Catholicism from Russian Orthodox, in order to marry my grandmother's father so I may find church records on that.

Is there any place in particular that may hold information on people involved in the Polish underground as well? I knew my great grandfather was thrown into jail a few times by the Germans during the occupation for helping to finance them, but I believe his factory was too important to them and wasn't running without him so they kept on letting him go until the last time where the accusation was a bit more serious and they fled from Poland. I only found out a few days ago that the other branch of my father's family (his mother's) was heavily involved in the Polish underground and one of her relatives was a leading figure and I'll have to ask her for his name before I can even start a basic search. I do know he was eventually killed by the Germans and his body was never found and I'd really like to find some answers and information on these individuals. Thanks.
16 May 2010
Genealogy / Jalowiecki coat of arms and title inheritance? [21]

Thanks for that, I've just done a basic search on them and it does seem as though I will be searching in the older archives, I don't think I need much information, if any after 1945.

The source I looked at says the main archives for the 'old' documents is in Warsaw and there is a list of places to search for 'new' documents. Would you consider Warsaw a good starting place? Do the state archives and church records hold any 'old'/ pre-1945 documents as far as you know?