11 May 2010
Genealogy / BIENIEK OR GASKA / Lagowska, Koper, Prusak [11]
Merged: Looking for LAGOWSKA family
I am the grand son of Anna Lagowska who was born on or around April 15, 1897 in the town of Borek. Here is some info that I have ANNA LAGOWSKA, corka Jana i Agaty z domu Przydzial, uro=dzila sie w Borku Wielkim dnia 26.IV.1897 URZAD PARAFIALNY RZYM-KATOL W SEDZISZOWIE MLP POWIAT, DEBICA
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank Ron Bienick
are u looking for a translation or general info.
Anything will help. I think the part I inserted in Polish is her birth record if you would like could you please translate that part.
Thank you
Ron Bienick
Merged: Looking for LAGOWSKA family
I am the grand son of Anna Lagowska who was born on or around April 15, 1897 in the town of Borek. Here is some info that I have ANNA LAGOWSKA, corka Jana i Agaty z domu Przydzial, uro=dzila sie w Borku Wielkim dnia 26.IV.1897 URZAD PARAFIALNY RZYM-KATOL W SEDZISZOWIE MLP POWIAT, DEBICA
Any help will be appreciated.
Thank Ron Bienick
are u looking for a translation or general info.
Anything will help. I think the part I inserted in Polish is her birth record if you would like could you please translate that part.
Thank you
Ron Bienick