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From: US, Austin
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13 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

First off, I'd like to say that I am sorry this happened to the Polish People and the families of those on Board. My comments hopefully do not detract from your suffering.

It is well known to those who read a bit, that there are many people who would have liked President Kaczynski to get out of their way. This is no secret. Whether they would kill to achieve this is another story. I like most of us do not know, nor will we ever know, the truth of what happened. However, there are some interesting things to think about in regards to this conversation.

1. Look at the pictures/videos taken very shortly after the crash. Now look at the fog. Can that fog be responsible? I don't think so, but other opinions are welcomed.

2. Russia and Putin are perfect scapegoats. Of course, President Kaczynski was no great friend of Russia, and suspicion of conspiracy would fall right to them.

3. However, European countries had more reasons to rid themselves of the Nationalist. His refusal to join the Euro being tops amongst them. Also consider that Poland was the ONLY European country with economic growth last year, showing the folly of joining the Euro. Tusk has no reservations about joining the Poverty inducing ECB. (A country without control of it's central bank, is bound for problems)

4. Even though the U.S. wanted to put missiles in Poland before, it was unneeded, and the new administration here may see more value in a Pro-neo-liberal Tusk than a missile shield that could be replaced easily by aircraft or submarines.

5. This plane was flying slowly, and even an old basic altimeter would show how close the ground was. Did they have a new pilot flying all these people? Was the pilot drunk?

If not, I find it hard to believe he would have such a stupid accident flying.

There is more to this than meets the eye in my opinion. But I really don't know. I'm just asking questions. I would like to know the truth. I doubt any of us ever will, but don't just say this thin fog caused this, that seems too silly to be called reality. The global neo-liberal elite have no problem slaughtering millions of people around the world. They would kill planeloads of people everywhere if they thought it would benefit them. If I was Polish or had more time, I would dig deeper into this. Search youtube for: First photos (or videos) of Plane crash kills Polish President. Or something along those lines. From what I have seen, that fog shouldn't be a killer. Not to a pilot with ANY amount of experience. Pilots all over the world land in worse conditions everyday. And the pilot carrying the Polish heads of everything can't? Smells like rotten carp to me.

Good luck to the people of Poland. Peace to All. ~ryan

*edit* Add to the above, that language protocol was broken during landing. The released black box recording shows the Polish pilot speaking halting russian. If this were a cargo plane of goats, no big deal, but with so many important people on board? There are too many things that smell funny.
13 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Thanks for your reply

But going slow during landing approach, before hitting anything, the fog looks light enough from what I've seen, that a decent pilot would have seen the mistake and lifted back up for another attempt. Also, wasn't the last attempt one of 3 of 4 attempts?? During that time, he couldn't have gotten close to the right approach angle? The fog isn't that bad! I mean, maybe if you are trying to land an F-15 on a aircraft carrier maybe, but this? I don't know.

*edit* For last poster:

I agree that many of the conspiracy theories are silly. But I also think a plane crashing in light fog with the entire nationalist Polish leadership, under these circumstances, is silly as well. Sad, but silly. You do understand the questions under these circumstances? Here in the U.S. we are lied to about everything all the time. This breeds conspiracy theories. We don't ever know what to believe. Our mainstream media (msm) is bought and sold like bread in the market. So, we don't expect the truth from the media reports. This crash is extremely questionable no?

*edit* I'm listening to radio program about the crash right now. According to Webster Tarpley, who doesn't think that it's likely that it was anything but an accident btw, that it was the 4th attempt. The plane had dumped it's fuel. He also claims that the Euro was going to be hurt by the Former President's plan to devalue the Polish currency.

I'm not saying this was murder, or done on purpose by anyone, just that it smells fishy.

13 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

*edit* @Polishmeknob

I wouldn't take too much validity of the blog you link to. While I disagree with most conspiracy theorists on most things, 9-11 was an inside job. I have no doubt about that. Neither does the U.S. engineering community. Anyone who dismisses "9-11 truthers" as nut jobs doesn't know anything other than what is fed to them. 9-11 cannot be explained by the official story, as MIT (Americas best university) engineering professors attest to in lectures that are posted online.

AGAIN, this doesn't prove anything about this crash, I'm just saying the official story isn't always the truth. Journalism is dead. The questions have to be asked an answered by the populace these days, not the "experts" paraded out immediately after the disaster that say things like "there is no conspiracy, don't believe it". The American court system charges people with conspiracy every day. All a conspiracy is, is a plan by a group of two or more people to commit a crime. It isn't equal to crazy, regardless of what some would say.


Thank you. The pictures I have seen were supposedly from 3 minutes after crash. Is this incorrect? Or was fog lighter at the airport? Thanks!
13 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I did read it. thanks.

And really, some people aren't interested in the truth. Of course, maybe you should look in the mirror when you say that. I don't give a rats tail about Larry Silverstein. You can pick and choose what you want from a lot of people saying lots of crazy things. Fact is, it was about taking away the civil liberties in the United States, and going to (perpetual) war with the muslim world for oil, pipelines and petro DOLLARS. Of course some people benefited financially, particularly security companies, but that is the least of the issues to me. But again, keep on believing the impossible if you wish. Hopefully someday, you will learn to look at all the facts, otherwise you are no better than a sheep.

Of course, if this is your attitude, you aren't interested in finding the truth out about this crash either, so I will leave you to your own devices.

Move along folks, nothing to see here. Oh yes master, I agree. Sheesh.

Good luck to the Polish people. Peace, ~r