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Posts by mulsie  

Joined: 26 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Apr 2010
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 13 / In This Archive: 10
From: ireland
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: travel

Displayed posts: 11
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26 Mar 2010
Travel / Visiting Sopot for a week in late May/start of June looking for restaurants/pubs [17]

Hi all

i'm visiting Sopot at the end of May for a week and looking for any advice on good restaurants both from low to high budgets, also any good pubs? we're not very club orientated, mid thirties, like cocktail bars to pubs with traditional music so any advice would be good. is there any pub/bar which is great to sit otuside and take in sopot? also a good coffee/cake shop would be a bonus.

I'm going to visit Hel for a day and Gdansk on another day too. any advice on ferries from sopot to gdandsk or from sopot to hel. is the ferry the best option or should we take the train. we were hoping to see gdansk from the sea and possibly head back on the train.

do you recommend anything in particular in gdansk to do?

we love poland and have visited warsaw, cracow and zakopane over the last 5 years.

finally, what are the best beaches t osunbathe and any good eating spots on the waterfront?

fingers crossed for good weather!!!!!!!!!
many thanks
29 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

i presume prices are based on supply on demand. ideally if you are investing it should be city centre where supply cannot be altered that much. for example in cracow while there has been some supply provision witihn the cental city, on the whole supply is restricted, leading to substantial overdevelopment in the suburbs. so while prices have like elsewhere fallen in the suburbs, cracow centre has only fallen marginally. rental prices should in theory be the same but a lot of flat/apt purchases have been by scandanavians/irish/uk people which means that these are probably depressing rental values a little as they are buy to let.

i think a major factor in cracow is the huge amount of underdeveloped apartments/lot spaces etc that have not been developed as it requires unaminous approval by all the owners to develop them. IF the polish government were to introduce penalties so as to encourage development of these vacant spaces, it would provide substantial housing for local people and keep local people living locally. it could easily be implemented and also perhaps provide a good revenue source for local government. it makes no sense to have huge undeveloped attic spaces sitting idle while valuable green space is being eaten up for developments.
29 Mar 2010
Real Estate / How are Poland's properties priced? [51]

hi, some interesting replies to my earlier comments.

one recent television report indicated how rural to urban migration is set to continue substantially in poland. this will increase pressure on city centres prices.

although some polish migrants have left ireland/uk, the bulk remain. i am surprised that polish people overseas are not investing more in polish property. polish demographics are still very healthy. plus if overseas migrants were to return with "ready" capital it should lead to further growth.

polish prices are inflated by polish standards but you have to remember that polish prices (for general living i.e restaurants, pubs, services) are one quarter generally of that of ireland, the uk, france.) spain 15 years ago was like poland. now it is more expensive than ireland in many things. same applies to portugal and greece. incomes haven't necessarily risen in these countries,particularly in portugal. the same will happen in poland as it is within one common market. i am not sure what the inflation rate is at the moment, i am guessing perhaps 4%, only a guess, but in western europe it is deflation.

i cannot say if i think polish prices are good value at the moment but what i can say is that huge potential exists for the polish economy. you only have to look at how little franchise shops there are in comparison with the rest of europe. there is huge openings for massive retail/culture/tourism developments. the same cannot be said for western europe. particularly spain/ireland/uk which has reached over development on the whole.
31 Mar 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

who so many...?? because poland was the center for the worlds Jewish population
From what i read I think rejection by the Viennese Art School was a leading factor in his anti-semitism forming.
anti-semitism was ripe in that time from germany to poland to ireland to switzerland to sweden. switzerland co-operated by allowing hundred of thousands of italian jews to go through swiss territory on trains. ireland refused visas to people who later died in camps. after hitler died the irish president actually went to the german embassy to give condolences!!!

and despite all the killing dont forget the anti jewish pograms in poland following the war conducted by the poles which murdered several hundred of the several thousand left (out of 3.3 million)

today, it is ironic that the basis and success of cracow's tourism is auschwitz and schindlers list which has led to cracow now becoming a top ten city destination. visit the kazimierz and its jewish restaurants etc (not run by jews though... would it be more attractive if it were to tourists!!!)

so let us not forget what europe did to the jewish people.

some thoughts only.
1 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

but don't make it sound as if it was a miracle for a Jew to survive in post-war Poland.

The kielce pogram has gained significant media coverage in the UK/Ireland. this reference to the pogram below says enough about being a miracle to survive in post WWII poland...your statistics from 300000 to several thousand current jewish residents speaks louder than words.. could it be called ethnic cleansing???

"Sporadic public anti-Jewish disturbances or riots were enticed by spread of false blood libel accusations against Jews in a dozen Polish towns - Krakow, Kielce, Bytom, Bialystok, Bielawa, Czestochowa, Legnica, Otwock, Rzeszów, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Tarnow [22][23][24] The Kraków pogrom of August 11, 1945, was the first anti-Jewish riot in postwar Poland.[25][26] Rumours of alleged attempt by Jewish woman to kidnap and murder Polish child and alleged discovery of thirteen or even eighty corpses of Christian children that supposedly had been found in Kupa Synagogue served as a pretext to start the pogrom.[27] During the riot, Jews were attacked in Kazimierz, and other parts of Old Town, resulting in one death. Fire was set in Kupa Synagogue.

[edit] Kielce pogrom
Main article: Kielce pogrom
A pogrom (the causes of which are still somewhat controversial) [28], coupled with the ritual murder accusations, erupted in Kielce on July 4, 1946.[29] The rumour that Polish boy was kidnapped but managed to escape from Jewish captivity, and that other Polish children had been ritually murdered by the Jews ignited violent public reaction directed at the Jewish Center.[29] Actions against Jewish residents of Kielce was provoked by units of the communist militia and Soviet controlled Polish Army who confirmed the rumors of the kidnapped Polish child. The police and soldiers were also the first to fire shots at the Jews giving civilians a pretext to join the fray.[30] Pogrom in Kielce resulted in 37 people being murdered and many more injured[4][24] but the number of victims does not reflect committed atrocities. Kielce pogrom was a turning point for the postwar history of Polish Jews where many concluded that there was no future for Jews in Poland.[31] Soon after, Communist authorities allowed Polish Jews to leave Poland without visas or exit permits.[32] and Jewish emigration from Poland increased dramatically.[33]"
1 Apr 2010
History / Why did Hitler kill so many Jews in Poland? [261]

but don't make it sound as if it was a miracle for a Jew to survive in post-war Poland.
The kielce pogram has gained significant media coverage in the UK/Ireland. this reference to the program below says enough about being a miracle to survive in post WWII Poland...your statistics from 300000 to several thousand current Jewish residents speaks louder than words.. could it be called ethnic cleansing???

Sporadic public anti-Jewish disturbances or riots were enticed by spread of false blood libel accusations against Jews in a dozen Polish towns - Krakow, Kielce, Bytom, Bialystok, Bielawa, Czestochowa, Legnica, Otwock, Rzeszów, Sosnowiec, Szczecin, Tarnow. The Kraków pogrom of August 11, 1945, was the first anti-Jewish riot in postwar Poland. Rumours of alleged attempt by Jewish woman to kidnap and murder Polish child and alleged discovery of thirteen or even eighty corpses of Christian children that supposedly had been found in Kupa Synagogue served as a pretext to start the pogrom. During the riot, Jews were attacked in Kazimierz

6 Apr 2010
Life / First hand experiences of the Mafia in Poland [28]

i know of somebody who was looking at a pub premises in krakow and the seller was the local mafia, who when he met him was accompanied by a minder and bullet proof car (apparently would have put an episode of the sopranos to shame!!). i dont know anything more than that though.
8 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Question about Irish-Polish similarities [25]

I have to agree with a lot of the similarities although one huge difference is the level of bureaucracy in poland. i know irish people who have done business in poland and they firmly believe bureaucracy is holding business and development back. bureacracy is on the whole detested in ireland and even the hardened bureaucrats try to cut corners to save "on all the hassle".

i know many polish people in ireland who detest polands bureaucracy and a few have even said polish people should take a chill pill to relax and not be focused on implementing chains of red tape.

from a personal viewpoint a good few years back i went to an annual communal meeting of tenants from an apartment block and within 10 mins of the 4 hour meet, ifelt like knocking my head against the wall. the number of times that rules were referred to or clarified, and this by mostly 60+ people was unbelievable. the same meeting in ireland would have taken at max 10 mins. was it the communists that created this bureaucracy??? whatever it is, it must be soul destroying for people investing theri hard money into poland!!!
8 Apr 2010
UK, Ireland / Question about Irish-Polish similarities [25]

i believe the polish planning system is harder. if planning were hard to get in ireland, how is it that with minor flooding, complete estates were flooded. dublin has the population density of max one third of comparable cities in europe. one off houses aren't allowed in most western european countries. hard to get planning..........???..... tell that to people living in mullingar, tullamore, portlaoise who are commuting to dublin every day in houses with negative equity. the problem was.... planning was too easy.. the development plans for these towns was geared at urban commuters. if there was better and more STRINGENT planning . 300000 + surplus houses in a population of now less than 4.2m (has fallen) wouldnt have occurred

and to the civil servant remark.................... there was nt any problem getting a passport in cork .. why did every one go to dublin for one..............??? i support them!!!! apply for one in time!!!
19 Apr 2010

speaking from experience, there was widespread price inflation following the euro, particularly in spain, portugal and greece. its amazing now however that the prices of many things (but not all) across a lot of the euro zone are now fairly similar, even for vegetables grown locally etc. the traditional cheap countries such as the above and ireland have now become expensive while the traditional countries are now more affordable.... problem is incomes in the med countries haven't caught up.. are the citizens of the relatively poorer states victims of the euro then??????