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Posts by AnndY  

Joined: 21 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Mar 2010
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Posts: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 19
From: just EU
Speaks Polish?: by nativ
Interests: loads

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21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

sorry - u do not,..

as first find your residential office for people services - in city its Urząd Miejski, or Burmistrz or at country side Urząd Gminy or Wójt. register your stay at there.

as its done ask for PESEL number. (personal ID no. in Poland)
fill the form providing an ID - passport and obtained registration of your address.
then wait patiently. sometime they do that at once.

with the obtained PESEL no. you need to be in person at Urząd Skarbowy - tax revenue.
at the desk you fill next form - preper your self to get or ask some help - they all are in polish..
the info you find on w w w. mf.gov.pl
thanks to your visit at Urząd Skarbowy you gain the NIP no. - this is your personal tax ID no.

as you have both of them get the tax form - PIT-37 and start to fill it - or ask accountant at your business - she or he will help you to declared swiftly.

The Polish Law.. nd so on.. prohibit you to fill declaration in future years.
for the 2009 you need to provide the correct form till the end of April.

21 Mar 2010
Study / German v.s. Russian, language usefulness in Poland? [54]

I was wondering if German or Russian would be more useful

?? where the hell r u land in poland?? Zapyziała Wólka?? in each city over 100k its easy to find lessons. go to first primary school and ask for english teacher. by the law they need to bring u Polski :)

I did that last year in the Netherlands - went to 1 primary school, talk to principal, teacher and in no time I was filled with books and support if needed. after a month I understood 2/3 of Duch, but my mother tongue is also german, therefore was easy 4 me.

Ja toze charaszo gawarim pa ruski, but it would not help you - except u do wont to do marketing with some Ruski.
anyway, good luck!!

to be precise - read this - you may translate its basic through google - opc.uj.edu.pl/broszury/Jadwiga_Maczynska_edukacja_cudzoziemcow.pdf
21 Mar 2010
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Lets Bring the Pain!!
Ja ci dam 80000 słów!!
In my daily usage is about 150 000!! step in to medicine or technical or other sophisticated discipline n' the gouge will spoil easy with over 250k!! at daily usage only!!

I roughly may estimate my language for 0,5M!! or same as Deutsch.

?? 18 different ways to say the word two;
- dwa,
- dwać,
- dwić,
- dwoje,
- dwóch,
- dwie,
- dwója,
- dwójka,
- dwójeczka,
- dwoić,
- dwojenie,
- rozdwoić,
- rozdwajać,
- rozdwojony,
- rozdwojenie,
- połowić,
- połowienie,
- społowiony,
- społawiać,
- podwajać,
- podwoić,
- podwojenie,
- zdublować,
- zdublowany,
4 you guys its enough. 24? lets be.
and I'm not profesor Miodek :))

gush, this guy **** me all off!! n' in Sunday!!

PennB u wouldn't understood even difference between meaning of "dziewczę" and "dziewczyna" in the talk. That's why your txt I shelf it as "dziewczęcy". Therefore "dziewczynki" are the level of your only option of understanding the truth.
21 Mar 2010
History / Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power? [111]

This was only Rzeplita Obojga Narodów.
In truth the sole influence was greater.
Pope was truly on side with each war we run.
(except the incident in 1635 with the Urban VIII and Kniaziem Mikołajem Sapiehą)
Rzeplita with the connections with Dożami and other nations runs sole international trading with China and India for few hundreds y.
The family's co-ligations was spread from Iberia to Itali - Bona (!) and England, Sweden to the Palestinian soil even with Persia.
In that fact the Europe with a part of Asia was Ours :)
21 Mar 2010
History / Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power? [111]

Yes :))
from April 14, 966!! and that's why the Otton III – Cesar of The Rome Empire 983-1002 took Rome and Poland in to Union.
King Bolesław Chrobry become in the y. 1000 The Friend of The Holly Rome.
21 Mar 2010
History / Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power? [111]

We were the most democratic - free minded - and open society in the Europe that time. Go to the museums - look for the last precious X to XVII century - you will find precious Japan Katanas middle-ages swords! Khirku - Ghurki knifes from India. Elbows from Equator Africa.. Aztecs and Incas was our guests. This people have been on Polish soil these days. Even here where I am now - SE. In Lwów u find 3 Cathedral Churches Roman, Bizancjum and Gregorian side by side. Mimbar u find in Kamieniec - now its Roman Church of it, but its still in stone say - there is no God except Allah' and Mahomet is his Prophet.

It was f** respected law and order then.
And a side by my up town in Budziwój we stopped Chingis - Khan!!
Its battlefield beaten earth.
Who else did that?!! :))
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

Trust me I know how thats look.. u r need to obtain meldunek then PESEL then NIP then bank account.
this is the only line acceptable for US or mf.gov.pl , by the tax if u do short cuts they haunt u down..
and I wouldn't be surprised if Mi15 has already account with income on it without the rest.
at the worst -
as such they will freeze it and they have the right to put on every penny in or transferred 75% tax,
at the best -
Mi15 will fill a dozen of forms with two or three petitions and provide every possible proof of each income, step and expense.. half jolly good if US accept petitions in english!
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

Delphi - we r talking about PITing.. till the end of April.

U receive NIP us such|4 all the payers - no obligations - this is the NIP-1 or 3 form.

But if u r about to pay tax, fill a form, or|having been sole standing - like PIT-37 - you need to provide the loads off additions.

on NIP-B you r providing bank details, on NIP ZG + PIT-36 u state income from abroad, PIT2 is done by ur Polish tax payer,...

If they don't match with records - then u have adds..

this is all at; ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997r. Ordynacja podatkowa / t.j. Dz. U. z 2005r. Nr 8, poz. 60 z późn. zm. /,
ustawa z dnia 14 czerwca 1960r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego / t.j. Dz U. z 2000r. Nr 98, poz. 1071 z późn. zm./
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

At the all PIT forms - Like PIT-37 in Section B - identity details u have a field no 14. - its a f** PESEL :)
ZUS - social security recognise only it as basic.
At section F - tax subtraction, you have field 110 and 112 - the amount will be confirmed at ZUS or else...

just do call tomorrow - The National Tax Information may be reached from any place in Poland through one telephone number. The fees for landline calls are the same throughout the country (0-801-055-055), whereas mobile phone calls 22(330-03-30) are charged according to the fees specified in the contracts with operators.
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

Again, what has this got to do with residency documents and a PESEL? Nothing.

I has it all - u don't pay tax at Powiat or City office.. it goes to budget and its divided on territory..
Think - how they will know where to transfer ur part?!

They know because u need to have MELDUNEK & PESEL dodiaska..
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

I given u it -> watch back.
Dos Dios, one more time -

ustawa z dnia 29 sierpnia 1997r. Ordynacja podatkowa / t.j. Dz. U. z 2005r. Nr 8, poz. 60 z późn. zm. /,
Ordynacja - lex.pl/serwis/du/2000/1071.htm

ustawa z dnia 14 czerwca 1960r. Kodeks postępowania administracyjnego / t.j. Dz U. z 2000r. Nr 98, poz. 1071 z późn. zm./
KPA - lex.pl/serwis/du/2000/1071.htm

did that get to ur brain now??
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

don't u dare to put that on me!!

your obligations - I don't give a F** from where r u coming from not even from Mars - are;

1. obtain a place to stay as your temporary or permanent residence.
2. up to 7 days inform registration of this palace.
3. like to work - go;
- as first apply for PESEL
- apply for NIP
- advice ZUS of ur income (most cases done by employer)
- advice NFZ for the med insurence (most cases done by employer or ZUS)
4. at the end of tax year - fill the all requested forms.
5. up to day pay all tax or apply for benefit or cancellations, provide proof of income when ask.
6. ejoy.

i słuchaj sie choć trochę mądrzejszych bo piszesz z polakiem do jasnej cholery!! :))
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

Rejestr PESEL - Powszechny Elektroniczny System Ewidencji Ludności prowadzony jest od 1979 roku i zawiera dane osób przebywających stale na terytorium RP, zameldowanych na pobyt stały lub czasowy trwający ponad 3 miesiące a także osób ubiegających się o wydanie dowodu osobistego lub paszportu, a także osób,

d l a k t ó r y c h - odrębne przepisy przewidują potrzebę posiadania numeru PESEL.


Numer PESEL nadaje się: (AND THIS IS IT)
c)obywatelom polskim i cudzoziemcom (this is you :)), którzy podlegają na terytorium Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej ubezpieczeniom społecznym lub ubezpieczeniu zdrowotnemu, z wyłączeniem osób wymienionych w pkt. a) i b),


that's the same as sofi-nummer Holland - NIN UK, and elsewhere..
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

?? Tell us - what experience do you have with foreigners in Poland?
Right fine!!

Well I give u the answer, yesterday I drunk with Kris and maybe be waiving him on his flight to London Thursday.

When it goes to the X-Files - I receive Polish ID 97', at the y. 2000 I was in Germany, y. 2004 I queued at the Home Office hall, at the y. 2006 I work for Zurich companies, 2007 I receive tax form from SKAT and Egypt.. from 2009 I have Sofi-nummer..

Any other smart questions??
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

Delphi.. i know that and 4 me thats sucks* too..

That is why I write the right way - where they have no options to say "no".
I would even help you in person on such occasion if u ask.

This is still a strange country - even 4 me. End even more cose I saw a lot.
Please remember - take on each occasion a proof of that what did you done.

If you obtain meldunek - ask for paper with stamp on it.
Then filling form for PESEL attach copies of all what you have.

By declaring a tax form - give them also one copy of everything.
Print a bank statement.
That and only that after a while it will simplify system..

This is a Homo Sovieticus land.. :((
Please don't take it personally and if then I am sorry.
21 Mar 2010
Work / Canadian working in Poland? How do I go my taxes? [30]

the correct answer is that We All in Poland - except farmers (!) are paying on PAYE scheme.

employers are giving you pay slips to hand. there is indicated what, when and how much.
from the first day to the last.

between canada and poland is not an equal right law regarding tax and you cannot transfer tax (this income amount or tax or amount free of tax or what so ever - at each case u indicate income and set the right to charge you with applying tax) abroad.

you may only request the payed tax from the gross income under 3091 PLN.

to do that you need to be correctly registered in Poland Officials and have a valid bank account in Poland registered at the Tax Authority.
21 Mar 2010
History / Was the Polish/ Lithuanian commonwealth a European power? [111]

The story of Temudżyn capture of Europe is barely known.
I'll tell you a bit of what I know if you like to read.

It was the y. 1200 Big Mongol Empire - Wielka Orda was at the top of conquests.
Temudżyn decide to proceed again to the west.
Slavian tribes between river Ural, Wołga and Don has been at first contact eradicated.
Kchan knows well from China and traders that on west shore of Black Sea behind swamps on north are antique and rich lands.
Ruś was expecting final invasion. Batu - Kachan was ready. Orda was ready.
Slavian first battle ground of this invasion was Zaporoże (you may translate as "such a dam!" or "together as a dam!")

At Poroh on Dniepr river. Dniepr is a huge river. Porohy - rock formation on the river was a big obstacle for horse riders to trespass.

Kniazie didn't expect deception or trick - the battle in there mind should be lead on shallow porohach.
Orda played better than that. They force through Dniepr in the deepest and slowest part of the river, at night. Filled sheep skin pumped with the air as a balloon and attached to the horse and rider was a pontoon.

Kchan surprise was done well. Kchirowy Róg (Kchan's Horn) sounded over battlefield at emerald dawn.. And after the start the battle drums.
This battle is on the Shield now - The Coat of Arms of Zaporoże...

No one has been left alive.
Krzywy Róg's Coat pl.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Plik:Coat_of_Arms_of_Kryvyy_Rih.png&filetimestamp=20080514144752
express this same as Polish Coat of Podkarpacie - Emerald and Blood.
But its in reverse. But I will get to that and why.
The Capital City of Ukraine name Kijew means 'Sticks' - Kije in Polish.
Was such named, after defenders weapons held by woman's, kids and old man.., on straight Kchans order.
The Kijew Coat of Arms was set by the Order of the Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller on the Campaign end to memorised Angels as the Only Soul Defenders. They Left The Name, Kijew.

The last big natural obstacle defending access to western country's was behind Batu - Kachan.
Temudżyn in person arrive!! With new Army.
Bathu - Kchan set up his troops between Dniestr and Prypeć river. He killed everybody between those two rivers.
Temudżyn decide to lead invasion by him self. His wish was to ask for that Always Blue Sky.
Hi set up a camp.
This place is called Lwów now.
Polish Henryk II Pobożny runs away, his hide was Legnica behind Odra river!
Kings and Knights from all over Europe was called at the one place...
Temudżyn ordered to cut the head of from coward Henryk II.
At that point the rest of regular Slavian troops was no match for Orda.
Hi sends just 10000 strong by the lid of Captain Ordu. 9 April 1241 Henryk was death.
Henryk II knew about the mobilisation of Christian Army by the lead of Fratres Militiae Templi, Pauperes Commilitones Christi Templique Salomonis.
His last words was "Gorze nam! Gorze!" - "It does burn us!"...
Temudżyn was dealing with reconnaissance of Poland. Has sent small troops all over through one(!) an undefeated gate to Poland. This Place is called Brama Przemyska.

From south of it is deep Oak Forest - the Bór - Sambór, at north Roztocze and swamps of Polesie and Wołyń.

Battles was lead all day and night by peasants all over. The end was always the death of them.
The secret meeting has taken place and was decided;
Setting up gathering point.
Sending the heaviest troops by Pogórze to the Gate.
Knights set up a field to battle if defence of the Gate is crossed.
Temudżyn will see a Cross of Lord on the Always Blue Sky.
Temudżyn moved out!
At The Gate was a Bear Force - foot troops. They did hold!
Temudżyn ordered his troops to throw them self in to the stream of River!
A Lord of Rivers for his Army. This is why the name of it is now the San River.
Captured told that the mobilisation of Orda was at the crescent Moon - on next river to come.
The Knights Templar didn't understand this precise.
The Council has taken place in Tyczyn.
Less than one week to come and kotlina San-do-miersk 'a at there grace.
Biggest battles has taken place right on the west river side. Tarnobrzeg ("darł na brzeg" - was fighting to take the riverside) and Przeworsk (gallop through wiorst - few miles)

There Coat of Arms is the same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Podkarpackie_Voivodeship
But now they knew that Temudżyn is mad and waiting for revenge.
The good Star has start to shine.
The Grand Master had an idea.
The Secret Camp was not needed any more.
They let the prisoners escape from Rzeszów.
They have a week for preparations. Let the mad and defeated Temudżyn attack them!
East side plate is coming to Rzeszów having mountains on left and swamp river on right.
They dig Drabinianka side like a fortress. Living just a hand of Bear Force from the Gate to make a noise. Temudżyn was good man stronger.

South from Drabinianka is Biała - "The White". An a shadow of track leading to Tyczyn from plate and to good crossing to skip behind rivers swamps. On the west side of Tyczyn is Budziwój - the name in English is "Waking up Knights".Scouts was placed there. This is by the river side. On South from the crossing is a closing river valley, behind further more on South just mountains and deep forest.

The river valley plate at the West is closed sharply with canyons.
North - West from Rzeszów is sand field and swamps covered by forest.
Temudżyn didn't need even an hour to regroup after river crossing.
Kchan pointed at the plate 14 km long 5 km wide on west side of river.
At North is small hill now named Zwięczyca. Its come from the word Tower.
High, Grand Master was landscaping from there.
The main Bear Force was split between north with Grand Master and South in forest cutting the escape. Horses on left flank cutting access to escape by the river.

The name of the City at this plate is now Boguchwała (Glory in Haven!) And it was just The Red on Coat of Arms till recently...!!

Temudżyn escaped!!
Cut his way out on South.
The fighting took place up in the hills - Czu-dec, mountain Chełm, Twierdza.. Barycz, Blizne. (translate your self :)) )
After this defeat Golden Orda never attack Bramy Przemyśl again.
Rzeszów (Reich + polish -ów) becomes a City.
The rivers are keep there names.
Templars stayed. There Sign are to find all around Podkarpacie.
COA of Podkarpacie is reversed - The Knights decided what's gonna be and how!! :))
Poland after defeat and such victory disgraced itself.
Ukraine become no-man's land, long after King Władysław £okietek was banned and needed to ask Pope for mercy. Never fully Restored.

Till the King Kazimierz III Wielki Poland loses influence and territory.
28 Mar 2010
Love / What do foreign women think of Polish men? [120]

@ the time when I was living in UK I dated lovely and astonished girl. A researcher at the RFH – Hampstd Heat. She was from SE Asia. On the end she described me as a to harsh for her...

Well, I preferably keep good manners. And excuse me if I say – the UK girls are to harsh for me.
The weekend buzz-off – all off. And laid.

Mates are keeping much more straight.