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Posts by Peter  

Joined: 31 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Apr 2022
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 248 / In This Archive: 51
From: Trinidad & Tobago and Wroclaw
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Soccer, Genealogy, Reading, 80's Music, Food and Drink

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31 Mar 2007
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

My brother is married to an Indian girl (since July 2006). One thing, the local Indian community is different to what you will find in the UK. My ex was also Indian.
31 Mar 2007
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

The Indian community in Trinidad (45% of the population) are nearly all descendents of the indentured labourers who came to the West Indies after the abolition of slavery. They would therefore be of lower castes than that of those who emigrated to the UK. Their food is also different to the UK indian food.
31 Mar 2007
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

You mean curried potato. Two of the local indian delicacies are roti and doubles. A UK indian will not have a clue what you are talking about.
31 Mar 2007
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

I know but put a Trini indian there and they would probably find a way to do it! After all, in Trinidad if they can cook it, they'll eat it. Here we have wild meat cook ups. Not just deer, etc but items such as iguanas, horse, manicou (a large rat-like creature) and kiskidee (its a bird - like eating robins).
4 Apr 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

I have not tried a lot of them but of what I have tasted so far I'd say Zywiec, Tyskie, Okocim and Lech.
9 Apr 2007
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

Well, vica versa is true. I know at least 4 couple (Indian boy and Polish girl) and most of them are living happily. If this is true then I am sure Polish boy and Indian girl is also possible. But let me remind you something, Indian girls dont like vodka

Worse yet, some of them will not eat pork:(
9 Apr 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Which explains why the Brits go crazy for Carib beer when they are out in the West Indies. That and this...............this is what the entertainment at the cricket matches looks like.

Beer Poland crazy
9 Apr 2007
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

Actually, India is getting very random. I know a friend of mine married to a Indonesian muslim boy. Some families dont have objection while some are quite religious conscious, but it is plausible depending on demography in India.

Peter - Pork shouldnt be a problem, infact I love sausages!

How true. You do find those "traditional" families who will object to marrying "outside". I once dated a Muslim girl. We had a frank talk about marraige and if we were to be married her parents would want me to convert.

And no pork in the house!
2 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

My father's Romanian identity card. He was enrolled in the University of Lwow in 1939 and was fortunate to escape through Romania.

3 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

I think this one was taken in Scotland. He was based there with the 24th Lancers, 10th Motorised Brigade, 1st Polish Armoured division.

Hi Patrycja,

I know the feeling. I've been researching my family tree for the past 5 years. From only knowing about some 12 persons now the tree has over 450 and counting. Still, without pictures nearly all are just names on a piece of paper.

My cousin outside of Wroclaw has my grandmother's photo albums which are chock full of pictures, only thing is, we do not have the faintest idea of who the people are!


3 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

My grandfather was a corporal in an artillery regiment in the Austro-Hungarian army in WW1. He sent postcards (presumably of his battalion) to my grandmother.

3 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

My father's class at school in Boryslaw in 1933. You cannot help but wonder what happened to all of them.

3 Aug 2007
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

you have so much knowledge of your family

Not really. I have a somewhat good idea about my grandparents. After that I have'nt a clue! I'm lucky in that 2 cousins who I recently discovered are in their 70's and 80's and still have quite a good memory. Somewhat limited but some info is better than none.
12 Aug 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Hmmmm, if I'd known about this board in 2005 I'd have dropped you a line when I was there and bought the 1st round of drinks!

Hopefully next year!

PS: I refuse to buy any American beer!
13 Aug 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

God, it's awful, isn't it? The only one I've tried and liked is the Sam Adams. I've never tried Bud or Coors. That's one of the nice things i Wroclaw......each day you have lunch in a different restaurant and try a different Polish beer!

I'm quite disposed to Lech and Okocim and then Tyskie and Zywiec.
15 Aug 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

Neither of you know anything about good American beer

Does such a thing as "good American beer" even exist? I thought there was an episode about that on Mythbusters?

But seriously, out here we only get some of the known brands and Sam Adams is the best of a poor bunch. Given the popularity of the microbreweries (I presume these are regional - sort of going back to the roots of beer where they had regional bases) I would imagine that there are some good ones.

Unfortunately the US marketing shows off the "crap of the crop" as being the best.
16 Aug 2007
Food / What's your favorite Polish beer? [870]

i like good rum and good coke too

And what rum do you use? Brand and colour..........me I prefer red rum.

I hope it's not Whalers or Captain Morgan!
6 Sep 2007
Genealogy / Surname WILK [8]

The Wilk surname appears in my family tree. Not much info about however.

My great grand-aunt married a Nicolaus Wilk in 1838 in Sokal. Sokal is just over the border in the Ukraine. They had 2 daughters, Catharin and Marianna born 1839 and 1841.

Do you have dates of birth, when they arrived in the USA, etc?

Have you tried searching the records on ancestry.com and the Ellis Island database?
19 Sep 2007
Genealogy / Polish Surnames Anglicized? [48]

One thing I discovered in my research was that 2 branches of my family (close cousins and distant cousins) both "chopped" the family surname in half and called themselves "Konas".
20 Sep 2007
Genealogy / Polish Surnames Anglicized? [48]

changed to "ted brown" when i came to america

I like it!

One of my cousins migrated to Canada and changed his surname from Przystawski to Preston.
30 Oct 2007
Genealogy / Searching for the HUDZIAK and MAZUREK family [14]

I think you will need to have a bit more information in order to really make progress. Do you have any documentation such as birth certificates? Since you are in Scotland did they become naturalised UK citizens? Information such as their parents and addresses will be on these documents which will help locating information about them.

My grand aunt married a Mazurek but their children were born in Sawchyn.
7 Nov 2007
Travel / Question about the Rynek and City of Wroclaw [15]

When I was there I noticed that nearly every other day you had different groups of guys who would walk around the Rynek chanting what I assumed were football songs and doing group push ups, etc.

Who are these people?
12 Nov 2007
Food / Mother of all hangovers....Polish Beer! [71]

Why does Polish beer give you the worst hangover imaginable and leaves a very bad chemical taste in the mouth?

Eh? WTF have you been drinking? Perhaps you're just not accustomed to drinking good beer?