8 Feb 2010
USA, Canada / Windows xp in USA in Polish? [13]
I'm interested in your patch but I'd like to know more details about it. Is it different from the MUIs or the LIPs or the LPs? I was trying to install windows XP pro on a HDD for my in-laws in Poland. I went through the clean install process and selected everything Polish and it still came up in all English, no "Pulpit"s, or "moje dokumenty"s..or what have you- just everything English.. on top of that I think I may have screwed them a bit since I used the key installing XP on my computer then I wiped that installation after it only ended-up in English. According to Microsoft's writing you can't use the same key to activate a windows XP OS on a different computer within 120 days from a previous installation; unless you call-in ..like my Polish in-laws are going to call Microsoft from Poland. =( no I'm not a very lucky man, not at all =/ Anyway, I saw your offer on here to upload your patch somewhere janosik and I tried to PM you but I'm new and this site won't let me do it that way. So if you catch this post, please write me back, thanks!
I'm interested in your patch but I'd like to know more details about it. Is it different from the MUIs or the LIPs or the LPs? I was trying to install windows XP pro on a HDD for my in-laws in Poland. I went through the clean install process and selected everything Polish and it still came up in all English, no "Pulpit"s, or "moje dokumenty"s..or what have you- just everything English.. on top of that I think I may have screwed them a bit since I used the key installing XP on my computer then I wiped that installation after it only ended-up in English. According to Microsoft's writing you can't use the same key to activate a windows XP OS on a different computer within 120 days from a previous installation; unless you call-in ..like my Polish in-laws are going to call Microsoft from Poland. =( no I'm not a very lucky man, not at all =/ Anyway, I saw your offer on here to upload your patch somewhere janosik and I tried to PM you but I'm new and this site won't let me do it that way. So if you catch this post, please write me back, thanks!