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27 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

There is no such thing as fact. Only what is said by the victors and those with power. I can make up my own facts. Get a bunch of thugs or propaganda to beat it into history. Then it becomes facts/history after a hundred years or so of book buring/etc. This is fact: Cain killed Abel. We are all sons of Cain. Fact: nobody ever owns anything. We are only caretakers of the planet for 3 score and 10. The Earth is dying because of the manner in which the sons of Cain are taking care of it. What's right? What's wrong? The cosmic consciousness tells us this. We don't need any preacher/law to tell us this. You want truth: look to mathematics. Otherwise, you deal with lies/corruption. Stop trying to muddy the waters by saying this one or that one has less blood on his hands! All sons of Cain have blood on their hands. We all have blood lust, which we have to control. If we keep this up we'll go back to cave man thinking where there is no right, but might. Cut the bull. If you live on this planet you have a right to live on it. We should eliminate all property rights, all national borders. We are all citizens of this world. National borders and property ownership are used to control the work force. Want true globalization or just globalization for business?
27 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

We should be judged as individuals for what we do, under the circumstances we do them. We should not be judged by the actions of the wealthy who control our countries. These wealthy have no nation. No religion. Indeed, they inter-marry for wealth, power and send us to war for them.

Don't get hung up on facts! 10,000 people with machine guns to their head will say and do anything they're told to do, include produce 'facts'. This has been demonstrated throughout history. Need we be taught this lesson each and every generation!

Don't get distracted by what is called 'fact' in the history books. Don't look for truth; you'll never find it.
30 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Let's make a distinction between state actions and individual actions. How can a country be held responsible for its actions when it was occupied is beyond me. Any justice system will not hold someone responsible when a gun is held to his head. How can a country be blamed for the actions of its individuals? How can an individual be blamed for the actions of the country? There are lines of responsibility here that must be drawn.
31 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

All of history is a lie. The little guy in the corner pulling all the strings, getting you to fight him, getting him to fight him is using you for pawns. Machiavelli is in control and you're pawns!
31 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

Right on, yehudi. Democracy is an illusion created by oligarchs, who control the world. You want democracy, go to an island with two people. Very few of us are martyrs for morality, whatever our concept of morality is.
31 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

The generally accepted definition of oligarch is 'the informal power'. I'd assume that the island scenario would be a formal one, arrived at my some democratic means.
31 Dec 2009
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

The generally accepted definition of oligarch is 'the informal power'. I'd assume that the island scenario would be a formal one, arrived at my some democratic means. You say American politics; yes, American politics is by no means perfect. It's loaded with racism, etc. It is representative of Man, who is imperfect. Thomas Jefferson once said: ' I may not like what you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.'

Bratwurst Boy:
I'm afraid there is no alternative. 200 years ago it was said that a democracy is not an efficient form of government; but the alternatives are worse. Thomas Jefferson said that the price for freedom is eternal vigilance. What is the alternative you ask. Recognize that there must be a transparent government answerable to the people and the press. Recognize that a free press is one of the necessary elements of a democracy and that there must not be a monopoly of the press, whatever form it takes. A press has a responsibility to the people. Educate the people in logic from little up so that they can intelligently recognize demogogues and their appeals to racism, etc. Education is required for the people to be vigilant. I remember once reading a 1908 newspaper editorial where the wealthy argued against education for a certain ethnic group citing that they'd be 'trouble' if educated.
1 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

"Pure communism" in the Marxian sense refers to a classless, stateless and oppression-free society where decisions on what to produce and what policies to pursue are made democratically, allowing every member of society to participate in the decision-making process in both the political and economic spheres of life.

I suspect this can only be achieved when all people are on the same plane of consciousness. It's the job of philosophers/religions/inspired leaders to put us all on the same plane. This is happening slowly but won't reach completion on Earth any time soon. Many people on Earth are still motivated by greed and what position and power will come with money. To the extent that governments 'govern' this greed, people will benefit. To the extent that this greed isn't governed, people will suffer as the indigenous peoples of Africa, Asia, Asian Pacific, etc. Laissez-faire capitalism causes social unrest of one form or another. (One might look at this unrest as the system's 'self correction'.) The greed of the oligarchs must be governed as the power of horses for the benefit of the people. An 'unbridled' team goes no where.
2 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

What is your definition of success? Big house, big car, pile of money in bank, beautiful wfe? Houses are lost in divorce. Cars are become old. Money is lost to inflation. Beautiful wife will go to richer guy. What is success? You're following capitalism's definition of success, which leads you to work, and never find success. Each and every one of you should define your own success. Don't let someone else define it for you. Indeed, don't let a system that wants only your labor to define it for you.
2 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

One millionaire I met said he was lucky to have found something he likes doing to make money at. That was his definition of success. Be careful in what you choose as success; you may very well get it.
2 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

Be careful, YOU may change. Your definition may be what you chose 10 yrs prior. My definition of success would be Bratwurst Boy's, namely, to be happy with what you do. It's easy to get up and work 24/7 at what your like. I've learned something else from a passerby in life that I think is important: don't compare yourself with others, only yourself. Set your own standards. Make them realistic. Be true to yourself as Shakespeare would say. Be your own taskmaster.
2 Jan 2010
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

Uni vs non-uni. I agree. The object of the game is to be in control of your destiny, the captain of your ship. You can do this a number of ways. Indeed, you may chose another pond where you are the big 'fish'. Don't get caught up with materialism and go into debt and be controlled by your possessions. Better to live within your means and advance slowly but surely according to plan. This applies to debt for education as well. Recognize that education is an industry like any other.
13 May 2013
Life / Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia [46]

Most Americans don't know their own history. Thadeus Koscuiszko founded West Point in 1776. General Pulaski led a march to Savannah, GA in 1776. Hollywood marxists are responsible for the treatment of Poles in the US. Most Americans don't know that the Polish flag was worn by American cavalry in the settling of the West in the 1800's. I believe that the red and white badge remains the badge of the US Army mechanized cavalry.
13 May 2013
Life / Why are Polish so obsessed with Russia [46]

You guys should take a page from history about the Visigoths in the Middle Ages. They went to whatever country gave them an opportunity. Their motto was: My country is where I prosper. There are many other pages in history that you should take. Learn from different cultures. Assimulate the customs which succeed.

One thing I learned from a woman a while ago: Don't draw generalizations about races. She said: don't paint with a broad brush. Take people as individuals.
13 May 2013
Life / Why are Polish people so obsessed with race? [160]

There's not a race of man who hasn't been a slave at one time or another.
BTW, I'm sure you'll find that every African pigmy is proud to be a pigmy and SO IT SHOULD BE.

Isn't everybody in the race, RAT RACE I mean?
17 May 2013
History / Have Poles blood on their hands? :) [496]

American founding fathers realized that democracies fall because special interest groups get control and don't care about the country. That's why they opted for a republic. Be careful about having a democracy.
17 May 2013
History / Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland [63]

A pagan is someone who doesn't believe in the religion dictated to them. I know a Russian woman who's dropped Christianity and has gone back to 'pagan' beliefs. Christianity was forced on Russia, just as it was forced on Poland by the 'crossmen' who in reality wanted land/serfs. Religion in whatever form is used to 'control' people, support the rich/powerful.

The people of Poland are not unlike the aboriginees of Australia, the indians of America, indians of Argentina. Their land was stolen from them by the rich/powerful, leaving them to be homeless, beggars. To an extent this was done in England, France. Ever wonder why you have those large landed estates and huge unpeopled areas? Those areas were stolen for the indigenous peoples by first the Romans, then other rich/powerful. This theft has been the basis of capitalism, the 'milk' that has nurtured criminals. The rich get in, bribe the politicians to do their bidding, leaving the people homeless beggars.

Aren't 'stories' 2000 yrs old the basis for the taking land from muslims in the Middle East for the state of Israel? Wasn't that act based on the Biblical stories that describe a country of Israel? You will never find any hard evidence that describes the Khazars; it has all been destroyed to protect the powerful (Roman and whatever) leaving only heresay passed down from father to son over time. Remember, those who win the wars, write the history books. You will only find 'heresay', which will never be accepted.
17 May 2013
History / Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland [63]

17 May 2013
History / Khazars and their crimes in the Slavic lands of Poland [63]

I submit that there are two reasons at play here:

1) Defined religions that did not present a threat were tolerated. By definition, pagans/barbarians would not qualify as a religion. Certainly pagans/barbarians who could not be controlled would constitute a threat to an empire seeking resources and serfs. The Romans were very tolerable of religions as long as they did not present a threat. Once they were seen as a threat to Roman order, they were destroyed. Rome destroyed Israel when they were seen as a threat. Rome put down the Picts/Druids when they got in the way. In the 1500's Spain put down the indians of South American using the moral justification of spreading the gospel. Islam fought the Christians when they were seen as a threat. The crossmen from the West destroyed pagan/barbarians at every opportunity with the moral justification of spreading Christianity. The Brits quelled any religious sect that interfered with their control of India. The Brits sold opium to the Chinese to dope them into submission. (Remember Hitler's statement that religion was the opium of the people.) Should we expect that the Khazars would do any less to fuel their empire? I submit that it is naive to think otherwise. BBC documentaries are concluding that should an alien race come to the Earth that the alien race would be aggressive and see Man as a threat to their designs. I submit that it is illogical to conclude that the Khazars would tolerate any pagan/barbarian sect that presented a threat to them. Yes, they would accept sects that gave up their land and accepted serfdom. Do you think for a minute that the Slavs would be more docile/less proud than the Jews of Israel? Non sequitur. I submit that the Brit encyclopedia is saying that pagan/barbarian sects were tolerated as long as they toed the line. Once they got out of line, they were labeled terrorists and were destroyed.

2) The winners fight for the moral high ground to justify what they do. Hitler did this. I believe that he said that Poland attached Germany and that the Germans were therefore justified in invading Poland. I'll let you decide who else has done this. The winners write the history books. Rome destroyed all records of Carthage.

Thanks for replying to me in a human manner rather than a computer program.

Weren't the Khazars converted to Judaism? If so are they considered to be in the blood line of Abraham?
18 May 2013
News / Negative Polish stereotypes in US 'changing for the better' [20]

I wouldn't be concerned about the perception of Poles in the US. There is a big world out there, like 5 billion. Those foreigners think for themselves and know bigotry when they see it. It's the ignorant/gullible who don't. The ignorant/gullible aren't leaders of the rest of the world.