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Posts by jasinski  

Joined: 19 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Oct 2010
Threads: Total: 10 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 62 / In This Archive: 45
From: colorado usa
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: poland,music,history,writing,reading

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19 Nov 2009

All the talk about germans teaching copernicus is absurd. He studied at Krakow university in Poland which is the oldest in central europe(that includes germany doesnt it? oh sorry i mean the holy roman empire) and second to only france i think in all of europe. The problem I think lies in the fact that poles and germans have been heavily mixed since the mongol invasions of 1241. When poles let german immigrants in.(does rome come to mind?)And probably before that even. The other problem is is that germans want to take from poland and not give back. Does Russia and Germany even teach the truth to their people? Have times really changed? Is Poland trying to make Important German people with Polish blood polish? i think not.

Historically Poland has always been uninterested in swallowing up everything they can.
19 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Red Hair - recessive gene from Poland? [108]

ive wondered that too, about some poles being red haired. There was scottish immigration to poland. i cant remember when exactly it was, but iam pretty sure it was during the commonwealth. poland had a high number of scottish immigrants. this could have something to do with it.
20 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Red Hair - recessive gene from Poland? [108]

yes your right. it was when prussia was a part of the polish commonwealth. the northern lands along with pomerania, livonia i think often changed hands. So prussia was polands at different times. And the scottish immigrants were there during atleast one of those times.very early sixteen hundreds

And actually after doing some research haha. its hard to remember being self educated.
there were scottish immigrants in zamosc which is properly polish and in the south eastern region. in the same time period late late 1500's early sixteen hundreds.
13 Dec 2009
Genealogy / Why Polish aren't white?? [272]

the only thing ive noticed living in america, is that alot of americans who get their information from holocaust movies and ww II movies think that all polish are darker skinned jewish hebrew types.
13 Dec 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

poland had at one time during the commonwealth a very tolerant stance on religion. while zealouts and fools to the west(like right next store if you know who iam talking about) were burning and persecuting out of fear and superstition, poland had a very sensible and progressive political system that didnt succumb to the whims of the holy empire or of ignorant wimps that would wipe out thousands of people just so they can feel safer.
6 Feb 2010
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

you are so full of **** lithuanian. his whole purpose and drive was to restore a independent poland that is what pilsudski was all about. so what does that say about his feelings(if there ever were any) towards lithuania? he never had any. other than annexing it.
7 Mar 2010
History / Is Jozef Pilsudski the king of modern Poles? [138]

pilsudski wanted to annex lithuania. he fought for polish independence. krautwurst boy needs to pick up a book once and awhile. and not mein kamph for once.
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

Mar 21, 10, 12:42 - Thread attached on merging:
How much did the Polish aid the battle of Britain?

English arrogance aside.
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

and as far as imperialistic stock goes i dont count northern africa. when a big dog came barking( england got scared as the dickens.
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

no you just thought you could carve up africa and fight the pygmies without fighting anybody for real. then the germans put you in yyour place and the americans had to help you out.
21 Mar 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

iam not the one to be angry at on this forum. i came to this forum talk about things that are polish. but all i read is slander and **** talking. i cannot ignore it and will not untill the retarded non polish people stop coming on here to prop up their own lame ass countries. every country has things to be proud and ashamed of.
21 Aug 2010
History / WWII - Battle of Britain and Poles [104]

fool! germany had no resistance. the sd was up germans ass to much or have you even heard of the sd. i doubt it or you would know that poland was the first to fight and the last. you are wrapped up in popular belief. read a book!

it sounds like you watched valkyrie with tom cruise a little to closely. while the german generals did have something that might be considered a conspiracy. the german populace never came close to having an active resistance. after all they did vote hitler in and after they realized they had been duped by a foreigner it was to late.