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Posts by Prusakowski  

Joined: 15 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Dec 2011
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Posts: Total: 25 / In This Archive: 14
From: Jazdow
Speaks Polish?: Nie
Interests: History

Displayed posts: 14
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19 Nov 2009
Genealogy / Information on family name, Krzycki [23]

Krzycki = location-related or 'habitational name' for the people from Krycko in Leszno voivodeship ???

Re: The family name, Krzycki.

I always thought that 'Krzycki' was equivakent to the English language name 'Cross'
20 Dec 2009
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Re The Matejko painting of Grunwald. It is a majestic panorama and well worth visiting to see it at the Art Gallery and in the adjacent Military Museum in Warsaw there are example of weapons and armour from the 'Grunwald period'.
20 Dec 2009
Language / Bookstore in Warsaw - Polish in 4 weeks LEVEL 2 [19]

I seem to recall there are several very good book shops on the several floors within Bracia Jabłkowscy's department store located at Bracka 25 near Marshall Street in central Warsaw.
26 Mar 2010
Life / Is Poland a safe country for people of color? [241]

"Remember a lot of Europeans are people of colour." ? - quote 'jonni'

The euphemism that you apply "people of colour" refers to Africans and Asians. Correct?

Europeans are not "people of colour" by the same rule of political correctness. In fact Europeans are demonised to the extent that the mass colonisation of my Continent by Afro-Asians has to be 'sold' as a wonderful phenomenon. The reality is that Afro-Asian mass re-settlement has brought displacement of Europeans and the ethnic cleansing of Europeans in many of Europe's cities

So when asked "Remember a lot of Europeans are people of colour" it puzzles me .
Why should a European be asked to "remember" a fallacy borne of political correctness?

It is wishful thinking borne of political correctness to label African and Asian settlers colonists and immigrants in Europe as "Europeans ".

It is a terrible shock to those who have been indoctrinated by the Eurocommunist EU system and its 'race industry'to realise that this European is one of the many who will always regard Africans and Asians as............. Africans and Asians irrespective of where they settle.
17 Apr 2010
History / WWII - who really was the first to help Poland? [900]

WWII - who really was the first to help Poland.

The Danzig corridor towns were the first to fall under German invasion. My father's home town was captured by the invaders within 30 minutes of WW2 starting.

Afterwards a bizarre helper of the resident Poles in the Danzig corridor was Gauleiter Albert Forster who provided a lifeline for many Polish families by allowing them to register as 'Volks Deutsche' which enabled many Poles to avoid deportation and to survive the worst of the disgusting butchery of the Hans Frank regime in the rest of German occupied Poland.

Albert Forster. A most unusual Nazi en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Albert_Forster
23 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

t is the size of a wallet that counts

That could explain the depressing sight of a Polish woman on my last BA flight from Warsaw to London who was with an ugly "British" Indian and a spawned gaggle of queer-looking mestizos.

Mind you, the polish woman was more Anne Summers plastic inflatable than good looking.
23 Dec 2010
Life / Gypies/Indian-looking women with kids beg for money in Poland [143]

I keep on being approached for money on the street by Indian-looking women carrying little kids.

In the Nowy Miasto in Warsaw the 'Indian-looking women' (Romany or Bulgarian beggars?) are found deliberately holding their kids in the rain to try to elicit undeserved sympathy from the tourists. There are groups of them in the alleyways near the Zamek Krolewski. On the main Warsaw tram routes a variant of the 'Indian looking' beggar's practice is that you will find their youths 'singing' a tuneless racket to try to gain a few groszy, in between tram stops. It is bad news if you are sitting at the front of the tram a mere few feet away from the vocal chords of those unwanted 'singers'. The beggars have 'Minders' who in return for bussing them in to the tourist centres, rake off a traditional tithe of Shekhels from their organised gangs of scroungers.

Other beggars comprised of hatchet-faced scrawny womenfolk walk the circuit around the Barbykan and castle walls 'pan handling'. Again with 'Minders' to try to ensure that the beggars do not get a citizen's arrest, and to warn them if the tourist police are nearby.

For those beggars who , rather than beneficially contribute to Europe; 'acting the helpless social parasite' beats doing a productive hard days graft to try to earn a living in a factory, farm or other work context appropriate to their limited capabilities .
23 Dec 2010
UK, Ireland / Changing my UK driving license to Polish one [13]

Hi to all. I m resident of poland but pakistan national. I want to make driving lisence on bahalf of pakistan lisence UK rule.

Poles are not tolerated driving in Pakistan for being white and /or Christian. Your Islamic brothers harass them Kumar. Do you think that approach should be equally applied in your case ?
10 Jun 2011
Travel / THE VIKINGS ARE COMING...what to do and see in Poland....? [30]

If they are proper Vikings !!, perhaps they could help me translate the Rune Stone outside the Palac Anna Wazowna in Brodnica, near the Zamek.

(Technical hitch while I try to re-size a photograph of the Viking Rune Stone to add to this post.............)