Life /
Parking Fines in Poland [26]
Hello everyone,
talking about parking fines in Poland, here is what I got on my windshield yesterday (April, 1st 2010) in Wroclaw (see attached file).
I usually park my car on the side walk as many people do here (since there is no spot to park it), and I have done so for the last 3 months.
Here are my question:
- Is this a real parking fine/ticket or just a April 1st joke? Notice that the address at the bottom is real.
Some thoughts:
- is this the typical "piece of paper" that one should expect in Poland for parking violations?
- is it normal that there is no signature on the paper?
- is it normal that there is not the amout to be paid?
- is it normal that there is only one copy of the paper (usually in my country there must be a copy for the policeman and one for the driver)
- is it normal that they ask me to show up at the "Komisariat" instead of just paying the fine?
Any comments/inputs are very welcome

Fine or Joke?