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Posts by tomera  

Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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From: Brescia
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Displayed posts: 5
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16 Oct 2009
Work / Average salary in Poland for PhD in IT [40]

Hi Everyone,

I'd like to know what is the salary I should expect for a business related researcher position in an international company. I hold Master and PhD in IT.

Many thanks
21 Oct 2009
Work / Average salary in Poland for PhD in IT [40]

Thanks both of you.

I wrote my post because I did not understand whether Kiltmaker held a M.S. + Ph.D. or not.
But I think I got the idea: it seems that 7000 PLN gross is the average salary for a position like that.
22 Oct 2009
Work / Does it make sense to move from the UK to Wroclaw for this salary? [50]

Cjj and Kiltmaker,

I'm considering relocating to Wroclaw. In case, I would work on standardization for a big company telco. Considering I have a few years of experience in the research field related with the standards, what is, in your opinion, I salary (net) I can ask? Thank-you!
2 Apr 2010
Life / Parking Fines in Poland [26]

Hello everyone,

talking about parking fines in Poland, here is what I got on my windshield yesterday (April, 1st 2010) in Wroclaw (see attached file).

I usually park my car on the side walk as many people do here (since there is no spot to park it), and I have done so for the last 3 months.

Here are my question:
- Is this a real parking fine/ticket or just a April 1st joke? Notice that the address at the bottom is real.

Some thoughts:
- is this the typical "piece of paper" that one should expect in Poland for parking violations?
- is it normal that there is no signature on the paper?
- is it normal that there is not the amout to be paid?
- is it normal that there is only one copy of the paper (usually in my country there must be a copy for the policeman and one for the driver)

- is it normal that they ask me to show up at the "Komisariat" instead of just paying the fine?

Any comments/inputs are very welcome

  • Fine or Joke?
2 Apr 2010
Life / Parking Fines in Poland [26]

Thanks Morad83 for the piece of info. I will probably do so, even though I find weird they did not leave a proper fine with the amount to be paid. I will let you know.

Thanks convex, I think I got your point.

To Delphiandomine. I am not complaining about the nature of my action: it is illegal, period. I was just wondering if what I got on my windshield was fake or authentic. But I think I got the answer :)

Thanks to all of you. Happy Easter.