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Posts by cheehaw  

Joined: 10 Oct 2009 / Female ♀
Last Post: 23 Dec 2010
Threads: Total: 2 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 263 / In This Archive: 153
From: usa
Speaks Polish?: cheehaw not much

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11 Oct 2009
Genealogy / Polish person's average height? [210]

5'9" full blooded polish female.

When I wear high heels I look like a runway model. All family members, cousins include, my height or taller btw.

Not short.
15 Oct 2009
Life / Beggers namely Kurwa boys in Poland [70]

I've read a few newspaper articles here and there about beggars taking in as much as 300/400 USD per day in the right busy location.
28 Oct 2009
Life / Is Poland a safe country for people of color? [241]

My OP.. from America.. having a very polish family.. the old folks will gossip but you can win them over.. .. the younger folks will think you are very exotic because really, you are a beautiful girl, as per your photo.

Just be on your very best behavior, dress real nice, look real clean.. I don't think you will encounter gangs of Poles like whites encounter gangs of young blacks in certain cities here..

Poland is probably much safer for you than it is for a white boy in parts of Chicago.
5 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / Windows xp in USA in Polish? [13]

I'm pretty sure you just install the normal english version and then change the default language and fonts to polish.

my kid does japanese, it was breeze to convert his system from english to picturesque jap fonts and language.

you'll only need a keyboard that does polish.

I can get him on here to give you a tutorial if you want.
7 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

Here is some information about the dangers of silver (mercury amalgam) fillings.


Most people would be shocked to discover that those "silver" fillings are composed of over 50% mercury - the most toxic non-radioactive metal known to man - More deadly than lead, cadmium or even arsenic.

In fact, as you read this, you are probably slowly poisoning yourself with mercury leaking from those "silver" fillings.

8 Nov 2009
Life / Polish dentistry cost - 230 zl for one tooth cavity filling [99]

My dentist doesn't use amalgram fillings. Here's a story from The Washington Post on the safety of amalgram fillings and what the FDA said about them. Seems the FDA considers them safe, Cheehaw, but not very safe.

Dentistry is a major industry, also the sale of mercury amalgam. The american dental association itself owns patents to amalgam formulas, it all about money for them, not health for you.

The logic of mercury amalgam is pretty much equivalent to the logic of flouridated water.

flouride was, probably still is, used by the chinese to keep their imprisoned workers docile. the nazis used it for the same thing. It actually is very bad for your bones, a leading cause of osteoporisis. Horses drink a lot of water, when they drink highly flouridated water they develop lung cancer and die within months.

There are some good videos at youtube about it.
19 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

there are TONS of great lakes area (originally) Polish and slav retirees (70+) in Florida.

every grandpa with an auto or steel mill worker pension is down there.

probably won't see many more of those though.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

there is a real good book here you can download as a .pdf with all sorts of tidbits and details, very well documented

Traditional Jewish Attitudes Toward Poles

19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Ah, so the whole world has to pity the Poles and constantly say that Poles and Poles alone suffered and that the Jews were cashing in on Polish misery before there can be a dialogue?

Well, if all the jews in the ghetto spoke polish there might be a dialogue.

I think it's a great book, full of so many undeniably jewish and polish idiosyncrosies I've seen myself that it's hard not to chuckle despite the seriousness of it.

The best I have ever read as a matter of fact.

Whoever wrote this article is surely biased

oh yes, no doubt you read it carefully when i posted the thing while I was on page 80 and here you are just a few hours later giving a book report on a 120 page book that I have not even had time to finish yet.

your reading skills amaze me and I thought I was good!

Really though.. it's simply your own prejudices that speak since you obviously have NOT read the book.

Nothing better than a prejudiced person calling someone else prejudiced, is there. No wonder the world has so many problems.
19 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

You know what.. at this point I am going to ignore YOU completely because you are a flat out liar. You were responding directly me to me and i even quoted you speaking in context of Irena Sendler.

the darn book wasn't even published until a few months ago, it has footnotes right here dated 2009 on page 64.

Joe Friesen, “Black Belt Teen Strikes Back at Bully, and Rallies Community Around Racism,” The Globe and Mail,
April 30, 2009;

and the very first page says April 2009
Traditional Jewish Attitudes Toward Poles
by Mark Paul

You, vetala, flat out liar. Go home to your crib.
19 Nov 2009
USA, Canada / American Polonia. Wisconsin - the most Polish state? [112]

actually my grandparents arrived here around 1905, both sides of the family. My oldest grandfather was born in 1893, was a teenager, and my grandmother there too, other side of the family, they were younger.. little kids when they arrived here. My dad was the youngest of 6 kids, his parents died when i was still a kid, they were pretty old. Barely spoke english.

What i meant to suggest is that..those numbers are low when you consider all the polish retirees in FL. Plenty of them are down there.

They all seem to speak Polish too.. in our generation.. polish was the 'secret' language the elders spoke when they didn't want us to know what they were talking about. It is too bad they did that but seems they did it a lot.

You know what even.. if you think about it.. chances are really good that a lot of Polish parents did not teach the native language to us kids after WWII because poland was in the soviet bloc then and maybe they didn't want us kids to be associated with that by our american peers.
20 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

Anybody know anything about this?

A Corner of a Ugandan Field that is Forever Poland

I would like to share the amazing story of the 7,000 Polish people who were exiled to Uganda during and after World War II, between 1942 and 1952. Some 100 of them are buried in a cemetery in a village 100 km east of Uganda's capital, Kampala. Many people from Poland are not aware of this piece of history concerning their citizens, who suffered the worst atrocities of World War II. Perhaps the
20 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

No idea why it didn't stay, it seemed to post, here it is again c/p

well now it's posted in 2 threads that's weird.

Anybody know anything about this?

A Corner of a Ugandan Field that is Forever Poland

I would like to share the amazing story of the 7,000 Polish people who were exiled to Uganda during and after World War II, between 1942 and 1952. Some 100 of them are buried in a cemetery in a village 100 km east of Uganda's capital, Kampala. Many people from Poland are not aware of this piece of history concerning their citizens, who suffered the worst atrocities of World War II. Perhaps there are survivors or their relatives who may be interested in the site. I foresee a possibility of developing historical tourism between the people of Poland and Uganda. The site is marked with a memorial stone bearing the names of the dead (see picture) where i took a Polish Visitor in 2005. The cream marble memorial stone was the good work of a Polish priest who lived in Uganda.

link here to page ->

and this accompanying info

The General Langfitt Story
Polish Refugees Recount Their Experiences of Exile, Dispersal and Resettlement

20 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Next time, I will have a dictionary ready, I swear.

ok I apologize.

I cannot read every post all the time. and you posted right after I posted apparently mostly coincendental about pretty much the same thing.

You know.. there is something really wrong with this discussion if i may point it out.. and feel free to correct me if you really have FACTS that prove I am wrong.. but just prior to the state of israel coming along in 1948... and the zionists pushing all the palestianians and arabs out.. and causing so much trouble over there.. well those very same arabs, muslims and palestinians, from Tehran to Palestine to Iraq.. were giving refuge to displaced Polish citizens of the war.. and here.. you guys seem to be always on the side of Israel.. as though the arabs are your enemies.

According to the facts I've got, while this new Israel was pushing them out, it was those arabs and palestinians who were actually helping the Polish Catholic and Christian people.

So, I guess I really don't understand your logic or sympathies, if you truly are Polish, which seem more than just a little bit displaced in all this.

The polish refugees, those who survived russia, themselves also had to suffer the zionist surge in Israel you appear to support.

--- --- read this for instance --- ---


The first stop of the refugees evacuated with Anders' army was Iran, where they found temporary quarters in large transit camps initially located in Pahlavi and Mashhad, and later in Tehran and Ahvaz. While Gen. Anders' troops were subsequently transferred to Palestine and from there to Iraq, the civilians remained in Iran. To accommodate the refugees, a sprawling stationary camp was established in Isfahan. Because it housed several camps for the thousands of orphaned Polish children, it came to be known as the "City of Polish Children." The relief assistance afforded by Polish, British, American, and Iranian authorities soon improved their living conditions and brought the devastating contagious diseases under control, diseases acquired in the Soviet Union which continued to rob the refugees of their lives even after liberation (over 2,000 refugees died in Iran alone).

and check this out:


In January 1947, as many of the African settlements were being liquidated, Halina, Krystyna and their mother were moved to Gatooma Camp in Southern Rhodesia, where they joined Poles from many of the other Rhodesian camps. Their schooling continued for another year until the schools had to close as teachers and pupils left for England and other destinations. Once again, a commission from communist Poland arrived to 'encourage' them to return to Poland, which most refused. Branded as traitors and stripped of their Polish citizenship, these 'remnants' were moved to Tengeru early in 1948.

So those I mention above, and other refugees also, then in Africa as well, were stripped of their polish citizenship for refusing to return to communist Poland. Chances are more than excellent the 'arabs' you seem to despise include a good number of polish x-citizens with no where to go who were living largely in the good graces and often charity of those same arab and muslim societies.

These people befriended the Polish people in a big way and gave them a home when they had none.

Now, on that I may lack a few facts, feel free to tutor me.
20 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Cheehaw, why are you so pro muslim? Why don't you go over to an Islamic country and live for a while and see how you like it?

It's not a matter of being pro this or anti-that. War simply is not the answer to anything in this day and age. And it has nothing to do with nuclear weapons. it has to do with the fact that.. PP, maybe you look at an arab and see a violent muslim.. but what you are missing is that mixed into this crowd are the rest of your family. And for whatever reason.. how is they have survived so well here.. and suddenly.. the past couple of decades especially.. all this hatred gets kicked up?

Your polish cousins are.. palestinians.. lebanese.. iranians.. yes indeed they are. I would suggest you try, simply try, to respect them that's all. And you might just find out, most of these people are not violent people. They simply want to live in peace just like you do. Supporting their destruction.. hmm... I hope you have a nice way of explaining that one to your creator someday. and your cousins who go before you.

Try this short video about one of those polish war refugees who ends up marrying an iranian for some insight.

Polish Passage to Iran

20 Nov 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

which is basically what I'm saying..

it's not an 'us' and 'them' thing.

it's just an 'us' thing. all the populations of the earth are intermixed these days.

The muslims are reacting to the situation in the mideast.. extremism on one side begets extremism on the other... which turns it into the us and them thing. None of this existed before Israel became a state and started bulldozing palestine and pushing people off the land.

All those muslims in UK, they are coming from somewhere you know (aside from the new births in UK). they hate what's going on in the mideast too. so they go to France or UK or wherever seeking peace and a place to raise their kids safely, it really is that simple.

of course they have within them an extreme element.. well.. every society has it's nutjobs.. so do the jews and zionists.. even the christians do to some extent. Even athiests have an extreme element. it's not just a religious thing. those muslim extremists.. they are the product of a few generations growing up under conditions of war upon their people.. they fought the soviets.. they fight the zionists.. now they fight the west.. they never asked for war, they were invaded. it's not difficult to see that at all. grow up in a war zone, you become a militant.. it's simply a survival tactic.

Right now though it is the media focusing a lot on the extremes of islam. This sways the opinion of a lot of people. And a lot of the media we watch in the west really is controlled by jewish zionists, bankers, very wealthy people. the opinion they present.. is their own.

I could make a list here of all the jewish owned media.. you would be surprised I'm sure. A jewish college buddy of mine got a job right after graduating with a big tv entertainment/news company. He told me quite directly it was because he was jewish. Thing is, he wasn't kidding.

what do you think about what this guy has to say?

Jewish Viewpoint On Israel

20 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

Quite a few of them stayed on in palestine and Lebanon though.

and there was/is (but smaller now) a pretty thriving Christian community especially in Lebanon a few decades ago.

lots went south to new zealand and australia too.

I know there were a lot of Christians in Iraq before the invasion too. I wonder if a lot of them were the children of polish refugees too.

We are an international community! Maybe when people here say to polish people living in other countries 'you're not polish!' it's actually the soviet indoctrination speaking. the soviets disenfranchised all the poles overseas who wouldn't return.

Stalin actually did them a great blessing by cattle training them out of Poland when he did.. albeit a lot died on the journey but lots died at home too.
22 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

If your not a Polish citizen you are not Polish nothing to do with Soviet indoctrination.

Interesting. Then Polish people outside of Poland have no ancestry? Definitely unique. Kind of rewrites world history. So then, that would also explain why soviet Russians inside Poland are now Polish?

If you were born outside Poland to a Polish citizen then I believe the Polish state considers you a Polish citizen also.

Only after 1918. Prior to which all Poles must have actually been Austrians.

You europeans are all alike, I think.

Notably however I do usually tell people I am Austrian here in America. Telling them I am Polish gets me an eeew and a grimace whereas telling them I am Austrian is acceptable and welcome. I tell them the Z in my name is related to the Schwarzeneggar clan.

heh. it works too. they like that. I have never been questioned once about it and I have been doing it for over 20 years.

I don't look like a babushka no reason to act like one.

Modern Poles however are not afforded that luxury. Not if they or a parent/grandparent are born in Poland after 1918. American law stipulates it.
22 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]


Polish people are looked upon as sort of backwards, not real bright, in most places except Polish communities. When I was growing up, a teenager in the late 70's, being Polish was not something you advertised.

still isn't as far as I can tell. The last time someone gave me an eeew when I said my family were Polish was just 4-5 weeks ago. So I added in.. of course, but my mom's family were austrians. Then I got a smile and a nod.

You think I'm kidding? I am not kidding. My grandmother's family actually was from the german border, near auswitz. So I can bend that a little bit when i need to :)

Are you high ?

No.. it's true.. they were pushed out by force.. but they, and their children, did not have to live the next 50 years as slaves to the communists either.

They went where they wanted to, they did what they wanted to. Unlike the families locked inside Poland.

It was awful nice of all those austrian hungarians to fight to establish a country named Poland in 1918. Did they invent the language too?
22 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

perhaps. but pretty common, been experiencing it all my life.

So just tell em you're austrian, no problem.

We are pretty much austrian anyway. Being Polish, what is it really? Warsaw to Vienna is a shorter drive than New York to Miami.
23 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

But for some, maybe adherence is not enough, but it does seem that pushing religion at people is a sign of lack of faith in that religion.

that's why we have to say no to secular humanism.

it lacks faith and so tries to get rid of anything that might compete with it.
23 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

If you were born in the USA to non-Polish citizens then you are only an American

I think what you are trying to say is.. not a Polish citizen.

Kind of difficult to erase a person's ancestry sjam. But you sure are working hard at it. Any particular reason for that?

It would sound rather silly if I went around telling people I fell to earth when they asked about my family.

But you know what, if you really feel this way about people, why don't you send an email to the owner of this board and ask him why he would even bother with a section as silly as genealogy and ancestry.. if all these things are nonsense. Maybe you should head to that section and tell everyone who posts there that they are not Polish either.
23 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

There is a rather large difference between having Polish ancestry and being a Polish citizen.

yeah so why sjam is trying to insist I want to be a Polish citizen is beyond me.

He sure does seem bent on it though.

but vote for me in the next MEP elections and I will see what my other sinister associates can do.

no desire to be a british citizen ruled by morons either. thanks for the offer though.
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

well it's usa not poland, but we have a muslim president and the world is not falling apart. yet. as long as he is a good diplomat it may even be helpful in world affiars.

23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

He's not a muslim.

and I am the queen of sheba.

watch the video then comment.

Obama the Muslim
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

I saw that video and it's trash.

are you saying that the president of the usa talks trash?

you must be because pretty much the entire video is him talking.

he makes some good points you know, you shouldn't be so hasty to deride him.
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Obama is a Christian

I would believe he was a Christian if he had a better handle on the scripture he misuses here and there in the soundbites on the net.

either way I wouldn't expect an auto-biographical work to be anything but flattering.

I read somewhere in the past that his mother worked for Tim Geithner's father, that she was very into marx, communism and the whole bit.

Which actually does explain many of his own views on those items.

anyway I just threw the video at ya as an item of interest.

I actually have no comment on it. There it is straight from the horses mouth. the left side of the horse's mouth today anyway.

we can do a breakdown on what comes out from the right side tomorrow!
24 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

You may have missed my point.

no, I get the point quite well.

Read the Humanist Manifesto, there are 2 parts, 1 and 2. I am sure it's still online. This is what human secularism is based on.

used to be at infidels.org, may still be there I am not sure. Originally, they even had a church.

They decided it wasn't wise to openly call themselves a religion though. They do not believe in God.
24 Nov 2009
History / WWII Polish Exiles in Uganda [36]

It seems you want to insist that you are Polish and not Amercian!

I have no idea where you get this stuff from. I have said from the outset that I am a Polish American. Maybe where you live people are desperate to fit in quickly and forget the past.. but in America, everyone is from somewhere else unless they are a 100% native american. Some people's ancestors have been here 400 years, some are just arriving today. There isn't a great big effort to erase anyone's genealogy like you seem so set upon doing.

In America.. we can discuss.. hispanics.. blacks.. africans.. latinos.. east europeans.. asians.. europeans.. and we can take each of those groups and break them down further into.. british. scottish.. Mexican.. Nigerian.. Polish etc.

Perhaps your desire to see your self as British rubs off on your view of anyone who sees themself as Polish-American or German-american or Mexican-American... I would guess, it has more do with you receiving some sort of government benefit from the UK than anything else. Or, there is something in your past that you are trying to forget.

But that doesn't mean everyone has to forget just because you feel that way. There are Polish communities all over the east coast and midwest. We call them Polish for a reason, which you simply do not comprehend.