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Posts by DariuszTelka  

Joined: 4 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 Dec 2010
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From: Norway
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4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

This is an article I found concerning immigration to Poland.

Poland closes door on immigrants

According to unofficial sources quoted by Rzeczpospolita, Poland refuses to accept illegal immigrants landing each year on Italian, Spanish or Greek beaches. Italian foreign minister Franco Frattini has recently asked that all EU countries should bear the cost of providing for the illegal immigrants or accept some of them in their territory.


My response:

I was born in Poland in 1974, and left for Norway in 1977. I have some family living in Germany, but almost no family left in Poland. Fortunately, I inherited a house from my late father in the Katowice region, and I now have a connection with poland again.

After living 32 years in the "west", in Norway, which used to be a beautiful and peaceful country I have now decided to move back to Poland and settle my family there. The main reason for this is the uncontrolled immigration from the third world to Norway in the last 30 years.

The situation in Norway is becoming unbearable. We have over 300 000 people from the third world, mainly living in the big cities. It might not seem like a big number, but when you consider that only about 5 million people live in Norway, it is a very high number.

4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

This is from Verdens Gang, the biggest daily newspaper:


This is from NRK, the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, the state owned TV station.


And I'm sorry to say, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I have hundreds of these links and statistics on all aspects of everyday life. From robberies, rapes, gang rapes, murders, honor killings, tax fraud, benefit fraud, inter-marriage, homophobic/religious attacks . There is no aspect of life or no person who is not affected by the mass immigration of third world, muslim people.

There is a list circulating on the different internet-forums in Norway with a specific name/cause/date of murders of norwegian citizens done by third world immigrants. Currently the list has over a 100 names. But that list is the one where all the information is known to the public. The dark side of that list is much longer.

4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Hello SzwedwPolsce!

I posted links to the 100% rapes in Oslo in a post above. It was for Oslo, not for the whole country. The rest of the country the statistics will vary from 80-90%. All gangrapes in the whole of Norway are from muslim third world immigrants.

When it comes to robberies:

From Dagbladet, the leading leftist newspaper in Norway:


In the article it says; "Out of the 55 people arrested for brutal robberies and knifeattacks in Oslo last year, only 4 were ethnic Norwegians. These are repeat offenders and are behind HUNDREDS of attacks."

You mention that Norway has the lowest death per capita in the whole world. But why then import more murderers to our country? I really don't see the logic in that. Are our politicians trying to get us down from 1st place as the safest country in the world, by allowing thousands of war-struck refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia to roam our streets with long butcher knifes, where they randomly stab people?


(This is just a random link I found out of hundreds).

You also mentioned that women in Poland also are weary of going in badly lit areas after dark. But how many gangrapes were there in Poland last year? How many women were drugged down, taken to apartments where they were held for hours, even days, while tortured, gangraped and had their lives ruined? These are not EVERYDAY occurances, but are not so rare that people gasp at them anymore. They have become part of our multicultural life. Not to mention underage rapes of 12-13-14 year old norwegian girls by immigrant gangs.

And last about the comment about our oil reserves. This is money that are invested in funds and banks all around the world. If the world economy collapses, the oil market collapses, the oil runs out....we are in a big shithole. Norway needs to build up an economy based on real values, crafts, building things. Liquid gold under the sea is a nice cushin, but this will end one day.


This article says that in the last 3 years there have been 41 reported rapes in Oslo, where the victim did not know the offender.

There is no mention that they DID NOT KNOW their attackers. Anyways, does that matter? But what you are failing to see, and I can sense the detbate logic here, is that "it's not THAT HIGH" of a number. But look at it from the other side. If these people were not in my country, then there would be 41 norwegian women who were NOT RAPED. 41 norwegian women who did not get their lives ruined by sadistic muslim men.

Besides....to the fact that there were 41 REPORTED rapes. The police admit that the dark numbers are much, much higher. When women get raped, many go home and take showers, they are embarassed, they don't want their families, their husbands or children to know what happened. They don't want to face their attacker, if he/they are found. Going through courtcases, being exploited on a witness stand for everone to see.

And listen, this is in Norway, the "best country to live in in the world"....how do you think the statistics are for Sweden, England, France, Holland, Germany? Countries with MILLIONS of third world immigrants?

My point is not to come here and overflow this forum with rape-statistics or the end is near propaganda. But the numbers are clear. I just don't want Poland to be in this company of countries who struggle with these problems. Polish people shouldn't have to read about young girls being abducted by muslim youth, or about muslim gang shootings in shopping areas in the middle of a saturday, where families and innocent bystanders are graced by bullets, or by tax frauds in the millions by thousands of third world immigrants who don't report income, use illegal employees under harsh conditions or read about criminal activity from people who we took in under false pretences with a warm heart and a helping hand.

Poland has enough with herself. Enough crime, enough murders, enough poverty. But it's a country that is culturally, ethnically and financially able to prosper and advance in all of lifes challenges. Norway has stagnated in a quagmire of immigration politics and financial hubaluba. No progress. No unity. No future.

4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I also have a couple of other angles for why Poland might be speared the tragedy that is massive immigration from the third world.

Norway is a nation far up in the north, we have had no real wars, no real attack on our sovereignity - of real consequenses - up here everything has been happy happy joy joy...(The nazi occupation was NOTHING compared to what other countries had to endure), and the feminist movement has been allowed to make women out of men and men out of women. Men should work in kindergardens and be in touch with their feminine side, while women have been encouraged to wear trousers and work in coal mines and become ceo's of companies (I don't have anything against equal opportunites, but telling people that woman and men are the same is just not right). This equality thinking also extends to people from all parts of the world, nomatter what cultural background or religion. So when Mohammed turns up at the airport with his three wives and eight kids, we just assume he is the same as us, and if he isn't, then he will be after a little while. We know this to not be the truth now. This has been the Norwegian suicide solution for the last 30 years.

So how come countries like France and Holland let so many third world immigrants in? It has to be the colonies that these countries had and who they let have dual citizenship when they regained their independence. Big mistake. Open border policy for all those previous colonies has turned their countries into hell holes. (Terrorist threat anyone? White no-go zones, burning cars and attacking police.).

So back to Poland (And her neighbouring states). We never had colonies (That I know of), we have had wars and ethnic tension througout our history and we even had tension with our immidiate neighbours..on all sides. This had made poland a little more weary of letting people in to her womb. We only have to go 60 years back in time when neighbour was killing neighbour and our whole country sezied to exist on a map! This historic lesson will hopefully be enough to hold back the same lunatic policy of open borders that so many european countries practice today. The catholic faith is also strong, and gives a certain "we" feeling amongs polish people. Norway has lost this. People are not christian, not norwegians, not anything. Some people even argue there is nothing called a "norwegian", and that borders are racist. I can't imagine telling a Polish person that there is nothing really "polish" and our culture and history is nothing we can be proud of. (A swedish minister actually said this on TV about swedes, and that the only people with culture was the immigrants that came to her country....)

So, by moving to Poland, settling in with my Polish wife (she grew up in the US, me in Norway...we met in Gdansk after meeting each other on the "Polish Dating Network...), I look forward to going to the marked without seeing burkas and tens of immigrant youths hangin around looking for trouble, like I unfortunately have to see in my town. I look forward to my children not being told that they can't have pork on their bread or a picture of a pig on their classroom wall. I look forward to going to a pub or a nightclub and not seeing hordes of third world immigrant men looking for trouble, drinking 1 beer all night long.. And on and on.....

4 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Well...if you look throughout history, muslims have never assimilated or stayed silent in any country they have set their feet in.

Turkey - once Constantinople, home of incredible riches and knowledge, now a kebab state who wants to be one of us.

Lebanon - once called the "Paris" of the middle east. Now a war torn terrorist nest.

Egypt - home of fantastic treasures - today a toilet where only tourism keeps them from becoming a real third world country.

Kosovo - Once a christian nation with churches and peace. Now they outbred and harassed the original population and burn churches on a weekly basis.

How many times did they try to come into Europe? Did not one of our great sons, Jan Sobieski keep our cities and people safe from the vicious hordes of barbarians who stood on the threshold of our civilization? Are we going to throw their sacrifice, their deaths on the battlefields out the window, and invite our forefathers' murderers into our homes?

I say NO! We wil be given no pardon, and no pardon will be given. We must not be stupid and believe they will assimilate or accept our ways of life. Here in Norway they want their own mosques, their own schools, their own hospitals and nursing homes (no filthy christian can touch them), they want burkas in the policeforce, they want closed swimming halls so their burka wearing women can swim alone, not near us "unclean". Remember all the evils they made us do. Paying Taqqyia (penalty for heathens in a muslim society). Imagine our governments making muslims paying a special tax for being muslim...haha.

Our forefathers put the captured invaders head, or bodies - still alive - down on poles, that was the only way they could scare them away! So you know you have to go to extreme measures to show them you mean business. They despise weakness and look down on norwegian men for being pussies. Imagine what would have happened if 5 norwegians would have gang raped a muslim girl in Pakistan? They would have lynched them in the streets! In Norway, the 5 muslim boys get suspended sentences and are being taking care of by the crime care organisation who will let them go to councelling and being taught "diversity" and "respect". What a joke!!

8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

The ones from India and Bangladesh have given me so many good treats with their cooking. The ones from Korea and China, I have wonderful memories with. The ones from Africa, with good music.

The reason why you get along so well with the people from the countries you mentioned above, is that no one of them are muslim.

Once you get in contact with muslims you will soon find out that their religion control their life and everything they do.

You mention cooking and music. Can you tell me what else mass immigration has given us, in science, medicine, literature etc. Nothing. Yes, foreign food can be good, and yes, some foreign music is interesting, but that does not weigh up for the negatives that come with it. The strain on the health system, welfare, low wage jobs being taken exclusively by third world immigrants forcing ethnic people out, spreading of diseases that we have not had in many years, tougher housing market, more children needing attention in classes. The list is endless.

There is NOTHING WRONG in loving people, loving other peoples culture, food, music and their different ways. But importing them into a ethnic monoculture will just spark tension on all levels of life. Like here in Norway, there are tensions on ALL levels of life.

So, Lodz the boat, you live in a bubble, a sheltered life away from real crime and poverty. But that's ok, nobody needs to experience what some of us have. Be happy, laugh and eat excotic food. But leave the real politics to people who live in the real world.

8 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

To Lodz the boat:

I want you to look at you list and tell me what they all have in common.

First of all. They were all educated in a western european system.

Second. None of them were/are muslim.

It is you who is spewing hate and the only thing that is, as you so eloqent put it, impotent, is your "list", which is so short and misleading that I feel sorry, that that is all you could come up with.

And please understand, that arabs, africans and eastern people never invented anything by themselves. Europeans did it for them. When they either killed off the europeans, or the europeans left, or interbred with the indiginous population, everything stopped.

Take a look at India, Iran, Turkey, Lebanon, Egypt, South America....they all have fantastic sculptures and architecture. But today it has all stopped. There is no more mathematics, no more astronomy, no more building. Why is that? It is because the european man left or died out in those areas. Why don't you see this? It is so obvious.

You have been brainwashed by the media and controlled school system. Even the russians under communist rule managed to send out people to space. Again...they are europeans...

Maybe you want to make a list of the African space history? Or the Arab universities? Or how many muslims who has won the Nobel price...in ANYTHING. (Don't count the peace price which is a waste of metal and money given to terrorists and liars).

12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Percentage of white people on earth: Europe 12.9% and North America 5.1%, but you can take away at least 5 percent that are immigrants, so you end up on 12-13% "white people". And out that only about 2-3% will be women who can give birth. So, only 2% of the worlds population is a white woman who can give birth. That is scary, and if that is not a minority, then nothing is.

White people to become minotity in England:

White people to become minority in America:

Hispanic blogger thinks white people should become a minority:

Something I found. It said it was from 1990, so you can reduce the white by a couple...


In the world today, more than 6 billion people live.
If this world were shrunk to the size of a village of 100 people, what would it look like?

In one year, 1 person in the village will die, but in the same year, 2 babies will be born, so that at the year's end the number of villagers will be 101.

If you do not live in fear of death by bombardment, armed attack, landmines, or of rape or kidnapping by armed groups, then you are more fortunate than 20, who do.

If you can speak and act according to your faith and your conscience without harassment, imprisonment, torture or death, then you are more fortunate than 48, who can not.

If you have money in the bank, money in your wallet and spare change somewhere around the house, then you are among the richest 8.

If you can read this message, that means you are probably lucky!

12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Humans are the most creative. It is we who make this planet different from the rest. This planet most powerful from the rest. Most promising from the rest... most beautiful from the rest....MOST MEANINGFUL FROM THE REST.

I would replace "Humans", with "Europeans". Then your statement would had made sense. The rest of the world hasn't really made this planet any different.

12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

If it was so easy for you to tell everyone here that everyone is the same, and that all the people of the world are so magnificent, why is it totally beyond your capability to mention anything "they" have achieved.

P.s. yes, I am waiting for you to fall into my trap...come on now..just one more step...

12 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I do not like arguments with people for whome even the Book of God is not enough.

The book of who? The book compiled of lies and tales to enslave a whole world? A book that was so evil, they had to make a new and improved version? If I have to follow a book of tales and evil I will follow The Tolkien...or The Snorresagas from the old Norse mythology. At least they had some sense. And fun. The book of God is as ANYONE who reads up on it a little, just a fraction of what it could have been, it's been edited, misused, literally taken...killing millions in it's name....enslaving and halting human evolution and progress.

The book of God? No, the book of a false prophet, a false teaching and torture, inhumanity, weakness and lies. Oh, and you also have the Koran which is even worse than that. Do you respect that book too?

My eyes are wide open. Like Vlad III, Prince of Wallachia, John III Sobieski, John II Casimir Vasa, Henryk II the Pious...the list is long...and you do not respect any of them.

I won't try and set you up anymore, relax.

15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Hello 1jola!

I see you found me here too!

I respect the chinese and how they have adapted and compete in the new world. Their citites are full of sky scrapers, their economy is booming, their science is highly developed. But all these inventions you sent a link to are more likely to come from white european people that settled and lived in China thousands of years ago. They dissapeard due to the fact they were not enough of them, and like in the rest of the world, like ancient Egypt, South Americas, parts of Africa, they either became part of the ethnic masses that eventually came or they moved on. Check out the last link, the video, bronze were already there when the chinese official history begins. So, paper, printing, gunpowder, compass etc...it was already there. The chinese settled and took credit for it. What did they invent after all these things? Nothing. That's because the white people left or were incorporated in the chinese population, loosing their white genetics. You will see this happened in Egypt, Persia, South America, Easter Island etc.

In Search of the Blonde-Haired, Blue-Eyed Chinese;


Roman descendants found in China?


2,700 Year Old Blond-Haired, Blue-Eyed Mummy Found In China;


Genghis Khan's Blue Eyes;


Mummies Prove It: Once, China Was Inhabited by White People;


Genetic Evidence of Europeans in Ancient China;


History channel video of white mummy's found in China;



P.s. Communism was invented by the jews, not white people;

15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Why is this funny? You actually wrote the truth.

Do I have to actually post and link Egypt, India and Babylon for you too, like I did with China? If you use Google and open some history books you will soon find out that White Europeans actually did all these things. Just ask yourself this question first:

What has those places you mentioned done since the day the white european lived there?

And what has Europe, USA and Australia done?

15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]


Ok, here is what you argued with;

"Emty headed people", "********", "White superiority", "Idiot", "Little white-trash idiot".

But you failed to address the links that I posted earlier. And you fail to address the links I will post soon.

Please read what I write before you go off on your rants and use foul language. It only makes you come off as an actual idiot.

Again - What has these cultures/peoples that you mentioned made since all these fantastic discoveries that you mention? The "thriving" communities as you put it. Did they suddenly make themselves super-intelligent and then become dumb again? How can you explain how the Inkas built super advanced structures and then have never built anything like it again? How come the Arabs discovered mathematics and astronomy, but today have nothing? How come the Egyptians live in poverty and build nothing, when they could build structures that even today would almost be impossible to build even here in Europe? All the cultures you mentioned have done nothing since they built these marvellous structures so many thousand years ago.

Why? What happened? War? Floods? Alien abduction? Or maybe the people who actually built them disappeared. And where did we suddenly see magnificent structures and buildings turn up? In Europe and America. Hm, what a coincidence.

The difference between what I claim and what you claim is that logic is on my side. And you have words like idiot and ignorant. Congratulations.

I win.

15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Obviously you are reading more into what I write than I actually do. I have never spoken about supremacy or that the white race is superior. I have only stated facts. Now you are rambling on about civilization cycles and the UK as the US pet, and you talk about hitler and the Ku Klux Klan. You almost had the whole list, the only thing missing is Neo-nazi, skinhead, anti-semite, homophobe, babykilling, wifebeating, fascist!

This is why people can't have a normal discussion about politics or history, because of people like you who scream racist and hate the second you hear something that your politically correct brain can't comprehend. I know what I'm talking about, I went to the same educational school system as you did. But what sets me apart from you, I can actually have a self-produced thought. I don't need to regurgitate what my teachers, or TV has told me.

Why am I playing with fire? Where do you get all these clichès from? And little boy...well, at 6ft 5 and 220 pounds, I might be a bit bigger that you think.


P.s. I will TRY to put up links and answer WHY I THINK the european white people had a hand in almost everything we consider civilizations, work of art, science, architectual wonders etc.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Hehe...talk about the Vikings...and what they did in Europe. No, not the same old bullcrap about raping and pillaging...but actual history of their achievements. The Norse people had art, science, crafts, a complex religion, poetry, swordmanship, battleknowledge, making high speed ships, cities, exploring lands (America), The people of the North also settled in Russia..(The RUS tribe), we could cover great oceans and exchanged goods and crafts with all the european people. Even as far down as Asia. But we all came from that region thousands of years before that. Who invented the Caste system? Who were signed as warriors and head guards for the Grand Muftis and leaders in the east? Vikings, with their ferocious power and skills they made the best fighters. And this was thousands of years ago.

Todays Norway excel in the fields of Oil and gas, subsealevel technology, arctic science stations, development of multiple fields of science like heart and brain transplants. We build underwater tunnels, tunnels through enormous mountains, oil tankers, the most advanced sea vessels with sonars and rescue possibilities, opera houses, culture centers, modern museums that win awards, and are in the forefront in computer technology. We also had a guy out at the Space station a couple of weeks ago.

And for Norwegian inventions. There are hundreds, if not thousands of them. There are millions of Norwegians all over the world who have made technology and progress possible. Remember Norway is the best country in the world to live in. (United Nations report 2009)..well, hehe, I know, the cheese cutter, paper clip, electronic hotel key and my favourite...the sixpack plastic holder. All this from a country with the population the size of a big town in the US. But I have to admit, that we lag behind..those damn Swedes...but they are twice as many as us. And the Finns aren't that far behind.

For that matter, ALL EUROPEAN countries qualify under what I just wrote above. All in their own way. Without them, we would be living a completely different life.

Again...this is all very lovely. But if Norway continues importing religious fanatics from the middle east and Africa at the level we do today, then this society will be in the history books soon.

15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]


Jeezus...you really do nitpick don't you....I am proud of their "savageness"? No I'm proud of their power and skills! Do not mix this up with your interpretation of what a fighter is. You didn't get to be the bodyguard of a king because you were "savage". Again...you don't really want to have a contructive debate, but search for single words and passages that you can focus on... It doesn't actually aspire me to debate with you, so if that is all you can come up with, then maybe you should go to a kids forum or a politically correct leftist forum where you all can agree that Europeans are evil and that the burka is not a death-cloth, but a sign of liberation.

15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Vikings had thousands, again thousands years of history? How many thousands?

Again...please read what I write....I said thousands of years AGO. Not FOR THOUSANDS OF YEARS.

Why are so negative against a people that lived here in Europe? The vikings did more than plunder and pillage. This is a popular tv/cartoon version of the vikings. They had a highly developed society with arts and crafts. Their women had rights and the first actual elected democracy was held in Iceland in the year 930. That sounds awful barbarian and savage to me...

Why would I open your eyes, If they are already open. You are just reading what the politically correct educational system and the politically correct history books tell you. That is your choice. Not mine. That's why we are having a discussion here on the forum.

I'm not here to convert you or to make you think otherwise. But I do want to tell what I think. That you resort to namecalling and nitpicking on singular sentences, and interpreting them wrong, that is your own fault.

18 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Good morning!

Well, I see this thread has died out a little. I intentionally haven't posted on here to see if you "white people are evil and lived in caves when the Arabs were doing calculus" people could maybe come up with some postings and links of your own. But you couldn't, so here we go. Hope you have a minute Mvefa!

First of all. I have never claimed that EVERY civilization that was ever made was of white origin. But the ones that mattered, the ones that had science, knowledge of the stars, higher educational facilities, advanced politics and more are. You have lower evolved civilizations all over the world. Let's start with what we have discussed earlier;


I noticed you mentioned that China, and dismissing the fact that they found blond and blue eyed mummies there as a reason for pre-chinese inventions, like copper, bronze and being able to mummify people. As you so eloquently put it - "So what?". The point is, if you come to a society and find out that they have cars, it also means they have electricity, advanced knowledge of electronics and building skills. It sets a certain standard. So, if they find white mummies pre-dating any chinese dynasty or settlement, and beside them find bronze, cartwheels, silk clothes with intricate designs, and a woman found in one of these tombs had artificial extended hair, this shows that these things were already available before the offical chinese history started. I.e. the chinese didn't invent it.

The White Tribes of Ancient China


Again a link to white people discovered in China which conclude that white people lived there over 3000 years ago;


"In fact, Western China was inhabited by blond-haired blue-eyed white people 3,000 years ago."


"German anthropologist Max Muller (1823-1900) wrote that "the first Caucasians were a small company from the mountains of Central Asia". These conclusions are obviously "old" - but should they therefore be erroneous? Written more than a century before the Tarim Mummies were discovered, they actually did speak of the presence of Caucasians in China. And if they got that right, is it possible they got other things right too? "


"White peoples settled the Western China area at least 1000 years before the presence of the ethnic "Chinese." These people were called the Tocharians and appear to have been integral in building the silk roads; an achievement once thought "Chinese." Their remains in the form of 3500 year old white mummies with European DNA started turning up in the late 1970's, rewriting "settled" history."

So, what can we conclude from this. There was of course lot's of different tribes and simple ways of living in those areas. But when the Europeans settled with their - for that time - advanced knowledge of making cartwheels, bronze, silk etc. the people of that area also got these skills. As time progresses and the populations increase, so does knowledge and discoveries of new science and crafts. More and more people come to these centres of civilization and soon a society is blossoming. This is natural history as we know it.


A link to a blog with some fact based arguments;


Two links with more graphics and in-depth discussion;


A site with lot's of links with both graphics and explanations;


Scroll down to the end of the page for the links.

"Racial war with the Nubians was a common occurrence in ancient Egypt. In 1296 BC the Egyptians conquered Nubia and they built a series of forts along its border to protect against insurrection. The world's first "Whites only" signs appeared along the Nile in hieroglyphics. They still stand today. At one stage it was illegal for any Blacks to enter Egypt."

You take a look at this list and seriously try to convince yourself that these were not white people. That they were black...or what where they then?


And here is where it ended;



White people setteled and lived on these lands before the Mongols as we know them today arrived there. But when they arrived, they arreived to stay. And if you read up on these two links you will find out why white people had to be on the move constantly. This is also why the early white people travelled all around the world and left their footprints in all the corners of our globe.



"Prominent ethnologists are confident that the White race is responsible for the cultures of Mexico and Peru";


"there is substantial evidence that Egyptians themselves sailed in reed boats across the Atlantic and settled in Mexico. This would explain for example how it is that the Castillo pyramid on Mexico's Yucatan peninsula is an exact duplicate of those found in Egypt. Thor Heyerdahl indeed built a replica of an Egyptian papyrus-reed boat and sailed it safely from Egypt to Mexico to show how the White Mayans arrived. These pyramid builders did not have the slanted eyes of the Indian nor the short round nose-the art that these builders created demonstrates this full well."

Egyptian like statues found in Mexico;


Similarities in two "completely" different worlds, with thousands years of history seperating them;



And what about America, were the Indians the indigenous peoples of that continent?


Here's a longer explanation;


"Migration When and From Where?
The resulting theory begins to look like this: Migration into the Americas had to have taken place either during the glacial maximum--or what is more likely, before. That means at least 15,000 years BP, and likely around 20,000 years ago or more. One strong candidate for primary route of entrance is by boat or on foot along the Pacific coast; boats of one sort or another have been in use at least 30,000 years. Evidence for the coastal route is slim at present, but the coast as the new Americans would have seen it is now covered by water and the sites may be difficult to find. The people who traveled into the continents were not primarily dependent on megafauna, as Clovis peoples were, but rather generalized hunter-gatherers, with a broad base of subsistence.

Most astonishingly, the human skeletal remains recovered dating to these times, such as the Kennewick Man, are providing genetic and morphological proof that the earliest peoples on the continent were not typically Asian, as was expected. I'll address that in Part V: So who was "pre-Clovis"?".

To round up a here's a link for how things from different parts of the world sometimes have things in common;


Do you believe that black people travelled the world with their advanced ships and advanced knowledge of the stars?

Do you believe that people in todays Iran and Egypt are the same people that built the temples, pyramids, wrote the scrolls, mummified their leaders, had intricate knowledge of the stars, medicine and science?

I have heard about the European space program, have you heard of the African or Middle eastern one? I have heard about Harvard, Oxford, University of Constantinople and The library of Alexandria, but I have never heard of their equivalents in Asia or Africa.

I have heard of Sokrates (Not the one on this forum though...:-), Plato, The founding fathers, Isaac Newton, The Wright brothers, Alfred Nobel, William Shakespear, Charles Darwin, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Galileo Galilei, Niels Bohr, Marie Curie, Nicola Tesla, Nicolaus Copernicus, Archimedes, Michelangelo, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Catherine the Great, Wolfang Amadeus Mozart, Ludvig Van Beethoven...the list is SO LONG it would take hours just to copy/paste it here!

We have the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, built by white people, we have the castles, paintings, sculptures, churches, tunnels, bridges, skyscrapers, the poetry and literature, we have the opera, the classical music, super speed trains, the highest, buildings, the rockets sent into space, the space stations, the hubble telescope, the heart transplants, the cloning of animals, artificial insermination, artificial intelligence, laser surgery, hyper advanced fighter planes, jumbo jet planes for 800 people, cars that run on natural gas, houses completely made by natural resources that live and breathe, we are even building a partical accelerator at the CERN laboratorium in Switzerland (and France) that was founded by the following countries back in 1954; Greece, Yugoslavia, Italy, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands, West Germany, Denmark, Great Britain, Norway, and Sweden. Does Africa, Asia or any other non-european race have a equivalent project? No. Yes, other non european countries have attached themselves to this project on a later date and contribute to it. But who started it, who built it, who invented it? The white europeans did. As they did with all the things mentioned above in this post.

WHERE IS THE EQUIVALENT LIST OF INVENTIONS, PROGRESS AND SCIENTIFIC CONTRIBRUTIONS FROM AFRICA/ASIA/SOUTH AMERICA? And I don't mean war lords. And again, please find out if they were actually white before you post anything. Cleopatra was NOT black, Hannibal was NOT black, Ghengis Khan had BLUE EYES.

There is no evidence that ANY race BUT THE WHITE has ever started an ADVANCED CIVILIZATION or built anything of SIGNIFICANCE, without the help or brainpower of the western man as we know him/her today!

I know that when the Muslim Turks invaded Constantinoble they burned and ruined everything that the christians built there. I know that the ancient library of Alexandria was used to fire up the ovens for the "great" scientits of Islam that conquered and settled there. Since their motto was; "If it contradicts the koran it must be heresy". And a couple of hundred years after their invasion, the science suddenly "stopped". Why? Because the white scientists that decided/were forced to work for their new conquerers, died out or went back north. And the muslim scientists weren't able to emulate anything their predecessors had invented, built or written. After a while it was all just collecting dust or burnt. The so called golden age of medieval islam is a myth and if it was there when they lived there, and they invented it, why would it dissapear if they didn't leave, like the white europeans did? Why hasn't anything remotely resembling this been built since, while Europe has blossomed into a giant on all these fields? And they don't stop today;

Threatening to blow up hindu relics;


Angry muslims at exhibition;


Muslims blew up fouth and fifth century Buddhas;


Here's a link to the Library of Alexandria;


(scroll down to the destruction of the library of Alexandria).


A norwegian architect company designed it, western technology makes it possible to light it up and have flushing toilets, western technology makes it possible to actually make it function. But how is it funded? By ARAB STATES WITH OIL MONEY! And where did these arab countries get their oil? From WESTERN TECHNOLOGY! See, it all comes down to the european man! We are the lowest denominator.

Here is what it looks like today, not unlike the rest of Egypt...or...wait. UNLIKE the rest of Egypt;


But of course it can't be all gold that glimmers;

"Some experts question whether modern day Egypt can afford to supply such a library with all the materials it needs, or if the government can truly keep censorship out of the collection."

That's right, IF THE GOVERNMENT CAN TRULY KEEP CENSORSHIP OUT OF THE COLLECTION! Now that is progress for you, censoring a library! It HAD to be the "black/middle eastern egyptians who made all these fantastic buildings and libraries....they can't even decide what books to allow there today as it might upset the muslims.

This is what I know;

I know that todays Africa and Middle east is a craphole of major proportions with violence and death at massive scales. They have always been like this, and will always be like this in the future. Just take a look at the news.

I know that Africans never invented, built or harvested anything in their entire existence. Yes, they were slaves and their countries were emptied by the evil white colonists. But still, after hundreds of years they have not been able to build ANYTHING. We europeans built up entire cities from scratch after WW2, look at Berlin, Dresden, Warszawa etc. Only ten years after these cities were flattened they were again full with people and business and culture. How come? And if the people of these regions, that some of you claim here, are as intelligent and enlightened as us, how come they are such a burden on all the countries they come to in the west. Look at the riots of Paris, London, Brugge, Gothenburg, Oslo, Brentford, Marseille, Hamburg, Athens. Look at the vast majority of crimes being commited by third world immigrants. Is all this the result of the evil white people who used them hundreds of years ago? How long can you be a victim? Ask the people of Dresden or Hiroshima if they are still victims, or if they rebuilt their cities and got on with their lives. The evidence is there for all too see. What happened in South Africa after the ethnic africans took over? What happened to Zimbabwe after the ethnic africans took over? What happened to Detroit when the etnnic blacks took over?

South Africa

A country that had a space program and advanced science and education;


Violence and crime;



The former "breadbasket of Africa";




7 out of 10 murderers get away;


Detroit deadliest city in the U.S;


Mayor of Detroit;


Now the South African whites are fleeing the country by the thousands. In 2000 years, when explorers find the remnants of high rise buildings, paved highways, universities, science labs, will they say, "the black people of South Africa were highly intelligent and had a complex society of higher learning"? But now we know that only 10 percent of the country is of european decent and they are the ones who made all this possible. The same applies for Egypt, Persia, South America. Look at Brazil, Chile and Uruguay, Brazil has a 49% percent white population and is rich, but violent. Uruguay is 88% european, and has a lot less violence (because of the abscense of africans/mulattos), Chile is 30% european, but has a large portion of mestizos with european background and this makes it more successful than the other South American countries, but all three are still beautiful countries with magnificent architecture and history. Brazil can't compare to the european countries with a 90+ european population. If Brazil was 100 percent european it would be a superpower beyond belief. Who rules Brazil, Chile and Uruguay? Whoever likes statistics and knows how to read them would come to the same politically uncorrect conclusion that; (In fear of senorship and hatespeech directed at me I will leave this answer blank).


President of Czech origin;


Today's president;


South American politicians;

en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:20_A%C3%B1os_del_Mercosur-Iguazu-Sarney-Lula-Kirchner-Alfons%C3%ADn-Bielsa-_30-nov-05-presidencia-govar-2. jpg



"Uruguay is one of the most economically developed countries in Latino America, with a high GDP per capita and the 47th highest quality of life in the world. It was the first Latin American country to legalize same and different sex civil unions at a national level in the year 2007".


President of Chile;


South American leaders and entrepeneurs;


...Continued on next post

....continued from last post...

The Japanese, Korean and Chinese have very advanced societies, but their whole existence is based on european inventions. All their cars, technology, buildings and society is built on western standards and knowledge. Look at the inventors mentioned above. They might emulate, and even surpass us in their technology, but they don't have the gene to "invent", things from scratch. Yes, some major contributions have come from non-europeans, yes many indian scientists are prominent in medicine and astro-physics and yes, there are african american doctors. But these are in such a small percentage compared to the europeans, and most certainly, they have all been educated in "our" learning facilities - or with their inventions as a foundation.

I know that some Asian groups and Jews have a higher IQ than whites, but this does not make them better at building civilizations, which is what we are talking about here.

And to this day european people still strive to do what is in their genetics, discover, learn, invent;

17 year old boy sails around the world;


And if you think the boys and men are alone at this, think again;


And again, I am not saying that the white race is guilt free of horrors, murders, wars, genocide, persecution and all the evils that has been and still exists! But what I am saying is that we are the only race who can claim greatness on a larger scale of civilization building, inventions, progress in all scientific fields. We are all human beings, we all have a right to be on this earth and claim rights for ourselves to freedom, peace and prosperity. So don't go down the road of attacking me with the nazi or hitler schpiel, that is getting too old. We must be able to have a reasonable debate, even though you don't agree. National Socialism died in 1945. History is more than a man with a moustache in the 30's and 40's.


Now I rest my case.
18 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Thanks for keeping this thread up high on the forum, but it would be nice if you could put in more than one-liners! Besides I'm waiting for Mfevma or mvcfam or what's his name to read my post and reply to it.

Racism is ugly and bad. Too bad most people don't seem to get it goes the "other way" the most....(yes there are links and statistics to back up that craaaaazy claim).

18 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Fekkin hell...ok.

I know I didn't post any questions...

I'm just waiting for european haters to come on and try to put down their own heritage and history again.

I know I really shouldn't care, but sometimes they just get under my skin with their politically correct nonsense.

Anyway, any Welsh people in here? How come so many welsh people I see on the T.V. have dark hair and look more "italian/spanish", than Irish, English or Scottish people? I'm thinking about Tom Jones, Catherine Zeta Jones, John Rhys Davies, Michael Sheen, Mark Hughes (footballer), some of these guys could sport real "afros" in their younger years.

18 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

White Supremacists should be held responsible for their comments and deeds in violation of the basic rights of human beings. Why don't we just kick the cr*p out of those supremacist idiots? :)

All White Supremacists are very disturbed and depraved individuals.

I'd rather kick the crap out the red/green coalition governement that has allowed hundreds of thousands of third world muslims to come to my country and ruin it. And the people who voted for them.

To kick the crap out of a dozen "so-called" white supremacists wouldn't solve anything. I know, cause I used to be one of them. When I was in my late teens, early twenties. You chose sides, it was norwegians against the muslims/commies. We were called racists, nazis and haters and they were called "misguided youth". The commies, rat-people who don't shower and come from upper class families, but like to play "revolutionary". Now THERE are somebody who needs a good hiding. Which they got from time to time.

People, there are no NEO-NAZIS, not in Norway anyway. There are nationalistic, patriotic people who want the foreigners out. But they are not nazis. We were called nazis in the newspaper, but I can tell you that out of 100 people that I knew, maybe 1 or 2 would have a swastika tattoo, and that was to impress whoever saw it, but if you asked him, or her, when the Reichstag burnt or when Hitler was elected to power, or any other question about the reich, you would get no answer. It was and is a youthful unrest and wanting of adrenaline and friendship. No hokus pokus. Waive the nazi flag and bom! The people react, the newspapers print a whole page with the picture, the schools write essays...and so on. That was power, and fun. But not serious. I have never forgiven the media in Norway for that. They were adults and supposed to be real journalists. Instead they let 18-19 year old kids pose for pictures with a swastika armband..."this is going to sell!". "Nazis in Norway, the gruesome story of evil". "Also, read what holocaust-survivor Herschel Rosenbaum has to say about it, in our eight part story! Extra! Extra! "Pull out posters of the death camps! Let's get another 17 year old to pose with a hidden face!". And so it went on for years...and years....

The real patriots of today, which I consider myself as, is a fairly upstanding citizen with no special background or need to beat up people because of their skin. This is a movie/TV/media myth and has been bled dry by sensation hungry journalists and self-interest anti-racist groups to fund their existence. They see ghosts everywhere. Every year they publish "far right and nazi violence increasing", reports which are as laughable and full of lies as they are.

Thank god things are clearing up in Europe today, and more serious patriotic people are coming forth without the neo-nazi ghost behind them, as was all too usual in the 80's and 90's.

So, let's agree, no kicking, no beating, just a ticket for the airport and let's have peace.

1 Nov 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

I agree. If the current immigration flow from third world, muslim countries continues, it is just a matter of decades before the streets of our western cities will look like the streets of any third world country. Then what will our "culture" be? The reason we have "multiculturalism" today is because all the countries of the world have borders and are able to build up their own uniqe culture. But if you mix it all up, there will be no culture, just a big grey mass of people who have no history, no special thing they can call their own. And there will be the top elite in this world who will have complete control over billions of people without any ethnic, racial or cultural belonging. I believe that is the goal of the so-called "New World Order". Why are they opening all the borders, why are they unifying all the countries into "unions", why are they mixing radically different religions and people at such a high rate? All that can come from this is chaos, tension between people, the demise of cultures and peaceful communities.

Here in Norway, pride in your own heritage and history is an evil, racist thing. Only the people that come from other countries can be proud of their heritage and history. It has come so far that we have allowed third world immigrants in burkas to be the main speakers at our national day of independence. There has been a big debate if the third world immigrants can use "their" national flags on OUR national day! It's not THEIR day of independence, it's ours! So why are they forcing themselves into this most important day in Norway and telling us that they want to march in burkas waiving pakistani, somali or turkish flags? Again...this is only one of a hundred examples of day to day things that norwegians have to read about and deal with in their lives. Another "tension", as I mentioned above. What happens when the norwegians tolerance run out? Or the immigrants become so many that they have the power to do what they want? For that day WILL come. Maybe not in our lifetime, but for sure in our childrens and grandchildrens time.

And to just end this little posting, I just read the main newspapers online edition, and the main story is; "Norwegian woman gangraped on the dancefloor in nightclub by 4 immigrants".

So, to anybody who tries to convince me about the joys of multiculturalism, why don't you ask the 140 norwegian women who were raped, some even beaten to a pulp and threatened with murder at knifepoint if they screamed, last year by immigrants in Oslo, what they think about multiculturalism.

23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

I was reading up on some history of Poland, which is my new favourite thing, since I'm moving to Poland in the next 5 years or so. There are literally hundreds of interesting topics; beautiful cities, exciting historical events, powerful kings and queens, the list is endless. While browsing through the net, I stumbled across the Tatars and started reading about them. Quite interesting history, that Poland should have such a significant part of it's history linked with these tribal islamic people.

I do not approve of Islam, or muslims. It's nothing to do with "racism", or "hate". But every bone in my body tells me to stay away from them. I have had too many encounters with the "religon" and it's followers in Norway, where I currently reside, has gone from a truly safe and wonderful country, to a jungle. (Not the whole country, but the major cities where the muslims have settled). They are not THAT many yet, but boy, they do leave a footprint the size of sasquatch considering their "minority" status.

Now reading about their history in Poland, I actually feel increasingly unpleasant about the fact that they still exist in Poland today. Listen, everybody has a right to religious expression, freedom of movement and the right to vote for whomever they want. But Islam is another story. Just like communism, this is a cancer, and if you don't remove it quickly, it's just a matter of time before it grows out of control and takes over. Read; Norway, Sweden, Denmark etc.. Most of the religions of our world are peaceful, humanistic and don't believe in global expansion on behalf of whoever occupies the land they arrive in. But Islam is the opposite of all of these.


When you read a little more about Islam in Poland you find out that there are actual mosques and muslim cemeteries all over Poland. That they have prayer rooms in all major cities, and that their community is "thriving". As I write this, I can actually feel my blood boiling. This is not acceptable! Islam is not the religion of peace. Islam is a fascist, dictatorial, political, tyrannical and anti-humanitarian death-trap. It kills hundreds, if not thousands of people every day, even women and children are not spared in it's name. Whatever country you come from in the western world, you will know this by now, so I don't have to post 20 links to current stories about honour killings, decapitations, acid-attacks, circumcision of 8 year old girls, public executions, killings of christians and non-believers, gang rapes, financial rackateering and on and on.

Poland is not exempt of these things, and if the muslim community ever gets a foothold in Poland, it's gonna be a battle to keep them under control. It's like a little snowball that rolls down the hill and eventually ends up taking out the whole village. Soon they will have bigger mosques, bigger halls to gather, more money from the government, bigger families, their own holidays, specal treatment at public areas, their own swimmingpools, forbidden for polish people and retirement homes, also forbidden for polish people. There will be kebab stores with rotten meat and sperm-filled sauces on every street corner in the big cities, small gangs of youths hanging out at whatever place they find and abuse polish girls and women, and last but not least, their own court system, the sharia laws, that will be above polish law. How about that? Wouldn't you just want to have all that in Poland??? And guess who's gonna get the bill. It's not Fatima and her 8 children, or Muhammed who sits on his ass all day long smoking his pipe, waiting for the government handout, no it's Piotr and Ewa who have to work extra hard because the taxes just went up. You can handle an extra 50 zloty a month so that you can live in the multicultural dream that is Islam?!

This guy will not be able to stay in Poland if I ever have my say;


As I have mentioned in some of my earlier posts, I'm leaving Norway so that my children don't have to come in contact with this pest-ridden sect disguising itself as a religion. I do not want to see minarets or hear the prophets word yelled out from high mounted speakers 5 times a day 365 days a week, I do not want to see burka dressed women with more children than she is educated to count to, on her way to the local store to use my tax money.


And I will fight it every step on the way, by letters to the newspapers, debate-forums like this and taking to the streets if necessary.

Dariusz Telka
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Turks would be happy for Poland to be partitioned

I don't think not accepting the partition of Poland from a couple of third world countries would really matter if Poland existed or not. That Turkey accepted polish refugees was very nice of them. This will be a sign of friendship between our nations! But that is not to say that Poland should open her borders to turkish people like Germany has done. Now they have over 3 million official turkish and MUSLIM citizens. You can add another million - or two - who live there without papers.

Again, I see people bring the word "hate". It's not hate against the muslims, it's a normal, healthy defence reaction that both my body and my mind has against anything that can, and will destroy the Polish national soul. Here in Norway, we have lost a big part of our soul. Pride in our history and our people is "racist", and "xenophobic". That must never happen in Poland. The emperor has no clothes here.

I really, really hope I never see a muslim in Poland, but I know i eventually will. Unless I completely lock myself in. But I want to explore Poland and all the beautiful places she has to offer. In Norway, there are no-go zones for ethnic norwegians and whole parts of our capital Oslo is mainly occupied by muslims. Just earlier this year, we had our own "Paris-riot"! Hurray! The streets of Oslo were in flames and people were being beat up, cars were on fire and buildings were vandalized by muslims. Oh what joy! If just my "hateful" thoughts about these "bringers of peace" and "love from Allah", would understand our love and respect for them. But, oh, they "didn't accept the partition", so therefore we must just lay down and let them roll over us. How is that for reasoning?

How would that be, walking around in Krakow, and instead of the "Jewish district", it would now be the "Muslim district". But not with coffeeshops and restaurants, but with filthy kebabshops and women in burkas trying to keep her flock of 8 children nearby. And after sunset, it's a no-go zone for ethnic christian poles. Do you want that? Really? Then please move to Germany. Berlin especially has over 150 different ethnic groups. It is not "German" anymore. I don't think it's a good thing that if you stick your head out the window in any large european city and look down at the streets, that you see the same sight. It doesn't matter which country you are in, it all looks the same. But if I stick my head out of a hotelroom in Krakow, or Poznan, or Gdansk...I know I'm in a european city! But if I do it in Berlin, Amsterdam or Paris...well...(I mean the people on the streets...NOT the landmarks...I did have geography at school...)

Exchange "hate", with "love". Exchange "racism", with "realism". If you ever read "Animal Farm" or "1984", you will find out that a people can be held down in chains just by words and ficticious terror.

Poland for the poles is not racist. Poland for the muslims is racist. To the poles! Because that means that I will have to give up my ethnic heritage and right to preserve my history and language. UN charter....it goes both ways.

Dariusz Telka
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Obama the Muslim

That video is sickening. He is lying through his teeth. All of his statements are outright lies and racist against the western world. If any european leader said something like this but exchanged "muslim" with "christian" or "white", oh my lord....there would be a shitstorm like never before.

Obama is a puppy for the new world order, just like Bush was. He is just the 2.0 version. Better at giving speeches, better at licking the backs of his masters and an allround trickster with more false aces up his sleeve than the devil. He should have been courtmarshalled for treachery and for falsifying his birth-certificate.

Poland should deny him entrance, if he ever chooses to come, on the basis that he is an anti-european, anti-white, anti-Polish person. Would Poland invite Osama Bin Laden or Saddam Hussein (When he was alive)? Barrack Hosein Obama sits nicely among them.

Dariusz Telka
23 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Some people should take a reality check.

It's not as clear cut as you would want it to be....


Presiden Bush Senior says ooops..."The new world order":


Educate yourself about "The new world order":


Dariusz Telka
25 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

Hey, I know, when I'm on one of my rants, it may come off as a little "over the top". But this is actually how I feel. The pride norwegians are allowed to show is if our national team wins a game or if we celebrate our national day. But the rest of the year, being norwegian means being born racist and having to make up for it. Feeling guilty. That you haven't met any Norwegians that feel like I described I believe is because you haven't really asked them. And remember, Norwegians have been taught that it's bad to be proud of their nation, that it's racist. (Aside from sports and the national day of independence). They will not admit to having these feelings to strangers. But give them a beer or two, you'll be surprised what comes out.

Just yesterday I heard on the radio that there was another riot in Sweden, in Rosengård. And the last week it was one in Denmark, in Nørrebro, and the week before another one in Paris. About the heritage, this will be true. Just look at the kids today, the way they clothe, the music they listen to, the way they speak. I know, it's a generation thing, and I was the same back in the day with long hair, army boots and all that. But the demographics are changing and in the big cities, being Norwegian is not "cool", being pakistani is cool, being foreign is cool, it's hip, all the posters show hip and laughing immigrant kids. Norwegian kids are boring and portrayed as of little interest. So they try to be like the posters and the rappers on TV. Norwegian girls are encouraged to be with cool immirgrant boys or men, but haven't been told the consequenses that will come with it. We have had big debates here in the newspapers about our independence day and letting women with burkas waive their muslim flags and talk at our ceremonies! At OUR NATIONAL DAY! One of the women who spoke once said, "When I look in baby carriages here today, I see the future of Norway, I see immigrant children"! And people actually clapped. I was at a school where the principals most important thing in her speech was to acknowledge how many different nationalities there were at her school. Not WHY we celebrate the 17th of May and our independence.

Since you live in Sweden I have this for you:

Mona Sahlin, political party leader of the social democrats says to turkish people in Sweden that celebrating swedish heritage and culture is stupid and that immigrants have much cooler celebrations:


Here is an article about swedish girls who have to colour their hair dark not to be harassed by the immigrants in their city:


Again, this is only a FRACTION of the stories out there. So, yes it might be a little overwhelming sometimes when I blurt out some sentences, but I actually have the facts to back it up.

About muslims in Poland, which this thread is actually about, thank god there are only a couple of thousand of them. I do not want Katowice to end up like one of the cities in Norway where there no-go zones for ethnic poles or where gangs hang out in parks selling drugs to minors or rape women on their way back from work or a restaurant.


p.s. The only reason we are voted as the best country in the world is because of the oil. If the oil wasn't here, all our schools, hospitals, workplaces, roads and everything else would be much less developed. If there's a problem, throw some money on it. That's the norwegian way. Poland doesn't have that, thank god. Because that means that they will not import hordes of soon to be unemployed, sickly, criminal muslims. And if anything develops, it develops the hard way and letting things adjust until they work. In Norway everybody holds hands and sings Kum-Ba-Ya my lord.

But claiming that

Well well, thank you for stepping inside my trap...

Here are some links to your favourite restaurants:

"A magistrates' court heard the catalogue of horrors at Pappu Sweet Centre and Catering in Wolverhampton, West Midlands, also included:

FLIES, RATS including one DEAD under a pan, FILTH, MOULDY FOOD - and staff dropping cigarette ends and SPITTING on the floor.

Refrigerators were running at more than 68°F (20°C). Singh, 45, was banned from working with food again after he admitted 12 hygiene and pest control offences."


Rat-infested Kebab shops:

greenshield.com/Kebab-shop-closed-after-rat-infestation-192 00310.gs

Kebab shops shut down due to health risks:


Salmonella found in kebab shop:

news.sky.com/skynews/Home/UK-News/London-Kebab-Shop-Shut-Over-Salmonella-Outbreak-Shahi-Nan-Kabab-Staff-Cooperate-With-Investigation/ Article/200909415387205?f=rss

Dead body used as kebabmeat:


Cockroaches found in kebabstore:


Police found hundreds of pounds of rotten meat in the basement of Kebab shop in Oslo:


Rats, cockroaches and rotten meat in Norway; 15 out 19 kebabshops closed immidiately, the rest had to improve:


Town in Oslo closed three immigrant restaurants in one night, all had health code violations:


Sold Kebab while remodelling restaurant, dust and toxins in meat:


Is that not enough for you? I can give you a hundred more!

Harrassment of ethnic european girls by muslims:

Swedish girls suffer widespread harassment: report:


Muslim rape wave in Sweden:

Rape and harrassment "normal" in muslim society:


Scandinavian girls harrassed and threatened by muslims:


Norway has a "wave" of rapes of norwegian girls my muslims:


100% of all rapes in Oslo last three years have been by immigrants (YES A HUNDRED PERCENT):


And on and on and on....and this was only from two-three countries. AND YOU CALL ME A HATER? Because I don't want this to happen in Poland?? Do you want this in Poland? Then you are the hater!

25 Nov 2009
History / Poland and Muslims (Tatars and others). [81]

The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth was not an Islamophobic place. There were Muslim members of the gentry. Islamophobia is un-Polish. The initiator of this thread should stay in Norway. I suspect he fears Muslim food vendors "sperm filled sauces" because he already has too much sperm in his diet.

Oooh. What a response Des Esseintes. But you know, if you read some of the links I posted above..if you ate a kebab, there is a big chance that you actually got some kind of ratshit, sperm, asbestos, cockroaches, human feces, HUMAN PARTS, rotten meat, salmonella or any other ingridient you really shouldn't have in your food. But wait, it's ME, Dariusz, the HATER, who is the idiot for POINTING THIS OUT TO YOU. I'm sorry, of course, just go get your kebab Des Esseintes, bon appetit! (Don't worry if you get a little sick later, it's probably the flu).


p.s. about poland not being islamophobic..just wait. Besides I would call it, islam-critical, or islam-concious. Phobic is not the right word. You on the other hand are the one with the phobia here. Against sane and intelligent critisism of the "holy people of the prophet".