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Posts by Floripa  

Joined: 12 Aug 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 7 Aug 2010
Threads: Total: 3 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 39 / In This Archive: 16
From: Spain, Marbella
Speaks Polish?: No
Interests: Travel,golf, good food, squash

Displayed posts: 18
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12 Nov 2009
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

Pay attention when they speak

This applies to all women, however I would say that my GF who is polish is without doubt the woman who has taken the atribute of talking and telling you what she thinks, what you think and how you should do certain things to a new level... amazing. I was married to a spanish woman for many years, and the spaniards like most latin women are highly strung, but my girl from Poland beats them all. Unique, singular and without scruples when it comes to getting her way and making sure you don't get yours....and to be honest I love it.
12 Nov 2009
Love / How to please Polish women? [216]

Grow some balls ffs!

My balls are fine thanks, they work perfectly and without being modest are perfect specimens.

Without dropping to a neanderthal level to be on par, you have quite a lot to learn and trust me it's sometimes better to have the upper hand although she might think she is in control, but then you need intelligence, charisma, the ability to listen and understand and without doubt a certain savoir faire to play in such a subtle and rewarding relationship. To please a Polish woman is no different than any other woman, yes balls are very important and believe me I use them. But no thanks for the advice.
11 Dec 2009
Life / Beggers namely Kurwa boys in Poland [70]


It's funny you should mention the railway station in Gdynia. Last month I had one begger that practically robbed me inside the station. Just put my hand in my pocket and the guy pounced on me knocking me over with the cash strewn all over the floor. Fortunately a couple of polish guys near by jumped in really quickly and give the guy a bit of kicking and chucked him out. To be honest it was my first experience of something like this (other than being held at gun point in Sao Paulo, now that was scary) ....There after it's made me think twice now before I decide to give anything; shame really as some people will no doubt genuinely need a handout for what ever reason.
25 Dec 2009
Love / Polish blonde and a British pensioner. No fool like an old fool, or is it love. [57]

A pensioner in love with a Polish blonde more than 40 years his junior has been forced to delay their Christmas wedding after she fell ill, he revealed today.

Patsy Brogan, 72, who has been married three times before, was planning to set off for Krakow from Ireland with his bride-to-be Daria Weiske, 29.

But the Boxing Day ceremony has been put on hold until the New Year after she went down with flu.

I Just had to laugh when I saw this. I wish them all the luck in the world...because they'll need it.

4 Jan 2010
Real Estate / How do you comment on "Poland real estate analysis" of the biggest property site [24]

Just to add a bit, congratulations to people that purchased property to live in and have no problem making their mortgage payments.

That's very true, lot's of people lose sight that; that IS the principal reason why you invest in property, to live in it. It's as simply as that...enjoy your home and invest in another property if you're prepared to go with the market...you might lose it, and some other things as well, so be careful. But as convex says, that's speculation.
9 Jan 2010
UK, Ireland / UKs worst drink driver is Polish. [24]


Britains worst ever drink driver is Polish....surprised!!! I know the poles like a drink or two, but this is really stupid and I would imagine hard to do especially if you want to drive home.
14 Jan 2010
Love / LIFE IN POLSKA....Englishman married to Russian... [30]


I can't help you with your question as I don't have a clue about these things, but I do sincerely wish you all the happiness in this world with your Russian girl.

Hey, If there's a stag do and it coincides I'm in Gdynia.... I want an invite OK... (if you organise a really good one I might even jump on a plane for it)
16 Jan 2010
Love / Is she genuine? - I would like some advice please re a Polish girl. [130]

What wildrover says is quite true.

I had quite a few problems with my Polish GF because of language and cultural misunderstandings. It's not easy when you're using a language that is not your own.

I suggest you take everything at a nice easy pace. If there are discrepencies in what she says, let her carry on and within a short period of time she'll dig a hole so big she won't be able to get herself out of it. If she's a genuine person, then they'll iron out over time.
4 Feb 2010
Law / Using a foreign-registered car in Poland [13]

Feb 5, 10, 21:53 - Thread attached on merging:
How long may I use a foreign registered car in Poland

I want to leave a Spanish registered car in Gdynia for my use when I'm over there. This should be no more than 2 to 3 months a year and at intervals of no more than a week or two at any one time. Can I do this without having to re-register the vehicle on Polish plates. Is there a limit before you must take the car out of the country? Thanks
20 Feb 2010
UK, Ireland / Polish woman in the UK gives birth then leaves the baby in hospital [28]

This is a story that happens all over the world unfortunately. We are not here to pass judgement. Only she will know why and for what reason. She is Polish, she could have been from anywhere. Women bear this predicament....isn't that enough that with all the problems that we face in life that someone has to make these choices....I'm glad I don't; I'm sooooo glad I don't have to. I feel bad that a woman has had to do this for what ever reason, because I know she feels a 100 times worst than I do, just thinking about it....
26 Feb 2010
Love / Do Polish women have bad tempers? [49]

My Polish woman has a temper that would send anyone into shock, quick isn't the word. Thankfully it's like water off a ducks back with me, which only makes her even worse.

I was married for many years to a Spanish girl..and they're famous for bad tempers. But if I'm honest my Polka beats her hands down. I think there's a pressure valve in her head and she just lets rip every now and then..Sometimes it's hilarious, but I've got to be careful otherwise she can be moody for days and that's not good, believe me.
12 Aug 2010
Love / Maintenance for child born between Irish/Polish parents. [60]

My advice here Inka622 is forget him. I know he should pay his part and if he was a decent man, he would. But I think your're banging your head against a brick wall. For 80€ a month, although sounds not a lot; I know that will buy a lot of nappies and food. But I don't think it's worth it. You will have problems with your ex for evermore, even if there is a court order placed. He will not change, sometimes you will recieve money other times not, and eventually nothing. Or he feels and wants to be a father, or he he will not.

Like a lot of men from ex-soviet states their mentality about their responsibilities towards child maintenance is zero. (there are many exceptions) but it is not uncommon to see this attitude. I have within my own family certain men who unfortunately do not support their children even though they are successful business men. They see this as something separate from there present day lifes (with another woman and children) It is as your man said, not his problem!! Shameful I know, but a harsh reality for many woman.

Try and cope without him. trust me you will be better off. Let him disappear, in the end you will be happy and your son will be also.

I wish you good luck and to be strong. You will need it.
27 Aug 2010
Love / In Poland - guys opinion about brazilian girls [21]

I live between Brazil, Poland and Spain. My business is in Brazil hence my Floripa name.

Brazilians have a different way at looking at sex than Europeans. It is common place for both men and women to have other sexual affairs and for their respective partners to know this. You just need to see carnival to understand what I'm saying (and not just in Rio; everywhere in Brazil celebrates carnival) South American women are in general far more liberal, but I must not generalize as obviously not all are like this. I personally prefer Polish women but then it's just my opinion.

However, If you ever get to go to Brazil you will find many of them absolutely out of this world....strong characters, not unlike Polish girls!!!!!.