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Joined: 24 Jul 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Mar 2010
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24 Jul 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

Having lived in Poland for 8 years, and having listened to 1000s of opinions of fellow ex-pats living here, I can summarise the general opinion on Pl girls:

Positive traits: hot, slim, feminine, cheerful, friendly, sweet, smiley, resourceful, considerate, sexy dancers, open-minded

Negative traits: simple, dumb, awful taste in men (unable to recognise a 'loser'), only plain pretty, insecure/too worried about what men think of them, lacking in ambition, lacking wit/sense of humour, slutty, too passive (don't stand up for themselves)

I think that covers everything.
25 Jul 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

So they are both hot, and plain? How does that work, then? lol

How does that work? Simple. I'm giving the general opinion. Many guys think they're hot, some complain that although there are a lot of pretty girls, there aren't many classy, stunning-looking ones. People have different opinions.

to spare us silly Polish girls the disappointment, could you Alx123 and all other losers wear a t-shirt with a massive I AM A LOSER DON'T DATE ME sign on it? thanks!

Thanks for the tip, but I don't think I could deal with all the attention LOL Only joking. Look, I never said it was my opinion. Though I have to say that I don't think I've met any foreigner in Krakow who has not remarked more than once "What is she doing with that loser?" at the sight of a hot girl with an insecure, not very attractive, jealous 'pantoflarz'-type guy who appears to have little going for him.
25 Jul 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

hence why you keep flooding this forum desperately wanting to find out how to seduce Polish girls ha ha.

It seems you are jumping to conclusions here. I was talking about the whole package, not the looks. You're right, looks aren't that important. I've spoken to lots of women here in relationships with insecure 'pantoflarz'-type guys - they say that stay with them out of fear of being with someone more challenging. They would even admit they feel safe with an insecure guy, because they know he'll let them do whatever they want and will always be waiting at home for them, even if he can never satisfy them. Everyone living in Poland knows this cultural phenomenon. I met a Polish girl in a cafe the other day, and she told me herself that when she goes abroad she can always recognise other Polish girls by looking at their boyfriends LOL I think the cultural differences are interesting. In England and the States etc, I think girls are more attracted to challenging, cooler guys - probably because the culture encourages ambition, and the girls are perhaps bolder.

Btw, I'm not trying to find out how to seduce Pl girls -I'm just writing cause I'm bored at the moment. But if any of you foreign guys are looking for tips, here's one: most Pl girls are afraid of being 'taken advantage of' by foreigners - this is because since the good old days of 1990s to 2002, so many foregners have come over to Poland and given us foreign guys a bad name. So, if u meet a Polish girl here, try to be as humble and warm as you possibly can. Don't come across as too cocky, playboy or cool - that will trigger a negative response immediately and you'll get nowhere (unless the girl is the super-confident type).
8 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

It all depends on what type of girl you're going for. If you have little respect for your d@ck and go for an average village girl with an inferiority complex, who has dated 10 losers before you, then obviously she may have confidence issues and therefore negativity.

I've been living in Poland over 7 years and I've recently been going only for hot, stylish, confident, intelligent-looking women. It's not because my standards are high. It's because it's a win-win situation - when you end up going out with such a woman, you feel great. When you get rejected, you also feel good because you had the balls for trying. With more 'average' girls (I'm talking about the whole package here, not the looks), it's lose-lose. If you get rejected, it's a temporary blow to the ego. If you go out with them, you have to put up with the complexes, negativity, the 'do you like me?' questions, etc. and also the 'pain' of seeing more desirable girls with guys you feel have less to offer than you. Most foreigners seem to go for the more 'average', less confident type of Polish girl (and yes, I can recognise the type very quickly - it's something about the way they speak, dress, etc.) Physically, I am also attracted to them too but I have to remind myself that it's pointless. What a battle we guys have going on between our heads and our d@cks! LOL
9 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

Question is were they going for you?

Working on one at the moment, but the point I was making is that is better to go for the non-average ones on principle, if you are living in Poland.

Another thing that no one has mentioned is that for some reason, many Polish girls (especially the villagy types) seem to think that if they are a little pretty, they don't need a personality, so when you start chatting to them you get with the same boring questions and predictable responses all the time. I think it may be 'cause the local guys kiss their a@@s too much. Anyway, I really don't know why you guys in England are obssessed with Polish girls. Living in Poland, you don't have a choice, but elsewhere there are so many more interesting girls.
9 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

The culture of a partilcular country can certainly shape the personalities of its people. In the States, for example, the culture strongly encourages ambition and individualism. While this has its downsides, it means that a lot of American girls have fun, sassy, bold characters. Unfortunately, most of the hot-looking ones seem to be only on TV. In Poland, the culture produces an inferiority complex and a rather more pessimistic attitude. Although they smile a lot, the girls tend to have passive, often boring characters and take things too seriously. Personally, I like independent girls who see themselves as individuals and aren't too influenced by their culture.
9 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

Have you even been to US? A lot of American girls are fat, a crushing majority are also sluts who had multiple...

Not since I was a child. I was talking about my experiences with Americans I've met in Europe. And I wasn't talking about their looks as I wrote. The American friends I have in Poland prefer Polish girls because they are on average prettier and lower maintenance.

Really? I've been to the States multiple times and i'd say the culture creates a cult of following, kills individuality and the middle class has no ambition, in fact US middle class lives their whole lives in cheap suburb houses

The culture has also produced many 'role models' of success in different fields.

Could you explain how does it produce such attitude?:)

Wtf..do I really have to waste my time and energy arguing something that even many Poles admit themselves is true? Read a history book.

How do these passive boring characters show off?

What do you mean show off?
9 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

If we're basing off history then Poles never lost hope, never gave up and never backed down, how is that negative?

I was referring to how their attitude towards the West has arisen from the communist and post-communist period - how they seem to blindly accept that everything that comes from the West is somehow 'superior', and that everything from Poland is 'inferior'. If you lived here you'd need a computer to calculate the number of times you hear the question "Why did you come to Poland?", "What are you doing in Poland?", "Why Poland? Why not [some other place]?" In each question the stress is on the word 'Poland' - like they cannot understand why anyone would want anything to do with this country. That, my friend, is an inferiority complex.

Like what? Britney Spears? An average american teenager is a dumb unambitious often obese creature

Come on...the innovation and achievement in business, science, music, film making etc.etc. is unparalelled. The culture makes it possible for people to believe in themselves and set big goals, if they should decide not to live like a dumb, ignorant, obese couch potato. Whether ambition is a good thing or not is another topic. Anway, my point was that this 'national confidence' must have some influence on the character, just as the Polish lack of it can explain some of their more 'negative' character traits.

As for ambition, the only ambition issues we have in our relationship is that she's earning twice as much as i do which hurts a bloody lot.

Why should it? Make sure it gets spent on you!

I stand corrected, the girls i've read multiple times are common as muck, that means Justysia and Wyspianska, the first is a classical Polish "village girl" and the other is the classical stuck up who thinks she's hot.

That's a bit harsh, man :) I don't know these girls you are talking about but from the few posts I've read by 'Justysia', I'd say that she writes well in English and has opinions, which contradicts the general characteristics of a typical Polish village girl.
10 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

A typical Polish girl is not a mindless monkey, speaking english is not rocket science, i've been beating this horse but she's from a low income small town, probably poor family, she grabbed the first foreigner she could and from that they on looks down on Polish men since its a social advance in her eyes.

It seems you and I are familiar with different scenes. I'm not that familiar with the ex-pat Polish scene outside Poland. I have no reason to seek out Polish girls when I'm in England but I'm surrounded by them in Poland obviously. A village girl to me is a simple girl from a small town, studying/working in a larger town, having no opinions of her own on anything, brainwashed by Catholicism, very low maintenance, dodgy dress sense, limited sense of humour, etc., etc. There are varying degrees of 'villageness' of course. Also, Polish girls in Poland aren't too crazy about foreigners - at least not as much as they used to be. And in Krakow, foreigners, especially Brits, have managed to achieve such a bad reputation that many Polish girls try to avoid them these days.

If you want to get into negative traits then you have all the justysias from some god forsaken holes in Poland searching for their one true "love" abroad, sometimes they get gold and date a white guy but whenever you see a white girl with some black, asian or other type of paki you've got a 50% chance its a Polish girl, they'll date stuff that most white English girls wont touch just because it has a passport.

Even in Poland they date stuff that Western girls wouldn't touch. More often than not I see a decent-looking girl with either some vulgar Addidas-wearing ape, or a total 'pantoflarz' (i.e. a submissive, insecure, jealous, a@@-kissing type guy). Many girls here are very unselective, which lots of guys who come here like about them, but the drawback is that if you consider yourself a decent guy, and you want to have some fun in the evening, you have to compete with all the losers in the club. I'm not one for political correctness, and I see what you are trying to say about black/asian etc guys, but that last statement of yours seems a bit strong.
10 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

They actually have some weird criteria for selection.

Weird, yes. I have seen some quite astonishing mis-matches during my years here. But I'm not only talking about physical appearance. The wuss-like behaviour of many of their loser boyfriends would be enough to put off most western girls - e.g. getting visibly jealous and angry their women check out/talk to other guys, submissively allowing their women to lead them everywhere, etc. I could be wrong here, but I believe that the influence of the church and parental conditioning means that girls put the ideal of a family above everything else and perhaps they think a mediocre, less challenging guy is going to be more stable and a better candidate for a husband, even though such a guy cannot satisfy their every need. In western cultures, good-looking women tend to be more ambitious and demanding. I would like to read some Polish girls' opinions on this, but I realise that the girls on this forum probably do not represent the majority of Polish girls in Poland.

even if the expression is a very big nose

Looks like you've seen me 'in action' then ;)
10 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

I don't believe it.They talk about marriage in order to take out the guilty feeling of sleeping with sb.

I was talking about why they end up in long-term relationships with mediocre guys who seem not to be able to satisfy them. Obviously, during those relationships many of them will sleep with other guys too.
11 Aug 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

I learnt it from books, drinking lots of Zywiec :), chatting with strangers on websites like interia, reading newspapers, memorising vocabulary with computer programmes, etc.

To be honest, I don't particularly like the language. It's difficult to express yourself in a very precise way like in English, and this has nothing to do with the fact that I know English better. Polish vocabulary seems more limited. When I ask someone to translate something complicated for me, the Polish version often seems rather basic.

Anyway, ex-pats who have lived in Poland for some time generally know at least enough to get by, though I have known a few who have been here nearly 10 years and have made no effort to learn anything.
11 Aug 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

This isn't the majority view and it doesn't really go with my experience.

Not the majority view? No offence but that's bullsh@t! Firstly, it's not a 'view', it's a fact. Statiscally, English has the highest number of distinct words (around 250,000) of all languages in the world. This number may not even include all the phrasal/compound verbs etc that exist which themselves have distinct meanings. So there's no way Polish can be as sophisticated as English. I don't know the figure for Polish, but it's probably considerably less.
11 Aug 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

I don't think this thread was intended to create a flame war about which language is better.

So, it was intended to invite only 'politically-correct' views? I agree it's disrespectful and impractical not to learn the language of the country you are living in. However, the poster also asked 'What do you think of it?' So, I'm giving my view, that I don't particularly like using it. However, I do love the swearing. Polish is definitely the best language for swearing...very forceful and aggressive ;)

You can't compare Polish language spoken in Poland to English which is used in many big countries like US or UK.

Of course, you can compare them. If you speak them both, you can compare them. Polish often sounds rather primitive by comparison with its over-used words like 'zapraszam', 'oferta', 'super' (didn't that word begin to die out in English after the Abba era?), 'fajny' and many others. In fact, to a native speaker of English making an effort to learn other languages, the active vocabulary most other languages tends to be rather limited too. I'm not bashing Polish in particular. Just that English has been heavily influenced by several languages (Latin, German, French, etc) and their contributions partly explain its rich lexicon. Having said that, there are some useful words in Polish which don't have an exact equivalent in English. 'Pantoflarz' is one of my favourites to describe a guy who is controlled by his wife or girlfriend. Somehow, 'a henpecked man' isn't practical and words like 'a p***y', 'wuss' etc. are too informal and general in meaning.
11 Aug 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Wimp is good. But it's also used in a more general context and therefore doesn't convey the specific meaning. 'pantoflarz' definitely deserves its place in the jargon of English-speaking ex-pats in Poland :P
12 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

I like submissive.

Ironically, confident women are 'easier' than shy, submissive girly types. Most guys go for the shy ones because they think they are easier so you end up competing with every loser out there. With the smart confident type, it's easier to make a connection - you just have to be a little cockier than them or just boldly honest. You don't have much to lose - if she's hot at least you tried and plus you're gonna be competing with much fewer guys. Took me a long time to learn that.

So leave me alone.

Well you kind of asked for it mate. :P
12 Aug 2009
Life / Do expats living in Poland speak Polish? [233]

Ask people who speak both English and Polish fluently, which language they think best differentiates subtle shades of an expression? Especially when it comes to emotions it's generally accepted, by people who speak both Polish and English, that Polish have more subtle shades.

You have carried out a survey then?
I regularly read, write and speak in Polish. I probably have a lot more contact with the language than you. I can't say I'm completely fluent yet, but I work with people who are, plus bilingual speakers/translators I know have also complained of the simplistic translations of English words provided by bilingual dictionaries.

Your lack of linguistic knowledge disturbs me.

Your a**-kissing of Polish culture is beginning to disurb me ;)
14 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

I don't think there is distinction between shy and bold girls.The distinction is between party girls and librarian types.Many times party girls are more difficult to get.

Among the main types of girls I've come across are:

1) uneducated sexy-but-dodgy looking girls who seem to go exclusively for 'dresiarze' (vulgar addidas-wearing skinhead guys). In Krakow, some ex-pats call such girls 'Hutas' because many of them come from the poor industrial district of Nowa Huta.

2) Confident, classy, slightly more more mature girls who don't often go to clubs. Usually engaged or married.
3) simple, young, often shy and naive 'librarian-type' village girls that frequent the cheap student clubs like Carpe Diem
4) slightly above-average looking party girls with v little personality who go to posher clubs and think they hotter than they are (we just call them 'deluded')

5) Girls who like and hang around exclusively with foreigners. Most of them are rather average in the looks department (not an expression I use, but I've come across the term 'language wh***s')

6) Hippies, freaks, wierdos, bisexuals etc. Can be found in gay-friendly clubs like Kitsch. Unpredictable.

The decent, classy ones are the hardest ones to find, especially if they're single, but those ones are girlfriend-material. The most difficult ones are the Hutas, unless you have a shaven head, look like the Hulk without the green, and can say 'kurwa' after almost every word. The village girls are definitely the easiest to approach but their deep inferiority complexes make you almost feel guilty about shagging them.
16 Aug 2009
Love / Polish Girls negative or positive personality trait? [267]

most young people going to sunday mass

I think so-called confession in the Catholic church surely must give the people a get-out-of-jail-free card. They can commit whatever petty 'sins' they want, go and confess to the 'Lord' and everything is all right. That may allow them to handle the guilty feelings better than others.
17 Aug 2009
Love / Are 98% of young Polish girls emotionally unstable and mood changing? [191]

In Polish nightclubs Spanish/Italian/Portuguese (etc) boys seem to be quite popular among Polish girls.

That is what you see as a northern European. The reality is quite different. While many Polish girls find the dark looks attractive, they are often very skeptical about dating Mediterranean men, considering them to be players, cheaters, etc. Plus, another reason why you see that is because southern men tend to be more active in terms of approaching random women than other men.

I am just saying the the spainsh man has alot of competion in the night clubs of poland.

Yes, that is true. And given that Polish girls in general aren't the pickiest, the competition could be almost anyone :)
27 Jan 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

FACT: Most Western guys tend to date Polish girls cause they can't get a decent-looking Western girl.
FACT: Polish and Eastern European women tend to be better looking than their Western counterparts, though not always classier.

Only problem is the mentality. It's generally difficult to have a connection with a Polish girl, other than a sexual one, because of the mentality. Girls in Poland tend to have this simple "finish school-get married early-go to church-have kids" aim in life and if you're a guy with unique passions/ambitions they are hard to relate to on a deeper level.

Don't know about Russian girls. I assume they are more 'confident' as a people due to their history and culture, and perhaps more complex. I would like to find out.
28 Jan 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Fact, you have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.

If you are one of these guys who can't get a decent western girl, then I am sorry to have offended you :). But it is the general opinion of foreigners living in Poland that the girls tend to have very simple aspirations in life (due to cultural and economic factors). Simple girls can be fun to go out with, etc but if you want a proper relationship forget it. OK, there are a few exceptions, especially in warsaw....

the other polically incorrect truth is that having a Polish girl is self-esteem boost for many foreign guys who can't get a girlfriend otherwise...the guys delude themselves and the girls seem unable to see this.

Anyway, to stay on topic, are Russian women the same way? Are they more or less ambitious? more or less relationship material? Anyone with experience in this area?
28 Jan 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

I'm curious though, where did you get this fact from?

OK, was just a bit of provocation ;) But my points still stand.
28 Jan 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

But Russians have always been winners so they show some kind of arrogancy sometimes,

That would be the ideal combination - Eastern looks with Western/US-style sassy confidence....as long as they're friendly towards foreigners ;)
28 Jan 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Oh, and I would hardly call a young lady from Kraków or Warszawa a provincial girl!

It's actually quite rare to meet a 'young lady' from Kraków or Warsaw, even in Krakow and Warsaw. Warsaw, being the capital, attracts people from all over the country for work opportunities. In Krakow, many girls come from provincial areas of Poland to study.
1 Feb 2010
Love / Are all Polish men Psychos? [111]

He's just not into you. Get over yourself.

Amen. The only sensible 'advice' on this thread.
The guy sounds like a bit of a wuss anyway, making all those improbable excuses.
1 Feb 2010
Love / Polish Girls vs Russian Girls [813]

Actually it's less easy to pull in the clubs than in the daytime (cafes, shops etc). They can become very deluded in clubs because of over-attention from needy desperate guys and due to low standards almost anyone can be competition. Depends on club though. 9-10 years ago it was a completely different story.