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Posts by Zachariah  

Joined: 24 Jun 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 25 Sep 2009
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 26 / In This Archive: 21
From: Sydney
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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26 Sep 2009

Making consumer products is one thing, capital works is another. Go to Shanghai and you will be impressed with the roads, bridges and buildings etc.

I have no doubt the Chinese will do a good job. Btw much is the contract worth?
29 Sep 2009

I am confidant that the Chinese will do a good job and that it will be money well spent. If they fail to deliver to expectations then I will run down these Chinese built roads naked and post it on Youtube for all to see :)

we Chinese can make good quality products
they are experienced enough to produce something or build road

I hear you buddy :)
26 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]


I am 36 yrs of age and have just quit my good, secure job in Sydney because I decided the time is right to move to Poland and explore business opportunities. The immediate plan is to find a job teaching English and/or working for a company who may need people to service their English speaking clients but I will keep an open mind and consider any job to support myself. This should give me a pretty good idea to see how things work there and to familiarize myself on the local customs. I can speak basic Polish which is of course very advantageous but I am keen to improve and I am confidant it will. I also have family there so I won't be totally alone.

My ultimate goal is to setup a little cafe somewhere and build from there. I am also interested in the idea of setting up an import/export company but I will think about this more once I have established myself.

My mother is a little bit nervous about my plans, nevertheless one must not let fear and uncertainty get in the way of their dreams and aspirations. Anyway I have already committed myself so there is no turning back now. Besides the initial challenges of starting a new life in an unfamiliar place, I am encouraged by the economical and political situation in Poland. It fills me with great hope and optimism for her future.

The reason I am writing this post is to see if there are others out there who are thinking of emigrating to Poland or seeking business opportunities there? I would love to make contact (or contacts) with like minded people or hear your opinions. Perhaps you are already there doing it? If so, I would love to hear from you.

Who knows maybe we can meet up and share in this adventure together.

Thanks for reading.

26 Nov 2011
Australia / Student from Poland wants to get to Australia [10]


I think your chances are very good and if you speak / write the language then even better. Australia is apparently suffering a skills shortage in trades and other professions and is relying on qualified foreign workers to fill the gaps. There is a mining company that is specifically targeting Polish workers:


Some big miners offer graduate programs and will fast-track you into the workforce. It would be worth your while to look into it further. You will be paid well to.

Btw I have been working in the Telecommunications and IT industry for 10 years and have had enough. I have decided to quit my job and move to Poland to explore business opportunities. I would appreciate any advice, tips or local information you can offer a fellow Pole.

Good luck!

26 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]


Thank you very much for your reply Pawel and I happy to know that my story was inspiring to you :) I will definitely continue this post and share my experiences with all who are interested.

I would love to go the U.S for a holiday but I would not go there seeking a new life for myself. Australia on the other hand is a great country and there are many opportunities if you are prepared to work hard for it but unfortunately I can't afford the time because my babsia is getting old. To fulfill my aspirations and to spend much of the little time of have left with her is to simply move to Poland. In my book family comes first and business comes second.

Besides, the economic situation looks very promising so it is a good time to go especially for those wishing to get into business of some sort. Poland has a robust internal consumption, the zloty is weaker against the main currencies which makes it good for exporters, inflation is stable and interest rates are low. It makes pretty good business sense to invest in Poland right now.

What are you doing in the U.S right now? If you were to go back what will you do?

26 Nov 2011
Australia / Student from Poland wants to get to Australia [10]

I live in Adelaide and have thought about the Polish option as well, I am actually visiting in December.

Cool! Make sure you come back later and post your views and opinions. I would love to hear what you have to say.

27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

Hey Sky,

I have since changed my view after reading up on some recent opinions and articles and I now think that America is still the land of opportunity. It does not matter where you are really, if you have a good idea or a sound business plan and prepared to work hard towards your goals then one can be very well rewarded for their efforts especially in a place like America. The same goes for unskilled workers and the uneducated, if they have a plan and willing to invest their time and energy wisely to fulfill their goals and aspirations then I can't see why they can't make it to. I guess it all comes down to ones vision, knowing who he or she is, their attitude and the right personal attributes.

Anyway thanks for waking me up to this fact and helping me put things back in persepctive :) I think all the negative economic news coming out of America and elsewhere has affected my better judgement.

Thanks for the well wishes to :)

27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

Hey Aphro and thanks for posting!

I will first go over on a holiday to get aquainted with the place and to do a bit of research. Once I am there, I will engage a solicitor to assist me with the legal aspects on working and doing business in Poland. I am an Australian citizen but I plan to become a Polish citizen in the future. Again I will get a solicitor to assist me with the legal aspects. Btw I believe Poland does not recognize dual citizenship but apparently I can still apply for citizenship and passport as long as I can prove that one or both of my parents was born in Poland.

27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

Hey Polanglik and thanks!

I have family in Warsaw and Krakow but I plan to do a road trip to see as much of the country as possible. As for where to settle down, that is yet to be decided.

If you do decide to go back to Poland what will you do there?

I will let you know when I am in Warsaw or Krakow so watch this space around April :)

Btw re where to send your kids to get the best education, I wouldn't have a clue about this but if I had the money I would probably send them to an international or private school. You should post a new thread :)

27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

Wow there are some interesting posts already and some of it not so rosey.

It looks like teaching english is no longer a viable option. Well at least I have some money behind me so it's not like I will be desperate to find a job to survive but the reason why I want a job is to experience life as a local and try and to improve my Polish. I really don't care what the job is and how much I get paid, I will consider this as positive progress.

Like I said, I am just coming for a working holiday to get a feel for things, do research and explore potential opportunities. I have to be there on the ground to see for myself because that's the only way I will be able to do fulfill this mission properly. When the time is right I will come back and give something a shot.

If my adventure does not work out then fine. I will learn from the experience and move on to a new plan whatever that may be.

Btw it would be very interesting to see how many foreigners are currently operating in Poland. I will try and talk to as many as possible and get their views. You know in Australia, there are many foreigners (especially Asians) setting up shop. Most seem to be in the food game. What I find interesting is that alot of them do not even speak any english. I simply point to what I want on the menu and they bring it out. Too easy!

Speaking of food, I am curious to see and experience the food scene in Poland.

Thanks to everyone for their posts. I will respond to them shortly.

27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

cafe shops come and go with little profit and massive headaches and red tape

Really? That's interesting....

In Australia they are everywhere. I know a guy who opens up at 8am and finishes at 4.30pm. He reckons he sells between 400 to 800 cups a day. A small cup is about $3 and large $3.60. Starbucks coffee is even more expensive.

What is the average price for a latte in Warsaw or Krakow?

27 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

If interested I am looking for a partner who can promote tourism/MICE out of Poland to India. Its just about exploiting your contacts and you earn yourself a good amount for whatever business you are able to promote. And if you enjoy travelling, you may accompany them on the tour as well.

Hey Mohit! That sounds really cool actually. I will seriously think about it and hear what you have to say. Just so you know I will be in Poland in April and plan on staying there for 6 months checking things out.

Do you know any Indians in Poland at the moment?

Where are you based?

28 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

Hey Big Man,

The main reason for going to Poland is to spend quality time with my grandmother before she passes on. This is very important to me and a priority. I will come for a holiday first then return on a perm basis once I have sorted everything out.

As I have menioned my preference is to be self reliant so I wont have to rely on anyone. Obviously getting into business is a way to do that. As to what exactly, well that is something I have to figure out but I truly feel mentally prepared to give it a real go.

Yes I am very well aware of the extreme weather conditions in Poland. This does worry me a little to be honest haha..

I am really interested to see how people work and how businesses operate during the freezing months.

Thank so much for all the information :)

29 Nov 2011
Law / I am starting a new business life in Poland (coming from Sydney) [84]

WL, Sky, you are both right :)

Starting business in Poland is a priority because I need a way to generate an income so I can become self reliant. I just have to figure what the business is going to be and how to go about it.

Achieving my business goals will enable me to stay in Poland longer which means I will be in a position to see my gran all the time.

So in a way you can say I am doing it for both love and money. Now of course there is no guarantee that I will succeed with the business. It might turn out to be the biggest flop ever and dissapointment. If I fail with the business then I fail my gran. This will be on my mind and the driving force.

You will know all about it in 12-18 months if you tune in too this post.

Sorry for any confusion on my part, hopefully the above makes it a bit clearer as to what is motivating me.

Besides, I am curious about Poland and want to experience everything about it. I want to do it now, not later.


WL, Sky, you are both right

Sorry that was meant to be WP.


Whats your fav brand of Vodka

Mledosz and you can get it in Sydney!


Give me logistics anytime :)
Good luck to you :)

I am glad to hear, thank you so much :)


Update - I am waiting on my Polish Citizenship to be formalised. I have no idea when it is going to be ready. Hopefully sometime in the next 3 months if not sooner.

Anyway still keeping the dream alive. Will post another update soon.

1 May 2012
History / Obituaries with a connection to Poland. [18]

Merged: Chester Grabowski of Clifton, newspaper publisher and advocate for Polish-Americans, dies

I want to post a tribute to Chester Grabowski who passed away last Wednesday. He stood up and took action to preserve the honour of all Polonians. May his spirit live on.

You an read about him here...


P.S I have subsribed to the family's news service the Post Eagle to show my appreciation and support. It is only $35 for a year subscription. I encourage everyone to do the same.

3 May 2012
Australia / Student from Poland wants to get to Australia [10]

Hello hague1cmaeron,

I am really sorry for the late reply but to be honest I didn't see your posts it until now.

Please tell me how do you rate the local cuisine? Can you buys a decent cuppucino and pizza in the places you visited?
