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Posts by anton888  

Joined: 5 Jun 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 9 May 2010
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Posts: Total: 82 / In This Archive: 56
From: poland warsaw
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: shopping

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5 Jun 2009
Love / Filipina having a relationship with a Polish Man [95]

I hope you guys don't have kids. Why isn't his mother beating him over the head?

Because he is not going out with people like you. I am so sorry for you, but don't be sad, there are many disgusting insects like you in your tiny little village. Stay where you are and hope that your next life will not be so miserable. Good luck!

They have a great health care system

Are you really about Poland? You mean the public hospital? Strange...

Bureacracy runs much faster, smoother and more efficient

Again, Poland??

Shopping here is a delight. They have lots of charming little shops in every town

Are you really serious about what it?

Have you ever been to Poland??:)

No offence man, just surprised that you have such a different point of view.
5 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Here again. Whenever there is something about Jews or Isreal, their supporters start to talk about what happened in WW2. Plsease, there are many people died in that war, Jews are not the only who suffered, what about the Chinese, they were as well tortured and killed by the Jap by millions. So should we start to talk about this when someone critised China on human right issues? What is going on in Palestan is the reason why people don't like Jews today, nothing about WW2. I am very sorry about what happened to them during Nazi era, but that's the past and stop using it to cover those crimes they are commiting right now. Not only Polish, anyone who believe in peace will hate Jews!
5 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

What is going on in Palestine is the reason why people don't like Israel today

You are right. My mistake.

However, am I right that this issue because Isreal insisit to be a Jewish state and can't tolerate high population of Arabs in the country??
5 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Right. That's why they do not allow those refugees to come back to their homes and this is 1 of the main issue that can't be solved. If they do so, as they should, there will be more Arabs in Isreal, and it will not be a Jewish state any more.
5 Jun 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Now imagine today the bankers were all members of a specific group, it would not be hard to see how people could hate them

Agreed 100%
29 Jun 2009
Love / Is Indian/Polish relationship possible? [370]

10 years to build one bridge in India

It took 23 years for Polish to build a single line metro in Warsaw.
Can't remember exactly how many kilometre of highway was built in Poland last year....between 20-30?

I am not saying India is better, and mostly not agreeing with those comments from researchas, but we just need to talk about facts and figures, I found it very funny for someone defending Poland by critising other nations ability to build things.
23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

But every Jew was a victim

Yes, was, is history now. Today, Isreal is on the other side, creating thousands and thousands of Palestinian victims, force them out of their home, taking their land, destroy the future of their children. This is still happening TODAY!!!
23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

clowns among you who keep spouting nonsense slogans that are based on fantasies,

Can you actually say what is going on in the region TODAY have nothing to do with Jew?? The housing they are building TODAY in occupied land is call 'jewish settlement'. The reason they occupied this land becuase "god promised them'.

I don't want to go deeper on this subject, but just can't stand a group of people keep calling themsleves victims TODAY when the incident happened even before most of this poeple was born and at the same time, tried to use this as an excuse to ignore other opinions, continue to destroy families of other religion...or tried to claim land, properties even in country like Poland.

I wrote before, what happened is wrong, but is history.
26 Sep 2009

I think outsoursing project to foreign company can at least prevent the usual pratice of someone 'taking' the building material for own use and make up the differece in other kind of cheap material (sand in stead if cement). You can see the roads in Poland are far worst quality compare to the road Polish companies built aboard. When you are dealing with foreign authroies to build this kind of project, in principle is much more difficult to cheat, much more control and concequences.

The poor quality of roads in Poland and those apartments in China which need to be fix in 6 months are both products of incorrect bulding materials, not too much about the building techniques. As long as there will be corruption in local authories, you can expect more this kind of product. Is not the Japanese or Scandinavian know how to build better, only their society is less corrupt.

China produce cheap and poor quality products becuase importer in other countries buy them. We have huge population, can not afford to be picky in choosing clients, so we produce the selling price with equal quality (yes, some cases are worst).

Chinese government wanted this project because after the olipmics there are many workers with good experience available, so is an idea to keep them busy even if the project will not bring in profit (China don't really need it), is a better way to handle this issue than just give some benefits to keep alive or assign these workers to a completely new job, now they are keeping and improving their skills.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]


All the inventions in the world are from white european. The 4 ancient culture, China, Egypt, India and Babylon are all built by white European. They leave their countries and go to other continent, build all these things, invent all the languages. Perhaps those history found more than 5000 years ago is actually written by white european. After that, they move back to Europe, wait 1000 years or more and then start their own history. To be precise, these european are Polish.

Is there anything more funny than this?
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Yes, you are right. Is not funny but is the truth. Pls tell more people about it. I think the truth should not be hidden. People in the world should know that white European actually start history in other continents before they have their own.

Thank you, I learn alot from you. That's why Polish have 1 of the highest IQ in Europe and 1 of the most well educated as well.

Bless you.
15 Oct 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Vikings, with their ferocious power and skills they made the best fighters. And this was thousands of years ago.

Vikings had thousands, again thousands years of history? How many thousands? I just ask those who actually born in Scandinanvia, I mean born there, native not those immigrants went there during communist era from some eastern countries. They said different. Strange, but I guess they don't know anything about their ancestors.

Thank you Dariusz, again you make my eyes open, and pls, could you go to the education ministry in Norway and make sure that they will teach their people the right history since you know better?
16 Oct 2009
News / Poland's Organized Crime [58]

Polish mobsters in Chicago are working together with Russians, Serbs and Italians.

So the Polish mobsters are better than the government, they are able work together with other nations not against. :-)
12 Nov 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

why there are no developing countries in Europe

Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova

Is Poland a developing country? Or she is considered a well developed country? Pls, I just want to know the actual status of Poland in the world, not wishful thinking. Thanks!
12 Nov 2009
News / Mass immigration to Poland - article and response [479]

Thank you.

There are still large amount of Poles immigrate to other countries, maily UK and Ireland, taking jobs for under iminum wages. They got huge amount of EU aid, and the latest about green energy, they also used the status of 'developing' in order to get even more aid for the clean coal solution. All of these suggested the status of a developing country, that's why I am confused.
15 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

I don't see what s the issue here, there shouldn't be any christian, especially in a very welll educated and high IQ country like Poland against taking off any religious symbol in classroom. Christianity is not like other religious (as I read in the forum), they represent open minded people, democratic idea, western culture, so I think they do not have problem to let the kids to choose their religious when they are old enough. If a child is not allow to vote for their president, this suggest that they are not yet mature enough to know what is best for them. All the comments from open minded christian suggest that they are differnt than mulisms which the famaily control the thought of their kids, forcing them to take side (or tradition in this matter) when they don't know what is right for them.

So, should there be double standard or not?
15 Nov 2009
News / Crucifixes to stay in Polish schools [364]

crosses in schools as long as children are not being forced to believe that

That's very correct. In all public school religious study is a must in PL, maybe not by law but the kids and parents will have a very hard time if they choose different.
21 Dec 2009
Life / Ripped Off in Poland? - Expose here: [185]

I bought 3 kgs of chicken on Fri in a large French owned hypermarket, the queue was so long that you wait at least 20 min to get your meat and found out that they are rotten, have to throw them all away. In fact, it happened at least 2-3 times a month for the last couple of years, and I had tried different places, those so called 'better' supermarkets (P&P, or alma) even worst. Does it count as ripped off? They may not be the most expensive in this world but is not eatable by normal people who don't drink enough and notice the smell from them (chicken is always the worst).

I don't want to argue with any body who think nothing is wrong here but I would need advice where to buy food. Because of this, I also feel not comfortable when eating out as I think they will careless about the quality of the meat than the waste. I live in Magdalenka, any advice pls.
22 Dec 2009
News / Freezing weather in Poland, 42 people dead in winter freeze... and no-one cares? [140]

In Russia, I accept this. The state doesnt care. But Poland?

1) In every coutries unfortunately people die when weather became extreme (hot or cold). Is bad and unacceptable but I also realised that is the sad fact and will be like this forever, perhaps worsen.

2) What made you think that Poland state care? Perhaps you watch Polish political advertisment and not the Russian one? From what you see on a daily life, you will found that it is all the same in the eastern part, hopefully this will improve....in years

3) Yes, again unfortunately some of those homeless (alcoholic ones) you can't really do much about them, as above posts said, they care only alcohol.

Is sad, but true.
3 Jan 2010
Food / Why is it that some Polish people refuse to eat anything that is not Polish? [120]

I think is normal to prefer your own national cuisine, but can't really stand those ppl asking 'how you can eat this' or making all those sounds to suggest those kind of food is disgusting only because you not use to it. Cabbage that had been cooked for days smell and look really bad as well, so what is the issue with prawns and lobsters?
21 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Poland is growing, no doubt. However, average salary is still below 1000 Euro. There are still mass immigration to the West, taking the lowest pay jobs. The economic is driven by private sector, FDI because of size of the market (there isn't another 'developing' EU country with this size of population). The development is concentrated in a few places and a few groups of ppl.

I did not realize just the fortunate few use PF

You shouldn't be surprise, first is because of English and second is not that cheap to use internet in PL.

I agree with your point of view. The poor population is growing at the same rate as the middle class. Those arguement about every country at the moment is suffering is correct, but I think we should look at the standard of suffering. Those countries are at a higher level, because they developed during the good years and it takes quite a big sum to run their system now. In here it stay the same or getting worst. Last few years were the best years of growth in PL but you can see there isn't any big improvement in public sector. Hospital, school, roads are still in poor standard. In those years the combined KM of highway built is below 100.

I do heard about ppl not geting pay for months in private (or public listed) companies in Poland, however, the issue is not that there isn't any money but when the cash flow is tight, the usual practice here or in this part of the Europe is not to pay the staffs. Same as Public sector, is not like there isn't any money to improve anything, but the money went to a few chosen one. A simple exmaple is the roads. The same roads is being repair every year. Is it because PL ppl don't know how to build road? No, because part of the building material is stolen for private use and that's why, the road built is not up to the standard and destroy very easy. Specially in the part of the countries that no improant ppl will see. Until I see there is more money spend on improving ppl living standard, I would not say "Poland's Economy is no joke" because if slightly drop in the growth or money from aboard, there will be a huge problem and will be very hard for PL to handle.

ps Pls kindly do not whoever country is worst, because we are talking about Poland not try to compare if Poland is better than africa or ukraine.
21 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Sorry my mistake, that's HUGE development. Is great! Should be pround of it!
21 Jan 2010
News / New Polish gambling law - outlawing gambling except in casinos [34]

I just heard that they can't control if ppl gambling on internet but they check with the banks to find out whoever withdraw money from internet gambling site and then tax the amount 40% plus a heavy fine. They do not count the amount you depoosit to the site but only how much you withdraw. Is it true? Can they do that? I also heard that already a few ppl get into trouble...
22 Jan 2010
News / Poland's Economy Is No Joke [63]

Sometimes in places outside the city center or only the back street of city center (especially in Lodz), you can have the feel of north Korea or some war torn countries. I think the tourism organisations can promote it as "A Safe place to experience War Torn feeling" :-)
25 Jan 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

I don't know any
Pole who would express any kind of dislike towards Serbia

It is because they are close to Russia. Anyone close to Russia is bad, American say that, so must be true!