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Joined: 23 May 2009 / Male ♂
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From: Poznan
Speaks Polish?: I do
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12 Jun 2009
Law / How to register a new business in Poland [129]


firstly you have to consider if you really want to set up a company. You can provide an business aktivity as a sole trader - in such case the cost would be lower and the procedure of setting up wouldn't be so comlicated. As a sole trader you can also draw invoices.
22 Jul 2009
Law / How to register a new business in Poland [129]

The natural person as an individual can run an business activity (without setting up any company). For this purpose it have to be registered by business record (town council), tax office, statistic office, insurance office (ZUS). The main advantages: lower costs of accounting, no obligation to submit the yearly financial statements, no obligation to bring in the initial capital (share capital), lower costs of setting up an business activity - lower registration fees etc. But the main disadvantage is that you bear the entire liability for the debts arising during running your business.
23 Jul 2009
Law / How to register a new business in Poland [129]

I'm talking about polish people and foreigner from the countries of the european union. You as Canadian cannot run business activity as a sole trader.

The shareholders (owners) of sp. z o.o. (Ltd) and spółka akcyjna (joint stock company) don't bear any liability for the debts of the company.
25 Jul 2009
Law / How to register a new business in Poland [129]

First question: not - you have to be registered as a sole trader in the business record (town council), tax office, statistic office, insurance office (ZUS). In such case you have to have an business address in Poland (for example your private address in Poland) ! The costs of setting up a sole trader businnes activity are lower because of lack of register fees etc.

On the other hand you can set up a company (a sole trader business activity is not deemed to be company). A company (Ltd and joint stock company) have to be registered by register court - in such case you have to collect a capital for your company (for Ltd it's at least PLN 5,000), draw up articles od association etc. A company have to be also registered by tax office, statistic office.

If you run business activity as a sole trader you bear full personally liability for the debts. In case of company your liability is limited to the extent of the capital of the company (for the debts ist liable only a company).

In both cases you have to be registered in Poland and you have to have an business address in Poland but it's not problem because many consulting firms rent their rooms for business activity address for PLN 100 monthly.

If you need further help please contact me by my private mail box.
30 Aug 2009
Law / To know about the Jatux company in Poland? [33]



KRS 0000260086 (Register number)
Firm status: active firm
Registration date: 2006-07-05
Every board director
Board director:
BACZEWSKI ROBERT − Board director
29 Sep 2009
Law / Setting up small business in Poland? [191]



I can help you by setting up a business in Poland.
If you wish contact me please: gregor_gajda@web.de
4 Jan 2010
Law / To know about the Jatux company in Poland? [33]

rt2009,Jatux sp. z o.o. is existing in the polish court register. So, the best way could be to commence legal proceedings before a polish court. You have to act asap because such companies transfer their assets very quickly and than there are many problems with the enforcement of a court judgment.
7 Jan 2010
Law / To know about the Jatux company in Poland? [33]

oklahama - the procedure of legal action before the polish court is complicated for foreigners. The court's fee depends on the high of claims (5 % of the claims not less than PLN 30 and not more than PLN 100.000; in some cases it amounts one fourth of 5 % - it depends on a procedure). You should also add the translation's fee of the documents and of course lawyer's fee. If you are interested send me PM on my mail box please.
8 Jan 2010
Law / To know about the Jatux company in Poland? [33]

the sales contract should include the condictions of cancellation. If the contract doesn't include such provisions, the conditions of cancellation are regulated in the domestic law of one of the parties or in the international commercial law (the choice of the law depends on various conditions).
5 Feb 2010
Law / To know about the Jatux company in Poland? [33]

In my opinion you should take legal steps asap. Do you have a written agreement with the Jatux? First you have to analyse the stipulations of the written agreement. You should also consider what kind of law is applicable in this matter. Could you write where are you from? Secondly you should extend final payment demand and then take a legal action before polish court (if the Jatux will not pay). You have to take into account the limitation of claim. That's why I suggest you to take legal action asap.
21 Feb 2010
Law / Setting up small business in Poland? [191]

Hi Rahul,

I'm a lawyer with the strong experiance in advising for foreigner investors in Poland. If you wish I can give you all information needed for setting up a business in Poland. My email adress is: gregor_gajda@web.de
22 Feb 2010
Law / To know about the Jatux company in Poland? [33]


I suggest you should take the legal steps asap. Mr Dabkowski is owner of four companies listed in the polish commercial register. It could be easier to enforce the court decision.
23 Feb 2010
Law / Info about REM-WIG PHU WALDEMAR GOLAWSKI company [10]


you can find below the most important information about G&G Investments.


Capital: 6000,00 PLN
Seat: POMORSKIE/Gdańsk/Gdańsk/Gdańsk
KRS number: 340004
Register Court: Sąd Rejonowy Gdańsk-Północ w Gdańsku VII Wydział Gospodarczy - KRS

Board of Directors:
GOLIŃSKI KAMIL PAWE£ PESEL: 76112003758 Chairman

GOLIŃSKI KAMIL PAWE£ PESEL: 76112003758 Share: 30 shares, total value: 3.000 PLN
GONCERZEWICZ TOMASZ WOJCIECH PESEL: 78050807038 Share : 30 shares, total value 3.000 PLN

The company was estabilished in October 2009 - so it has no history. The initial capital amounts to PLN 6,000. It's not much. You have to be very careful.

24 Aug 2010
Law / What exactly is the "Ksiega Wieczysta" Nr.?? [3]


no. 78/4 is probably the number of the land plot (it's not the same as "ksiega wieczysta"). The full number of "ksiega wieczysta" should have a sales contract. So I sugesst you to contact with the notary to receive the full number of the "ksiega wieczysta".
27 Sep 2011
Law / Setting up SPZOO and SPK in Poland [16]

The legal structure and combination of sp. z o.o. and sp.k. is full safe as regards Polish company law (risk of liability is "0") and may bring many potential tax benefits. I've used this structure many times. The cost of maintenance of such structire are higher in comparison to spolka cywilna (e.g. preparation of yearly financial statements). Anyway, in a case of spolka cywilna your personal liability is unlimited (against tax office,too). Tax benefits are lower if your revenues will be really high. So, I suggest you to compare all risks and benefits and choose the best option. I think that sp. z o.o. and sp. k. would be better solution.

As regards differences between spolka cywilna and spolka jawna I can say that spolka jawna is more formalised but also more transparent than spolka cywilna. None of the legal forms are legal entity! (in Poland only sp. z o.o. and S.A.) but spolka jawna is an entity entitled to sign contracts, etc. Spolka jawna will be subject of rent agreements, etc. Please note that partners by spolka jawna are liable for debts only if assets of company are not sufficient to satisfy debts of the company.