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Posts by Sebas  

Joined: 14 May 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Nov 2010
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 1
Posts: Total: 38 / In This Archive: 30
From: Poland, Piotrkowice
Speaks Polish?: in process

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14 May 2009
Work / Are you teaching English in Poland? [120]

I got a tefl certificate and i teach callan....for 3 years now yawn lol
I give private lesson of conversation which i ask 60pln an hours.
the "callan schools" offer me between 30 and 40pln.
I teach in Koscian, Srem and Czempin.

I used to teach in companies but since the world market is quite bad i lost all my classes.

callan question "Which would you rather lose an arm or a leg?"
29 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Moving from Canada to Poland? I'm fluent Polish and could teach English. [24]

I'm from Montreal and been living in Poland for a few years now. it's good but it gets on my nerves sometimes, truck drivers, town hall officials, lack of common sense at times. But in general it's a good place to be... life in Poland is still relax compare to Canada and the US.

Like a lot of people say try it and if you don't like it just go back to Canada.
hope you come over... not a lot of Canadians here lol
29 Jan 2010
Love / Do you think that Polish should stick to Polish? [128]

I'm Canadian and got married to a polish girl, we have a son of 20 months old and he's learning 3 languages polish, english and french. My opinion it's better for a kid in europe to have many open doors for their future. By the way it's really easy for a kid to learn many languages at the same time!

5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

If the clone duck win i'm moving out of this place!!!!
If JK will win the elections you will see poland going down in a new Dictatorship regime...
Ultra Nationalist party....
Come on poland don''t vote stupid
5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

well, move out and don't come back - do you really are that stupid to think that anybody actually care?

I'm not asking for your opinion Ironside.
If you wanna live with a Noob as your president be my guest. He will bring down poland to the eyes of other nation .

All poland was unsatisfied with the first clone duck and because of a tragedy so many pepole vote for him out of pity...it's just sad.
5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

you are a real douche Ironside... i bet you wear track suit with a fake gold chain and a skinhead.... poor excuse for a white t....

no need to slam everyone for having a different opinion then you...
I pity pepole like you
5 Jul 2010
News / Komorowski won Poland's presidency vote? [125]

what opinion to form an opinion you would need a brain, you have view instead

WOW you are someone with a lot of issues...i would give you a zloty for you to but yourself some respect... You drive a BMW right... Have you been anywhere else then your backyard???? think not.
11 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think about Canadians? [44]

lol one thing is clear the polish people don't know a thing about Canadians... the only thing they know is what the yanks say about the Canadians. lol you guys are funny
11 Jul 2010
Language / So why did you give up learning Polish? [105]

In my case is a on and off thing. I have a son and my wife works in the day so I don't have time. I go to work in the afternoon and come back around 10pm. better the summer is the time of the year when i have more time for myself... my classes started again last week...

polish grammar is a headache!
Polish will be one day my 3rd language.
11 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think about Canadians? [44]

I've found the Canadians I've met to be either arrogant, anal or weird

how many have you met?
I could say the same thing of the first poles I've met. then the more i knew the better it was.
11 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think about Canadians? [44]

They gave Celine Dion, Brian Adams and Avril Lavigne to the world, so I think they are evil!

Yeah this is the worst thing about Canada! :/

I guess, if a Pole thinks anything about Canadians, it's usually something positive :)

Or what they've seen on TV shows...that's not always good
The tree of Canada is the maple=klon :)
12 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think about Canadians? [44]

French are to Quebec as Poles are to Chicago

The french is the official language of Quebec so it's nothing like Chicago

you must not and i am basing my observation on the fact you didn't get what i said in my first post

Well explain it again...just to let you know I was born in Montreal and lived there for 25 years so I know Canadians ;)

Just wanted to see what people thought of us in Poland.
have a good day

Love you poles :)
13 Jul 2010
USA, Canada / What do Polish people think about Canadians? [44]



Montreal the second biggest city in Canada in the province of Quebec on the east side... lolthe second largest primarily French-speaking city in the world

lol all in good fun
7 Oct 2010
Life / Jehova's witnesses in Poland - how to deal with them? [110]

There's a JW center being built 500m from my house and they are really nice people until they come a 7 in the morning "to bring me the good news!!!!!!" can be really annoying. I know nothing of religion anyway....their was a guy name jesus or something.... that is all lol
1 Dec 2011
Love / Polish men calling polish girl for dating englishman [80]

F#@K those guys Ian they are the typical know-it-all I know better then you poles.
I had a situation like yours when I was in England. Some poles over there were telling my wife that i couldn't take care of her like a polish man would.

I moved to Poland and never had problems with polish guys over here!
Just come to Poland and have fun.

Now for the others let the insults begin!
2 Aug 2012
Law / Polish visa expert? Japanes moving to Poland to study Polish. [43]

You can also go out of the schengen zone for a day or an hour and come back to Poland to get another 90 days. I was told of this little loop hole by the polish consulate in Montreal when i first came to Poland. For ex. go to the UK for a weekend and come back to Poland. It works I've done it 3 times before getting my Karta Pobytu.
2 Aug 2012
Law / Polish visa expert? Japanes moving to Poland to study Polish. [43]

listen little miss no it all. I was at the boarder and they looked at my passport for a good 20 minutes did some calls and let me through... and i'M NOT AN AMERICAN.

Is your country in the commonwealth....?

They are some agreements within the commonwealth that gives special rights.

For ex. A Canadian can stay 6 months without a visa.

And for a Canadian you can stay only 3 months in Europe without visa.

anyway I'm not going to argue with someone that knows everything that would be a waste of time.

cheers :)