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Posts by giovannile07  

Joined: 25 Dec 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 19 Apr 2009
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 37 / In This Archive: 19
From: Walnut, California
Speaks Polish?: Learning
Interests: B-boying, languages, swimming, Melbourne Shuffle, and Jumpstyle.

Displayed posts: 21
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25 Dec 2008
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Is Pimsleur's Polish Lessons any good, I learned the first lesson where it says:

Excuse me. Do you understand English? No, I don't understand English. I understand Polish a little. Are you American? Yes.

I'm pretty sure it's right, but they don't have the vocabulary on actual pages I believe, so it's hard to know how it's spelled and I checked other sites, but how some of the stuff is spelled looks way different from how it sounds... So, I have no idea! Basically, I'm asking if the listening program is good and is it possible if you could rewrite that in Polish. Thank you in advance! =] If you aren't willing to it's alright.
26 Dec 2008
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Oh okay. That's cool. Yeah it seems like it's effective I just hate that there's nothing to reference for vocabulary only speaking and yeah... :/
27 Dec 2008
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Oh thank you what's mowi? Is that suppose to be understand? Oh also is the ro in rozumiem is it sounded out strongly? Oh and final question the czy is it suppose to sound like te? Haha thank you I appreciate your translation it looks almost all correct. :D

Oh I found another mistake it should be angielski and polski.
28 Dec 2008
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Thanks for the information, especially Vincent I understand now. =]
3 Jan 2009
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Thanks! I'll check it out. Oh also, just wondering I'm still a bit confused by it's polsku and angielsku instead of polski and aingielski?
8 Jan 2009
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

So, it's just depends who the people are or depending on how is the sentence structure for the most part?
8 Jan 2009
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Above all take your time and have patience, after all you are trying to learn one of the top five hardest languages :)

Haha thanks a lot yeah I'm a beginner, so that made no sense haha. Yeah trying to know the basic phrases. I'm also trying to look for the alphabet and how to say them. Like I tried learning the Russian alphabet pretty hard, but when you got most of it you can probably grasp some of a word through the letters. :]
8 Jan 2009
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Yeah! Thanks I appreciate it a lot. :D EmmaT2008 is the Michael Thomas Foundation CD that good? Like how do the lesson plans usually go?
10 Jan 2009
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

hmmm... The Pimsleur's one really helped me learn the first lesson easily just the writing screws me over since it doesn't have it and it's more likely I'll be writing in Polish than actually speaking it to someone.
24 Mar 2009
Language / Pimsleur's Polish Lessons [38]

Oh I see, I'll check it out. Is it audio and visual as in there's like a book or something to go along with the audio, so you can understand how they are spelled and stuff?
30 Mar 2009
Life / Russian rap vs Polish rap [87]

is utterly ridiculous and it sounds awful. Infact most rap sounds awful

I agree. Someone please spare me having to watch the videos... Do Russian and Polish rappers 'get their ghetto on' and try to imitate black American rappers, yo?

I'm sorry, but that is a stereotype about hip-hop (rapping, rather call it emceeing though is an element of hip-hop) that it's for black people only. Hip-hop isn't about the division of black people and the rest, true hip-hop associates itself with racial unity, it has been urged for too long. Hip-hop is worldwide and not just for black people, sure there are a lot of African-American artists, but it's not about being ghetto or black. In particular mainstream hip-hop sucks, but underground hip-hop is where it's at... Check these clips they're in English, but it's to show you that not all hip-hop/rap is bad, at least the underground hip-hop music...

Blackalicious - Alphabet Aerobics (Uses alliteration throughout the whole song, it's so sick. :))

Immortal Technique - Dance with the Devil (If you never heard this song... you've been missing out, this song basically helps sort of advocate not to follow the same path as what he has and that if you don't leave that path the dance with the devil will never end.)


Immortal Technique - Freedom of Speech (Talks about well freedom of speech for example like record companies telling him what to rap about...)
31 Mar 2009
Life / Russian rap vs Polish rap [87]

lmao You have to be kidding me. You're talking about mainstream hip-hop, I'm talking about Underground hip-hop.


Read this it's a statement made by Afrika Bambaataa, the Godfather of Hip-hop.


Also, read this...

I myself belong to the culture of hip-hop, I may not be an emcee, but I am part of the b-boying part of the four elements of hip-hop, if you didn't know there was four elements to hip-hop then you don't know what true hip-hop is... By the way, I'm not black or white, I'm Asian, so as a person part of hip-hop and not rejected by other people of African-American race I honestly can advocate that hip-hop is not racist. Hip-hop is one of the biggest misinterpreted cultures, it's sad to see this...
2 Apr 2009
Life / Russian rap vs Polish rap [87]

hip hop songs get borring after the second time ive heard them, alot of hip hop song use older songs too, because the older songs will always sound better than new hip hop songs

old school > new school
underground > mainstream
13 Jul 2010
Language / Starting to learn Polish again! (study aid question) [5]

Alright, I belonged to this site like a year ago, but I didn't get the chance to study and learn the Polish language a lot due to time management and I really want to get this going. So, I forgot what things I should use to study? The only thing I have is Pimsleur's downloaded, the only thing about that is I have no way of knowing how the words are written and they do it more by phrases rather than words individually. You guys probably get this a lot, so what would you recommend? And I don't really know any Polish person personally at all, so how could I practice such as if I'm correctly saying words or if my accent is correct.

Dziękuję! (Is that right for thank you? haha)

- Giovanni Le :)