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Joined: 16 Oct 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 10 Mar 2009
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From: chicago, il
Speaks Polish?: oczywiscie ze tak

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16 Oct 2008

I think the que also depends on where the girl is. Are polish girls in Poland gold diggers, maybe a little more "expecting" of financial security than say girls in the US or UK where they are more independent.
16 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

why not get a visa to go to canada, and than go from there. just sayin

You still need a visa to enter the US from Canada.

Unfortunately, a lot depends on the mood of the immigration officer at the time of the interview. Some have lots of ties to a country and get rejected for a non related answer.

I remember fighting the refusal of a visa to the US for my (at the time) boyfriend. I wrote an email to the embassy, I called. I was furious. All I got back was "We're sorry but XXX didn't show strong enough ties, should his situation improve in the future, he can schedule another interview"

The only que they asked him were "What careers do your parents have"... his mother a gov't worker, and father a stable job for 30 yrs.
16 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Marriage laws: dual citizenship (Polish and US) preparing to get married to an American. [65]

However, it was the call to USCIS that finally resolved some issues. Someone over there asked nicely: does your g/f have a valid tourist visa? - yes - Ok, then, why won't she just come over here as a tourist and you two get married and then petition for immigrant visa and adjustment of status? Lawyers are expensive and are helpful when one of the partners has no chance of getting a legal visa..

Kasia - You must have not talked to USCIS, or talked to a real poorly educated person. They gave you fraudlent advice to say the least. Entering the US on your tourist visa with intent to marry & stay is FRAUD. You'll stay & file AOS (adjustment of status) to get your green card, and that's when all your problems will start. You'll have to show how you didn't intend on staying here, which is impossible. You'll be denied at AOS interview.

You have 2 options, let your boyfriend do the fiance I-129F fiance visa (takes 6-9months) and get you here legally to marry within 90 days of your arrival. Or marry in Poland and enter on a K3 visa.

This process is not expensive with lawyer fees. I did the whole thing for my fiance... now husband with no lawyers at all. I asked que at visajourney its a free site with people in similar situations.

hi :) im a US citizen planning on marrying a Polish citizen. I have been going back and forth to PL for a year now....waiting to do the papers. Does anyone know if its better for him to come here? If so how does he obtain a visa?

Same situation as Kasia - file the I-129F fiance visa 6-9 months and you can marry in the US. Good luck!
16 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Polish Citizen, US legal resident, but no Polish Passport... [67]

Jeez, talk about lots of mis-information. Do you guys just post whatever you *think*?

OP is a green card holder, which requires a Polish passport & GC to enter & travel freely between US and Poland (YES JUST THOSE 2 ITEMS). Legal resident can not have a US passport until they become a citizen. So all the talk of visas, us passports is irrelevant & doesn't apply here.

If the Consulate in Chicago is where you fall in terms of what state you live in, then I recommend a visit in person. You will not get a straight story over the phone... if anyone ever answers your call that is.

You must have your original birth certificate, your pesel nr. If you have family in poland that could get you a copy of the EU version of the birth certificate then allow them to do it with a "pelnomocnictwo". Otherwise if the consulate has to verify all your info it will take up to 1 yr to get a passport.

Someone mentioned $100? Cheap! I paid a lot more than that for sure, and waited a good 4+hours in line. I heard they don't mail anyone's passports, you must pick them up in person. I got a postcard home saying my passport was ready for pickup downtown. You have to take this postcard with you, otherwise they send you home for it.
17 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

He announed this earlier in the year which caused the EU to give him some smack.

EU said that if Poland is not included on the next list of countries to be added on the visa waiver program, that EU will make it a requirement for all US citizens to have visas to any european country, not just Poland. Finally! Someone has spoken up for Poland.

The ironic part is that by the time PL will be on the VWP, no one will want to come to the US. As it is right now, lots of Poles are leaving the US.

"Can you imagine how many Polish Citizens would want to come to the US looking for illegal jobs? Probably millions. "

Are you kidding? You must be, or blind to the economic situation for sure. Poles make almost the same amount they would in the US. Why would they want to come here & be illegal? Take the equivalent of the crap money they make in the US cleaning toilets or doing construction jobs. They can make the same or better and stay at home. This is not the 1990s.
17 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

I believe all EU members would be required to have visa's for business travel (Britain included). Then the measure would evolve to include all travel for EU citizens at a later date.

I'll look around for a link to the article where I read this.
17 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

if the usa would offer some sort of amnesty i bet many poles would leave the usa but they dont because of fear of getting caught and being black listed

If they offered an amnesty, that would legalize their stay, they wouldn't leave. It's what happened in the Reagan years.

I don't think many actually fear being caught. Its the inconveniences of no SS#, no drivers license that are weighing them down. Being black listed??? They are as soon as they overstay longer than one year.

Some of the countries that are on the VWP did have their countrymen overstay over the 3% threshold, but somehow the US looked the other way. Also, the US has kept giving Poland "conditions" to meet to get on the VWP, like the army in Afghanistan, supporting Iraq war. Poland jumps at the US's every beck & call to meet the requirements it can control, and still no budge on VWP admission.

This has to change... and I imagine soon. Lots of Poles left the US in 2008 and continue to do so. Whatever economic reasons that held them there are no longer in existance. The dollar is devaluing, and many are in their near retirement age and wanting to return to their homeland (and here I'm not talking about only illegals).
21 Oct 2008
Life / Getting ripped off in Poland! Is it normal? or should it be tolerated? [97]

Getting ripped off has different aspects for a foreigner. If you are buying clothes, or jewelry or even furniture that doesnt have a labeled price, or is negotiable, then yes, as a foreigner you will get ripped off. Polish mentality is "you have more, than you can afford to pay more." No Krakowian believes that British can't afford one of their items, due to the PLN vs GBP exchange rate.

Now when we move to cars & homes, its a bit different. The prices are stated sometimes in euro, not for a foreigner to purchase, but for the global market to "value" the real estate. And also to prepare for the currency switch coming soon. Many many companies (specifically in Warsaw, Krakow, Wroclaw) bill for their financial services in Euro. They do this for everyone, not just Poles, not foreigners, across the board. They feel they can better compare their service with European services this way. Similarly Poland's top markets want to be compared to other European markets and prices are quoted in Euro. Have no fear, a babcia's house in the middle of the country will not be listed in Euro, but still in good ol' zlotowki.
28 Oct 2008
USA, Canada / Polish Citizen, US legal resident, but no Polish Passport... [67]

Call/write other consulates in the US and they might light a fire under the Chicago office or give you up to date info.

ha ha ha, this is the funnies thing i've read on this site so far! The Polish Consulate in Chicago is the biggest bunch of lazy people I've ever seen. There is only 1 lady at the window to serve the hundreds in line. But there are like 4-5 "office people" standing around in the back sipping coffee, telling jokes, and wasting time. Could they perhaps open another window & start helping??? NOOOO, that would be productive. For those that are familiar with how bereaucracy works in PL, can multiply that and know what goes on in Chicago. They feel there is no one here to "control" them, like there would in Poland.

The only way to get info or file or do anything useful, is to go to a Consulate. Waiting to get a response over the phone will only delay your process.

FYI - Chicago consulate does not take pictures, you have to have them with you. I saw (while waiting in line) they turned away most people's passport pictures. There is a difference between polish & US passport pictures, but even those matching PL requirements were turned away, because the lighting was too bright, or some other lame excuse. Needless to say, some pretty ticked off people (after waiting 2-3hrs in line) left to go re-take pics.
19 Nov 2008
USA, Canada / Sending packages from US to PL, cheapest alternative? [36]

You can mail your package via USPS to Polamer, then they can send it for you. Depending on the size of your package, check out what works better for you.

The thing I dont like with USPS is that you arent "guaranteed" the package will get there. When I sometimes send a small package or padded envelope it has a 50/50 chance of arriving in Poland. I understand this most likely isnt the fault of USPS, but rather the Polish Post, but USPS cant insure or track international shipments.

Polamer is responsible financially for it, so they track where the package is.
19 Nov 2008
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

i always thought Polish wages are a reason why people DON'T want to move to Poland.

I guess depends on what field, and where you are coming from. Anyone from a 3rd world country may appreciate Poland.

Also, some fields pay quite well in Poland for the expertise and international experience a foreigner will bring, that a regular Pole may not have.

A friend was paid the average salary for his field in the US (making good money in US standards). He looked into and got a job in the same field in Warsaw and makes 3 times what he did in the US.
21 Nov 2008
Life / Reasons for moving to Poland [291]

working in poland and getting paid the U.S. dollar.

Maybe before you head over there, you can re-negotiate. I hear more and more that working in Poland, even for US companies, they are paying in Euros. At today's exchange rate that's $50/hr.
21 Nov 2008
USA, Canada / Sending packages from US to PL, cheapest alternative? [36]

thanks Krysia for the info. my post office is a bunch of lazy old men, and maybe they didnt want to take the time to mess with insuring it, and advised me otherwise.
2 Dec 2008
Food / Polish cookies recipes [43]

Mrs Sz suggest this recipe.


Looks a simple enough recipe to follow, I think I'll try to make up a batch. Thanks!
2 Dec 2008
Life / Mobile phone companies in Poland [21]

US cell phones that are tri band will work in most larger cities in PL, but may have trouble keeping a signal. However quad band phones work all over the world. So the "except the USA" part is incorrect.

Poles in Poland seem to favor the nokia. They boast that its battery life is much better than any competitor. Poles also tend to shell out quite a bit on their phones, in comparison to their earnings. All the nokia N series are expensive in the US and rarely seen, however in Poland they are all over the place and people seem ok to shell out nearly a months salary to pay for them.
2 Dec 2008
Life / Mobile phone companies in Poland [21]

iphone is only 1zl if you sign an expensive contract with Orange. In the US, the iphone is $200 with a contract.

Seems PL gives bigger discounts to those signing contracts, in the US if you want a crappy phone you'll get it for free, all others are $$$
16 Dec 2008
USA, Canada / How to get Drivers license in IL without social security? [96]


I think you have no idea what is going on in the US. IMMIGRANTS built this country, not ILLEGALS! You break the law, you face the consequences. I think they should deport every illegal ass back to where they came from. We dont need any more people bringing down wages, not paying taxes, getting free healthcare.

If the illegas "hate" it here, I think they know where they can go... HOME. I dont care what their country did, what interest it pays. You break the rules, you pay the price.
29 Dec 2008
USA, Canada / Can Polish citizens with US greencard travel to Canada? [63]

No, as a Polish citizen you cant travel anywhere you want. The green card only allows entry back into the US. If you want to go to a country, you have to see if a visa is required for Polish Citizens. Canada allows visa free travel for up to 3 months
6 Jan 2009
USA, Canada / Polish Citizen, US legal resident, but no Polish Passport... [67]

Wow.. so much misinformation...

You have a green card which means that you can travel back and forth on a Polish passport. It's that easy!

I believe it is you who are providing inaccurate info!

The OP does not have a valid passport, and hence her question on how to obtain one. You need a passport to travel, period.

It's quite simple actually. Just go straight to the Polish council, ask for a passport form and a form for your Polish ID #

It takes just few weeks to obtain your Polish passport.

It is a lot more complicated than you state. You need more than just a "form" to get your passport renewed, perhaps you should take a look at the requirements. The process to get a new passport, while living in the US, takes 6months. It takes up to a month, if filing in Poland, which does not apply to the OP.
15 Jan 2009
USA, Canada / Polish Citizen, US legal resident, but no Polish Passport... [67]

went to dot gov and printed out forms to renew my passport last august. Cost of photos was $13.00 for three (2 must be sent with form) and mailed out a check for 75.00 and in a few weeks recieved it back with old passport.

Sunshine, you are talking about the US Passport, when this whole thread is about the Polish passport.

Will I be able to get a PESEL#? -with a COPY of a German birth cert

Didn't you get the Pesel when you applied for a Polish passport?
From the PL consulate site:

Numer PESEL nadawany jest automatycznie wszystkim osobom przebywającym w Polsce przy zameldowaniu na pobyt stały lub czasowy oraz tym, którzy ubiegają się o wydanie dowodu osobistego oraz paszportu.

I live in central FL, not at all close to Chicago,

You do not belong under the jurisdiction for the Chicago consulate. You must go to the one in Washington DC.

Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont

Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas, Utah, Washington, Wyoming

Arkansas, Illinois, Indian, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin

Alabama, Florida, Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Maryland
16 Jan 2009
USA, Canada / Polish Citizen, US legal resident, but no Polish Passport... [67]

And is the PESEL in the passport?


If it wasn't on previous versions, it is now. If you have never had a Pesel #, then they'll initiate the process for you while you do the passport renewal (this is the part that causes delays).

My friend applied for his Polish passport from within the US over two years ago

Either your friend had missing paperwork, or something odd. The normal wait time should not exceed around 6 months. Also the passport is sent certified mail. They wouldn't want lost passports floating around the US.
16 Feb 2009
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

Poles get turned away for a visa if they are too young, no education, and have no strong ties to their homeland. Being in the UK with your earnings, only shows that you have a predesposition to emigrate to other lands.

What is needed to legally bring a polish citizen to USA for vacation? Visa? Letter from me? How long can they stay? How much is the visa?

They need to make an appt with the consul in Krakow or Warsaw (depending on their registered address in PL), no "invitation letter" is necessary, they can stay depending on the length of the visa. Some get a one time entry visa (usually stamped at entry for 6 months), some get a 10yr visa, which allows multiple entries. Costs PLN equivalent of $100 to have appt with consul (regardless if you get visa or not), plus about 60pln to call the hotline to schedule consul interview.
28 Feb 2009
USA, Canada / Getting a VISA to USA by a Polish person nowadays [339]

No you can not choose which one to go to, its based on your registered address in Poland.

I'd think Krakow is easier to get a visa from, since the region under Krakow consul's authority is smaller, and most Gorale (highlanders) and people from the Krakow/Tarnow area are in the US in very large numbers.
4 Aug 2011
Love / How do Polish guys feel about having an older girlfriend/wife? [30]

Oh Canadian Girl, despite not thinking it is a fantasy, it practically is. How do I know, your story is dejavu for me!

I met a guy online, totally by chance, didnt think nothing of it. We didnt exchange any "personal" info for many many months, we just liked chatting with each other. Finally one day, he wasn't online, I freaked. I had no idea why I was freaking out, I guess I realized I really like him, the stuff we had in common, how we felt about politics/music, etc. I got him back a few months later, and we exchanged pics, email, started skypeing, etc. He was 7yrs younger (I was 27 at the time). Based on our conversations, I thought he was a few years older, so mature, established, etc. Ya, whatever! I heard what I *wanted* to hear, it happens when feelings are involved, its simple human nature.

Fast forward, I went to Poland to meet him (I'm from the US, but polish family) we fell in love, a year later after a fiance visa, he was in the states and we married. Then all of the sudden, all the maturity evaporated. I felt like I was his mother. I understand, new country, new language, I was prepared for an adjustment period. He learned English very quickly, I found him a great paying job, soon he was able to get a car, seemed like financially he was a million times better off than PL. Money is not happiness. He relied on me for everything, for calling everywhere, going everywhere with him (despite knowing English well). Where did the maturity & being established go? I felt like I was a nanny/mother, telling him what he could/couldnt do (not being bossy, just rules/etiquitte in US). His family loves me, my family loves him, however the age gap is apparent in our daily lives, and its annoying and tiring to be quite honest. I think we are in a loveless relationship, strictly due to the effects of the age difference. I see how he acts, and think "I'd be cool with this if I were his age, now I expect something else"

Long distance love is hard, you dont get to hang out like you would dating, you dont get to experience each other in a normal setting. Meeting/falling in love and spending short vacation time together is simply not enough to get to know someone. If you do decide to pursue this seriously, please do not have your heart on your sleave.