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Posts by Dekameron  

Joined: 11 Sep 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 8 Oct 2008
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 146 / In This Archive: 22
From: Polska/Poland
Speaks Polish?: yes/tak/ja/sim/oui
Interests: Never left my basement :=)

Displayed posts: 22
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11 Sep 2008

I'm also proud that i'm 6.5 feet tall a fact that i had no control over whatsoever, it was just an accident of birth.

You can be proud of something that is your feature just because it 'is' your feature and because others with that feature achieved great things and you're part of that group at large.

You mistake pride in achievement and pride in a positive feature, in my view being white is 100% positive as is living in the civilized part of Europe, as for being pathetic, you seem like a smart lad i've read your posts so please refrain from personal assault unless my lack of inteligence or the amount of ******** i post warrants such behaviour.

Currently it does not :)
11 Sep 2008

Are you proud of the fact that you are from the same group as 100% of paedophiles and mass murderers?

Are you implying that most pedophiles and mass murderers were white ?

Approximately 60% of all sexual based crimes in the state of Washington for the years 2006-2008 were commited by "colored minorities" according to Crimelibrary whereas approximately 70% all all sexual related crimes in US the last decade have been commited by chiefly blacks and hispanics, they do get less press coverage because the places where such activies occure are regarded to have such occurences as parts of every day life.

As for mass murderers, lets see, Mao Tse Tung - not white, Polpot - not white, Atylla the Hun - not white, i can also get into the Chineese Emperors, the Asyrians, the Moslem. all with historical sources.

Not only are white people not prime mass murderers but we're also a lot less creative about that then other races.

You are apparently biased towards whites but thats ok, we can keep going since apparently there's little knowledge behind that opinion of yours :)
11 Sep 2008

Humans are divided into different groups, whether you sort them by religion, their place in the society or race, i indentify myself with some of these groups and usually though not always with pride.

You called me pathetic because i stated that i'm proud of being white, i retorted proving that being white is a reason for pride that is all.
12 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Definitely feared, especially by civilians but in this case the army constituted only about 50% Germans, the remainder where Poles, Hungarians, Austrians and so called guests, chiefly French.

Sadly to bash a pro-polish topic, Grunwald was not the biggest battle, not even close, there's battles like Crecy or Agincourt where French tended to field effing huge armies, then there's battles with Saladin and so on and so forth.
12 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

No not really, Teutonic Order even victorious could not and did not want to do bad stuff to Poland, in fact they wanted Poland to become a prominent element of the order since that'd ensure the Orders status as a great power on a global scale ( i'm talking medieval global scale ).

The order while cruel and pretty nasty was in itself fairly international, a few of the Grand Masters werent even german, they did however had nasty plans for Ruthenia and Lithuania.
12 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Depends, for example at Azincourt the french army is estimated to have between 40 and 50 thousand men while the polish/lithuanian/ruthenian alliance at Grunwald had approximately 35 thousand men.

During the capture of Jerusalem Saladin commanded an army upwards of 40 thousand men, while Grunwald was definitely one of the bigger ones and ceirtanly the most important battle of its century twas not the biggest one of the medieval.
12 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

polish, english and french wikis say about much smaller numbers of knights

Of course, knights were always a fraction of any given european army i'm talking about the grand total including mercenaries, men at arms and peasant infantry as well as mounted seargants and squires.

For the 35 thousand alliance forces at Grunwald only Poles fielded knights as heavy cavalry, the numbers vary between 15 and 20 thousand whereas the Teutons had around 18 thousand heavies the rest being a detachment of infantry and mounted knechts.
13 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

I checked a few sources and they says total French forces were between 20 and 30 thousand people and English only about 6 thousand. In Grunwald there were about 60 thousand people on both sides.

The sources vary wildly as with Grunwald, for example Długosz claimed there were sixty thousand teutonic knights alone while prussian chronicle by von Posilge claims there were 100 thousand tatars accompaning the polish royal forces.

While both of these claims are obviously rubbish and meant to show that "we lost because they had such an effing huge army" or "we won despite them having such a massive army" the contemporary chronicles from 100 years war both put the french force at well above 30 thousand.

Currently historians watered the numbers down and reached an academic consensus but France of the time was perfectly capable of fielding such a force.

But that's not Europe and I think that Crusaders' forces were much smaller.

Only initially, once the crusader states were established they fielded armies of 20 thousands upwards and it was not unusual for eighty thousand men to take part in a single battle.
13 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Were there also Serbs in the battle of Grunwald?There were for sure Poles,Lithuanians,Czechs and Russians.

There might have been a few, there were no ethnic Russians acting as an organised part of the army though, there was a Kievan detachment of some 700 infantry so there might well be a few Serbs or Muscovites and Novgorodians.
13 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Definitely not, we know for sure that there was a kievan detachment of infantry and three Smolensk units, all of them infantry, also we cannot take Smolensk into account because at the time the people there were both parth of the Grand Duchy and for the most part ethnic Lithuanians with a large part being ruthenian.
13 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Are you sure ?

No i'm not. some of the sources list them as infantry but then again some of the sources say they were putting down a rebellion somewhere else and were absent completely.

However given that they were from ruthenian lands and these guys at the time favoured fighting on foot then its a good bet they were foot soldiers. Of course the chronicles list the lithuanian banners as all cavalry but given the fact that Lithuania at the time was spit poor and extremely backwards its doubtfull Vitauatas even had that much cavalry available.
14 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

So called 'democracy' present especially in many countries of the 'western world' is just an illusion like Dariusz mentioned above. However this is much better than communism and this is out of question for anybody who lived under these two systems. First system is just a huge scam while the second could be compared to unforgettable crime.

Lesser i think i understand your issue now but you apparently lack academic knowledge to call it, democracy is just that, democracy.

What you are supporting is the 19th century russian anarchy which claimed total equalness in all respects.

As for communism its a myth, people cannot have the same amount of everything Marks and Engels were jackasses without basic knowledge of human nature and economy.

If someone works harder and earns more will you take away his money so that someone who does not work at all gets an equal cut ? This is one of a thousand issues that make communism an idiotic and unreasonable idea.
14 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

bviously this is correct interpretation. Some wonder whether people who prefer public property over private property are really humans. :)

If you have an expensive car than it should definitely be made public property so i could have it :)
16 Sep 2008
History / Battle of Grunwald 1410 The biggest medieval battle. Germans smashed. [174]

Both the movie and the painting are bull...t.

The Spartans had a 5 foot wall between them and the Persians and something like 1800 auxilaries to help, also its highly doubtfull there was more than 100 or 200 thousands Persians rather than a milion.

As for Matejko. Jagiełlo was not fighting, he did kill a single teutonic knight who get near his position by sheer accident, the movie is typical Hollywood crap and the painting is purely symbolic.
18 Sep 2008
History / Life in communism vs democracy in Poland [234]

You would get nothing unless you would be high ranking communist apparatchik.

Which i would of course be. Commisar Dekameronsky has a nice ring to it.
29 Sep 2008
Love / Virtual Relationship of an Asian girl with a Polish man [43]

I'm an asian girl

I love asian bdsm, used to have this collection of pics but my lady found it and deleted them all ...

well,,i want to ask ur opinion about my relationship..

How long are you together and how frequently does he sms you, once a day ? Once a week ?
29 Sep 2008
Love / Virtual Relationship of an Asian girl with a Polish man [43]

Wait i've just read the bit where you admit you've never met him, my lady i have a breaking news report, you are NOT in a relationship, there is no such thing as a purely virtual relationship.

When you meet him, get to know him and be with him for quite some time then you'll be in a relationship, untill then you're just two people who keep in touch and fancy one another.