2 Jun 2008
Language / The usage of: oboje, obaj, oba, obie [16]
it's used for a collection of two entities of both genders, children, small animals or (rarely) objects which have only a plural form (e.g. drzwi, spodnie, nożyce, sanie etc)
mind you, "oboje" is also the plural form of "obój" (=oboe) :D
zbiór dwu jednostek, tj. osób różnej płci, dzieci, młodych zwierząt lub (rzadko) przedmiotów, których nazwy mają tylko liczbę mnogą;
it's used for a collection of two entities of both genders, children, small animals or (rarely) objects which have only a plural form (e.g. drzwi, spodnie, nożyce, sanie etc)
mind you, "oboje" is also the plural form of "obój" (=oboe) :D