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Posts by gjene  

Joined: 4 May 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 4 Jun 2021
Threads: Total: 14 / In This Archive: 10
Posts: Total: 202 / In This Archive: 122
From: Canada, Ontario, London
Speaks Polish?: n/a

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4 May 2008
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Talking about old photos, here is one of my grandfather and 2 siblings of his. My grandfather is the one on the right. His brother Henry in the middle and another brother Albert. Maybe someone can recognize the uniform. I suspect the photo was taken about 1920-1922 time frame. Sorry. Can't seem to upload the photo. Can send it privately to whomever can get it uploaded easier.
5 May 2008
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Here is part of the photo I made reference to in my previous message. It is of my grandfather. I suspect the uniform to be from the early 1920's. Thanks again
5 May 2008
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

pt. 2

Servatius Albert, Henrik Bazyli, and Alexander Micheal Froelich are the 3 in this photo from left to right.

  • 2 great uncles & grandfather
18 May 2008
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Hello all

Here is a picture of my great grandparents, great uncles, great aunts and a few unknown friends.Front row left to right 1st & 2nd unknown, 3 & 4 great grandparents, 5th great aunt Alice, 6th great uncle Albert,

back row:1st grandfather, great uncle Henry, 3rd & 4th unknown, 5th great aunt Jadwiga, and her unknown friend.

  • 1920's family photo
27 Sep 2008
Law / Polish Citizenship for a foreigner whose parents was born in Poland [174]

Hi all

Check into the website 'citizenship from Poland' for more information on this. There is 2 parts under the name of 'Polish Citizenship'. There is also more detailed reference by a member named 'Polish Expert'.

Ask him for a link back to his article. Good luck in reading all the messages and there is mention of different lawyers in Poland that may help (for a cost) in helping to obtain the necessary papers.

29 Dec 2008
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Hi all

Here is a photo of my great uncle in 1919 with an unknown friend. Maybe someone will recognize the badge on the arm.

  • Uncle Henry and friend
29 Dec 2008
Genealogy / Re: Marska family connections [14]

I was wondering if anyone might recognize the person in the photograph. I can't quite make out the first name as Jadia or Jaroslawa Marska who died in 1977, age74 yrs. There is also the possibility that the last name may be spelled with an i at the end. Maybe there might be someone related to a Marska(i) that can get me connected.
30 Dec 2008
Genealogy / Re: Marska family connections [14]

This is the best I can do in making the reverse bigger. Please forgive me for the quality. The printing says Ja**ia Marska / Klein cousin of father from grandmothers' side. Died 1977 age 74 yrs old. There is also another name of Jaroslawa. I am not sure of the last 3 letters.

  • Projec44.b.jpg
31 Dec 2008
Genealogy / Re: Marska family connections [14]

Please accept my apologies. The program I use just can't seem to handle what you are asking for. I have tried it while off line and had no luck. That is why I included what it said on the back as part of the message post for better clarification. I use Microsoft Picture it photo 2002 program.
1 Jan 2009
Genealogy / Re: Marska family connections [14]

I think I may have had some luck, but am not sure. Here is the another attempt at the reverse side. Thanks again for being patient with me on this.

  • Project44.a.jpg
1 Jan 2009
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Greetings all

Me again. Here is a picture of my great grandparents and their children. The older gentleman sitting in the cart I suspect be my great great grandfather from my great grandmothers' side. They had the photo duplicated and sent to 2 different relatives. So I will only include the front of 1 and the reverse of both. At least they are dated 1909.

  • Cart ride in Elzbietow, Poland

  • Project28.a.jpg

  • Project33.a.jpg
2 Apr 2009
Genealogy / Vintage Photos of Polish ancestors [144]

Greetings everyone

Here is a photo of an area that my relatives visited. But I am not sure where it is or when the photo was taken. Judging by the size, I would say that it was taken prior to 1970.

  • Near Wegrow

  • Reverse side of photo
30 Jun 2009
Work / English qualifications to start Teaching English In Poland. Is degree of some sort needed? [123]

So far from what I have read, is that a lot of you think that one version or another is better. Our opinions on this are irrelevant. It is what the school prefers to use to teach. All that a teacher can do is to provide the accent so that those that are learning can distinguish the differences.

Not only that, how can any of you determine if one of the students that you have will actually immigrate to an English speaking country? If that person wants to immigrate to Britain, then teach them British terminology instead of American. Once the student leaves the school system (graduates) it is up to them to learn the differences between British, American and Canadian.

If a person expresses interest in wanting to know the differences, then they can be taught after school. Or you can provide them the direction needed to find the material on their own. For there might be a website that may have this type of material on it for ESL students to download and learn on their own time.
21 Jul 2009
USA, Canada / Southern Ontario (Cambridge, Kitchener, Waterloo) and Polish Women [32]


Did you try looking up the Polish Canadian club on the internet? You might be able to get the phone numbers to make contact. At least Grand River Transit is pretty good for the Waterloo/Kitchener/Cambridge area.

As for Pimpek, wish I could leave. But I need the money to go to Europe.
27 Jul 2009
Law / Polish Citizenship for a foreigner whose parents was born in Poland [174]

Also, check into the website known as 'News from Poland'. Look under forums for Immigration to Poland. In there you will find 3 different postings on the citizenship acts of 1920/1951/1962.

There is also 3 parts to the age old question about Polish citizenship. The first 2 are closed to any further postings, but still can be read. The 3rd is open to reading and posting of questions on inheritance through bloodlines of citizenship.

You will also find in this forum as to who may be the better legal representative for you in regards to applying for citizenship or in getting the needed documents for you and then applying on your behalf.

My posting of this information is not to put this section of this website down. It is just to inform people that there is another website, that has more information on this topic than maybe people that are the moderators or members of this website may know.
9 Aug 2009
Law / Can I take the Polish written test and obtain a Polish driving licence? [28]

Hi all

Some info I have found on eures.praca.gov.pl says something a bit different.
If you will permit me to quote:

Driving Licence

A driving licence issued in an EU member state is valid in the territory of Poland.
To obtain a Polish driving licence an EU citizen should:

1. Reach the age required a given category (16,18, or 21)
2. Obtain a medical certificate stating the absence of health considerations prohibiting driving and a psychologist's certificate on the absence of mental considerations prohibiting driving, if required.

3. Undergo the training required for a given category
4. Pass the national examination required for a given category.
5. Remain in the territory of Poland for at least 185 days in each calendar year in consideration of his/her personal or professional ties, or present a certificate evidencing that he/she has been studying in Poland for at least the past 6 months.

A B category driving license entitles the holder among other things, to drive passenger vehicles. A detailed description of the driving license categories may be found on prawojazdy.com.p and krbrd.gov.pl.

Good Luck and please look into this. From my understanding this, if I were to get a job teaching ESL and can proof that I will be there for more than 185 days and am an EU citizen then I can apply for a licence.

If you have a licence from another country outside of the EU, then an international permit and that country's issued licence, that will permit you to drive in Poland.
10 Aug 2009
Law / Can I take the Polish written test and obtain a Polish driving licence? [28]

As for the PESEL, the information I have says nothing about it, it just mentions valid address and proof of work. Unless you have an inside source. I have provided info Delphiandomine. Please back up yours, so we all can understand where you are coming from.

It will be greatly appreciated if someone would check the websites I have mentioned and get back to this posting with a report on what is actually needed in documentation. Sorry Delphiandomine, unless you can prove the information I have as wrong, I am going to assume it is correct. That is, until it is proven wrong and it would be nice to have an English translation.
10 Aug 2009
Law / Can I take the Polish written test and obtain a Polish driving licence? [28]


You still have not offered any evidence to back up your claims. So far you just repeated what I have posted. It in no way, shape or form confirm that a PESEL is needed or referenced to.

The information I have provided in an earlier posting states 'reamining in Poland for at least 185 days in each calender year in consideration of work or personal ties. Nowhere does it state that I will need a PESEL. It just mentions 'To obtain a Polish driving licence an EU citizen should'...

Since I am an EU citizen with an opportunity to work in Poland, enough said. The work opportunity will have me meet the requirements of the 185 days fairly easily. Since I will meet those requirements, then I can go for a driver's licence in Poland.

So please provide evidence to back up your claims insteading of trying to twist other postings to suit your own ends. Until such time, I will take the information I have printed out from the website I have mentioned as truth. And you are able to read that website in regards to what I have mentioned. Nowhere does it state anything about a PESEl.
11 Aug 2009
Law / Can I take the Polish written test and obtain a Polish driving licence? [28]

I quite understand and get it. You are the one that has failed to get. If you check the 2 websites I have provided in a previous posting you will find the information. So far you have not provided the rest of us or me a way of checking into what you have said. So, either provide us a way of verifying your information or just let this go.
9 Oct 2009
Law / What is the quickest and cheapest way to send money to a bank account in Poland? [37]

Did you check on the back of your bank card? There should or might be some symbols that will indicate that you can use other bank machines to withdraw money from your account. If that is possible then you might be able to withdraw money from your acount for nominal charges.

I was in the States and did that. I had to pay for exchange rate and using another bank machine. But it saved me the hassle of carrying travelers cheques or a lot of money in my wallet.
28 Oct 2009
Law / Canadian born looking for help obtaining a Polish Passport [7]

First, check with the consulate there in Vancouver. They may be able to provide you information on this matter. If you wanted to try and obtain or prove that you were Polish, you would have to get your parents to help as well.

It would benefit them as well. The other thing is to get whatever documents that they have, if any, when they entered the country. This would include their any copies of Polish documents in regards to them. By going to the consulate, they may be able to deal with reaffirming your parents Polish citizenship.

I am not sure if it was legal in regards for your parents to have had to give up their rights as Polish citizens. If the consulate can not help, then check with the Embassy in Ottawa. Another website to check is the 'what to do in Poland.' Then go through the forums into the immigrating to Poland and check under the Polish citizenship area. Good luck. If you have problems with finding that information let me know.
1 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Canadian wanting Polish Citizenship? [30]

To Deezee

First look into when your parents were born, emmigrated to Canada and when you were born. Then you will have to verify some facts in regards to the 1920, 1951, and 1962 citizenship acts and how each will apply to your parents and then you. This also can apply for you as well lsoltys.

On the website known as 'Poland Experience' there is a forum under Immigration to Poland where there is an ongoing discussion on how to obtain Polish citizenship. There is 3 parts to that discussion. In the 1st pt on page 5 is a posting by Naive Poland who mentions all the various documents you may or will need to have and prove connection to Poland in regards to obtaining citizenship.
9 Jan 2010

Check the store at 191 Roncesvalles Ave. It is called Artus. They have some books on learning Polish. There 5 different levels starting with A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1. It will cost about $150after taxes. Or go to the Biggest Bookstore on Edward St. It is just east of Bay St. within sight of Yonge.
12 Jan 2010
USA, Canada / Toronto Job Prospects [5]

Have you tried doing a google search for legal assistant in Toronto? I was able to find quite a few websites that might help to find jobs like that in Toronto. One was paralegal.job.ca. Otherwise that is the one method I can think of off hand and immediately.
6 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Re: Marska family connections [14]

Thanks all for the help. I finally made contact with a Klemm clan member and the writing was explained. That also includes the other posting I have made in regards to the Klemm family. Now both sides have some catching up on 30 years.
23 Aug 2010
Genealogy / Re: Marska family connections [14]

Thanks anyways for all your help. I have made contact with a relative that recognized the photo and was able to inform me as to whom the deaceased was and what relation this individual was to me.

So, to the others that are looking for cpnnections, be patient. It will happen when it is least expected. That connection gives me the needed excuse to visit.
19 Oct 2010
Law / Polish Citizenship for a foreigner whose parents was born in Poland [174]


Check the website known as 'Poland for All'. Then click on forums and scroll down to find 'Poland'. In that forum you will then find a 3 parter in regards to Polish citizenship. There, you will find others who are in the same boat as you. There you will find some who are older than you that have been able to prove citizenship based on one or the other parent. Or in some cases both.

As one known as 'Know Poland' to refer you to his posting in part 1 about the documents you will (or may) need to document your connection to Poland and then obtain citizenship. In a similar related issue, I was able to prove German citizenship less than 5 yrs ago, long after the 21st birthday issue. Since obtaining the German citizenship is almost similar, but less complicated than the Polish.

Good luck.
26 Oct 2010
USA, Canada / Giving up canadian citizenship for a Polish one? Cant be true! [20]

Hi LeAnne

You do not have to give up your Canadian citizenship in order to get the Polish. There are a few on the Polish forum found on 'Poland Foreigner' that obtained Polish citizenship and they did not have to give up their Canadian or American.

One way of your grandfather losing his citizenship would have been to join the Canadian military or to take a political office. Also, check the Polish citizenship acts of 1920 and 1951 and see how they affect your grandfather. One way of checking out if your grandfather renounced his Polish citizenship would be to enquire through the Polish Embassy or Consulate and make a request for that information. Check the 'Poland Foreigner' website and you may find further help there. Good luck.