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Joined: 9 Apr 2008 / Female ♀
Last Post: 26 Jan 2009
Threads: Total: 1 / In This Archive: 0
Posts: Total: 146 / In This Archive: 45
From: Sheerness, Gliwice
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: geography, astrology, music

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10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

over 1 million immigrant families are living in housing paid by the british taxpayer.

what british taxpayer? you forgot that immigrants pay taxes as well? there is more brits that immigrants living on benefits. poles hardly ever claim any benefits cuz most of the time they don`t even know they`re entitled to them.

all this immigration warnings in the media is just normal british exaggeration. you people exaggerate about immigration same way you exaggerate about severe snowfall when you get a lil bit of dandruff on your streets, or call a summer with lil bit less rainfall a DRAUGHT. give me a break.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

why are you only targeting polish immigrants? we work, pay our taxes and have the right to be here whether you like it or not.

why won`t you concetrate on immigrants that actually cause damage to you country? cuz as far as i`m concerned poles are not the ones who blow up your underground and buses, we are not the ones having 10 kids in a family (2 at most) and we are NOT the ones who come into this country to sit on our LAZY a$$es and claim benefits.

someone has to do the cleaning jobs and if you decide to call polish/ eastern european cleaners names then i get the picture of what kind of bright person you are.

there is also a great number of poles who are far more qualified for the jobs they are doing and they have far more education behind them than you would ever have. i went to a college in london where my fellow students where british and most of them couldn`t even spell. i could spell better than them and english isn`t even my mother tongue.

brits expect the immigrants to speak english, well then i guess if they are emigrating themselves or going on holidays to, say, spain they should be expected to at least be able to say a few words in spanish but oh no, the spanish have to learn english now!

plus you probably don`t even know how the polish soldiers fought for your stupid country in WWII.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Poles represent a vast majority of the immigrant population invading britain.

poland is central europe, but i guess you didn`t have geography at school.and where did you get the 1 million figure from exactly? bear in mind that if over the centuries britain decided to invade almost every country under the sun, they should expect britain to be invaded in return O_o

1. terrorist attacks are a side effect of immigration that your stupid mind won`t take into account for some reason so it is NOT a completely different matter.

2. i`ve never met a polish woman in this country who had more than 2 children so who are you calling a rat, rat? a lot of us decide to have kids back in poland cuz we are terrified of the low level of health care in this country. not to mention sick social services who get parents in jail for slapping their kids which is laughable.

3. good luck.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

skilled brits? moving house recently i`ve been dealing with british solicitors and in my whole life i`ve never dealt with such stupidity. it took us 1 year to move house just becuz the solicitors were not doing their job properly but of course they were skilled... for british standards. but somehow they kept on losing all our documents. another thing was that our lease reguired `mortgage protection clause`, it was the banks requirement but when we went to the bank to ask what that clause actually was and what it meant, no one could tell us. the english guy who was trying to help us called everywhere possible and NO ONE could tell us. wtf? this country has so many stupid rules and regulations all the people get lost in it. on a contrary, in poland it is normal to move house within a month.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Poland (Polish: Polska), officially the Republic of Poland (Polish: Rzeczpospolita Polska), is a country in Central Europe.


about battle of britain:

At the height of fighting, and despite Churchill's insistence, only 30 pilots were released to the frontline from administrative duties.[31] For these reasons the RAF had fewer experienced pilots at the start of the battle, and it was the lack of trained pilots in the fighting squadrons, rather than the lack of machines, that became the greatest concern for Dowding. Drawing from regular RAF forces as well as the Auxiliary Air Force and the Volunteer Reserve, the British could muster a total of some 1,103 fighter pilots on 1 July. Replacement pilots, with little actual flight training and often no gunnery training whatsoever, suffered high casualty rates.[32] RAF forces were bolstered by foreign nationals, including:

Free France
New Zealand
South Africa
United States


under section Pilots

just so you know that we saved your british a$$es.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

minor? lol

The RAF roll of honour for the Battle of Britain recognises 510 non-British pilots as flying at least one authorised operational sortie with an eligible unit of the Royal Air Force or Fleet Air Arm between 10 July and 31 October 1940.[80] This included pilots from Poland, New Zealand, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Belgium, Australia, South Africa, France, Ireland, United States of America, Jamaica, Palestine, and Southern Rhodesia. The highest-scoring unit during the Battle of Britain was the No. 303 Polish Fighter Squadron.[81]

same link under International participation section. not that you`ll even bother to read that you STUCK UP BRIT.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

The Second World War began when Germany invaded western Poland on 1 September 1939. On 17 September eastern Poland was invaded by the USSR. Poland capitulated after 6 weeks of fighting...

i wonder if britain would not capitulate after being invaded by 2 big countries. oh wait, britain was usually the country that was invading other countries (not in world war 2, i mean generally in history)
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

The terrorist attacks commited by muslims in britain were commited by british subjects who were 1st and 2nd generation britons. I hate islam but this is an issue that concerns british born muslims not immigrants

1. therefore terrorist attacks are an indirect result of immigration, the old immigration that is, as they produced the british subjects who now are plotting the next attack on your a$$.

2. plus islam has nothing to do with those attacks- it`s just washed out brains that are behind it and they call themselves muslims for whatever reason but they are FAR from islam and its preachings. they are extremists not muslims and it would be nice of you to be able to distinguish those two.

3. you hate islam? somehow i`m not surprised. you appear to hate just about everything that is not british. hence being a shame to your own people as most of them are decent and kind to immigrants.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

No,from people that were actualy in the Battle of Britain moron....a rather better source than frikkin wikipedia.....
(btw,incubus,the civiliesed world has rather grown out of doning "black face" as a laugh...)

so you believe the brave stories your grandaddy tells you, enough said.

are you refering to the picture in my avatar (about the black face)? if so, check before you judge cuz that guy in the pic is my partner (british from 1st immigrants) and the white girl is me. you can see a bigger version of that pic in my profile. we were dressed up for my partner`s 70`s theme b`day party 2 years ago that`s why we`ve got those wigs on. if there is a joke in here, that`s you.
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

most poles believe they come from a great nation, which is obviously something passed down from great granddaddies becasue it hasnt been the case in living memory

and ALL brits believe they come from a great nation, your national pride is so far up your a$$es that you can`t even accept the fact that you needed help from other countries in battle of britain.

let alone your football pride. LOL that`s the funniest thing ever. a british sunday consists of: telly with football on, beer and a bunch of fat beer-belly english tw@ts screaming `come on england!` now that you`re not in the european cup 2008 it won`t be the case this summer, i guess.

theres nothing wrong with that. its just a bit laughable in some countries cases

well then, go on, laugh at your own country. us, poles might have a bad reputation in the world but at least we are not perceived as fat ugly lazy stupid stuck up football maniacs who fart pride out of their a$$es further than they can see.
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

and brits don`t blame everyone else for the misery this country`s in? you don`t blame immigrants at all? you seem to blame everything including your loss at the EC2008 qualifiers. and of course you are not patriots but state your wonderful britishness every where you go, wearing t-shirts with flags, waving flags out your windows and looking down at people from other nations. not to mention your infamous ignorance and inability to learn any foreign languages. (please note that i am not talking about all brits cuz there are decent ones as well).

Grow up girlie,not enough said at all,but any more would be far to much for your mentality to comprehend.......
Tell you what love,you hate the place so much,fuk off,what are you ,a masochist?

if i could, yes i would, get the hell out of here, boy. it`s not so straight forward though cuz my man is british.

Not in the bars I frequent, but I suppose it depends on who your friends are, you obviously mix with those lower class people you keep banging on about.

lol, i say it how i see it. i hardly mess with english people and if i do it`s my partner`s friends who btw are all uni graduates with good jobs.
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

You're probably right but that's generally because English is spoken throughout the world

yeah, i guess that`s the kind of people i`m talking about. though you can get across british people (the educated and rich kind) in spain and some of them expect the spanish to speak english to them!

No because it's considered racist if we dare wave our flags in public, we might upset the ethnic majority!

i`ve seen many english and british flags hanging out the windows. i wouldn`t say it`s racist but patriotic i guess.

I think you mean - mix, not mess, unless you is a wigga and then it's just plain funny!..because you keep telling me how educated the people are who you associate with.

i meant `mess` as in `mess around`, `mix`. not sure what a wigga is though
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

the idea that the british cant speak foreign languages is as ridiculous as the people who suggest it. the vast majority of us learn at least 1 at school

and how much of that language do they remember when they leave school?

btw the most widely spoken language in the world is chinese :) english is second though, german 10th and polish 26th lol

11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Well, you see I realise you dont read the papers very much and now I know the kind of place you live..

You see, when the last major football games were on (you will have to forgive me for wrong terminology but I don’t follow football) the George Flag and the Union Jack were band in certain areas that were, let's say ethic majority - just in case it insited racism, in short, you know feck all about the UK and what goes on...

what i said, i based on what i`ve seen, not read

Spanish speak English very well, they are very educated people and understand the needs of people living and visiting, manay Spanish speak German fluently too...but I guess because you get your info second / third hand without actually knowing anyone that lives out there you don't know these things...but that's okay.

looks like you don`t even understand what i mean lol i said that the british go to spain and are unable to speak spanish so that the spanish have to speak english to them. tu comprendes? i never said that the spaniards don`t speak english!

And the Indian speaks english not by DEFAULT but due the colonial history and the British Empire. That goes for ALL english speaking countries outside the islands - they are not NATIVE languages!

true true, mein deutsch Bruder :)

ive actually built on the 2 languages i learnt at school, and am able to communicate basically in a number more.

the additional language i speak strongest i didnt study at school at all

how about you?

polish - native,
english - pretty fluent, taught at private english school and while being in england, german - elementary, learned at school, i like the languge but find it difficult

spanish - elementary, private lessons, i want to learn to speak spanish fluent though

what languages do you operate?
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

they know if they don't speak it then they are somewhat limited in opportunites around the world...

unfortunately, that is true

The English go on holiday, do they need to converse in depth with the locals?

nobody says they have to have in depth conversations with the locals but for shiiit`s sake, being able to say what you want to order for starters in a spanish restaurant would be nice, INNIT DUCK?
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

The menu is in English, French and German...funny than innit, no Polish! We dont use duck in my part of the world neither do we say "innit"...

not sure if i understand what you are talking about O_o

its almost like for some unknown reason that the waitress, barman and taxi driver really want to practice their english with you more than have you speak their language. weird, huh?

well maybe they don`t even bother trying and speaking spanish to the english as they know that it will be a struggle and the actual ordering of starters, pizza, paella etc will take too long and other customers the waitress has to serve will get impatient and leave the restaurant. that`s just one scenario. let`s see what the taxi driver would do if an english person was trying to explain to him in spanish where he wants to go... any ideas?

well me ol china, its all relative really innit... i mean who's to say you havent misenterpreted the language connotations of a brit writing in spanish?

i thought brazilii was speaking portuguese @_@

so writing in portuguese you don`t have to.

i appreciate your intentions, but unfortunately i did :-)

the sentence you wrote looked spanish to me
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Yes, I was but I thought better not to mention...

lol then i guess my big mouth revealed it :)

it was but as you gain a greater understanding of lanuages and how they work you see the similarities of those that share a common root

gosh, i knew that. spanish, french, italian, portuguese are all in the latin branch of languages. yet, they`ve got their distinctive features and those should not be mistaken. english btw is in the germanic branch :) latin and germanic branches are all in the indo-european family of languages. just sharing some basic stuff i learnt at geography in primary school :)
14 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

yeah, that`s because english is so bloody easy to learn :) and also it`s just about everywhere you go. it`s in the music and the movies. that`s how i started learning - by listening to music. at first, of course i didn`t have a clue what the artists were singing about and when i was trying to sing along i was making up funny sounds, it`s kind of funny when i look back at it. also one of my primary school friends went to live in london with his parents back in 1995 for a year and when he came back and i knew he could speak english, i found out that he also liked the band bon jovi (my childlhood heroes :P) i asked him whether he could understand the lyrics and when he said yes, i was like `woooooooow` and i had little stars in my eyes...
14 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

So what is the point you are trying to make??? That English is widely spoken? Yep that's been covered more than once!

i`m not trying to make any points :)

Is that why most foreigners cant get the simple things like tense correct...yeah must be really easy :) Just because someone says "yeah I speak English" is doesn't mean for one moment that they actually speak it properly! There's a big difference...

yeah usually the native english speakers make mistakes as well. but if you try to compare how difficult and complex other languages are compared to english you wouldn`t be so surprised why i called english easy.
14 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Really? so why have you been banging on trying to make a point that the English are incapable of speaking another language and by and large calling the national lazy!

i`m generalising. as a nation the british are perceived that way by other nations, these characteristics are viewed as your flaws just like being an intolerant alcoholic thief is what usually is perceived by other nations to be typically polish. i`m not saying it`s right cuz generally speaking generalising is not a possive thing cuz it causes intolerance but if pseudo-people like noimmigration can complain about the polish i can complain about the british (the only difference being that i don`t actually hate the british :)

I'm sure they do, as I am sure that Polish people make mistakes in their own language!

yap, probably polish people make more mistakes cuz polish is a difficult language even to its natives.

It may be "easy " to learn the basics,far from it to use it well.You do realise English has the largest vocabulary of any on the planet dont you?

i didn`t know that. however vocabulary is one thing, the grammar, pronounciation, spelling etc is another - you can learn extended vocabulary if you`re determined enough but you might find it difficult for your tongue not to `break` while you`re learning to pronounce a polish sentence: ` w strzebrzeszynie chrzaszcz brzmi w trzcinie` - just a little tease :P

the only difficulty i personally find with english is that it has no logic (for example the lack of spelling - pronounciation rules) and i am perfectly aware that i don`t speak it correctly :)