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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 2
Posts: Total: 2692 / In This Archive: 1778
From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

It didnt work for Hitler.

lmao,didnt he live in liverpool or somesuch for a while too(probably explains a few things...)
Shelley,can you re post that pm regarding the insurence wottsits please,as you might guess,Im er,a different me now...dont ask...:) Thanks.
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

Yeah,the lufftwaffe gave up bombing liverpool after a couple of raids....every time they tried to land their bombers back in France they crashed coz some scally had nicked the wheels :)
3 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

As someone who has studied Russian,the correct wa to spell it phonetically over here would be pYerYestroYka....but we dont spell things phonetically so its,perestroika zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz cant you just say Glasnost ? ;) or sorry,do I mean Glaznoost.....
3 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

Гнилой фашистской нечисти
Загоним пулю в лоб,
Отребью человечества
Сколотим крепкий гроб!

That better M'?
3 Apr 2008

Well said G'
BTW Joe,that guy has been well and truelly debunked.Part of his "proof" was that the scenes in Schindlers list where Amon Goethe shoots people from his balcony in Plasow camp must have been made up as Steven Speilberg admited he didnt make an accuratte copy of the camp for his film....Ive been to the site of Plasow,and let me tell you,from the hill where the villa was,even without the elavation of being 2 stories up I could still get a clear view of the entire site.

He also claims that from the samples he took in crem 2(3) didnt show any traces of Gift Gas...er,D'oh,60 years of exposure to the elements kinda makes that a no brainer.....
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

go home you are not welcome in uk anymore off home and stay away from the uk you are not wanted !!!!!!!

wot r yuo sayign mayt i carnt reed that beecuz im a dumm brite hoo licks the pollss mabe iff yuo poot a ful stip in nuw and than yuo wuldnt soonde lick OFFICER FRIGGIN CRABTREE FROM ALLO ALLO you brain dead sociopath..go join the friggin BNP then ,more targets for me and my Mossie you complete waste of space ,go play on the nearest moterway you retard and do us all a huge favour.
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

you would be surprised just how badly some other British people spell in English...

hey,stop picking on me,I told you Id turned a new leaf,just coz I worship santa ;)
3 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

If I haven't became so nice... the new edition of BW would be appear soon...

You know,its rubbed off on me babes,cant wait to see you again sweat cheeks ....:)

I'm coming soon... and what are you going to do ?

Not too soon I hope,your not a selfish lover are you?
3 Apr 2008

Interesting. I wonder why? Surely something so historically important and there is not enough research available to make an accurate copy...?

Its basicaly a "mirror" image of the camp,and set in a quarry where as the actuall camps quary was just outside the main area,but apart from that...
3 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

er,yes pirion ,I sort of know what I write,unlike many,many people on here.....
just for you...

My,Pierwsza Brygada,
Strzelecka gromada,
Na stos - rzucilismy
Swoj zycia los -
Na stos,na stos.

there,is that better?

This polish uniform doesn’t suit you.

I could care less what you think about it mate,my veteren friends seem to disagree,the ones who I raise money for their memorial and their profile over here but,I justify myself to no one unless they actually served with the WP or AK during the war,did you?No,well,keep quite old bean theres a good chap.
3 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

Thanks,you wouldnt believe how proud I was to have a veteren of the Mokatow district and some former Radoslaw veterens tell me how glad they were that someone in Britain who wasnt even Polish was trying to keep their memory alive and maybe educate a few people along the way.

all the best mate.
3 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

the song of the Polish legions J',it was actually your national anthem for a short period of time too :)
(although,whisper this...the tune is an old russian one....)
4 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

lol,yes,I guess it does look rather an "exotic" smoke doesnt it...let me reasure you though,its a belamorcanal ,russian ciggie,you know " Soviet firecracker,the only thing that keeps you awake in the snow" ( Liam Devlin,The Eagle has landed)
4 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / Time for the Poles from the UK to go home [437]

This is a prime example of the differences bewteen Polish and English mentality.

The Poles see it as the British sitting on their arses being lazy.

The British see it as getting some other mug to do the sh!tty work.

Oh,thats a classic,LMAO :)
We didnt build the worlds largeset empire by actualy rolling our own sleeves up ! We got the natives(or the irish) to do all the digging and what not. ;)
4 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]

What's the go with the new name too? And the avatar? My avatar's czapska is better than yours!

see introduction pages ;) and your cap,yes,does somewhat come with the rank though old fella ,I was portraying a Kaporal(sp) in the "field" at the time(I say field,muddy great trench actually :) )

"Your" Cap is whats known as a Garrison Cap,mine a Field cap.
(sorry admin I know thishas been a bit OT but some may find it educational,ta.)
4 Apr 2008
History / "SOLIDARNOŚĆ" is just a word for Polish people? [47]


Does that song go on about 'we of the first brigade..duh duh regiment of fire power...duh, duh, we've thrown ourselves into the fire?'

Thats the one,I have a translation somewhere.......I'm a huge fan of the old Polish music both the Army type ones and traditional/"pop" tunes(like 30'sand40s,not that Cher lookalike :)

Anyhow,heres what I have roughly translated from"pieśń ujdzie cało"(W Korniewski,L £ochowski,1992)
please correct any mistakes I may have made in translation.
MarszPierwszey Brygady,Words,Andrzej Hałaciński(1891-1941),Tadeusz Biernacki(1899-1974)Words written in 1917
Music,unknown,composed?origionaly a Imperial Russian tune called March to the Red Sea.
I may be wildly wrong here but it seems to have been one step below a national anthem but still an official song(?) between 1917 and 1924 ,and then in '24 passed on as the official song of the 1st brigade and then to all Officers of the Polish army in the second republic.

T Biernacki died inSzwajcarii(?) and
A Hałacinski died ,Katyn.
6 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / I have concerns over the British immigration policy so I wrote to my MP. [126]

How condisending is that? The "educated class" the "working class".....You dont think you can be both?
Well,if its only those working class types affected,who cares,stuff em,give em more time to watch trisha eat food from iceland and beat their wives with half empty cans of special brew.....
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

just so you know that we saved your british a$$es.

yeah yeah,keep laping up the bull shoit ..you believe whatever you need to to get you through the day.......just dont claim it as fact....

Not to mention that it was the Polish experience of flying against the Luftwaffe that radically reshaped the tactics used by RAF Fighter Command in the Battle of Britain.

wow,so far off the truth you wouldnt believe,,again,more BS. What a load of old tosh...the 2 (thats 24 planes) Polish squadrens were notorious for not following instructions on where they were needed in the highly technical aspect of air defence,notorious for swanning off after straggling nazi bombers just to score a "kill" rather than concentrating on breaking up in bound formations....

You are just one more working class british person and, of course, with working class opinion...

And you are just an arrogent snob...fek you and your attitude to the working class. Go shove your worthless uni education where the sun dont shine (and Im nicely middle class thank you very muchly).
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

Sometimes when you listen to Poles you can't help thinking they won the war for the allies...:)

Yes they did! My uncles just sat on theirars es beside their hurricanes all through the battle of Britain while letting the 30 odd Polish Pilots win the war...of course my Uncles 9 "kills" were just made up in an act of Polonophobia and his finishing on 20+ destroyed german aircraft and countless tanks etc when he transfered to fighter bomber spitfires were likewise made up just to spite the Poles..who,were of course the only people to storm Normandy..dont believe speilberg folks,it wasnt the US 29th and 1st inf divs that stormed Omaha it was the 76 warsaw highland rifle twirlers assisted of course by the duke of krakovias own mounted belly dancers....
10 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

so you believe the brave stories your grandaddy tells you, enough said.

Grow up girlie,not enough said at all,but any more would be far to much for your mentality to comprehend.......
Tell you what love,you hate the place so much,fuk off,what are you ,a masochist?

well then, go on, laugh at your own country. us, poles might have a bad reputation in the world but at least we are not perceived as fat ugly lazy stupid stuck up football maniacs who fart pride out of their a$$es further than they can see.

No,your seen as moaning bairns that blame everyone else for all your problems/losing ww2 yet claim you "won" ww2 for everyone else...sad pathetic waste of breath. I used to get involved in debates re our shared history on here,I and others who actually know about these things dont bother anymore as to many chauvanistic "patriots" like yourself chip in with garbage and second hand communist propaganda..... Heres a thought though sucubus,if Polands so great...how well do you think you and your partner would get on if you decided to move back? How many days or weeks before the lynch mob came a knocking?
11 Apr 2008
UK, Ireland / A collection of noimmigration's threads or "STAY AWAY from BRITAIN" [978]

wow,your entertainment value is superb sucubus :) Another know all ,rich little daddies girl,,"ooh,I went to private school" ,blah,I went to state school and learnt 2 languages,French and German,I spoke Spannish fluently as a small child when we lived there....,I took night classes in Russian (which,consequently helped me learn the basics of your language,not to mention I can understand Croatian and Ukranian to a small extent),mind you,moot point as I'm a Scot but,Ive lived most of my life in England and the picture you paint is completly laughable. Funny though,whwn I was In Warsaw I struggled to find anyone who was Bi lingual other than the family I stayed with,most conversations were along the lines of the hunchback monk in The Name of The Rose,ie a weird mix of Polish,french and German.....