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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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22 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Polonius is right. He was. He now refers to himself as a person of strong faith. He is for separation of Church and state but he has not said anything in his campaign about being anti Catholic or against the Church.
22 Oct 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Remind us why it was Duda that was caught red handed claiming for trips to his private workplace, remind us why it was Hoffman that was caught, etc etc?

You know most people in your situation would be about to sat things like this and then stop and think 'ah, wait, people from PO have done far worse things, so perhaps it's not a good idea to throw stones.' Yet you still manage to bring up anything you can find on president Duda and PiS and completely ignore any PO wrong doings.
27 Sep 2015
News / The shame of Duda making late night visits to Kaczyński [79]

It's not "out of nothing", it's the President making secret late night visits to the leader of the opposition.

So perhaps he made the visit to a friend late at night so nobody would see as he knew what a needless storm the anti Duda anti PiS media would kick up.

Actually, protocol dictates that you visit the President, not the other way round.

You're saying that Andrzej Duda is not allowed to visit anyone ever, even as a friend just visiting a friend? This was a non official visit. He was not visiting officially as the president of Poland.
27 Sep 2015
News / The shame of Duda making late night visits to Kaczyński [79]

PS: what about the huge money Komorowski has thrown away on his stupid referendum? You have never commented upon that.

He wouldn't. He only comments on negative things to do with PiS. It's called having an agenda.
27 Sep 2015
News / The shame of Duda making late night visits to Kaczyński [79]

I'm not sure what this has to do with the utter shame of Duda having to visit his boss in the middle of the night.

I cannot imagine The Queen visiting Jeremy Corbyn, or Hollande visiting Nicolas Sarkozy.

Well I'm glad you're harping on about this. Of course Tusk's meeting on a peer with Putin, not long before the 'mysterious' plane crash, that Tusk and his cronies were not on and both of the Kaczyński brothers were expected to be on, probably doesn't bother you as much.
27 Sep 2015
News / The shame of Duda making late night visits to Kaczyński [79]

You make a fair point Crow, that I find surprising given your positive attitudes to Russia (from what I have seen of your posts on here).

It is laughable how much people cried foul out how president Komorowski received no respect as president, and yet these same people try to tarnish president Duda almost from the gates. He hasn't even been president 2 months yet for crying out loud.
26 Sep 2015
News / The shame of Duda making late night visits to Kaczyński [79]

I think the funniest part of this, given that delph is a PO supporter and very anti PiS and Duda who he considers part of PiS, is how he tries to act like this is the most scandalous thing to every happen in Polish politics.

Given that you and your media think that Duda is in cahoots with PiS anyway, this shouldn't surprise you, so why are you harping on about it.
26 Sep 2015
News / The shame of Duda making late night visits to Kaczyński [79]

Yeah because Komorowski had no connection to PO whatsoever and Kopacz doesn't base any of her decisions on what Tusk says. Come on delph, try harder. You want scandals, you don't have to look any further than PO, once you've delt with the dozens of scandals and corruption there, then you can nit pick the two or three dodgy things going on around PiS or the president.
21 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

I'm more inclined to believe dolnyslask on this one. I've been to Poland many times and never has anyone looked at my passport funny, in so far as that I have a Polish name but it is a British passport. Even back in the day when there were border checks going from Germany to Poland and my passport was shown, nobody questioned me or any member of my family about it.

Anyway delph I'm surprised Poles are being so 'petty' about it nowdays, I thought things were amazing under PO and they didn't cause problems.
21 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

Let me spell it out for you because it seems you can't grasp the idea.


You're not making any sense. So if my mother had not been speaking to me in Polish, I did not even know the language, did not have a Polish sounding name and went to Poland for a few days on holiday, I could get in to some serious trouble. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Or let me put this a different one

What you're effectively saying, Harry, is that if a Polish woman goes to England, marries a Brit, has a child there, calls him David, surname Johnson, does not teach him Polish, the child lives in the UK his whole life as a British citizen and then when an adult in his 20's, decides to go to Poland for a couple of days on a holiday with his friends, he could be in trouble for not having a Polish passport. Sounds like utter BS.
21 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

But I am outside Poland for now. I don't live there, only go there once or twice per year. I have thought about living there and want to get my official citizenship in the event that I do. I still don't see how I can get in to trouble for turning up to Poland for a few weeks, having never lived there, with a British passport. It sounds like a load of nonsense. I think you're confused.
20 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

Yeah it's something I've wanted to do for a while but not got around to. People often told me they think I should just have the citizenship because of what I was born in to, as did the lady at the consulate, but I don't have any papers to prove it. This is effectively what I am applying for.
20 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

Ah so that's the mistake. At the time of the issue of my British Citizenship only my mother had a Polish passport. I don't know when she got her British passport but she has had one for a very long time now.

Anyway I thought when you were born in a country to parents who live there legally you are a citizen of that country.
20 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

Yeah it makes no sense. I have a British passport as I was born there and was given one. I am also Polish and applying for a Polish passport. I thought it would be easier to do but I still have to fill out a lot of paperwork.
20 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

Okay thanks for that. It sounds complicated either way. I have a family member who is in Poland right now that I have given written and signed permission to go to the local 'gmina' for me (the gmina said it was fine). They handed over my British birth certificate that they needed and picked up a form that they have put in the post for me. I will fill it out when it arrives, pop in a photo and send it back so my family member can go once again with the filled out form. If I need to show up to collect the passport and PESEL I will.

I've already been to the London consulat who sent some forms I filled out to Warsaw to confirm my Polish identity. It's funny when I spoke to the lady and filled out my family background, she basically told me that I am a Polish citizen, I just need to make it official on paper.
20 Sep 2015
Law / Electronic signature for my Polish citizenship? [40]

I'm in the process of having my Polish citizenship done, and there are two ways to do it, one of which involves filling out a form online on epuap.gov.pl

I have filled out all the information I need, but now need to do a 'podpis elektroniczny' that seems more difficult that I had hoped. The only choice it gives me in order to make this signature is to do it via 'podpis certifikatem kwalifikowanym.' Does anyone have any idea of how to do these or how this works?
18 Sep 2015
News / Russia threatens Poland over monument [33]

I'd bet good money on Russia doing exactly that if Poland keeps demolishing monuments without agreeing it first with Russia.

Yeah because asking Russia is going to make a difference. They're really going to agree.

The Russians don't need to have it there. The Polish population of the town did not want it. It's not like the town had a large Russian inhabitants that would visit the monument that meant a lot to them. The Russians only wanted it kept there to act like tools.
13 Sep 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

Haven't you followed the news lately? Even Duda has been caught red handed defrauding Poland! PiS are about as corrupt as it gets...

There is no hard news over in Poland, unless you sign up to PAP and only read their website. You either follow the Polsat/TVN/Gazeta Wyborcza spin of what is happening, or the Gazeta Polska/Republika/Niezalezna.pl spin. To be honest I have not heard anything about Duda defrauding Poland. Are you talking about Piotr Duda? I heard about that but he has defended himself from those accusations.

You really ought to stop talking to people from rural Lubelskie, because they'll always give lame answers like "the government didn't give me 20,000zl to have a baby"

Oh that's right. Don't talk to those who say something different to what you believe. I speak to random Polish people I have met for the first time. I had no idea about their political views when I spoke to them about the situation in Poland. They didn't all support PiS, but they were all very much against PO. I suppose they must all be stupid and from the same area though right, because how can anyone possibly have anything against PO?

PO have reformed a lot of small things that PiS wouldn't have touched

How do you know what PiS would and would not touch?

Are you really so naive as to think that people will suddenly stop leaving because PiS come to power?

I know many young people here w are set to go back if PO is no longer in power in October.

It was a great honour for a Pole to get elevated to the top job. I don't think you quite understand it, but people in Poland were genuinely proud that a Polish person was capable of such a thing.

No I think this is where you are delusional. What you say simply is not true. Go out in to the street and ask 50 random people if they are proud of what Tusk has done and is doing now. I expect the response you get will not be positive.

As for why they elected him - he was elected as a man that could compromise and get others to compromise. In other words, he was talented and seen as someone that took Poland from being this annoying squeaky wheel to being a serious partner at the European level.

In other words, he's prepared to kiss ass and do what he's told. You're saying what I'm saying, just sprucing it up a bit with some glitter.

Komorowski lost that election, not PO - people turned on him because he was perceived to have been lazy and "I'm gonna win anyway, so why bother" while Duda ran a fantastic campaign, and Kukiz put a lot of ground work in as well.

Funny that is pretty much how PO have been for years. Scare people with PiS and they will vote PO. The rest, doesn't matter, people are too afriad to vote for PiS.

How intelligent.

About only idiots voting PO. let's face it, that's exactly what you think of those who vote for PiS, and you've made it clear on numerous occasions.

Go on then, amuse me, tell me how many governments have been anything other than centre-right in the III RP?

Are you suggesting Kwasniewski was a right winger?

By the way you seem convinced you know my and many other people's life stories. You seem very reluctant to tell us about yourself though. You still won't even say where you are from. By the way you write on here I would think British, but you've not confirmed that.
12 Sep 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

PO is hope - PiS is what represents a return to the bad old days

PO stopped being hope a long time ago. That's why Polish people are evacuating in drones. PO = corruption. I've spoken to many Polish people in the UK who moved recently, and the soul reason they left was PO and the way they run things, so I don't know what hope and improvements you're seeing, but a lot of actual Polish people, not expats, obviously aren't looking through the same rose tinted sunglasses you are. If things are so great, why are people still running away? They don't see a future for themselves in Poland. The economy has done well thanks to all the money they send back from the UK and other countries.

Very few PO supporters are going anywhere near Kukiz.

That's arguable. Komorowski vs Duda was basically PO vs Pis, and many Komorowski (and therefore PO supporters) shifted to Kukiz.

As for Tusk going to the EU - aren't you proud that a Pole made it to the top job in the EU? There must be something really psychotic about PiS supporters that aren't proud of one of their countrymen doing very well. For most ordinary Poles, it was a way to say "look, we can do it too"

Not when while asked if he was going as the prime minister of Poland, he said he wouldn't. You can say it's an achievements for Poland, but it's not. It's Tusk leaving a sinking ship and the only reason they elected him in the EU was because he smiles and keeps his mouth shut. He does whatever they want him to.

It will be a huge success. Remember, PiS need a majority. PO don't, because they're capable of being partners in a coalition.

I'd say there are a couple of parties PiS could form a coalition with.

Oh, and you still haven't explained why Duda defrauded the country.

I don't remember you asking me this question.

'Evacuating in droves' sorry, not drones. Typo. That would be interesting though.
12 Sep 2015
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

To be honest Roger a PO victory in this election would mean there is no hope for Poland. The bottom line is that PiS scare monegering doesn't work anymore and that's why the drop in PO votes is happening, at least in the polls. Some are going to PiS, some to Kukiz, perhaps a few to some other parties.

The amount of crap people have seen out of PO, topped off nicely by Mr Tusk running off to Europe, even though he said he wouldn't, means PO simply cannot win. It would be a tragedy. Is PiS going to be great in their place and everything right? Unlikely, but one thing is for sure, there are a lot of people in that party right now, whether some want to call them right wing extremists or whatever, who really love their country, and their decisions will always be made in the interest of it, whether they are good decisions or not. A lot of people will hopefully vote PiS as a vote against PO, just like they used to vote PO as a vote against PiS.
10 Sep 2015
Language / Applying for a Polish football website - translation question? [6]

I understand the sentence itself but I don't know what it's getting at.

Even if it was written in English I wouldn't understand it. 'If you don't understand any of the 3 languages, feel free to support yourself with a translation in to English.' What do they mean? I can take one of the texts, translate them in to English and then in to Polish?

Thanks for being critical rather than helping by the way.
10 Sep 2015
Language / Applying for a Polish football website - translation question? [6]

Hi folks. If someone could help me out.

I am making an application on a football website and there is one part of the form that confuses me.

Here's the link to the form: eurofutbol.pl/formularz/nabor/

Below, underneath the first translation of the Everton player, it has link to 3 different articles, one in Spanish, one in German and one in Italian. It also says

do wyboru jeden z trzech (jeśli nie znasz żadnego z języków, możesz wesprzeć się tłumaczeniem na angielski)

I am interested in the part in bold. What are they saying, that if I don't speak any of the 3 languages, I can just concentrate on the first translation I did about the Everton player, in to English, or are they saying I can translate one of the 3 texts in to English first and then in to Polish? Not sure, slightly confused.

Anyone please?
8 Sep 2015
Life / A rant on customer service in Poland [42]

I didn't realise any of this. So it's not that they are nasty and unkind just because they are (although they can be too), it's just that this is how it is in Poland and they are used to it. It's the customers duty to have the exact money.

This is totally alien to somebody in the UK or USA where if you give more than the amount of the item, it's totally natural to expect change, even if it is a silly amount in coins. Nobody makes a big deal over it. Obviously in Poland they still do.
8 Sep 2015
Life / A rant on customer service in Poland [42]

Merged: Bad customer service experience with Poland

Okay so I love Poland but there is no denying that Polish people aren't always the best when it comes to customer service.

How about we all give some examples of when he didn't get the customer service we expected. Here is mine.

I was in a little Polish shop today, buying a few things. I get to the till and the lady tells me it's £4.15, I hand over my £10. She looks bemused and says she won't be able to give me change for that. Now I look confused. She asks if I have 15p. I say I don't, the £10 is all I have. She asks if I can pay by card. I say the note is all I have on me. She looks frustrated. I stand there and say 'so what now?' I tell her I did not realise she would have such problems. She thinks for bit and looks even more frustrated. Shen then takes what seems to be the last of the coins in her till out, along with a £5 note and hands me my £5.85. I thank her, she doesn't say anything and walks away from the till.

I had so many thoughts of what I could say to her, but I'm just too nice when it comes to these transactions and didn't do it.

How is it my problem if they have enough money to give back in the till? It's not the first time this has happened either. They treat you like you are at fault and should be more considerate, as a customer. It's incredible. This is why I don't like going in to Polish shops much. I'm not saying it's just Polish folks, there might be people from other countries who are similar, perhaps slavic ones, but I know that so far I have only had this crappy attitude from people in Polish shops.
22 Aug 2015
News / Is Kinga Duda of Poland the most beautiful first-daughter of the world? [50]

I agree with the opinion on here that if Kinga Duda was not the president's daughter we wouldn't be thinking too much about it. She's a nice looking girl but let's not go overboard. Most beautiful first-daughter? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I personally think Marta Kaczynska is quite pretty, but again, others would disagree I think I am out of my mind. It's about personal taste.