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Joined: 9 Mar 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 15 Mar 2012
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From: Warszawa!
Speaks Polish?: tak

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15 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Well it is not for you to decide and never was

You do realise this is a discussion forum?

you think about Kim Philby.

A question asked but avoided. It seems you think the idea of treason depends on the politics of the countries involved.

the Enemy Within of Poland

The what?

If anything, the 'memorial' is most likely to have been defaced by army veterans.
15 Feb 2012
UK, Ireland / Common pitfalls for Poles learning English [187]

even a native English speaker can not be sure how to pronaunce an English word they've never seen before.

Yes they can!

.i think he is scared of learning and is worried he will make mistakes

This is quite common.
15 Feb 2012
USA, Canada / Poles and American Poles. What do you think about those two groups and their interactions. [85]

most of the posters are not Polish but speak freely about what Poles feel.

Remember Poland isn't just an ethnic homeland - it's a large European country which attracts immigrants from elsewhere in Europe. People who have settled here and are qualified and entitled to say how people feel.

My relatives in Poland seem to be quite receptive of my queries and have on several occasions asked me to visit.

You should. It is a land of surprises!
15 Feb 2012
Life / Supermarket culture rules in Poland? [18]

Piotr lubaszka and Jan Piekarz are the best two in Warsaw.

If you're near Arkadia, on ul. Burakowska, just behind Rondo Babka/Radoslawa there's a great bakery. They have a window at the entrance selling hot bread and cakes 24 hours.
15 Feb 2012
Travel / Hostels in Poland (Oki Doki, Flamingo, Yellow)? [8]

Gdansk: The university residences in Wrzeszcz
Warsaw: Ditto, on ul. Zwirki i Wigury
Poznan: The Music Academy Hostel

All vacation time only. The Music Academy Hostel in Poznan is in an Eighteenth Century building just off the Stary Rynek.


Katowice: Hotel Korty. It's some rooms to let at the Tennis Club. Up the hill at the back of the station in that nice Art Deco 30's district. Shared bathrooms, but modernised rooms with wi-fi etc and only about 40zl per night.

Warsaw: The Botel (a floating hostel on the river between Poniatowski and Swietokrzyszki Bridges) is 85zl for a single cabin.They have doubles and triples too. Annoying bathrooms, but very cheap for Warsaw. April to November only. Amazing location.

There are a couple of decent and cheap places in Lodz too, but the better of the two is always booked up.
14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Read your post carefully. Pure casuistry and evasion. A lovely example of that is when you try to pretend that a soldier can choose his oath by looking up the names of various wartime volunteer detachments.

Citing a committed pacifist (which Colonel Kuklinski was not) is just a distraction.

Kuklinski was a senior officer in his country's army. One oath to serve. He betrayed that country and was tried and sentenced for his crimes. That sentence outlived the PRL

I wonder if you think Kim Philby was justified in doing the same in the name of ideology?
14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

ignore my arguments

You aren't really making any arguments. You're just trying to duck the issue with half-truths and evasion.

The 1952 military oath was enforced on all the conscripts,

Not unusual for a military oath - unless you know of a country that lets its soldiers pick and choose.


He was a colonel, you know.

as such, it had no moral or ethical value

So the oath a defendant or witness in court has to take has "no moral or ethical value" because they are forced to take it?

professional military,

See above, though it's worth repeating, he was an Officer, not an enlisted man.

dignifying the PRL military oath

Almost every officer (and there were many thousands) except him treated it with dignity and didn't break it by betraying his country.
14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

No. He broke his oath and was a traitor. Maybe he had a crisis of conscience, maybe there were less noble reasons but he did it all the same. I He may have thought he was doing the right thing, as Bradley Manning did, but the act of treason is still the same.

I wonder if those who were so quick to defend Kuklinski feel the same about Kim Philby.......
14 Feb 2012
Love / More loveless sex of Poles living in the regained lands [73]

It wasn't made under duress. The guy was a colonel. The marriage vow however can be dissolved if required without a strain on one's character.

Nor is sexual love without a certificate from the Town Hall unusual, disreputable or illegal in Poland.
14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

let us bask in the glory we allot for the Nazi soldiers

No. The only 'basking' is in wrong and right. Poland was neither Nazi Germany (why do denizens of the internet always mention that when they pick an argument and are losing it?) nor the Soviet Union. And Kuklinski gave his country's secrets to her enemies. This did not go unrewarded by them..
14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Any soldier?

Only the ones who end up in a Court Martial.

For any cause? Regardless if his beliefs changed? Regardless of anything?

Like Bradley Manning?

Life is so simple for some;

An oath is simple. Keep it or break your word of honour.
14 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]



if those orders are illegal. Breaking an oath to a proxy of an occupying power

His oath wasn't illegal, nor were any orders he received and his country wasn't occupied. Kuklinski was a traitor no matter how you try to dress up his treason.
14 Feb 2012
Love / More loveless sex of Poles living in the regained lands [73]

Under the Cahtolic belief system. I'm sure you know I'm a Catholic.

So you'd force your interpretation of Catholicism down people's throats?

a staunchly Catholic country innit?.

Not according to several of your posts in this thread.

In fact you seem to be suggesting that certain regions of Poland are very far from that indeed.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Kuklinski wasn't a mercenary. He was an officer in the army of his country who betrayed his vow.

There are indeed many such examples. Most of them treason.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

Very different. And even if it hadn't been, that is no excuse to betray his country or his comrades.

Von Stauffenberg, by the way was a very different kettle of fish.
13 Feb 2012
History / Polish Officer in NATO, Col. Ryszard Kukliński. [145]

And such people are regarded as traitors and punished. Bradley Manning probably thought he was doing the right thing too, as did Burgess & Maclean, Rosenberg etc.
13 Feb 2012
News / US-POLAND special relationship [20]

Remember they voted, as Serbia will, to join the EU. Poland's future is as part of that Union, with whom the USA has good relations.
13 Feb 2012
News / US-POLAND special relationship [20]

in that relationship USA is interested exclusively for the territory of Poland, for the empty land.

That is just silly. Anyway, Poland doesn't have a special relationship with the US. It is however a key part of the EU.