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Joined: 31 Mar 2010 / Male ♂
Last Post: 21 Jan 2012
Threads: Total: 12 / In This Archive: 11
Posts: Total: 515 / In This Archive: 416
From: Wroclaw
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11 Dec 2010
Polonia / The Netherlands: run-down districts happy with Polish immigrants [59]

Sources (in Dutch):

Polish immigrants, living in the Netherlands for a longer period of time, help to improve run-down residential areas in several municipalities in the Netherlands. Unfortunately, this isn't yet the case everywhere. This came out of survey among several local authorities on Friday.

Now this is not about the fact whether the Poles are being "classified" as Eastern Europeans (I guess some people tend to call everything "eastern" which is on the other side of the former iron curtain), but about the fact that here we have an article, which is very favourable about the Poles and their influence on Dutch society. There is still a lot to do (like combatting exploitation), but it is obvious that, in general, Dutch society is being helped tremendously by the influx of Polish people (with a job, obviously).

I guess Dutch society shouldn't make the mistake thinking that Polish immigrants will probably return back to Poland anyway and therefore don't warrant a comprehensive policy, like offering language and citizenship courses (when you register yourself as a resident of a municipality, these citizenship courses -although not compulsory- are subsidized; 10 x half a day including exams for 200 euro).

Any thoughts ... ?
10 Dec 2010

and most of the western europe is very cheap with 5 to 10 euro

Ever been in Western Europe and asked for their services ... ? Obviously not, otherwise you'd know that nothing can be done under 50 euro (unless you want to have free HIV with it).
10 Dec 2010
News / An end to Drug Prohibition in Poland and EU states? [9]

I quoted Newsweek.

Then I suggest you come here once and ask for "nederhasj" ;)

It is seriously more expensive, though, with about 25 euro per gram. "The rest" is between 6 and 10 euros.

Unfortunately, I can't use it anymore, because of the consequences for my job. When caught (and we have random checks from hair samples), use of any drug is grounds for immediate dismissal. Even when our "famous" world champion in gymnastics, Yuri van Gelder (who was a sergeant in the Army) was caught, he was dismissed immediately, without any regard for his status.

But when I was young ... <reminiscing> ;)
10 Dec 2010
News / An end to Drug Prohibition in Poland and EU states? [9]

Not quite true, EchoTheCat:

Product Average THC-conc.(%) | Lowest THC-conc.(%) | Highest THC-conc.(%)
"Nederwiet" 15,2 +/- 5,4 | 1,9 | 28,5
Foreign weed 6,6 +/- 5,2 | 0,4 | 21,7
"Nederhasj" 33,0 +/- 20,2 | 10,1 | 67,7
Foreign hashiesh 17,8 +/- 6,1 | 4,0 | 30,4
"Strongest" weed 17,2 +/- 4,7 | 6,1 | 30,1

Source: "THC-concentraties in wiet, nederwiet en hasj in Nederlandse coffeeshops" (THC-concentrations in weed, "nederwiet" and hashiesh in Dutch coffeeshops) - Trimbos Instituut, Utrecht (NL) - Programma drugsmonitoring.

Trimbos Instituut: trimbos.org/about-trimbos - The Trimbos Institute is a centre of expertise on mental health and addiction.

But I do agree with you that it is high time that (soft)drugs be legalised. Great source for extra VAT-income.
8 Dec 2010
News / Medvedev in Poland [28]

Just pretend you get lost and try to ask a Russian about directions. Ask three of them, in a row. You'll get three separate, convoluted routes

Ehh ... the Dutch do the same with Germans. When they ask for directions, we always send them back to the border.


"The most anti-German sentiments are among the Dutch and Danish, who just hate them from invading their countries too often. When German ask for directions in Holland, they're usually given directions to the shortest way out of the country, or told "Give us back our bikes!", a reference to the fact that Germans confiscated Dutch bicycles during WW2".

Sorry BB ... ;)
7 Dec 2010
News / John Godson, born in Nigeria, might become Poland Sejm's first black deputy! [313]

Polish men

You are Flemish, so why do you care?

They allow anyone to come to their country, take their jobs and f#ck their women!

Even you, prick. Well, not entirely, cause you haven't been able to date a Polish woman until now (ohh ... I'm sorry, one, but she ran away - for obvious reasons).

4 Dec 2010
Travel / Restaurant reviews in Poland. [86]

I wouldn't bank on it, the Hitman. Open restaurants at X-mas in PL are few and far between (if any).
4 Dec 2010
Travel / Restaurant reviews in Poland. [86]

Dumbest thing I've ever heard.

Well, you are friendly this morning. Got out of bed on the wrong side, did you?
4 Dec 2010
Travel / Restaurant reviews in Poland. [86]

There is no Culinary school in Poland I believe

On the contrary ... there should be quite a few. Look for a thread started by "chefneedshelp". He asked whether there was one in Wroclaw, and I gave him the address for that one. If there is one in Wroclaw, then I am sure there are some in the other major cities as well.
4 Dec 2010
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

The Greeks believed in fact that each man needs at least three women.

Not to mention a couple of young boys ... :-S

They had human as measure of everything

Even with regard to young boys ... :-S.

Bloody paedophiles!

Even the idea behind it is abhorrant: "Athenian pederasty entailed a formal bond between an adult man and an adolescent boy outside his immediate family, consisting of loving and often sexual relations. As an erotic and educational custom it was initially employed by the upper class as a means of teaching the young and conveying to them important cultural values, such as bravery and restraint."

Very human indeed.
3 Dec 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

Update: according to a Dutch commercial television station, German press agency DPA reports that winter tires will be compulsory in Germany from tomorrow (05/12/2010). Anyone caught without winter tires will be fined 40 euro. If an accident happens, you will be held criminally liable for damages.

So for all those of you, who drive from the UK, IRL, NL, B or F to PL (or v.v.) for the festive season and you don't have winter tires yet, now is the time to start looking for a set. I'm sure the German police will be checking on the known east-west-highways.
3 Dec 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

P-Land peeps still do the seasonal tire swap

Not only PL, but also NL, B, A, CH, F (in the mountains), I (Aosta Valley) and D. In D it will become compulsory to use winter tires, even when there is no snow. At the moment it is only compulsory when the weather situation asks for it. When you get caught driving without winter tires, it'll cost you 40 euro, when you endanger the other traffic, it'll cost you 80.

Don't forget that the rubber compound of a winter tire is different as well; it has a softer rubber compound than the summer tires.

The worst tyres to have on snow are the low profile tyres fitted to high performance cars , these are all but useless on snow , and its best to leave the car at home if the snow is coming down hard...for this type of car winter tyres are essential...

They are also more prone to aquaplanning.
3 Dec 2010
News / Poland has low murder rate [60]

Holland includes euthanasia

Sorry, convex, it says "Excludes euthanasia and assault leading to death." (on page 4)
2 Dec 2010
Life / How popular is Radio Maryja in Poland? [163]

(go to confession and receive the Eucharist during the Easter season)

So how about this, Polonius3 ... in my local catholic church, you CAN'T go to confession anymore. They removed the confessional, which was placed in a niche and made it into a room where you can burn candles and pray. Very solemn, even a little romantic.

So all those who go to church there, aren't catholics, according to you?

Wow ... who are you (!) to judge who is catholic and who is not. Jesus?! The pope?! I suggest you tone down a little bit, mister. Read the bible again what is said about people judging others. Remember, that story about the stone, hmm?

Stop being so unbelievably narrow-minded. You are giving catholics a bad name.
2 Dec 2010
Life / Why Poland is "surprised" by winter and snow every year? [192]

A bit of snow and much of Europe comes to a halt!

The Netherlands, this morning: almost 600km of traffic jams (ONLY on the motorways), last Thursday 871km (that's from Amsterdam to Poznan!). Trains delayed or even cancelled.

It's the same everywhere in Europe, except for Scandinavia. I guess it's easier for them: their winter is much more predictable - you pretty much know when it starts and when it ends and you know there'll be huge amounts of snow. Therefore, you can invest more in snow plows, gritters, etc ... .

For the UK, the Netherlands, Belgium, France, etc ... it doesn't make much sense to invest that much money.

And ... to be fair to the English: it's their worst winter in over 20 years.
2 Dec 2010
Life / Polish stereotypes of other nationalities!? [472]

And now lets have a look what other Nations are thinking of Poles:

A few corrections here, Zubr:

Under Dutch: don't forget the fruit pluckers, asparagus pickers, but also order pickers in distribution centers, forklift operators, truck drivers (e.g. all the trucks with "Raben" on the side, but there are loads of other transport companies), seamstresses, nursery care workers, caretakers and even nurses.

Under German: don't forget (again) the fruit pluckers and asparagus pickers

Under French: for your information ... you can't harvest wine ... :P

So all in all, it's not so grim as you might think ;)
29 Nov 2010
History / Christopher Colombowicz: America's discoverer Polish not Portuguese, claim historians [60]

Well, if this is not a joke, than Poland has something to be proud of ... :D


"An international team of distinguished professors have completed 20 years of painstaking research into (Christopher Columbus') beginnings.

The fresh evidence about Columbus' background is revealed in a new book by Manuel Rosa, an academic at Duke University in the United States.

He says the voyager was not from a family of humble Italian craftsmen as previously thought - but the son of Vladislav III, an exiled King of Poland".
29 Nov 2010
History / Poland, Lacking External Enemies, Turns on Itself [106]

I'm sorry, ChicagoPollock, but this is simply not true. Have a look here ...

"At the end of the second quarter 2008, Iceland's external debt was 9.553 trillion Icelandic krónur (€50 billion)". And it has had not only consequences within Iceland, but also in the UK and the Netherlands.
28 Nov 2010
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

Jarnowa, stop whining about 3rd world males. If you blabber about it once more, I promise you I will send a whole bunch to Warsaw to look for you (finding an ugly, frustrated Flemish "onnozole zot" shouldn't be too difficult). And I will choose my "troup" well, because they will want to do something very nasty with you.
28 Nov 2010
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

Ehh Jonni, don't worry about this piece of trash. He's just a frustrated little g(r)eek, who knows we don't want the likes of him in Europe either. So he just spouts his racist crap here.

And just look how incredibly dumb he is: he says that Polish women are easy and then goes to prove that by the fact that he knows three (!!) in Athens. Really ... he is too sad for words.
28 Nov 2010
History / Poland, Lacking External Enemies, Turns on Itself [106]

I think you are overreacting, MediaWatch. You are just dismissing an article because of the title (and because of in what newspaper it was published) and not because of the content.

I could say I don't agree with the article, because it states that Poland "navigated the treacherous transition from Communism better than most of the post-Soviet satellite nations". What about the Czech Republic? In my opinion they did it better and quicker. And don't start accusing me of being anti-Polish, because I am not.

If people don't want to read the article based only on the title, then it says a lot about these people. Not about the article.

I think it is a well-balanced article where all sides get their say.
28 Nov 2010
History / Poland, Lacking External Enemies, Turns on Itself [106]

@MediaWatch and PennBoy ... did you actually take the time to read the article? I can't see anything in the article that is trying to place Poland in a bad light. Pretty much all sides of the argument are given a voice, and no conclusions are drawn. It's just an informative article with arguments and counter-arguments of all sides.
25 Nov 2010
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]


1. Wouldn't you agree that easy women are to be found everywhere? And that the guys posting these "I want to marry a Polish woman"-threads are cheap men themselves?

2. Not only Britain is full ... I can think of a few other countries.
3. I dunno about that ... if not wearing a niqāb, some of their women can be incredibly beautiful
4. Nothing to add here ... :(. I'm just afraid that Poland isn't their "final destination". It's pretty easy to get a student visa and just overstay the damn thing. If people contribute to the society they live in, I have no qualms whatsoever.

They come here whenever they can.

It just seems so fake, PlasticPole ... I hope no one falls for these scams.
25 Nov 2010
Life / What on earth is the fascination of Indians, Pakistanis and Nepalese with Poland? [112]

I might be wrong, but not a day goes by that some one from that part of the world doesn't start or adds to a thread about business or (more common) marriage? I even noticed that they seem to be clustered ...i.e. one day there are more than on others.

Is it because there aren't that many fora for other countries? Is Poland really that valuable for people from these countries? Are there some other intentions? Maybe I am some silly, anachronistic fart, but I just don't get it.
22 Nov 2010
Travel / Restaurant reviews in Poland. [86]


Wouldn't you agree that nothing beats a personal review of people on PF, though ... ?
22 Nov 2010
Travel / Restaurant reviews in Poland. [86]

@FUZZY ... when was the last time you were at Abram's Tower?

@businessmanpl ... I fully agree. That's why "Maybe" (and I) kind of started this thread. I think it might be very useful for anyone visiting Poland.