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Joined: 16 Oct 2009 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 17 Apr 2021
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26 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

If you think however that human sexuality is "the World's biggest problem" I suggest you reassess your priorities and reflect on the food crisis, overpopulation, the growing wealth-gap, the economic rise of China, man-made climate change and the North Korean and Iranian defence programmes.

I was being sarcastic.
But sitll, the sin is that it fails to adhere to universal principles like honesty, righteousness, vitality, creativity etc. etc. Homosexuality is ugliness in itself, being in direct violation of said principles. Individual considerations are irrelevant.
25 Jan 2013
News / Man taken to court for abusing Poland's president [35]

Well if you think about Gays parades only!
I mean a regime maybe totally Stalinist and repressive but as long as they would let Gays to march unmolested they are great and democratic gov in your eyes.

Spot on. Here is another example of that sort of people: foxnews.com/world/2013/01/21/russia-moves-to-enact-anti-gay-laws/

Faggotry, Russia's (and the World's) biggest problem.

I have to admit though, this is a smart move from Putin. He makes a nice bullseye for the foreign activist retards to waste their energy on, while he continues with his usual business of Russian-style democracy which they will ignore because "LOL LBGT COMMUNITY IS OPPRESSED!". Checkmate, the KGB chess-master wins again.
20 Jan 2013
Life / Sci-fi / Fantasy books in Polish? [12]

"Gamedec" series by Marcin Przybylek is rather light-harted and funy SF/Cyberpunk.
Or "Nocarz" trilogy (about vampiers in Polish special forces) by Magdalena Kozak.
Jackek Dukaj is considered the successor of Stanisla Lem, by he may be too difficult for 16 y.o. Maybe he could try out his "Irrehare" though.
18 Jan 2013
Travel / BIGGEST MOSQUE IN POLAND! - Gdansk [42]

This is a really strange statement from a bible basher, considering your belief is based only on faith rather than fact.

I don't claim to "know" something, I have faith.
You can argue rationality, but you cannot argue truth, you can only affirm it. Like, i cannot explain why Beethoven is a genius, i can only affirm that he is in fact a genius, by sheer force of personal conviction. But that requires a level of individual assertion which tends to disorient liberals, because it defies their herd-like view of humanity. "Who am I to state such a truth, when there are others out there who may disagree with me? Its all relative!"

Strange, you head straight for the Hitler argument... Religious orders were all for mass killing of non-believers or other faiths, bit of a dead argument heading in that direction.

What from: "Every single country that forcibly dismantled organized religion as we know it (the wet dream of any and all "I'm smarter then fairytale-worshipers" activist) turned out to be some sort of murderous concentration camp dictatorship, and a complete screw-up in any category that counts other than building weapons and creating tension" you don't understand.

On the other hand when everyone was able and allowed to read The Bible The Ages of Discovery and Enlightenment happened. Many of the folks who ushered in these ages were devout Bible readers. Yes, there was also radicalism.

Like believing in something such as Santa and the Easter bunny... The difference between a religious person and an atheist is that the religious person has faith in made up stories from the past.

I can't really remember what they are called but yeah there are a huge amount of people that do not believe in God but use The Bible for it's moral teachings. What is the relevance? I guess that depends on the individual. But over all I think it is relevant that even people who do not believe in God find wisdom in The Book.

I'll have what ever drugs you are taking. In that view I should be believing that orks are running around and praying that the white wizard comes to save us all.

Oh boy, here we go.

Shouldn't really have started it. I have psych patients that make more sense...

I rest my case. You have proved my point exactly.
18 Jan 2013
Travel / BIGGEST MOSQUE IN POLAND! - Gdansk [42]

Your basic premise that we need religion to know right from wrong is not true.

I believe civilization is better off with faith in invisible things, which, invariably, involves God.

A culture which has faith in itself:


A culture which does not:


2. If not religion, one would worship something else, not true - I'm against any worshiping. One can definitely live without it.

When you call yourself an atheist, an enemy of "worshiping", you are professing to know something you cannot possibly know.
But I really don't have much of a problem with that as long as you don't try forcing it down everyone's throat. That is at least as annoying as an evangelical religious person of any stripe. In fact, it is exactly the same thing.

3. I think the problem in Russia was the communism, another unreasonable ideology... but if you and A.S. want to call it lack of God, I have no intention of arguing with that type of logic.

Every single country that forcibly dismantled organized religion as we know it (the wet dream of any and all "I'm smarter then fairytale-worshipers" activist) turned out to be some sort of murderous concentration camp dictatorship, and a complete screw-up in any category that counts other than building weapons and creating tension.

4. People that fight so hard for religion are the ones that are unable to accept their own mortality. This "screaming in the night" you so dread is of your own making. For many, religions are more terrifying than the cycle of nature.

Atheists only appear to be right if your intellectual level is that of a child. There isn't a simgle argument made by Dawkins or Hitchens, much less by "F Stop", that any of us didn't thought about when we were 13. It takes a greater deal of intellectual maturity to comprehend metaphysical concepts. Reason is easy, which is why liberals like it so much. True metaphysical thinking is hard as f*ck, which is why concept such as that of genius, truth, and even god, simply transcend the ability of the modern individual to understand. You can see the childishness of the atheist by his tendency to chose easy and predictable targets for his invectives. You will never see an atheist tackle somebody like Dostoevsky. Indeed, it would never occur to an atheist because his intellectual level isn't developed enough to even contemplate the argument presented by a true metaphysician.
18 Jan 2013
Travel / BIGGEST MOSQUE IN POLAND! - Gdansk [42]

The majority of humans seem to have a need for spirituality/religion built in. As has been often noted, when the common people lose their religion, they immediately start worshiping something else, like Dear Leader, The Party or Progressivism.

However, this creates a sort of "conflict of interest". The political authorities are vulnerable to corruption and error. They function best when they are treated as a necessary evil. Kept at arms length and watched like a hawk. Blind faith in the political authorities is dangerous. If the political authorities (Dear Leader or The Party) are your religion, you are hardly likely to treat them with the necessary skepticism.

Adopting an ideology like Progressivism as your religion is similarly problematic. Ideologies set out a blueprint for a certain desired social order. That is to say, they make claims about reality; do this and good stuff will happen. Claims about reality must be continuously and relentlessly tested to ensure that they are actually true statements about reality. Buying into an incorrect claim about reality is an easy way to fall into error. If an ideology is your religion, you are hardly likely to treat it with the necessary skepticism. You may even unconsciously ignore data that tends to falsify the your religion's claims about reality.

It seems to me that we were better off when religion was our religion. Making ideology into a religion has been disastrous.

The following quote applies to western society well as it did to his revolution.

Over a half century ago, while I was still a child, I recall hearing a number of old people offer the following explanation for the great disasters that had befallen Russia: "Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened" Since then I have spend well-nigh 50 years working on the history of our revolution; in the process I have read hundreds of books, collected hundreds of personal testimonies, and have already contributed eight volumes of my own toward the effort of clearing away the rubble left by that upheaval. But if I were asked today to formulate as concisely as possible the main cause of the ruinous revolution that swallowed up some 60 million of our people, I could not put it more accurately than to repeat:

"Men have forgotten God; that's why all this has happened."

The USSR is a shining example of what happens when a nation rejects the religion that gave birth to it. It begins killing itself en masse, starting with the most talented, most independent, and most economically well-adjusted. Russia would have been a completely different country today, had Stalinist repressions not eradicated its best men of science, art, philosophy, politics, religion. The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church of Stalin's time faced an unjust fake trial and defended his position in face of certain imprisonment/death with more courage, foresight and intelligence than any of Stalin's cohorts could understand. The Russian Patriarch of today is a shady KGB officer, and his church is a pagan cult that is founded on corruption schemes and retrograde values, a clear example of a church that died on the inside long ago. If Jesus Christ came down to earth and went to preach in a Russian Orthodox temple, he would have been arrested, beaten up, and thrown into jail for being a foreign spy.
17 Jan 2013
Life / Are Polish people so chaotic and disorganized like Germans say? [89]

Is being overly "organized" such a good thing? I would not want Poles to follow orders of some fuhrer without a question...
Is OP an American? I base this on my impression that the Americans find Germany to be the closest foreign country in mentality. Just like after WW2 they came to Germany as conquerors and punishers, but instantly fell in love with the people.

Of course, language / culture wise they more in common with the Brits, but when it comes to the of their mode of coexistence and general mentality it seems to me they are a lot like germans (valuing: reliability, respect of other peoples property, efficiency, industriousness etc).

So I think they may also have a lot in common with the German ignorance, meaning that something is all right if only the majority of Germans thinks it is all right.

Americans are very similar to the Germans in their self-righteousness.

The French for example, are completely different people in this respect
14 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polonization of Britain - Tipping Point Confirmed in 2011 Census [97]

Because I am not lefist?

Racism was even called a mental illness by Bolshevists, when they stripped people of their property rights and forced them into communal living with Mongolians from the borders of Russia. Many Russians who complained were called reactionaries, even when Mongolians gangraped their wives and daughters in the middle of the night in large groups. They were said to be "mentally unbalanced" for resenting it.

What about the current evacuation of Britain by hundreds of thousands of fleeing whites? Are they racists too? 150 million whites who moved out of the cities in the U.S. from 1965-2005? More racists?

This is why you know people like this deserve whatever happens to them when the rubber band snaps back. Bad enough you depopulate a land of it's native people, imagine when you claim anybody who complains is a "racist" while doing so - or even go a step farther and call them "mentally ill." Suddenly the prior 240+ pogroms become crystal clear as to motives.
14 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polonization of Britain - Tipping Point Confirmed in 2011 Census [97]

Must be awesome to have no moral code of any kind except self-hatred and blind worship of other races as divine beings. Is that what rushes in to fill the vaccuum left behind by your marxist postmodernist ideology?

Egalitarianist self-righteousness is the oldest refuge of scoundrels. Pretending to be indignant about what somebody else thinks of somebody else is for people too unstable to keep the commandments or adhere to any Christian standards for self-control. If you think I don't know you're a drug addicted unemployed wreck you're sorely mistaken. I know a lot about you and you know a lot about you too, except you pretend not to know because it's the only way you can go on living with yourself. Still shows through when you went to choose your forum handle.

I got a British 1920's textbook named "Lands and People". Hilariously racist though it's not just "whites good, blacks bad drivel", it makes alot of interesting comments from a very English point of view about the world at the times. Makes me wish for a time where everyone didn't wear suits and eat McDonalds and you could travel to a differant village and find a very differant way of living.

Thank god for times like ours when we know now that negro science advancements equal anything the West has to offer, but I'm the only guy left who can correctly spell "differant."
14 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polonization of Britain - Tipping Point Confirmed in 2011 Census [97]

As history have shown to us, it was a mistake.
Why are you refusing to lern from past mistakes?
As George Orwell pointed out, the little Briton post WW2 is the littlest man that ever was. Such little men should give way to more vigorous races who will at least breed their wives and daughters with children who still have some spirit left in them.
14 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polonization of Britain - Tipping Point Confirmed in 2011 Census [97]

Wasnt there a country in Europe that welcomed in a huge number of immigrants who didnt speak the language,didnt share the religion and had no historical ties to their new country

There was. And what good Teutonic Knights brought for it?

Man is not a learning animal.

Less than 1% of all the humans ever born are capable of learning.

The rest are only along for the ride. Starve, gorge, it's all the same to them. They don't know the why of anything and don't miss it when it's gone. Beasts on hind legs.

I congratulate the kosher of all flavours for figuring this out long ago and treating them accordingly. It turns out there is more sense than nonsense to it.

Destined to be ruled over by their betters, whoever they turn out to be.
14 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polonization of Britain - Tipping Point Confirmed in 2011 Census [97]

I envy you because you will never display self-awareness. You will never really know anything at all about anything. Nothing will ever impact on you because you are a caricature created strictly as comic relief.

What has happened to Britain since the second World War ended has made you ridiculous. It has made your ancestors ridiculous. It has made your descendants ridiculous. One is struck by the utter meaninglessness of your life and the comically tortured apologetics required of your existence so you can continue to pretend everything is normal.

Britain is gone. Doesn't that mean anything to you? Or are you going to continue in this vein as a real-life Monty Python skit? Hopping about and claiming "it's only a flesh wound?"

If I had a time machine I could go back to 1944 with a copy of today's paper and in 24 hours the entire British military would surrender unconditionally to the Germans and place themselves at the disposal of the Reich. Do you really imagine even a single man would have fought for the Britain of 2013? Not a one. Not so much as a single one of them, man or woman, would have fought for the Britain of 2013.

Surely some part of that dense, gelatinous mass you call a brain must be subconsciously aware of this. Deep within the folds of that that thick brain, must be a slight flutter that tells you perhaps all is not well?

The definition of insanity is that it represents a delusional perspective that is less in touch with reality.
14 Jan 2013
History / The Ribbentrop-Beck Pact [7]

Pilsudski asked France to pre-emptively attack Hitler together in early thirties, when Germany started to build up military. France being all pussies (and not wanting Poland to become too strong) declined. Hence WW2 and Holocaust. Oh well.
14 Jan 2013
UK, Ireland / Polonization of Britain - Tipping Point Confirmed in 2011 Census [97]

My thread is about Polish migration to Britain and how as the original article I shared explained that this has helped the British to become directly exposed to another culture which they did not influence in the past.

Agreed, Poland is bastion of nationalism, conservatism, and economic liberalism in the EU. We should become an example to pinko and multiculturalist countries like UK, France or Sweden, if they wish to survive.
14 Jan 2013
History / Is 5th partition of Poland possible? What kind? How? When? [73]

Hey Jon, for once my post was not directed at you... "Irrelevant" was supposed to be an answer to the question in the thread' title... Whoever its gonna be, ( right now is seems EU may try something funny, but for Poles it would be just unifying factor), Poland survive. We'll just get more uprisings to celebrate.
14 Jan 2013
History / Is 5th partition of Poland possible? What kind? How? When? [73]

Irrelevant. We survive. As always. Polish people are probably one of the most resorcefull of the world, being able to endure crippling bureacracies and laws, fight tyrants and still do their thing. Its easy to believe in freedom and liberty when you are a citizen of a world superpower, but a Pole of old school can survive anything. Some call it 'cwaniactwo' but I prefer 'survival of the wittest'.
13 Jan 2013
Polonia / Is Holland antipolish? [29]


Its translation from Russian into English. Author who lives 10 years in Holland, his impressions about Holland and Dutch.

Trust me you don't want to live in the land of intravenous pot abuse. That's how horrible it got. There are basically trees growing out of half the populace's arms now. And the smell, ugh. Everywhere.
9 Jan 2013
Life / Polish vs British vs American - Clash of cultures [390]

Christian woman fined for seeking christian roomate in USA

A civil rights complaint has been filed against a woman in Grand Rapids, Mich., who posted an advertisement at her church last July seeking a Christian roommate.

The ad 'expresses an illegal preference for a Christian roommate, thus excluding people of other faiths, ' according to the complaint filed by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan.

My head is spinning. This is a serious madness of the USA...
It's illegal to decide what kind of people you wish to live with?

No, seriously. From my perspective it sounds pretty messed up. Could any of our resident lefists explain it to me?

Living cooped up together, why shouldn't you be allowed to be as discriminatory as you like? Next should they regulate against choosing who you want to have sex with?
30 Dec 2012
History / Polish Prussia, Kashubians, Masurians, and Saxonians? [3]

At first I was wondering if this topic was about if it was right for the Teutonic knights to annihilate ancient Slavic and pagan Prussians. But you just want talking about the Germanic remnant with Teutonic origins so whatever.

Well, considering that the German Prussians did annihilated to the Old Baltic Prussians centuries before...even though guilt carrying over generations is some dumb Old testament sh!t and the Russians ruined the once beautiful Konigsburg, there is some cosmic karma aspect to the whole thing.
30 Dec 2012
History / Polish aristocrats - would be better off if we had Polish magnate families? [69]

Agreed, texas.

I'm too lowborn to be part of the elite under monarchy and I'm not grasping or sociopathic enough to be part of the elite under a Republic or Democracy.

Ultimately, somebody is going to be in charge of me. I'd prefer that it not be a grasping sociopathic politician/lawyer. A monarch who in effect owns the country would have an entirely different set of incentives than a grasping politician/lawyer. There is far more of an incentive to maintain your own property than there is to maintain the common land.

But if I am going to be ruled by a grasping sociopathic politician/lawyer then I'd like to throw up as many barriers in his path as possible.
27 Dec 2012
Life / Polish comedies are perfectly distorted representation of Polish culture [9]

Traditional Polish dilemma at Christmas time - who and how should kill the live carp?

I still remmember the day when my Father, for the first time, let me kill the carp myself. I was 10 back then (have been begging him to let me do it from the time I was about 5), it felt as if I have become half adult. Been telling about it to all my friends during every pause at school....

First time he let me cut the fish's head, it was two years latter - that was all the manly duties about preparing the Supper, then the carp was being given to the care of women (my mother and sister in this case) to remove bowles and fry it.

By the way, what is the English name for that fish's bladder? As kid we were always geting it, to play for some time, to dry it up, and ussualy bringing it to school, to stomp on it during some hated classes.
27 Dec 2012
News / Polish families are urged to establish themselves in Norway : Taking children away? [36]

The best way to protect the rights of citizens in any nation is for their respective governments and institutions to be solidly secular

And if a politician should begin to speak and act more in regard to their personal faith or only on behalf of members of their faith rather than all members of society then it is matter for voters, political peers, the judiciary, or (as in Turkey)even the military to have them removed from office immediately.

All this stuff is so sophomoric.

The reason it causes me to wince so is that it reminds me of things I once said and believed in. For example, it seems like many centuries ago, I used to be consider myself an atheist.

Like so many things, a lot of these ideas are just old clothes I outgrew. I put away that juvenalia, that academic disdain of religion, that feeble air of vanity that makes people pretend to find what they claim to be "errors in logic."

Who believes man is a logical creature or would say such vain things?

Angry young teenage fools.

I grew up. I became a man. I developed perspective. All these things fell away from me as the vain delusions of when I was a young boy.

Secular systems of thought revolve around the notions of man's better angels. The truth is that man has no better angels and any idiot who puts his trust in such things is bound to come to a bad end. It could be in a market in the village of Turin. Or you could kneel in the desert like Madalyn Murray O'Hair. Or you could waste away in some nihilist sump of purposelessness, dying the worst death of all which is ennui.

Secular people come to a bad end, no matter what happens. Even if God didn't exist, I suspect they would still come to a bad end. Ultimately, their lives always seem to be the cosmic joke pulled on them.

Nietszche is only one of thousands of examples I could come up with. The entire French Revolution.

It would appear the universe is hardwired to backfire on such people. It sometimes only becomes obvious when the whole spectrum of their lives is available for review.

Of course, most "Christians" come to a bad end as well. Sometimes a very bad end, like smoothie guzzlers Jim Bakker and Ted Haggard. One could say that the closet secularist comes to the worst end of all- which is exactly what Jim Bakker and Ted Haggard were, certainly. Closeted atheists.

Their lives and words are in vain.
24 Dec 2012
News / Poland braces for economic slowdown [30]

Money and materialism isnt the end of the world. How about lives? Increase the birthrate. Quit the EU before they start forcing 1 million Muslims inside Poland per year.

I don't see that much of the the problem in declining birthrates, to be honest. Fewer people means not only less economic output, but also less consumption - a population of 30 million can be just as prosperous if not more than 60 million.

All we need to do it to look up to Japan, that has similarly low fertility like Western Europe, but they're not getting replaced because there are no immigrants in Japan to replace them.

Natural population decline isn't trouble free. There will be a relatively small number of workers supporting a relatively large number of retirees.

I doubt anyone would have to starve, but somebody's benefits might have to get cut.

However, as we all know, in Western Europe, Leftist policies managed to ruin this natural process by interfering in the demographic structure of European countries, bringing in millions of immigrants from the poorest, most war-torn countries on the planet, placing them on a pedestal, refusing to arrest/prosecute/sentence those of them who commit crimes, and generally coddling their degenerate/barbaric behavior as much as possible. Leftists are truly an unstoppable force of decline and stupidity that seeks to bring death and ruin to all, who do or do not vote it into power.

Declining birthrates among Europeans is not a bad thing. Declining birthrates among Europeans alongside growing birthrates of Muslim/African immigrants is cultural suicide.
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Do you even know your own language? So amuse me, tell me about these findings
... of course, globowarmthinkerists are so confused they can never decide what they are talking about ... "carbon" (WTF?!?!?!?!?! 2nd most plentiful element in the universe) or "carbon dioxide" (WTF?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Do these morons believe these two substances are interchangeable?!?!?!?!?!? They HAVE ALMOST NO RELATIONSHIP AT ALL WITH ONE ANOTHER!!!!!!!!!!)

We can't analyze the "arguments" of globowarmthinkerists until they stop talking like they have dropped acid. Nothing they say has ever made sense AT ANY LEVEL
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Most of these researchers work in universities. Have you ever observed a college professor? It is all about (factional) politics, causes and sometimes petty grievances, maybe in reaction to the 'ivory tower' environment (nothing useful actually to do).

PS. No one offered any arguments against my "serpent people" hypothesis, so I do not see any reason to continue with it. If you have any new data, we can return to our pervious disscusion in that other thread.

Since now I have more time, I try to explain to you what is wrong with that article that Jon linked to. They agree that warming periods started without any CO2 increase, they correctly state that increased temperatures caused the rise of CO2 levels, then jump to conclusion, or rather to a straw man, that said CO2 increase have made the "warming" period even longer and warmer, without offering any evidence to support that claim.
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

So you are telling me that you dont have any arguments, save for a couple of titles of other people? And some petty bickering? I guessed as much.
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

Unfortunately for your argument, this has nothing whatsoever to do with the hard fact of man-made climate change.

So give me some measurable evidence that it indeed happens.

Why not check out the link I posted

I did. Nothing of value there, just some guys spinning yarns, without basing it on any evidence. It is irrevelent what titles these guys have, once again, credentials, personalities and agendas are completely irrelevant here.

It's arguments and evidence that matter. But no one is talking about that.
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

A popular myth amongst climate "skeptics" is that historically atmospheric CO2 levels have risen after temperature increases began, and therefore it's actually temperature increases that cause CO2 increases, and not vice-versa as basic climate science and physics would have us believe.

Wrong. When did you stop beating your wife?

One cannot call a "myth" something that is based on hard scientific data. There is evidence that CO2 levels are rising hundreds of years after the rise of global temperatures.

CO2 has no implication in temperature rise. There is no scientific evidence it has any bearing on temperature changes unless you believe that something that follows in the wake of a temperature change can alter the past. There is no science to show this.

I challenge you to quit making stuff up and point me to your sources that indicate CO2 precedes temperature changes in paleoclimatology. I've only had 15 years of exposure to the subject so it is possible I missed something.

Now give me any hard evidence that CO2 indeed is causing global warmning (no, computer simulations and predicions are not evidence, especialy when comming from people known to falsify data.)

I would far prefer the billions of euros being spent on useless schemes (e.g. wind and solar in Europe) to be spent on saving lives NOW.

Yeah, it's not like Globalwarmthinking is affecting worldwide policies, promoting new taxes and other sh!t
7 Dec 2012
News / Poland blocks any action on climate change [569]

What 'perfect correlation'. I wonder if you've considered a reason why there are timelags with ice core samples. Scientists certainly have.


. However, on closer examination it is seen that CO2 lags an average of about 800 years behind the temperature changes-- confirming that CO2 is not the primary driver of the temperature changes.

If global warming is occurring from an increasing greenhouse effect due to CO2 additions by humans the temperature of the middle troposphere should be warming faster than Earth's surface (1,2). However, the opposite has been happening-- which suggests either the surface temperature records are in error or natural factors, such as changes in solar activity, may be responsible for the slight rise in surface temperatures (approximately 0.6° C, globally) that appears to have occurred over the past century.

In other words, historically, hundreds of years of increased average temperatures, due natural factors such as changes in solar activity, have been causing the rise in CO2 levels.

But surely Poland should follow the lead of bigger economies such as USA and China...

Err... China? You are joking, right?, as it is sometimes hard to tell.