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Posts by catsoldier  

Joined: 27 Sep 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 22 Jan 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 574 / In This Archive: 478

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23 Feb 2012
Language / Do I have these Polish word cases right? [16]

because you will get keys only once not several times.

Peter is correct. This has to do with perfective and imperfective verbs/ dokonany i niedokonany etc.

dostawać: imperfective
dostać: perfective.

This is a link to a dictionary that gives both perfective and imperfective forms of the verbs.

23 Feb 2012
Language / GCSE Polish experience. [51]

Cześć Chrzaczcz

Powodzenia, trzymam kciuki/Best of luck, fingers crossed or something like this. You should reply nie dziękuję to powodzenia so as not to hex yourself in the test :-)
20 Feb 2012
Language / Need some Polish language help.....with a twist! [39]

Maybe try to contact the user named catsoldier. He is Irish and learnt Polish to a level that he can watch YouTube videos with good understanding.

I struggle the same or worse than ShadyMarkus to be honest.

I started learning Polish after I got a FTA satellite dish and started recording programs from it to my PC.

My first Polish teachers were from phone in competitions on TV, they write down the words and say them, I used to google the words in google image and save the pictures. I made my own flash cards for byki including sound from these videos but it was very labour intensive. I think that some channels still have phone competitions but you would have to check.

Now I know what klops looks like.

I also used to watch Randka and Rendezvous on Viva Polska and a little bit of M Jak Miłość. I didn't understand much of these but I listened anyway which was good because some of the same words used to pop up again and I would check them. This still happens, I watch something and don't understand it all but later I will hear the same words again and I will check them. I watch far too much stuff on you tube.

Then I got some help from a Polish woman who wanted to practice her English also.
Then I got lessons from a man who spoke Polish but wasn't a fluent speaker.
Now I am getting lessons from a teacher on skype.
I am thinking about doing an intensive Polish course in the summer.
I have learnt something from all the different ways/teachers that I have had, all of them have been helpful.
I have also picked up some grammar from Polishforums, there is good information to be had at times.
I was thinking about getting lessons from this guy:

I generally pick stuff up from everywhere.

I try to read a good bit also. I generally watch, learn and do what interests me though because otherwise it is only hard work.
20 Feb 2012
Language / Need help with a Polish word/spelling Basia [20]

Baska is used in the polish language to scold someone named Basia when she did something wrong and to indicate that you are angry with her.

How do you do a version of Baska for other names when you want to indicate that you are angry with them?

Are there grammar rules for this?

Wiesław, Wiesiek,
15 Feb 2012
Language / Useful tips on learning Polish? [25]

I have to learn few sentences in polish. Is it ashard as I heard?

If you only want to learn a few sentances it is no problem I'd say. Best of luck.
11 Feb 2012
Language / pronounce "Kocham Cię" [57]

The kocham cię bit was at the end................but maybe the giraffe had the right idea, build it up slowly and see how things are going.

If all goes well you can always take it to the next level. Ignore me, I am only jealous. Best of luck.
11 Feb 2012
Life / Your favourite Polish Music Album [25]

Merged: Song in Polish about love, I love you like Ireland is the title of the song

Song in Polish about love, I love you like Ireland is the title of the song. I don't have any question about this, its just FYI. If you are Irish you could use it on your Polish girlfriend for valentines day!!! You still have enough time to learn it! :-) I don't know the meaning of the lyrics but I am sure it will be ok!

Your favourite Polish Music Album

Moving my last post to here doesn't make much sense to me.

It isn't my favourite Polish album, it might be yours but it wasn't your post.

If people have so much trouble putting the posts in the right place, don't blame us, blame yourselves for not having a better system. This isn't even a real Polish forum because most of it is in English imho. Everyone is allowed their opinion by the way.
7 Feb 2012
Language / Intermediate / Advanced Learners of Polish. How do you improve your language? [14]

How do you work a language exchange lesson in terms?

I think that you have to chat with a lot of people until you find someone who suits you and that you can learn with. I used to do half and half, although it is hard work being the teacher after being the student or vica versa, it is 50% more work and 50% more time which isn't easy, languages are hard enough to learn, I found it hard to be interested in someone else's work also, I am sure that they found it hard listening to me also. It depends on the people really, it could work great or not at all.
4 Feb 2012
Language / Intermediate / Advanced Learners of Polish. How do you improve your language? [14]

How do those of you who are intermediate/advanced learners of Polish continue to improve your language?

What level are you at, using the European way of measuring your level, A1, A2 etc.?

Can you do all of the things in the descriptions for A1 to B1?

Is it materials in English or Polish that are not availeable?

I suggest using skype for a language exchange/tandem lessons.
3 Feb 2012

We stick with the gender of the noun so and the gender of the animal doesn't matter?
3 Feb 2012

I hope that this is in the right thread, it is related to the gender and animals etc.

Like kot, masucline.
Mój kot miał na imię Paweł. No problem here because everything is masculine, names and nouns etc. Paweł because I don't know what Polish cats are called.

Mój kot miała na imię Katarzyna. There is surely a mistake here somewhere.

Can anyone help?
3 Feb 2012
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

Its normal process that some words from different language get into polish...

I agree with this.

From my own point of view I don't worry about there being too many English words in the Polish language. Polish isn't going to be that much easier to learn with a few English words thrown in, if anything it may make it harder, how do you decline these etc., there is probably another whole set of rules :-(

I avoid using English words when trying to speak Polish because sometimes I am not sure if it is an acceptable word in the Polish language or am I just spoofing, making English words sound Polish.
28 Jan 2012
Language / English-Polish tests [23]

Test your level of Polish with this online test!

Test your level of Polish with this online test!

This test is hard enough I thought, I got 59%.

25 Jan 2012
Po polsku / Jak wymawiać literę ,,r''? [14]

Dziękuję A.K.

Sprwadź co ona robi o 5,58, myślałem że ona uciekła z Jurrasic Parku :-) Ale kiedy ja mówię po polsku jest bardzo śmieszny też.
24 Jan 2012
Po polsku / Jak wymawiać literę ,,r''? [14]

Dziękuję wszystkim.

Sprwadź co ona robi o 5,58

23 Jan 2012
Po polsku / Co to znaczy xx Lo w Warszawie? Pabnowie? [8]


super dzięki

Merged: Co to znaczy "pabnowie"?

Co to znaczy "pabnowie"?

Wiem że to jest jak synowie itp.
Na pewno to jest niemiły.

Dziękuję z góry.
23 Jan 2012
Po polsku / Jak wymawiać literę ,,r''? [14]

Jak wymawiać literę ,,r'' po polsku? "R" z wibracją?

Próbowałem ale teraz boli mnie gardło :-(
20 Jan 2012
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

Hi Groovyg, thanks for your reply, it is great to get someone's opinion about what a 2 week intensive course is like.

What school did you choose in the end? Prolog, Accent or another one?

Many thanks.
13 Jan 2012
Language / móc or umieć [17]

Niestety nie POTRAFIĘ się spotkać z Tobą dziś wieczór. = Unfortunately I'm unable to get together (with you) tonight.

Dzięki Lyzko
12 Jan 2012
Language / móc or umieć [17]

Thanks for all your help.
12 Jan 2012
Language / móc or umieć [17]

Should you use nie umiem or nie mogę when you can't do something, but it may or may not because you are doing it wrong?

I would say nie umiem if I didn't have the skills to do something

I would say nie mogę if it was impossible because parts or tools were missing etc. or the machine to do the job was broken

What do I say if I am not sure if it is me or the machine that is the problem?

I am using something for the first time, I shouldn't need to learn a skill to do this task because usually things like this are intuitive but I still can't do it. It could be me or the machine.
11 Jan 2012
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

I agree with you 100%.

I have more questions for anyone who has done this course.

Is it more of a holiday or a language course? I supose it depends how interested you are in learning but you can only push things so far, you can't be so intense if everyone is being chilled and having a laugh. Feel free to answer any of the above questions also. Dzięki.
11 Jan 2012
Study / Opinions about '2 weeks intensive Polish course' [26]

I think it's more of an introductory course.

In Prolog you get a test first, a written test and a speaking test(maybe that is oral but maybe aural test, I am not sure). Then you are placed in a group of the same level so you don't necessarily have to be in an introductory course.