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Posts by scottie1113  

Joined: 13 Mar 2007 / Male ♂
Last Post: 27 Jan 2016
Threads: Total: 6 / In This Archive: 5
Posts: Total: 896 / In This Archive: 563
From: Gdansk, Poland
Speaks Polish?: learning
Interests: sailing, American football, cooking, reading, etc

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19 Oct 2011
Travel / Tips/suggestions/do's and don't of going to Poland....? [55]

Everything I have learnt so far, sentences/phrases have all been pronounced CORRECTLY, and have been understood very easily by Polish people themselves.

It's an incorrect phrase, said by me, and the lady didn't understand.....

You do realize that you just contradicted yourself, don't you?
18 Oct 2011
Language / A list of steps/rules on how to translate English into Polish? [22]

In English we use a certain word order while in Polish it is different sometimes.

I know what you mean. Sometimes I'll get an sms in Polish from my teacher, and when I ask her why she wrote it it that way, she says it sounded good. Another friend who reads her text would say it in a different order. It can make me crazy, but that's Polish for you! :) Keep trying.
18 Oct 2011
UK, Ireland / UK citizen visiting Poland - any restrictions on entering the country? [22]

A good example of Present Continuous with a distant future meaning. My students asked me about it a few days ago. Thank you.
PS. Are you a native by any chance?

Off topic I know, but we can use present continuous to talk about the future, either in the immediate or distant future. I'm meeting my friends in a cafe tomorrow. I'm going to France next summer.

Yes I'm a native speaker-American-and I teach English here. I know grammar.

As an EU country, the only requirement for crossing an internal EU border an an EU citizen is a valid identity document - either a passport or national identity card.

16 Oct 2011
Travel / Tips/suggestions/do's and don't of going to Poland....? [55]

I am learning, I have some programmes on the PC...

Go to a bookstore and buy Polish in 4 Weeks. Don't be intimidated by the amount of vocabulary in each lesson. Just take it at your own pace. The CD that comes with the book will help you with pronunciation.
16 Oct 2011
Travel / Tips/suggestions/do's and don't of going to Poland....? [55]

That means absolutely nothing to me,

do kwad nye

Is there some reason why you can't learn a little Polish where you are now, either from a book or on the internet? There are lots of resources available these days.
15 Oct 2011
Classifieds / Where do you guys meet in Gdynia or Sopot? [20]

I do know the language pub in Sopot

It's been closed for a while. If you're ever in Gdansk, go to Absinthe, the best pub in the Old Town.
15 Oct 2011
Travel / Tips/suggestions/do's and don't of going to Poland....? [55]


This made me laugh. Did you mean chivalry? Good luck learning Polish. Why don't you just catch a cheap flight to Poland and spend a weekend here before you exhaust all your energy asking questions for the next two years?
14 Oct 2011
Work / Native Speakers increasingly desperate? Polish and African teacher forcing down wages.. [27]

My grammer is dead. Sorry. Bad joke.

i suspect part of the problem is more and more native speakers who can't explain grammar in any language.

If you want a native speaker (American) who can explain grammar, sit in on my classes.

perhaps not but I my spidey senses always tingle when them there anonymous posters start threads

Mine too. I don't think anyone should be able to start a thread until they've registered, but admin doesn't agree with, so usually I ignore their threads, but I couldn't pass on this one.
13 Oct 2011
Life / Polish general knowledge quiz.(for foreigners) [28]

18 out of 20 isn't bad. It would have been 19, but you say that for 8 the answer is the battle for Warsaw. My calendars always list it as the Assumption of Mary. I think I'm right on this one.
11 Oct 2011
Language / How hard is it to learn Polish? [178]

why why why do the endings of words constantly change?

I'm glad I studied Latin in high school. I understand declensions of nouns. Now the hard part is learning to use them in Polish. Google one beer, two beers, five beers. And which preposition takes which case. Keep trying. It'll be as clear as mud in, oh, maybe 20 years. :)
10 Oct 2011
Language / Kurwa? at end of every sentence [51]

"Kurwa bardzo."

I think the nearest English equivalent is "f*!k you very much".

When I ask my students what the most important Polish word I should know is, they always mention the k word. It's not. Piwo is the most important word, but maybe with the k word after it? :)
4 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

Poe. Did you contrast/compare him to Beaudelaire? They're of the same ilk.
3 Oct 2011
Life / Vandalism on cars in Poland [64]

You are trolls if you claim otherwise! :):):)

I have lived in Gdansk for four years, and I have seen it all too often. I love this city, but reality is what it is. Have you seen the grafitti here?
3 Oct 2011
Life / Expats/Immigrants in Poland: Needy, Greedy or contributor. Which one are you? [118]

They should still learn Polish language before starting to teach.

Students want to learn English in English. That's how I learned French. A good teacher knows how to explain it so students understand. You won't hear Polish in my classroom, except for an occasional word or two. Let's say we're talking about food. How would you describe cod? It's easier to have students look for it in a dictionary. Bingo. Instant understanding.
2 Oct 2011
Life / How much money did you spend today in Poland and what did you spend it on? [33]

25zł taxi into town and back)

Are there no trams or buses near you, or did you just take a taxi for convenience?

50zł (pub!!) In total 109zł.

I prefer beer, and I can't drink 50zl worth of beer in a pub. :)

I usually spend about 50zl a day, or less, although restaurants once or occasionally twice a week can bump that number up.

11zl (pack of fags)

As an American, I always chuckle when I hear/read that. You know what I mean. A few years ago a British friend of mine asked me if he could pinch a fag. After a moment he smiled and said he guessed that was the wrong thing to say to a Yank. I just laughed and gave him a cigarette.
27 Sep 2011
Law / Visa Stamp if you overstay (American with a Polish Wife) [29]

If you applied 45 days or more before the tourist visa (i.e. the stamp in your passport) expires, the foreigners office are legally required to issue a decision with regard to your karta pobtyu.

It's 45 days. I'm in the process of reapplying for my karta pobytu. After two visiits to the office they stamped my passport with a big red page saying I have permission to remain in Ploand until I receive my new card, and this was before a got the paper with their decision on it. In years past, it has taken up to four months before I got the actual card, so hang on to that decision paper.
22 Sep 2011
USA, Canada / Going back to the Old Country of Poland after more than 25 years! (from USA) [249]

You're right Z. I used to be a care-free traveller. It appears the older I get, the more hung-up I become on details- "be prepared" and all that.

rybnik, I'm older than you and I also like to be prepared, but relax. You'll be fine. You don't have to worry about every small detail. One tip. Don't excange a lot of money at the airport because the rates are terrible. Go to a kntor once you're here, or bring a few zl with you. Is there a Cooks where you live?

21 Sep 2011
Travel / The worst months for bike riding in Poland? [8]

I have a friend who rides 50 km a day to work, and then back home, every day of the year. I don't ride much in winter, which is pretty long in Poland. Why do you ask? Are you thinking about coming to Poland? Where are you from?