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Joined: 6 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
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Posts: Total: 6228 / In This Archive: 3025
From: Poland, Opole vicinity
Speaks Polish?: yes

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26 Oct 2017
Language / Polish pronounciation of: cz vs ć/ci, sz vs ś/si, ź vs ż and dż vs dź/dzi - how to make these sound diff [79]

the distinction between "brat" (brother) and "brat' " (to take), and yet I never could quite pronounce it as a Russian native speaker!

i can hear the difference and what is more I can produce the difference in speech as well - maybe because I am a Slav - I'm pretty sure there are sound pairs in existing languages I wouldn't be able to tell appart though
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]

To then have an American shouting the odds about refugees in Europe,

most of so called refugees who come to Europe now are from Maghreb and Subsahran Africa - I haven't heard of the US intervening there lately
26 Oct 2017
Language / Polish pronounciation of: cz vs ć/ci, sz vs ś/si, ź vs ż and dż vs dź/dzi - how to make these sound diff [79]


the biały bjały equality is not reflected for all consonants - c,s,dz,z behave differently in this respect - ciał (a plural genetive of ciało) is not the same as cjał as in the word potencjał - Marsjanin (a Martian) sounds different from Marsianin (a made up word) - ciał sounds the same as ćał, siano can be transribed as śano and działo as dźało - so yes in a way i disappears as a sound here - instead it's just used to denote the soft c,s,dz,z before other vowels

to make things more complicated in words like cisza, sito, dzik, zima the i both makes the preceeding consonants soft and is and audible sound itself -

to make things even more complicated there are borrowed words with 'si' where i doesn't denote the softening of s - like say sial (the outermost layer of the earth - a geologiacal term - sounds like sjal in pronounciation but is by convention trascribed as sial) or silos (silo) (silos =/= śilos)

(there is also a chemical term or rather a prefix cis that is pronounced without softening of 'c' in Polish - as opposed to the Slavic word cis (yew) which is pronounced as ćis)

the similiar situation (as with c,s,dz,z) is with n - niania (nanny) sounds as ńańa, nie (no) can be transcribed as ńe, nic (nothing) as ńic - however there are words that are traditionally spelled with - nia and pronounced as - ńja - mania (mania), unia(union), Hiszpania (Spain), Dania(Denmark), Rumunia(Romania) etc - this leads to some ambiguities: Dania(Denmark) is pronounced differently to dania(dishes) and mania (mania) is pronounced differently to Mania (a nickname for Maria)
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]

oh did he? can you give a source? it can be in Polish of course

and again the move to cancel long term contracts with sister companies of Invenergy which is the subject of the current and previous lawsuits filed by Invenergy came before PiS took power so your remark is completely void here
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]

oh did he? can you give a source? it can be in Polish of course

and no heavily subsidising green energy doesn't make Poland richer

this forum is ****** up recently - quotes vanishing - editing bits appearing in new comment windows - dno
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]

I'm quite certain it's a separate case.

it is a separate case but the subject is the same as the earlier lawsuit against Tauron - Invenergy can't actually help the changes introduced by PiS government from what I can understand - they took a risk with relying on the so called 'green certificates' as they major source of income from their investment in Poland - Poland doesn't guarantee the same income from green energy sources for a long time persepective like Germany does - with the current prices of carbon based fuels green energy has to be heavily subsidies to be economical from what I can gather and Poland can hardly afford it

Why would Poland shoot themselves in the foot if they want foreign investors to continue to invest in Poland to help improve their country ?

because Poland cannot afford heavy subsidising of green energy like Germany does
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]

That's a different law suit by the same company against Tauron. This one is about the changes made by PIS which have impacted those who signed long term contracts

not that's not a different lawsuit - the move to cancel long-term contracts with sister companies of Invenergy is the subject of the current lawsuit and the move was made already in 2014 - you are fast at throwing accusations at PiS, aren't you Atch?
15 Oct 2017
Language / Best book for a language noobie? Learning Polish. [22]

but I'm confused on when you use 'u' at the end of a noun like długopisu as opposed to długopis

are you familiar with the concept of noun cases? (adjectives also appear in cases in Polish)

długopisu is a genetive case of długopis - the genetive is used when you describe ownership, derivation -example: To jest samochód mojego syna. the basic (dictionary) form of syna is syn (son in English) - This is my son's car. - Część długopisu.= a part/a fragment of a ballpen.

However the genetive is often used in negative sentences, like those: Tu był długopis. (There was a ballpen here) but Tu nie było długopisu. (There was no ballpen here) or Widzę samochód. (I can see a car) but Nie widzę samochodu. (I can see no car).

Many Polish verbs require the object to be in genetive as well. Szukam Zamku Królewskiego. (I am looking for the Royal Castle). Nie mogę się doczekać powrotu taty. (I can't wait 'til my father comes back/returns).

some adverbs also connect with nouns in gentive: dość smutku - enough of sorrow, dużo cukru - plenty of sugar, pełno brudu - lots of dirt

only masculine gender nouns (and not all of them) have the -u ending in the singular genetive
15 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

But no doubt history will acknowledge Merkel as Putin's most skilled and effective opponent

ha ha ha
Nord Strem dwa/2
this is how much Merkel is opposed to Putin
13 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

If they're bitter, they haven't awaken.

they have awakened to having been fooled - you demand a lot from people: to be suddenly awakened to all spiritual truths - it doesn't work like that - one thing at a time
13 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

As for JPII I wonder how he would feel seeing his nation so divided, bitter and angry.

you know kaprys: you can fool all of the people for some time, you can fool SOME people all of the time but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time - what you see now is those who are STILL fooled even though they claim to be intellectually superior against those who have awakened - do you understand the bitterness now?
13 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]

I highly doubt that PiS will be voted out considering they have double the support of PO - 43% vs 20%

Atch is wishful-thinking - let her be
26 Sep 2017
UK, Ireland / Are you able to hear the different English accents? [97]


oh the question is which accents do I understand well - the answer is American hahah

let me tell you a story - I used to learn English pretty intensively in high school - in all I had 7 years of learning English under my belt before I arrived in London - and when a first person aksed me something in the street I understood one word - flat - and I though oh flat, I was looking for a flat - and then the guy spoke a little bit clearer and it turned out he got a puncture aka flat tyre

I also learned that there are accents even within London itself of which some I was not able to understand at all (not a single word)

I used to learn BBC English which was the same as the Received Pronounciation back in the beginning of the 90's
There were times I thought of the American English as uneducated and ugly. Now the situation is very different - the American accent is the most clear to me (ok Received pronounciation is also very clear but now I believe it to be forced and artificial) and I find it very pleasant to the ears. I can't even explain how this happened.

Oh, but I still use mostly Brittish English spelling - so I write favourite, humour and theatre.
26 Sep 2017
UK, Ireland / Are you able to hear the different English accents? [97]

Anyway, what english accents / dialects have you Polish experienced in your time of meeting English people?

I only truly recognize Irish and Scottish accent (appart from American) - I am sort of familiar with Geordie accent through Toy Dolls' songs but I am not sure I could recognize it in a real life setting - heard about western English accents but never met anyone speaking them (speaking of Dorsetshire)

oh the question is which accents do I understand well - the answer is American hahah
25 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

even logging it sparingly for whatever reason messes up the whole thing

it was logged before up until 2012 or 2013 when logging limits were greatly reduced (but some logging continued) - the limits were low enough for the foresters to not be able to stop the spread of the spruce bark beetle though

Szyszko cutting down trees?

the area where i live is a commercial forest with just a couple of reserves - and logging has been going on here since I can remember - I haven't noticed any sharp increase if you ask me during the time of Szyszko
25 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

he standing dead trees provide the nest sites for the 9 species of woodpecker that the forest supports

maybe you haven't noticed but woodpeckers nest also in alive trees - I live in a forest and I have seen things
25 Sep 2017
Travel / My Experience in Poland (compared to Germany) [100]

Ask some Polish people if they would be comfortable with an ultra right wing party ruling Germany..

I would be happy if an anti-immigrant but otherwise normal party would rule in Germany - I don't know what AfD is about to be honest appart from the anti-immigrant stance
24 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

made timber crop

the forest will not be turned into a commercial forest anyway even in places where it will be re-planted by foresters
24 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

Also they don't cut the younger trees, mainly bc they're less valuable but that still means trees will regrow

where possible the forest will be allowed to reseed itself - where not it will be planted by foresters - from foresters Białowieża manifesto - and strict reserves including the Białowieża National Park will not be touched

btw Dirk do you believe that global warming is caused by human CO2 emissions? I don't
24 Sep 2017
Travel / Białowieża National Park in Poland [461]

I have family living around various parts of Silesia and many of the older people I know who lived near the mines but weren't workers have a lot of lung

I doubt it is the mines that cause health problems for those who were not workers - there were old dirty foundries including lead foundries in Silesia during the communist times