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Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]
, Russia's got Poland beat by kilometers.
My Dear Lyzko.As is so often the case when you respond to peoples posts you go off on a wild tangent and discuss stuff that was not in the original post just to make some sort of point of your own.
Please stick the comments in the posts you are referring to!
I did not try to compare Russia with Poland.So why are you doing it?
many, many more people speak Russian than Polish
Nor did I try to compare the number of Russian speakers to that of Polish.
My point was, that despite it's size and population, Russia is still a very poor and backward country.
And have not seen any real progress in many years.
The only way they will is by embracing a more liberal and democratic attitude,which will allow them to be more accepted by the west and seek reforms and maybe even help.
I would love to see a free, democratic Russia embraced as a friend by The West.
But Putin prefers the status quo because it suits his personal ambitions.