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Posts by Miloslaw  

Joined: 5 Mar 2018 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - Q
Last Post: 8 Mar 2025
Threads: Total: 20 / In This Archive: 3
Posts: Total: 5121 / In This Archive: 790
From: London,England
Speaks Polish?: Yes

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11 Apr 2019
Life / Retiring in Poland [39]

I would buy a detached house, as close as possible to a town centre.
Tarnow appeals.
11 Apr 2019
News / Polish Police Hunt for Bad Taste Boorish Brits [39]

a few Brits having a crack overseas for stag.

You sound like a true Brit to me.
Have you seen how this scum behave in Prague,Krakow and Waraw?
Makes me ashamed to be British.....
11 Apr 2019
Life / Retiring in Poland [39]

Hey Rich,there are things, as you well know, that are getting worse in The UK.
Yeah, I may well be thinking of running away from those things....
11 Apr 2019
Life / Retiring in Poland [39]

[moved from]

I have been to Poland many times.
Comparing different countries is always difficult.
There are positives and negatives of both The UK and Poland.
At present,I prefer The UK.
But I am considering retiring to Poland.
11 Apr 2019
Food / Which ingredients/vegetables/fruits/meats are nonexistent in traditional Polish cuisine? [125]

You'll not find much rhubarb

Maybe not in current Poland.But my parents grew it in the garden and made plenty of Polish dishes with it.
I was never too keen......

Duck is very traditional.


Fresh sea fish is surprisingly rare in traditional Polish cuisine

Lack of coastline........but,as you say,herring is popular.
10 Apr 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

, Russia's got Poland beat by kilometers.

My Dear Lyzko.As is so often the case when you respond to peoples posts you go off on a wild tangent and discuss stuff that was not in the original post just to make some sort of point of your own.

Please stick the comments in the posts you are referring to!
I did not try to compare Russia with Poland.So why are you doing it?

many, many more people speak Russian than Polish

Nor did I try to compare the number of Russian speakers to that of Polish.
My point was, that despite it's size and population, Russia is still a very poor and backward country.
And have not seen any real progress in many years.
The only way they will is by embracing a more liberal and democratic attitude,which will allow them to be more accepted by the west and seek reforms and maybe even help.

I would love to see a free, democratic Russia embraced as a friend by The West.
But Putin prefers the status quo because it suits his personal ambitions.
10 Apr 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

Russia is where it has been for most of it's history.
A poor, vast, backward state on the fringe of Europe, on the fringe geographically, politically, culturally and financially.
And unless it embraces reform, it will remain there.
10 Apr 2019
News / What should Poland do to solve the population crisis? [101]

So, how did the humans manage when there were only 1 billion of them?

It is not the number, Rich.
Before pensions couples tended to have large families because your kids WERE your pension.
That is still true in many countries that don't have pensions.
Since that need has been taken away people are having less children,less than 2 per couple in some countries.
We need kids to support and pay for the pensions of people who are living longer and longer.
9 Apr 2019
News / What should Poland do to solve the population crisis? [101]

Native Europeans don't want to have children and neither they want immigrants.

But this is a problem and requires a solution, right?
And not just for Poland.
For most of the "Advanced West".
So where does this discussion go from here?
I already offered my compromise solutions.
9 Apr 2019
History / Why is Poland weaker than Russia? [390]

when did you last buy anything made in Russia?

As you say Jon, Russia and Belarus are like the poorest of African nations, but in Europe.
Poverty, lack of production, lack of goods in the shops and corruption.....just like the worst of Africa.
9 Apr 2019
News / What should Poland do to solve the population crisis? [101]

Sorry that you have an inferiority complex Ziemowit

He does with Brits and I have no idea why.I may be British but my blood is as Polish as his.

My personal opinion is Poland needs a bit of both promoting birth rates in Poland and controlled immigration.
They promoted birth rates in France about 30 years ago and it worked to a degree,I have friends who were persuaded to have a third child because of it.

They are trying to do it in Hungary now,we will see how that works out.

Vlad 1234's suggestion of allowing other Slavs in is a good one.Not very culturaly problematic.
But Poland should heed what has gone wrong in Western Europe and control the number of non europeans coming in.(For cultural reasons).
But I think some more exotic immigrants would be good for Poland.
Variety is the spice of life but too much spice is not good for you.
8 Apr 2019
USA, Canada / Pulaski Day (celebrated in the US only) [54]

Also, it is pretty certain that he considered himself male rather than female.

He did.But he was well aware that something was "Not quite right",but also that it was well beyond the understanding of people at the time.
8 Apr 2019
News / What should Poland do to solve the population crisis? [101]

[moved from]

I heard a report on Radio Poland yesterday that said that the population of Poland is dwindling very fast.
Currently 38 million,but maybe as low as 25 million by 2050.
Please correct me if my figures are slightly wrong,as I was not taking notes but cooking Sunday Lunch.... :-)
If this is the case,and please say if you think it is not,what is the solution?
2 Apr 2019
Life / What do decent Poles think about true rightists ? [148]

It doesn` t matter what Poles appreciate the EU for.

What a ridiculous thing to say!
Of course it matters!!!!
As soon as The EU is no longer seen as advantageous to Poles their support will dwindle!
Stating the bleedin' obvious here.......
2 Apr 2019
Work / Diversity in Poland especially in workplace [90]

I employ 34 people.
None of them are disabled.
Not because I have anything against employing disabled people.
But just because they couldn't do any of the jobs I am offering.
1 Apr 2019
Work / Diversity in Poland especially in workplace [90]

The question is, how do you define "large"?

The numbers that are coming into The UK is large.
And yes,The UK govt can control the numbers coming in from outside of The EU.
So why don't they?
30 Mar 2019
History / Poland and Israel getting back on the right foot...maybe [132]

In many cases the sum of deductions would exceed the value of a lost property

Exactly,so Lyzko is just stirring up unnecessary problems.
As I have said previously,this is not worth it.
Jews need to drop this like a hot potato or it will bite them on the bum.