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Joined: 6 Jul 2017 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 3 Sep 2024
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10 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Let us just hope that Assad conquers Idlib without resorting to chemical weapons. He should be able take the province with conventional means, though then again this has not stopped him before.
10 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

@cms neuf

Juergen Koehler - won every honor in the game then sent off in his final game :

This happens to way too many great players, Zidan, Buffon (though it was "only" his last CL game).
9 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

It is about time that Germany gets a tob job in the EU again. The last Commission president from Germany was 50 years ago, and we never had a German ECB president so far.
9 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

A small minority which is now top dog in the East...and already firmly in the two-digits in the West.

And thus still a minority. This is as big as they are going to get.

The traditional CDU space will be filled out by the AfD for good by then

Unlikely. Sure, it is inevitable that the AfD will continue to exist and poll in the double digits. But this had to happen one day, German society has their own share of racists like any other society and this would eventually be reflected in its' party system.

And we do not need this scum in the CDU. The CDU stands for Christian values, for European integration, for stability. None of which the AfD supports. And the CDU can't compromise on those principles. Nor has it much room to manouver even if it wanted.
9 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

The problem is that nobody else goes out with them protesting

Nobody goes with them protesting because there is no reason to do so. There is no justification for trying to use a murder as a pretext to faciliate hatred against an entire group of people. Nor is there any need to do so. Those who are merely dissatisfied with Merkel's refugee policy have either been appeased by the drastic changes that have been implemented since 2015, or they have deeper issues and are lost anyway. The AfD represents only a small minority and it is time that their impact on the public discours is reduced to that status.
9 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

green pedophiles or the left stalinists?

As if those pedophiles were still a tolerated part of the Green party. The party leadership is certainly not among those. Meanwhile, almost the entire leadership of the AfD is composed of antisemite, Holocaust deniers and Reichsbürger-Sympathizers.

state which was more ANTIFASCIST

The GDR claimed to be antifacist, but the GDR broke with certain traditions far less than the FRG. I really hope I am misterundstanding, because it seems to me that you are trying to compare the people who went to the concert with the mob who shouted Ausländer raus and included many people who showed the Hitler salute.

to put them all in the crazy nutter corner

There are many critics of Merkel, quite a lot of them in her own party. The problem is, that anyone who cheers to people like Höcke, Bachmann and Gauland can not claim that this is simply about the refugee policy. He has deeper issues with the German state.
9 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

discredit the millions of Germans who are against Merkels policy. A

This is not about discrediting someone. If you vote for a party whose leadership consists of antisemites, Holocaust deniers and Reichsbürger-sympathizers you should take a hard look on what you personally stand for.

After all being left must be bad when you stand

Those were hardly visible and did not play a mayor part in mobilizing the people, unlike the mob which shouted Ausländer raus. Anyone who went with those made no secret about his opinions.
8 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Yeah...well...that was one year ago...

So what. Should we have federal elections every 6 months? I am sure you see how impractical this would be. The people had their vote and they decided to not back the AfD.

can you believe it!!!

I am not surprised. The CDU in Saxony bears a lot of responsibility for this. For years they have been publically talking down the danger of right-wing extremism, and even after Chemnitz the Ministerpräsident has tried to appease to to the mob. Appeasement never works, you just add legitimacy to their demands. Leipzig showed that you can defeat them by actively engaging with them.
8 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

No, it's definitely not!

Yes they are. The refugees are not really the issue here, they are simply used as an excuse by those who always wanted to change the country profoundly to their liking. Before that they demanded the death penalty for paedophiles, forced castration and so on. They point to criminal refugees and demand that we compromise on our principles, and if they we do, they'll demand more and more. The real danger is that too many people believe their lies and panicked rhetoric. There is no need for any knee-jerk reaction here, especially because all necessary steps have either been taken or are about to be implemented.

wish there would be a referendum held about the immigration and asylum question.

The people got a vote one year ago. The party who exclusively concentrated on the refugee crisis received 15%.
8 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Those ideals are worth risking everything for. I have confidence that most Germans are sane enough to stay away from the AfD, and what happens in the USA and the UK will serve as a good warning.
6 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

@Dirk diggler

1. The idea behind the asylum law was never to attract skilled foreigners, but applying the lessons of WWII in granting people a safe heaven from persecution. Of course there is only so much a country can realistically do, but 20bn are hardly an impossible amount of money for money. In fact, the spend money is no viable argument at all, because if Germany had implemented the Hungary solution, effectively ending free movement, it would have cost us just as much if not more (and unlike the money spend on refugees, it would not have spend in Germany). There is a reason why not even the new government in Austria has not done the same, because it would place a heavy burden on them.

And there is a very real problem with many Eastern Europeans who emigrate to Germany in order to live off welfare. Not the majority of course, but enough that Berlin is now trying to change the laws to adress the problems.

Furthermore refugees receive only a fraction of the money you seem to imagine.

6 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

@ Dirk: The claim about muslims in prisons is just another lie.


It is getting tiresome to respond to your posts, because you are using so many lies and deliberate misinterpretation which thoroughly discredit the points you are making. How can you still trust your media sources when they feed you so many misinformations?

How can you claim that Germany is wrecked by terror and rape, when heavy crime is in fact decreasing from an overall very low number per citizen? Again step back and reflect on what you are actually writing.

@Dirk diggler

Muslim migrants who have been staying longer in our country are working in all parts of our society. Coincidently the group of migrants who are most likely to live from social benefits are Eastern Europeans, especially Romanians.

The refugees are usually not long enough in Germany to work. However there have been some very promising projects where refugees are trained to work in nursing homes. Indeed our government will hopefully offer further incentives for them to get an apprenticeship there.
6 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Indeed, most of the low-wage jobs are done by foreigners in Germany. Our agricalture industry for example depends on migrants from Eastern Europe, particulary Poland. As does our nursing homes for the elderly.
5 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

Tacitus, can't you talk sense to them?

I am not exactly in a better position to talk to them then you are. The argument itself is not wrong, those countries are indeed not safe for LBGT, but since few refugees actually claim to be LBGT, it would be better show more flexibility on this point. Though I suspect that this will have little influence in reality, since the countries in question are usually stalling the deportations.


Omg burglaries how scary.

Burglaries are the crimes that damage your own sense of security the most. You don't feel safe in your own home anymore. And those happen many more times than any other crimes.

These are animals, scum, parasites and a burden on European society.

Dirk, you should take a step back and consider what you are writing here. Your phrases could be taken word for word out of any Goebbels' speech about jews. We are talking about perhaps 1.000.000 people. If we are really stretching it, 10.000. are criminals. You are effectively calling 990.000 scum for no reason.
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

@BB That reminds me of another stereotype many East Germans seem to have. They are for example convinced that Western Germany, and NRW in particular is more unsafe than other areas, when in truth East Germany is statistically unsafer than the rest of the country. There are no doubt poorer areas than others, but it is not like the whole of Berlin is like the Görlitzer Park. ;)
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

the 25 billion is still 25 billion more than needs to be spent on economic migrants

Roughly half of them do have a legitimate claim for asylum, so make it half of that. 12bn is still money that could be spend elsewhere, but it is not really that much in the grand scheme of things. And since most of that money is spend in Germany for translators, food et al it serves as a small domestic stimulus. The government should do more to cut costs and decrease the time needed to process an application, but they are already doing this.

Dirk, your problem is that you have a completely perverted picture of Western Europe and Germany. You can't keep generalizing exceptions like this. Women are for example much less likely to become a victim in Germany than in the USA. And the vast majority of refugees are law-abiding people, it is just small percentage that causes problems. It is really frustrating to argue with you, because it is obvious how much you have been fed far right propaganda, but try and think a bit about what you write. This is the same as me claiming that the USA experiencing a civil war, because of mass shooting incidents. Arm sells are after all on an all-time high. Would this claim be a reasonable description of the current state of the EU.

PS: To be honest, one of the many shortcomings of the AfD is that they do not offer any solution. I just read their party program, and it does not offer anything substantial on how to decrease migration. And the proposals they do make would never get past Karlsruhe.
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

A german youth would never be able to lie about his age.

Because there is usually a birth certificate that proves his age without any reasonable doubt. The problem is, that there are often no birth certificates available for refugees, this is a technical issue, not a legal one.

to throw Merkel's legacy into the bin and take back it's righteous place, right of the middle.

That would be the biggest possible mistake. The CDU is already in the middle, and is attractive to the group of voters that is likely to gain in size and influence in the future. Why would anyone sacrifice this just to try and get back voters who do not really care about conservative values, and instead vote for xenophobic reasons. The only thing that the CDU should remember is its' identity as a Christian party. Merkel was in 2015 after all obe of the few politicians, who lived up to those values.

No law is written into stone when enough people are sick of it... :)

Sure, but principles like burden of proof are, no mattet what the mob on the street says. ;)

Is that why 25 billion is spend on migrants, more than on education?

As I pointed out to you once, this number is misleading. This is simply the federal budget for education, which is only a fraction of the total expenditure on education. 90% of the money is spend by the regional governments, which is in total between 150-200bn.


Some people say the GDR could exist even today if she had all those unhappy citizens just leave.

Very unlikely. The GDR build the wall because it could not afford to lose more and more, often highly qualified people to the West. The GDR eventually collapsed because of economic reasons (everything about the fate of the GDR was down to economies. The GDR was de facto bankrupt since 1988, and the SED knew this. Reunification only happened the way it did because the SU was broke too and the FRG was the only entity with enough money to spare) and not building the wall would have seen her bleed out sooner.

As for the rest of your rant, this is as usual nonsense. You can only sentence someone in Germany (which is probably the same in the USA) if you can prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. Most of the culprits in Cologne went free because there was no substantial evidence against them, often the victims themselves did not recognize them, which is not surprising considering it was night and all. The guy in Kendel claimed to be 17 years old, and the prosecution could not prove him wrong. In dubio pro reo.

Most of the deportations fail because their home countries refuse to take them back, or only process their applications very slowly. There is very little we can do about this.
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

@Bratwurst Boy

It's hard if not possible to accept a law

True, it would be indeee to accept that if there were such laws, but since there aren't such laws, this is a moot point. Foreigners are judged by the same universal principles as Germans are.

has kept the the political stands of this old CDU, before Merkel.

That is mostly a myth that has often been cited as some sort of excuse by former CDU voters. Aside from the fact that the AfD has no coherent party program in many areas (which its' leadership freely admits), many of its defined demands would have been at odds of the CDU even 20 years ago. The CDU was always for deeper European integration and the Euro. The EU wants to abolish the Euro and loosen the integration in the EU. The was the main advocate of Westbindung, the AfD wants an alignment with Russia. The only thing they might have had in common was their attitude towards gays, but this is hardly a key point.

rather predict that a merkellless CDU will drop down fast and deep

Possibly but I am more optimistic about this. There are already many people in place to carry on her legacy, most notably Kramp-Karrenhauer.

Yes, some of these laws will be changed!

Perhaps, and I would not mind it if article 16 of the GG would be either abolished or drastically changed.
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

did not live under the rule of law! :)

Because the GDR only respected those laws as long as it was convenient for the party.

all what the party did was lawful.

The party violated their own constitution and laws constantly.

A law isn't automatically right only because someone says so.

This is not about a specific law. This is about the principles without which you can not have proper rule of law.

Wessis seem to believe their ways are set in stone for the eternity

So far it has been proven to be resilient. It is certainly the best system we ever had in Germany, and no one has ever come with a better alternative.

This obedience to the rulers and their LAWS

Not their laws. Our laws. We are living in a democracy. The problem is that many East Germans have yet to fully understand its' principles.

See post 283 for some valuable information

that's why the AfD will take over the ex-GDR in a few years...

Perhaps, but there is nothing we can do about this. It is not like this is a new trend, East Germans tend to cast their votes on the fringe. Before the AfD, votes went to the successor party of the SED, or the NPD.

All we need to do is wait. The refugee crisis drop off the radar in the coming years, and once Merkel retires, the far right will lose the enemy that united them. Those who are still fundamentally decent voters will return to the fold, and those who don't are lost anyway.

However, it might be prudent to implement changes in how we select our civil servants. Anyone who is a member of a far-right- or left-wing organization or party, should not be allowed to enjoy the privileges as a civil servant. They are oath-bound to defent the constitution after all, and it is hardly credible if you deny the constitution.
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

all people dissatisfied with this judgement "mob"?

I am talking about judgements in general. It is up to an impartial judge who knows the whole story to pass judgement, not people on the streets who won't be satisfied either way.

Our law is guided by principles for very good reasons. Sometimes it can happen that because of them, culprits go unpunished or without serious punishment, ( e.g. the case of Lolita Brieger), but breaking those principles would detrimental to us all. I must say, I find it strange that many East Germans are so quick to disregard this. They of all people should treasure the ability in finally living under the rule of law.
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

He should be judged as a grown up...

Only if the evidence justifies it, which in this case, it did not. The prosecution could not prove that he was definitely above 18 years old, so we have to accept this.

but makes the blood boil. Another chunk in the armor of our law system and the belief in the rule of law in Germany...

On the contrary, this judgement confirms that the rule of law is still uphold in Germany. Punishment and judgement are up to judges, not the mob in the street.

If you didn't know better you could think alot of people work hard on hollowing out this state and the trust of it's people in it

There are in fact many people trying to subvert the rule of law. Any AfD voter for example. Because what the AfD demands is in violation of every principle of the rule of law.

This is not the first the time the FRG experiences this kind of crisis. During the RAF terror campagn, many people called for more severe punishments, for the state to break its' own principles in order to deal with them. But sanity prevailed which is why the RAF was eventually defeated on every level. We are now experiencing a similar situation, and I hope that we can once again prevail the same way.
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

But...he wasn't a minor...he LIED about his age to suck out all the generosity this state hands out to young people in need. He lied and murdered!

Who do you mean? The guy in Freiburg lied about his age, was judged as an adult and received the highest possible penalty. His crimes are despicable, but it is not a case that can be described as undue lenient.

The guy in Kendel was judged as a teenager, because that is what he is (unless proven otherwise). Again no undue leniency, but simply following the law. Would you be satisfied if he received ten years instead of eight?
4 Sep 2018
News / "It's too late for Germany" (but not for Poland) [1798]

...I dunno...maybe because to many criminals should have left the country

His lawyer expects him to at least.

remember Anis Amri

Not much you can do about this when their home countries refuse to give them papers. Our government has excerted some pressure already, but our tools are limited in those cases. Afghanistan and Iraq seem to cooperate by now, so the guy who killed the girl should be deported.

The murdered woman in Freiburg?

Her murderer was not due to leave the country though.

(auch eine Nachteule? :)

Berufsbedingt ;)

Sometimes I envy you for that.

I don't, because the US justice system is highly disfunctional. It doesn't provide more safety, produces additional costs because of its' many prisoners. It does somewhat satisfy a crude thirst for revenge, but that is no criteria for a modern justice system. Otherwise we would still be publically executing criminals.

this murderer from Kandel get's barely 8 years..

Perhaps he'll get more if the prosecution prevails, but I guess some would not be satisfied even if he got the full maximum penalty possible. There are good reasons why minors are not judged like adults, and he is to be judged like any German would be in his case.

Cut down on the number of quotes please.
2 Sep 2018
News / Poland's "historical path" is that of "fascism" (Jew attack alert) [43]

Or correct their nationalist ways.

Well, we tried, but this is nothing that can be solved quickly. The East Germans have lived under two xenophobic (the GDR was also very encouraging in this regard) dictatorships for 57 years. This is no legacy that can be stamped out quickly.

This wave of xenophobia is very concerning, because it is only a matter of time until other groups are targeted. Many claims against refugees could just as easily be used against e.g. Eastern Europeans.
24 Aug 2018
Life / How's the life of an LGBT person in Poland? [90]

It also depends on where you are planning on living. Since you wish to study there, you probably intent to love in one of the bigger city, which are usually more progressive. Slupsk has even a gay mayor.
23 Aug 2018
Life / How's the life of an LGBT person in Poland? [90]

Are you sure you're not a preacher?

No, I am simply rational. There is no rational argument why LBGT should not enjoy those things. Unless you believe that holding hands is simply inappropiate and should not be done by hetero couples in the open as well.

By the way your mussings about your German white man burden kind of complex was quite reviling and amusing aswell,

I wish it was amusing, but unfortunately it is the reality of things. This has nothing to do with ethicity and nationality, it is simply the consequence of Eastern Europe having lived under dictatorships until fairly recently. It is only to be expected that those societies need time to mature.
23 Aug 2018
Life / How's the life of an LGBT person in Poland? [90]

Especially concerning immigration the West did not always do everything right...

True, but most definitely regarding LBGT rights. The fact that Eastern Europeans are unusually often involved on attacks against LBGT in Germany is an indication that there is still a lot of room for improvement.