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Joined: 24 Sep 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 41
Posts: Total: 420 / In This Archive: 267
From: USA Shelby Township, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: everyhting pertianing to Poland, Polonia, Poles and things Polish

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7 Oct 2012
News / Poland Parliamentary elections 2015 [1060]

This seems logical. The PiS offensive (economic forum, Poland Awaken march, no-confidence vote) has replaced the Smolensk issue in the party's agenda. Macierewicz is closely associated with the Smolensk investigation and tends ot be on the radical side, so it was to be expecetd he wouldn't fit in with the current more businesslike and less firebrand iumage PiS is hoping to convey.
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

I was only summarfsing the letter which included the 209th position of Poland.
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

I don't believe the bishops were concerned about scientific analysis or statistics for their own sake. Their concern was based on morality, and extramarital partnerhships are regarded as an evil -- living in sin. If it turned out that those shacking up produced more children than married couples, I doubt it the Church would supprot, encourage or condone that developemnt.
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

For the benefit of those PF-ers who haven't yet made it over to chruch today, in a letter read out in Poland’s churches on Sunday, the Polish Episcopate expressed concern over the fate of the Polish family which is a victim of the social, cultural and economic crisis. It decried attacks on the family by the news and entertainment media including attempts to ignore,slight or replace the complete family with civic partnerships. That is among the reasons for Poland’s low birth rate ranking the country 209th amongst 222 countries. The letter recalled Mother Teresa’s words saying that a child should be regarded as God’s greatest gift to man,
7 Oct 2012
News / Is Jarosław Kaczyński the new Lech Wałęsa? [74]

I think by neutral govt is meant a non-party or non-political one, technocratic, dealing with concrete issues and resolving problems on a merit basis untainted by ideology. The question arises: to what extent is that possible? Some say everything is political.
6 Oct 2012
News / Is Jarosław Kaczyński the new Lech Wałęsa? [74]

23% VAT, the sick untreated or given the run-around or stall job, woefully underpaid nurses, teachers, supermakret cashiers and many others. All the high and mighty Baltzermanns, Belkas and Rostowskis have no contact with normal ordianry Poles but live in their elitist

storybook world of ivory towers and marble corridors. What's a Pole to do who had 3 kids and a wife to support, took out credit (the banks are constantly encouraging people to) to finally renovate the flat, and then he is thrown out of work. Tusk won't even provide a free noose for the poor wretch?
6 Oct 2012
News / Is Jarosław Kaczyński the new Lech Wałęsa? [74]

I didn't translate every last word, but the reason Pan Prezes metnioned the 7% growth rate was that Poland ranks third behind Germany and Holland as having Europe's highest IQ. If the Tusk clique didn't keep people down and didn't squander those resources, forcing people to seek a livelihood abroad, the sky would be the limit.
6 Oct 2012
News / Is Jarosław Kaczyński the new Lech Wałęsa? [74]

Merged: Kaczyński speaks in Białystok

Kaczyński in Białystok: “I see there is leadership in Poland as shown by the big march in Warsaw last week. Poles have had it up to here. It’s high time because for 5 years we have been ruled by those who don’t know how to rule. They also lack deeper values and patriotism. To rule one must love one’s nation, love Poles, all Poles regardless of where they’re from and where they’re from and where they were born. The point is not to divide the people, not concentrate one’s attention on a few metropolitan areas and neglect the rest. A good government is one that treats Poles as a community and promotes social and inter-regional solidarity. Is that what this government is like? Has it built all the motorways, has it solved the health situation and education… When they took power it was a good time, we left them a Poland in good shape… A government also must also promote Polish interests in the international arena. I don’t mean a plan for Tusk to become chairman of the EC… Paying for CO2 is like a second tax. That should have been vetoed straight away but wasn’t. Only when they tried to increase the charges was there a veto. And nothing happened, nothing blew up, as Tusk had warned initially... To defend those interests a government is needed. But there are three more years till the next election. They’ve got a small advantage in parliament… Already in the 1920s there was a non-parliamentary government also during a crisis. The Grabski govt stabilized Poland’s situation. Can we not resort to that solution today? We have decided try. Everyone admits this govt is bad, even PO MPs. There is hope that many of them will be guided by patriotic motives or by their own political interests. We are not guided by any particular interests. If everything collapsed, that would drop into our sack. But we are patriots. Power is not the goal, it is only an instrument. We have therefore found someone totally unconnected with us…we only know he is honest and competent, he may differ from us. It is a question of him being acceptable to other political forces. This can end that tragic Polish-Polish war…. Prof. Gliński, a centrist, may be the one to shoulder that heavy responsibility at a time of crisis. In the weeks ahead we will do everything possible and approach all MPs. We will explain that those who don’t vote for it will bear responsibility for the last 5 years, for all the scams… We are not pushing for power. We want a neutral government to further Polish interests. Poles must become convinced the government is working in the interests of all society not some elitist coteries… We can develop at a rate of 7% a year but we must throw off the rucksack full of stones which is pulling us down. Tusk promised to cast it away but didn’t. Only PiS can do that so we must use our chance. We cannot wait 3 years. That’s why I came here. Each of you taking part in the awakening process can contribute. We should all urge our friends, neighbours and mates to awaken and join the march.”

one big quote and no source/link
4 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

WE menaing thsoe on PF who are on to you. No, I will not be marching. I may watch from the sidelines. It'll be interesting to see if the past PM Kaczyński and the future one, Gliński, will be marching side by side.
4 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

All will be fine if the Antifa creeps and other troublemakers don't interfere. We expect Delph to be marching up frotn with a flag embazoned with St Andrew's cross.
4 Oct 2012
News / More punch-UPS ON 11th NOV in Poland? [56]

Rzeczpospolita is predictitng that tthis year's Independence Day March on 11th November may again erupt in violence. Sponsored by patioric right-wing circles, disturbances may occur if the anarcho-commie fanatics of the Antifa group again start attacking the patritoic marchers. Footies fans and natioanlsit youth groups will most likely spring to their defence. President Komorowski's measure on public assembleis (even if he signs it) will not go into force in time for the 11th Nov. holiday. A PiS, Solidarity and Radio Maryja march in late September attracted an estimated up to 100,000 demonstrators but was peaceful because leftist goon squads did nto interfere.

Independence march in Poland again, you may end up zadymami . On the right and left takes great mobilization

Presidential initiative for change in the way to demonstrate and to secure its safe course ends in a fiasco . Threefold : the new rules do not come into force until November 11 , and the planned reduction of the freedom of assembly meant that this year's Independence March in Warsaw elect to tens of thousands of people. Also organize your own demonstration environments left -independence activists, referring to the tradition of the old PPS . A komunizujący extremists from the sign Antify preparing to patriotic demonstrations block.

3 Oct 2012
News / PiS-PSL-LPR? [23]

Some people believe young people are fools, gullible, naive, out after only fun and whatever what seems trendy and cutting edge... But young people eventually mature and will see through the Tuskian façade.
3 Oct 2012
News / PiS-PSL-LPR? [23]

Yes, the 4th Republic is currently on hold...but it will rise again! You just wait and see!
3 Oct 2012
News / PiS-PSL-LPR? [23]

It's hard to argue with the arithmetic. But the average Polish farmer is deifnitely right of centre. Too bad the PO-PiS project never materialised due to PO pigheadedness. Although PO came second, Kaczyński generously offered them as many ministries as PiS. but they still hummed nad hawed. Then PO wanted coalition talks broadcast live on TV and they were and naturalłly fell through. Nobody in the world negotiates on camera.

At any rate, in a PO-PiS government Jarek's lads could have kept a close watch on the Tuskites to make sure they toed the line.
3 Oct 2012
News / PiS-PSL-LPR? [23]

Quite the contrary is true, rural folk are amongg the coutnry's most traditonalist and staunchly Catholic. The fact that PSL teamed up with the ex-commies and now with the liberals shows they will join any coalition just to have a foothold in power. I presume Kaczyński didn't even bother to invite them because of their PRL roots, but they shed those soon enough and invoked their proud anti-Communist past (Witos, Mikołajczyk).
3 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

b) Parties would just change their names and addresses and stand again.

Now that makes sense! Reckon I'm just too idealistic to have envisaged such a ruse. But knowing what power-hungry polticians are like, that would be the way they'd go if such a ban were in force. They would change the name and possibly the leader (if the law required it), but it would still be the same old mafia.
3 Oct 2012
News / PiS-PSL-LPR? [23]

Possibly Kaczyński's biggest mistake in 2005 was inducting Lepper's destructive Samoobrona into the coaltion. Had he chosen PSL (and the power-hungry Pawlak would have surely accepted the invite), it might have been a different ballgame. The PSL would not have risked a collapse of the coaliton and surely would have toed the line better than Lepper did. One of Giertych's major achievements was to beef up the hsitory curriculum in schools. Now the Tuskites have emascualted it and are starting to down-dumb kids the way America has for decades. It's got to where many if not most American secondary-school pupils do not know whether the Civil War took place in the 18th or 19th century? Is Poland headed the same way? (Naturally the criterion would be things like the Warsaw Uprising, the rise of Solidarity, martial law, etc., not the US CIvil War!)
2 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

To ensure democratic rotation, the party that had won two consecutive ballots would nnt be allowed to field candidates for the third time. That would ensure a different politicla contesllation -- therefore porgresss, rotation and dynamismas oppsoed to beign in a rut.
2 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

As with the president, perhaps the ruling party should also be limtied to two consecutive terms in office. That way, Poland wouldn't be saddled with w third-term Tusk clique. It would also save money and frazzled citizens' nerves to have all elections -- presidential, parliamentary and local -- held simutaneously -- ever 4 or 5 years.
2 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

Question: If Tusk and Kopacz were on a boat in the middle of the sea and it sunk, who would be saved?
Answer: 38 million Poles!
2 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

NEVER is an absolute no-no in political parlance. One can say within the foreseeable future, OK, but never 'NEVER'!
2 Oct 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

Jaruzelski and Kiszczak shipped tonnes of documents to the papermill in Konstancin Jeziorna in 1989-90 for mulcving and recycling. However the existence of IPN shows that only a fraction of the records were destroyed. Yesty Gauck said they (the post-GDR authorities) mananged to seize thousands of sacks of ton docuemtns before they could be destroyed. They are no being digitally recreated. The GDR henchmen did not have enough shredders who they manually tore up documents into bits and placed them in sacks.
1 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

Who said I wasn’t at the march. I had a good view of it from the kerb and saw a placard that aptly said: ‘PO złodzieje!’ Others passing by proclaimed ‘Nie chcemy pracować aż do śmierci’, ‘Demokracja bez krytycznych mediów przekształca się w tyranię’ and ‘TV Trwam to nasze Westerplatte i nie możemy zdezerterować’. It was an exilirating experience watching Polish democracy in action!!!
1 Oct 2012
History / People the Soviets planted in Poland [75]

Believe me, I do not take it personally, Sine people are so steeped in their cock-eyed PC pror-libtertine biases that one cannot expect anythnig more from them. The PC types have got their pet fringe minorities, but you'll never hear them say a word in defence of the 160,000 Christians killed each year precisely because they are Christiasn. Religous genocide does not bother them a bit. If it were 160 Jews, that might be a different story. And that is their idea of balance, impartiality, fairness and justice! At most one can can feel sorry for these pathetic, horse-blinkered souls.
1 Oct 2012
History / Welcome to Lemmingrad! [59]

'Know thy enemy', so yes I read GW, but Rzepa is my paper of preference. Read it and maybe you'll finally learn some truth about Poland. rather than just the liberal-leftist propaganda.you get in the %#&#¤?=*ęß$£&¤#?! Gazette.