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Joined: 11 Nov 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Apr 2012
Threads: Total: 9 / In This Archive: 8
Posts: Total: 310 / In This Archive: 241

Speaks Polish?: Not perfectly

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28 Nov 2011
Love / Polish guys opinion about Romanian girls? [23]

I guess Europe has a different definition of Latin because here in America we refer to Latin people as those who originate from Latin America.
28 Nov 2011
Love / Polish men like Latin girls? What do u find attractive in a girl physically & emotionally? [29]

i strongly suggest you gründliche suche in the slavic world. ;) as southern says the garden is immense

I visit New York City quite often which is known for having great ethnic diversity. I've been exposed to plenty of Slavic women and Latin women. Latin women definitely have better asses. Don't get me wrong, I think some Slavic women are hot, but Latin women win in the ass department.
27 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

You've stumbled into the wrong thread. This is about interracial mixing. Not intertribal mixing lol.

As an American, I'm very used to diversity among the population here. Diversity is something that Poland seems to be lacking. The last time I visited Poland, almost everyone was white. That made me feel a little uncomfortable. Perhaps that's only because I'm American but I really do believe diversity and multiculturalism is good for a nation.

So my question is, what can Poland do to become more diverse and multicultural? Perhaps the Polish government should try to encourage more immigration to Poland?
27 Nov 2011
Love / Polish men like Latin girls? What do u find attractive in a girl physically & emotionally? [29]

Merged: Polish Men and Latin Women

How common is it for Polish men to date Latin women in your area? In the northeastern USA, you will find plenty of Polish men dating Latin women. My Polish cousin married a Puerto Rican woman.

What is it about Latin women that Polish men seem to like so much? (Besides the obvious which is that some of them can be very sexy.)
27 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

Why were many of the on topic posts deleted?

The posts were deemed to be off topic.
23 Nov 2011
News / Famous Pickup Artist in Poland now [75]

I agree although I do like the ending point. A man does need a variety of women or else he'll go insane.
22 Nov 2011
Life / Some Polish dogs have a very miserable life [46]

the friend showed them a video of a village party where by the main attrcation was a cat with cans tied to its tale or something.

I knew these sort of things were happening very frequently back in the day. I'm shocked that it's still happening though. Wow...it's amazing how uncivilized Poles can act.
22 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Eastern European girls forced against their will in Britain for prostitution? [67]

somebody made her an offer she could not refuse?
Better educated the woman is, higher the price.

I'm not sure if this is meant to be sarcasm or not. You know of any examples? I'm not saying there aren't any cases but there is a direct correlation between being uneducated and going into prostitution voluntarily.
21 Nov 2011
Life / Some Polish dogs have a very miserable life [46]

In some towns during the 1950s and 1960s, it was popular for teenagers to abuse animals in Poland. They would literally sometimes throw cats against walls until they died.
21 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Eastern European girls forced against their will in Britain for prostitution? [67]

Our forefathers fought for their lives to preserve Poland and now without a single sword or gun being used invaders are coming to Poland without a fight. This is unacceptable.

What Europe is all about? You do realize prostitution was very big in pre-Christian Europe, right?

I'll admit that if I ever have a daughter, I wouldn't want to see her working as a prostitute. However, that's because I would want my daughter to be educated as we all know most prostitutes are uneducated. I would want her to go into a respected field such as physics, medicine, engineering, law, etc.. If she didn't do that, I would feel that I failed her as a father.
21 Nov 2011
UK, Ireland / Eastern European girls forced against their will in Britain for prostitution? [67]

I think I read somewhere that east European women make up the highest percentage of prostitutes in Germany. I guess that's what happens when you're uneducated.

There are certain cases where women are forced into prostitution such as in Albania where the local mafia kidnaps girls and sends them off to Italy. However, these cases certainly don't make up the majority and most prostitutes in Europe began working voluntarily.
20 Nov 2011
Genealogy / How common is it for other people of Polish origin to discover they are actually Jewish? [127]

But quite sure the mixing marriage rate in that time was much lower than 50 percent.

Yes, but mathematically-speaking, even if the intermarriage rate was low, many of today's Polish Catholics could still have Jewish ancestry because of the huge Jewish population Poland once had and the amount of centuries they've lived there.
17 Nov 2011
History / Do polish people know that some of them fought a war against the United States? [60]

Most British aren't but we have been stuffed by our political masters and you sir are a dickhead!

I'm a dickhead because I support multiculturalism? Ok...

You obviously can't be taken seriously since you're trying to justify the atrocities committed by western European colonization. Let's not forget about the Atlantic slave trade which the Dutch and British played a huge role in.
15 Nov 2011
Life / Multiracial Poles [154]

Yet Poles live longer than many other ethnic groups

A lot of factors come into play for that and genes is certainly not one of them.

and those gentically inferior people you describe (Poles) seem to do really well in the UK education system, despite their "unhealthy" genes - especially considering the fact that we come from families where English is not the first language. So maybe being "genetically inferior" isn't such a significant fault after all?

Huh? On average, Poles have more genetic variety than other European ethnicities and I applaud that.