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Joined: 27 Jul 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 31 Jan 2012
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Speaks Polish?: Jestem debilem i mam dosyć tego antypolskiego gówna

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26 Sep 2011
Work / Looking for accommodation & teaching job in KATOWICE [78]

Think about it, eh?

I'm beginning to think that, to become a teacher of English in Poland, the main qualification required is not a CELTA, but poor grammar and spelling.

At least that's what I've gathered from the numerous "I want to teach English in Poland" posts on here :D
25 Sep 2011
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

We're two of comparatively few people on here who actually understand how Polish women are (due to lengthy experience), yet I'm the one who gets threatened with a suspension lol. Maybe I should just start asking dumb questions like "are all Polish women greedy gold-digging tramps", or trying to find out how I can get out of India and into Poland; in which case, I would have stayed "on-topic" and wouldn't risk threats from mods who can't do their jobs properly. To the OP: it will take you more than 6 months to understand, but that's the way they are. They are usually worth the effort though.
25 Sep 2011
Love / 6 months with my Polish girlfriend and I still don't understand her.. [208]

Understand whimpering, self pity, vanity and weakness and you'll get it ;)

That reply should receive criticism for sexism, but it's actually non-sexist and completely true if you actually understand what Seanus is really getting at.

Of all the women I've dated, the ones who have threatened to leave me are always the ones who panicked like crazy if I called their bluff and threatened to leave them. It's all a front - they can't bear to be without you, so they put on this "I don't need you, I'm so hot, so I can always get someone else if I want" act to get a response; the purpose of which, of course, is to make sure that you stay :)
25 Sep 2011
News / Europeén Union will finance the 2nd Warsaw metro line. Good news. [60]

No it will not, the underground link terminates 200m from the terminal, the passengers will then climb the stairs or catch the lift and will a walk along a walkway to the terminal.

I don't know why he thinks that's a long way. It's nothing! Have you ever used Heathrow Terminal 1? I nearly missed a flight there once, and it was a five-minute run from security to the gate - not walk, but RUN - and that's after the half-mile walk from the tube station! Try that with the kind of luggage Australians always seem to have! lol.

The only way you will have everything within a few metres of a terminal is if you use an airport like Doncaster - but that's about the size of a McDonalds lol.

Not a very practical ROOF when it SNOWS in Winter!

There's going to be a VERY large pile of snow at the back of that entrance lol!
25 Sep 2011
News / Europeén Union will finance the 2nd Warsaw metro line. Good news. [60]

The only thing that I think they should do is to connect Dw. Zachodni to Line 2 somehow - that would really take the pressure off the cross-city lines and Centralna!

It would become the Clapham Junction of Warsaw. It's already as depressing, it just needs to become as busy, lol :)
25 Sep 2011
News / Europeén Union will finance the 2nd Warsaw metro line. Good news. [60]

Isn't there a rail link being built at the moment? I thought this was one of the things for Euro 2012 that were being built...I could be wrong though.

heh! Missed that one! :) I think Poland is moving faster than I do these days, lol

We will never agree on anything,

everything, duh. lol
25 Sep 2011
News / Europeén Union will finance the 2nd Warsaw metro line. Good news. [60]

Again with your rampant anti-Polish views


Under utilised? Since...when? The existing rail lines are no use for commuter transport, and the SKM is useless for people who live along the line 2 corridor. The addition of a station at Nowy Swiat will make a huge difference, too. And Warsaw needs another crossing of the Wisla for redundancy purposes - relying on the Cross City Line is utter stupidity.

We will never agree on anything, but this is spot on. It's a shame they can't (or won't) expand the rail line near the airport to actually serve the airport; an increasingly important city like this should consider this to be on its list of priorities. Even a tram link would be better. Manchester will soon have both, and it's not even a capital.

Of course, you're welcome to tell me what's going on at Świętokrzyska - oh, let's see...both Lines 1 and 2 will have stops there! I mean, I take it you haven't personally seen the construction work there...

I think he means that there will still be a 500m walk to Centralna, which is a point.
25 Sep 2011
News / Europeén Union will finance the 2nd Warsaw metro line. Good news. [60]


It would be interesting to find out exactly how much each nation's contribution is. Leeds had its planned tram system cancelled due to lack of funds (less than £1billion iirc), and Manchester's Metrolink has had its expansion delayed. I wonder how much of the money "saved" will actually correspond to the money spent on this new line.

That's not to say that Warsaw doesn't need it (it does), but it's becoming more and more clear that as the UK becomes poorer, Poland becomes "richer". Saying that "the EU pays" just hides who ultimately pays - other member states, who also don't really "pay" - it's actually their taxpayers who pay.

There's only one pie; if someone takes a bigger piece, someone else always gets a smaller one. Despite what banks and governments think, you just can't create another "pie" out of nothing ;)
25 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Why do so many Polish guys in the UK have a crew cut or buzz cut? [106]

good points about hair sid, plenty of short haired hippies and long haired racists,in Uk anyway.

Thank you. The Greco-Turk clearly has no idea.

As a parent what has struck me the most is how middle class parentes encourage their boys to have long hair,preferably in a floppy surfer 'do'

That shopping centre in Kingston is always full of these floppy-haired "emo" types. I doubt that many of them live on the Cambridge Gardens estate ;)

wheras working class and council house boys have a number 2.

(looks in mirror) Oh dear... :D

It is remarkable, as though the posh parents are seeking another 'badge' to divide their boys from the chavs.

I think there is definitely some truth in this.

Personally I prefer the number 2 for my boy, less washing and fewer lice..;)

hehe. Though I must add that my hair was always clean even when it was 18" long lol :)
25 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Why do so many Polish guys in the UK have a crew cut or buzz cut? [106]

You still don't get it, do you.

As I said before, there are a lot of people in the techno party scene (which is VERY left-wing, even "anarchist") with very short/shaved hair; as many (if not more) as those with long hair/dreads. If a black or south Asian walks into a rock club, there will be comments like "what's a nigger/Paki doing liking metal", despite the fact that many people in those clubs have long hair, or are "alternative". Trust me on this - I've been involved in both scenes for decades. Many "outlaw" bikers also have long hair and/or beards - yet many have very right-wing views.

Things may be different in your part of the world, but I imagine that most people still have mullets over there anyway :p

It's just not as simple as "peace-loving, inclusive left-wing hippie = long hair" or "very short/shaved hair = right wing, racist and violent".

if that were the key reason, you would see also other men coming from "poor" nations with the same haircut...Maybe it has more to do with thinking they look more macho like this, which of course is stupid

Good point. That south Asian "big hair" look is weird :) The latter is also spot-on.
24 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Why do so many Polish guys in the UK have a crew cut or buzz cut? [106]


Trust me you will not see radical right members with beards,moustaches and long hair.


Right loving individuals always tend to more minimalistic hair than their revolutionary counterparts

So which is it? :p
24 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Why do so many Polish guys in the UK have a crew cut or buzz cut? [106]

so we dont look like gay emo style english guys...

The ironic thing is, those shaved heads, tight T-shirts and bomber jackets make them look just like someone off Old Compton Street.

You're probably the sort of uneducated burak **** who beats people up for looking like a Goth.

One reason is conservatism among polish.Right loving individuals always tend to more minimalistic hair than their revolutionary counterparts

You've obviously never had anything to do with the techno party scene - which is full of shaven-headed guys (and even a few women lol) and is politically about as left-wing as you can get without joining the Communist party. Stick to making your Turkish kebabs.
23 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

Why have you mentioned it? It's irrevelant.

Completely relevant. He took photos of the British at their worst, because he had an agenda. There's plenty of Polish lowlife (drunken or otherwise) as well. And similar people in every nation, in fact. I don't know why people can't accept that Poland's problems with alcohol aren't somehow "less bad" than Britain's. They may be noticed in different ways, but they can still be just as damaging. I don't know any English people with severe drink problems, yet I lost an uncle in Poland to alcohol. He didn't die of a "superior" form of alcoholism, that's for sure.

What's more, many people over here are fed up of this sort of behaviour, so it's not the behaviour of "all Britons". Coming from a Polish family and having grown up in England, I should be a bottle of vodka a day man; thankfully I'm not. Prefer Guinness anyway :)

Yes you can take photos of drunk homeless people like everywhere in the world.

Exactly. Not all homeless though. Trust me on this one - I heard the conversations ;)

Hehehe, not likely, Magda!

I know one or two ;)
23 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / Grateful Polish photographer stitches up his Welsh hosts [96]

Rather than poking fun at those people, he should get down on his knees and thank them.

It's the smugness which really grates - that "our women aren't like this, so we're better than you" attitude.

Someone should remind him what blachary and tirówki are. Clue: they aren't English :)
23 Sep 2011
Work / Working Vs Private English Lessons Vs Starting a Small Business in Poland [33]

As strange as it sounds - if he went just up the road to Bydgoszcz, he could earn a decent living as an English teacher there. Not much competition, and plenty of people.

That's the problem though, isn't it. The most popular places are... well... already popular ;)

If he was, say, an Aussie, he would probably want to move to London for work. But he gets told that there's too much competition, so he would be better off moving to Bradford instead. Not much of a choice, is it? lol
23 Sep 2011
Work / Working Vs Private English Lessons Vs Starting a Small Business in Poland [33]

And without Polish, what do you expect to do?

A very important point.

I have spoken Polish all my life, as well as being able to read and write it (I've even got a GCSE lol). I also have family in Poland who could help me, and having spent a fair bit of time there, I also have an idea about how things "work" over there. Yet I still think it would be extremely difficult to make a business work over there, and I wouldn't really like to try. Optimism and commitment is to be admired, but Poland is still a long way from being an easy place to make money. Those who can, must either be extremely lucky, extremely dedicated, or just extremely well-connected.
19 Sep 2011
Language / Too many English words in the Polish language! [709]

czilałt (chill-out)

it's official. Poland is obsessed with the English language.

that is disgusting. uber disgusting.

That's one of the worst. omg :)


Lol, the first time I saw this one I thought they meant something you use on a tin of beans lmao.

All this reminds me of a conversation I once had with my aunt in Warsaw. She was complaining about all the people around town who use all these English or English-style words like drinki/sorry/sandwicz/peelingi/casting etc all the time, and mentioned that she once tried to start a conversation in English with a particularly notable "offender", and of course they replied "sorry I don't understand" in Polish, lol.
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

Fish and chip paper!!

There's no such thing any more. The EU banned it on "elfin safety" grounds, remember?

A brave and controversial admission by our Pakistani colleague.

One of those people who object to the "re-whitening" of the UK, obviously ;)
19 Sep 2011
Love / Why Poland and Indian Sub-Continent? [30]

He acts like an authority on everything. He try's to pass himself off as some wise old sage. Forums are full of frauds and pretenders who clearly lack something in their make-up and this joker fits the bill.

He's never been to Poland........Say no more!!

You'll be calling his "Busha" a w***e in a minute, won't you?
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

Sidliste_Chodov: or "275 babies born to Somalian women in the UK every day",

Duh... I meant "South Asian women", typing too fast again lol.

I am Irish, live there and I've never even heard it!

It's a hollywood thing I think.

Does it have any roots in reality, though? Is there likely to be somewhere (or someone) in Ireland who really does end every sentence with "to be sure", etc?

Like I mentioned to isthatu2 a while back, about someone I met from Doncaster who I thought had a hilarious "stereotypical" Yorkshire accent, but it turned out that some older people really do speak like that :)
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

Of course not. They will stay in the UK, and the next generation will be fully integrated and hardly Polish anymore. Poles assimilate very fast

We won't bomb your buses, fill your language with Grypsera (criminal slang), and we don't think we're "ghetto" if we live in poor areas. We don't do poppy-burning either ;)

all this "ah to be sure, bejasus" type stuff.

I must have met tens of thousands of Irish people over the years, but I've still never heard anyone who speaks like that. I haven't heard anyone on TV laughing at the "Polish" way of speaking - missing out indefinite articles, mispronouncing the letter "w", etc., but I'm sure it will happen soon.
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

The vast majority of Polish women that come to the UK are of child-bearing age and Polish are the fastest growing influx.

Fastest-growing, maybe; but from a much smaller initial number than the groups mentioned above. There were only 1/4 million of us before 2004 (which includes those of us born here, like me) and it took over 60 years to reach than number. We were here before mass immigration from the Indian sub-continent, yet look at how many people there are in the UK who descend from that region. Yet those "mass births" are never criticised by the media. So it appears to be OK to be racist to white immigrants.
19 Sep 2011
UK, Ireland / 50 babies a day born to Polish mothers in UK [81]

Just like on PF, Poles are seen as an easy target yet again.

I'm surprised that no-one has noticed what is the real agenda here.

If, for example, they had written "6 babies born to Somalian women in the UK every day" or "9 babies born to Trinidadian women in the UK every day", it wouldn't have been newsworthy. But if they had written "170 babies born to Afro-Caribbean women in the UK every day" or "275 babies born to Somalian women in the UK every day", and implied that this was a bad thing, you would have been deafened by the screams of "rascism" (sic) from the usual suspects.

I do not know the exact figures, but I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that the figures for the aforementioned groups are indeed significantly higher than the figures for Polish births. So, yet again, it's OK to demonise Poles for the problems caused by immigration, simply because the media dare not criticise Blacks or Asians. Yet the reality is that Poles only represent a small part of the total number of immigrants.

We're not even a particularly visible minority. Few British people can't really tell who is Polish just by looking at them (unlike us, lol) - give a British person some earplugs, dump them in the Trafford Centre, and see how many Poles they can spot. OK, when you can hear the so-called "east European" accent, and you see a bleached-blonde girl in market clothes (or a shaven-headed guy with a backpack and camo pants) standing outside a Polish shop or venue, then you would probably right. But elsewhere? When they are in isolation and/or mixed with other white people; especially if they aren't dressed in that "Polish" way? Most would find it difficult to spot us.

The media hates Poles because they know they can get away with it. If Giles Coren had written what he wrote about about Poles, but had written it about "Pakis" instead, he would have been jailed.

Hardly newsworthy, it is pretty much common knowledge around here that the surest way to get a Polish woman pregnant is to put her on a Ryanair heading for Blightey.

I'm clearly flying with the wrong airlines. I never get any when I fly with Qatar Airways lol :D
19 Sep 2011
News / Lithuanian reality show - lost Polish sponsorship, criticized by Lithuanian Army [20]

What's with all the Lithuanian threads all of a sudden?

It's bad enough having to read all the "Balkan" garbage on here! What's wrong with Polish threads?

Never had anything against them myself. I even dated one for a while, which probably makes me a "traitor" on here, but I can live with that; I'm the one who got some and you... didn't. lol
18 Sep 2011
Love / Good looking Polish women with ugly men [416]

Threads like this always make me PMSL.

I've probably spent more time in relationships with Polish women than the average PF poster could ever imagine, yet I would never claim to understand what a Polish woman (or, indeed, any woman) "sees in a man".

Why would I? I'm a guy who is interested in women, so why would I know? If it really was about having film-star looks, being rich or incredibly cool, then I would stand no chance. Yet Polish women think I'm great! haha. And most of my girlfiends have been hot, especially recently. Which makes no sense - I should have finished with the hotties when I was in my early 20s, but now that I'm old and wrinkly, I just get sexy MILFs. What's that all about then??? lol

So just what is it about the typical Polish woman-obsessed PF poster which makes them so expert on "what women want"? If what some people on here say was true, then I would be a sad, permanently single virgin. (OK so I am a bit sad I suppose, but that's another story altogether haha).

Yet I'm nothing like that. I'm clearly just the Mr Average who gets hot women. Usually when I wasn't even trying. lol. Why is this? Well, I really have no idea. If I did, I would be rich! Which (allegedly) would get me even more of the aforementioned over-30 ladies. lmao :D