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Posts by Antek_Stalich  

Joined: 6 May 2011 / Male ♂
Last Post: 16 Jun 2011
Threads: Total: 5 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 997 / In This Archive: 862
From: Poland, Brwinów
Speaks Polish?: Native speaker
Interests: Making music, photography

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13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Antek, you complain about the heavy handedness of the moderators and then you propose this "real revolution" which would stifle freedom of speech on this forum by eliminating debate on two of the most important subjects anyone ever talks about. Religion and politics are famously discouraged as topics of discussion at dinner parties, but this is not a dinner party this is a discussion forum.

These principles work excellently on other American forums. Wouldn't you pay $20 to become a Sponsoring Member and participate in such important debates? As for now, you can do it free, I see.

Read my last posts you've apparently missed.
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Imagine how weird it is to read all you can about where your ancestors came from, visit the country and then join a forum to learn more about Poland, but wind up defending Poland from Poles! I honestly have to believe in reality they are a true minority.

The real revolution here could start with forbidding any religious or political debate under the peril of complete deleting offensive posts and banning the offender, after maximum two warnings. This works elsewhere on American forums. You might not believe that it would have worked here? Well, then at least the posts of Lyzko and Gumishu and Polonius3 and of pawian and of boletus and of many more related to Polish affairs far more interesting than the "Slavic unity" would emerge to daylight.

Controversial topics will be VERY closely moderated. Politics and religious debate/discussion are not allowed in any forum unless specifically allowed by the forum's posted rules ("sticky" threads)

Aha, there would be a possibility to discuss politics or religions. Only to Sponsoring Members and in hidden sections, only visible to the Sponsoring Members. This also works very well elsewhere.

Aha, there would be a possibility to discuss politics or religions. Only to Sponsoring Members and in hidden sections, only visible to the Sponsoring Members. This also works very well elsewhere.

Could anybody ask the Admin to read the above? Such a number of loyal, already addicted contributors! What is $20 for having splendid warfare? Dżizazkrajst, this is a Golden Duck story!

And who says Poles cannot make business ;-)
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Thank you for your extensive, objective, deep and great insight very much, Softsong! One of the best in this thread and reflecting my thoughts on the Class (ii) that I described in the post #43.

(Note: I share your view on Delphi and I think we could domesticate him to behave better. Like in "gorol, ale oswojony" = Silesian: A non-Silesian but domesticated one) ;-)
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

warszawski: Your being Polish is not the issue, or a benefit in this debate, as most posters on this thread have an equal or better knowledge/understanding of PL to you
Come again?

He meant you are living in dreamworld, and to express it in Polish: "Jesteś oszołomem".

arszawski: The issue, is more your need to patronize, Harry at every possible opportunity, this shows your weakness.

Yes, I simply do not understand how an intelligent and educated dude can make an ass out of himself to twist and wiggle and all that in order to spit on things holy for Poles.

Precisely: To some Poles.

This is not Delphiandomine or Harry related thread. Go back on topic, PLEASE.
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

This thread is a critique of Polish-Americans on this discussion forum. I am the topic.

You said you do not fall under any of Types A or B. Right. Read the description in the OP under point (B).
You are not the topic, although were I making the OP again, I'd include two categories more.
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

What about writing on topic, Des Essientes?

I'd welcome your enlightened ideas written in perfect Anglaise about your willingness to die for Poland in need. Having

our Slavic blood

in your veins is a sort of obligation, isn't it?
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Your post, Lodz, is very interesting. I'd say -- in addition to your words -- there is a multi-cultural clash here on the Forums. Brits exhibit very specific sense of humour and style not everybody can understand (I mostly do since my great interest towards United Kingdom); the US is a big, differentiated country and Americans of different kind bring totally differently styles, views, approach. Now let us take Turkish, Greeks, Serbs... I could talk a lot.

The multi-national mix on the PF leads to inevitable clashes. Still, I believe it is pity that Moderators are never trying to quench the warfare by real modding, that is, by personal example. Split to Random Bin, ban, and get your coffee. This is like curing the fever, not the reason for the illness.

its not the Poland you and I live in ...

Where two Poles, there three opinions, remember?

However, we are talking about Polonia and their approach towards Poland, by examples of PF threads/posts. I generally agree to and support the views of MediaWatch. What made me write the OP was:

I am in contact with (i) Polish emmigres of 1980's (ii) Born Americans of Polish ancestry, interested in Poland.

Part of people under (i) fall in the Type A category, and other under Type B. I was shocked to restore contact with some schoolmate after 30+years. The guy was so... disagreeable I had to quit him. Another friend, the one who comes to Poland frequently to help her old Mommy tells me: "I have to apologize for Darek. He is generally an OK guy, he is, however, just like that".

People under (ii) are typically very positive towards Poland and I can only say great words for them. Some of them have already been to Poland and they liked it here.

Now, reading posts of so many Polish Americans here, I still classify many of them as Type B. With good reasons to say that.

Ironside: Surly you don't mean that dope-domino and his mentor Harry
What's a dope-domino?

Ironside is talking on Delphiandomine, and I can only say Mods are very liberal regarding using derogatory language towards other PF users. Just waiting for a Mod comment like: "No, no, it was not about Delphiandomine! We have no time to guess!"
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Because I am a better writer than you.

Let us try out our writing skills in Polish, please.

I quite admire the inclusive multi-cultural nature of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

When multi-cultural nature of current Republic of Poland becomes apparent, isn't it what you could admire? Since the PLC won't come back.

As I said in a previous post I do not fit into either of the "types" you are trying to pigeon hole 10 million Polish-Americans into.

Please do not be your own judge.

I do not know what the say about "Calis" please enlighten me.

Cannot help you with that. Ask outside Cali, inside the US.
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

First, Des Essientes: How come I feel superiority in all what you are writing? How come that you have just noticed the Krzysia's moustache but ignored the moral of the Sienkiewicz tale on Ketling? Is your Type B approach related to some general behaviour of part of American Polonia or is it the fact you are a Cali (and you know what they say about Calis) or is it just you?

Second, Lodz The Boat. I'd start with saying that me, "newie", can see the things here with fresh eyes. Secondly, good that you are telling me things about this Forum and its regulars, still I can read very little on your views on approach of Polonia, especially in these Forums?

For example: Would -- in your opinion -- Des Essientes fight for Poland if needed or he'd choose some surfing or (you know what I mean) some golf match instead? Still, he appears to be an expert in everything related to Poland and Polish affairs! How come?
13 Jun 2011
History / Symbols & Signs in Polish History, Culture & Life [89]

Here you are: sejm.gov.pl/prawo/konst/polski/kon1.htm

This is the Polish Parliament, the Sejm, website.

English: sejm.gov.pl/prawo/konst/angielski/kon1.htm

Article 28

1. The image of a crowned white eagle upon a red field shall be the coat-of-arms of the Republic of Poland.

2. White and red shall be the colours of the Republic of Poland.

3. "Dąbrowski's Mazurka" shall be the national anthem of the Republic of Poland.

4. The coat-of-arms, colours and national anthem of the Republic of Poland shall be subject to legal protection.

5. Details concerning the coat-of-arms, colours and national anthem shall be specified by statute.

Article 29

Warsaw shall be the capital of the Republic of Poland.

This phrase shall be read by Ironside over and over:

We, the Polish Nation - all citizens of the Republic,
Mindful of the bitter experiences of the times when fundamental freedoms and human rights were violated in our Homeland

13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

BTW, weren't you in the army during martial law? How was it?

I was in the Army in 1987-1988. Should I be called in during martial law, I'd join, too, unless I'd be already interned. It is easy to make statements now from your armchair perspective.

Ah, by the way. When I was delivering papers from my high-school to the University in Spring of 1980 (the teachers were delayed with that so I was asked to deliver my papers myself), I could read in my opinion-paper: "troublemaker" (wichrzyciel). I think it was the greatest compliment I have ever got from anybody ;-)

Regarding voting: Can American Irish, Italian or German vote in affairs of their Old Countries? You said expats could leave Poland at any time but PolAms, PolCans and PolOz have alreade left Poland many years ago!
13 Jun 2011
History / Symbols & Signs in Polish History, Culture & Life [89]

Not what I could read in our Constitution?

English: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coat_of_arms_of_Poland
Polish: pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/God%C5%82o_Rzeczypospolitej_Polskiej
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Thank you very much for your answer, MediaWatch. I actually noticed your well balanced, objective and interesting posts on PF.

warszawski, interesting view, also thank you very much for your input. Not forgetting the preceding posters.
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Nope. the matter of voting perfectly suits your thread.

Your point accepted.

Strangely enough, expats working for wellbeing of Poland here cannot vote, and "Poles" having nothing to do with Poland can vote.
Strangely enough, many Polams here describe Poland in the worst of words while many expats to Poland are satisfied with Poland here at PF.
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Friends, let us avoid talking on the voting. As I understand, that matter has been already discussed to death, and it is not the essence of the original post.

If you need to refer to that, I'd welcome thoughts on the level of Polams' understanding of Poland's matters.

Thank you.
13 Jun 2011
Life / Uptight Poles [262]

and by laid out you mean laid back...

Of course! Bear in mind English is only my third language.

And I know many more Poles than just my husband, to dispel the assumptions.

Are sure you are talking about the Poland's Poles?
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Yeah, if I were given the chance to vote in US presidential elections, I'd go for Obama because I love black (clothes) and besides Obama was so convincing presenting his ideals!

About the same level of understanding of US affairs, right?
13 Jun 2011
USA, Canada / Polish-Americans as seen in the false mirror. Type A and Type B. [141]

Not to say I do not have PolAm friends, specifically those who expatriated in 1980's. Not to say I do not have Romanian friends immigrating to the United States in 2000's. These real-life contacts can be divided into two groups:

A. People grateful to the new country that has given them new opportunities but new challenges, too. At the same time these people are:
1. Trying to totally melt in the new society, why not, this is what inhabitants of almost all countries expect from immigrants;
2. Trying to maintain the link with the Old Country.
3. Ambassadors for Poland, Polish culture, the Polish cause, trying to reflect the Poland's matters in the positive light

B. People who believe they were blessed by God by their immigration to US/Canada and who:
1. Feel superior to compatriots left in the Old Country
2. Despise Poland and Poland's Poles
3. Describe Poland as a hopeless, poor, backwards, and failed country
4. Live in dreams based on what Poland was when they were leaving her
5. Express the darked political/social views with total lack of understanding what has happened to Poland while they were staying in the new country.
6. Are the smartest and most successful people in the world, while Poland's Poles are dumb jackasses.

A classical phrase for the type (B) is this exclamation of a RomAm on his stay in Poland:
-- You call it HEAVY RAINING? Come to Houston, you will see what HEAVY RAINING means!
Because of course, everything is biggest in the United States, including natural disasters... (I wonder why he failed to mention Californian earthquakes... ah, he was a Houstonite, why didn't he mention floods? Certainly, floods in the region are far more dramatic than we have in Poland! ;-))

Whatever, type (A) or (B), many PolAms (I'd say, most of them) live in their own world completely torn off the Poland's reality. Yes, they subscribe to the Polish press, they watch satellite TV, they listen to Polish radio on the Internet and read Polish Internet portals. This, however, gives them about the same understanding as a Poland's Pole could gather on internal American affairs... Every American can perfectly understand that a Poland's Pole does not know anything on the US/Canada real specifics. PolAms, however, seem to be the ultimate experts in the Polish internal affairs. More! The can vote in the internal Poland's matters!

Now, let me say something. I live in Poland and am myself happy with the progress here, even if Poland cannot become economic or political superpower, at least not instantly. "Nie od razu Kraków zbudowano". Still, as for a country ruined by WWII and 44 for years of Soviet supremacy here, Poland does fine. Not all Poland's Poles agree to that! Still, Poland's Poles live here, and it is their right to decide how Poles will make our living better, together. Yes, there are enough Left-thinking, Right-thinking, Church-thinking, Centrist-thinking and any other -thinking people in Poland to stir the ideas and make Poland better or worse place to live.

Having said the above, I join the Polish Forums and see what? The "screaming" majority of PolAms behaves as if they were Type B. Is it representative or is it a false mirror in which Polams are seen?


Or bin this thread and ban me. I've seen enough to think that it would be a valid option.
13 Jun 2011
Life / Theft of a Golden Mug in Poland [24]

Here are a few photos from an old manual on teaching respect in the countryside:

You have missed that scene with hand-grenades ;-)
12 Jun 2011
Travel / Poland in photo riddles [3134]

...called the Polishville ;)

Hence the White Eagle in the class-room ;)
12 Jun 2011
Food / Mayonnaise and ketchup in Poland [47]

This is very interesting, Softie!
By the way, nobody mentioned Heinz. Heinz make perfect ketchup in Poland (I think it is also made in Pudliszki) and their mayonnaise is also good.

I've read labels on Heinz Ketchup and Pudliszki Ketchup. Identical composition, no starch added (which is rare), similar taste, same production site. Probably only different labels ;)