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Joined: 12 Apr 2010 / Female ♀
Last Post: 9 May 2010
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Posts: Total: 330 / In This Archive: 282
From: Canada
Speaks Polish?: a jak myslicie?

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15 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

1) Eyewitness accounts testify to dumping of fuel.
2) Dumping of fuel is indicative of instrument failure.
3) Instrument failures result in crashes/crash landings (if you're lucky)
4) Russian media has been monopolizing and dictating what information is released.
5) Nothing has been heard from Polish investigation.
6) Easy to blame pilot. Dead men can't talk.
7) Video clearly shows stories of fog are grossly exaggerated.
8) Putin is front and center of this investigation.
9) Putin has much to gain from this tragedy.
10) Cabbage has suffocated YOUR brain.
15 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

Eyewitness account of crash with actual video of plane:

Notice boy's video camera--and pause here. Where is the fog??? How could boy have seen power lines in thick fog??? Clear blue skies! All news footage of crash site is taken at later time, near end of day, with thick smoke from burning plane filling the sky--not fog! Remember, hours passed before reporters even arrived at crash site.
15 Apr 2010
News / Russian air traffic controllers ignored communication protocol of Polish pilots? [194]

Instrument failure, most likely, as illustrated by fuel dumping. This would explain the false report of repeated landing attempts, when in fact he was likely circling in order to dump fuel to prevent explosion on impact. You cannot dump fuel and keep on flying--landing was attempted only once. The pilot knew they are in deep s**t, and this was a last-ditch desperate attempt to survive crash landing. Aviation 101.
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

You're out of order, Olga.

That's fine--I'll just ignore any more smarmy "Olechka" references by him.

If you are not the one experiencing the event, in the cockpit flying the plane, how do you know what it was the pilot saw or the troubles he had? You cannot possibly know.

Exactly. So why so quick to blame the pilot :P
15 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Thank you czar...I have been doing a lot of research as you can tell, and I know what I'm talking about. Let me know if you want good links. I spoke with pilot friend couple of days ago. There were reports the plane was dumping fuel on approach, means pilot was getting ready for crash landing and was dumping it to prevent explosion/fire on impact.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Where is their profit from that? Only to demonstrate for Olga that they are true devils they are ready to lost everything?

How would they lose everything if nobody finds out? Why you think Putin is front and center of investigation--expert in suppression.

It was never the EU's to lose in the first place.

I know that, maybe you should actually read the article: euobserver.com/9/29831
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I can't believe people would accuse the KGB in this time of democracy.

Not KGB per se, old KGB tactics and mentality which is still alive and well in Russia because of Putin.
Over next 5 years I predict, in this order:
1) Tusk will become president.
2) After Medvedev is out, Putin is back in as president.
3) Poland will withdraw from EU.
4) Similar tactics will be employed in Poland to supress dissent and suspicions as have been employed with control of Russian media, possibly including same tactics as those against Russian journalists.

5) Poland will have pipeline straight from Russia as reward.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

For what reason they would take a risk? Just for their "puppet Tusk"?

1) Reaction should be demanding fully open, accountable investigation--not Russia dictating it behind "iron curtain."
2) Russia dictating investigation means that no evidence will be found to refute what Russia is claiming.
3) "Puppet" Tusk was likely in on it--crying like a baby on Putin's shoulder is simply good acting job.

Thus, your key words are: "ex-KGB devil"

You are not looking for the truth - just playing with words to support your fobia

So, you think KGB are angels, and are not capable of this, huh? What the hell do you think they train for? If you really think that, you know nothing.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

CIA Factbooks has different data but never mind. ;)

It's open and available information, no CIA necessary for this one ;) Check EU statistics...more reliable than CIA propaganda.

Jed: I could be wrong, but from here Mr Tusk looks more pro-EU

Olga: No, he is very pro- close ties with Russia. Numerous news articles on that.

OK. Nothing bad with it.[/quote]
Bad, because making deal with as big a devil as ex-KGB will make you do stupid things. Ex-KGB spies have no place in politics. Expect corruption, manipulation, mafia mentality. Plus KGB training involves propaganda and avoiding detection. Who better to pull this off? And where better? No intrusions that way and you call the shots.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Absolutely...look how cozy he and Putin have become in the aftermath of this (all warm, fuzzy condolences are a good pretext to fool everyone so as not to arouse suspicion).

From pure economic point of view Mr Tusk looks more pragmatic - but definetely not a "Putin puppet"...

Politics and power corrupts even saints. And with Kaczynksi gone, the ball is in Tusk’s court. Do not forget how many of Tusk’s political opponents, aside from Kaczynski, were also on board. Kaczynski was a big thorn in the side of Russia and other Polish politicians because he was considered to be uncorruptible. Very difficult to get what you want with that type of personality, especially for Russia. Much easier now...;-)
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I could be wrong, but from here Mr Tusk looks more pro-EU

No, he is very pro- close ties with Russia. Numerous news articles on that.

From pure economic point of view Mr Tusk looks more pragmatic - but definetely not a "Putin puppet"...

He is now ;-)

There’s already talk in the news that EU currency in 2015 in Poland may be postponed/cancelled

Make no mistake, Putin is veeeerrry happy about that. High zloty right now is good for Russian exports to Poland. Poland is Russia's most significant trading partner.

And Geogia is not NATO member - and will never be in current situation.

My point exactly...Russia got what it wanted and is delighted.. And Russia always gets what Russia want ;-) Georgia's bid for NATO was quashed by Russian tanks, do not forget.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

As far as I know they will build a branch of pipeline going from Nord Stream to Kaliningrad from where it could go directly to Poland too, perhaps.

Yes, with possibility of direct diversion to Świnoujście and Szczecin. But originally it was to go straight from Russia to Germany. So deal was likely made with Tusk (Putin's favorited Polish politician), to divert to Poland, under one condition...

How convenient that Tusk is now to run for President.

Pipeline was likely the reason for the falling out between Tusk and Kaczynski. Remember, Kaczynski was very pro-West:
"Polish premier's ill-fated trip shrouded in acrimony...
The ill-fated journey that wiped out Poland's governing elite on Saturday was prompted by an angry feud between President Lech Kaczynski and his Prime Minister over the country's tense relationship with Russia, it has emerged."

"Nord Stream Ensures Unrestricted Access to Polish Ports"

"Poles wary of Nord Stream pact"
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

"EU risks losing Ukraine"

Solution in Ukraine was to install puppet Yanukovich. Now gas running smoothly ;-) So, Tusk will run for President (next Putin puppet), and very likely win. Next news you will here is that Poland is withdrawing from EU and getting gas supply straight from Russia. There's already talk in the news that EU currency in 2015 in Poland may be postponed/cancelled, depending on stability of political situation.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

It is actulally non-existing - US plans were changed and no missile defense system will be placed in Poland.

You are right, Jed. The issue now is gas and pipeline running through Baltic, as well as Poland joining EU. As long as Poland is EU member, Russian gas will not go directly to Poland. Remember how pissed Russia was that Ukraine was to join and made their life miserable with cutting of gas supply? (Solution was to install Putin puppet Yanukovich). Poland does not want to be placed in same position. And remember how Georgia was punished for joining NATO? Tusk is next Putin puppet.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

I had actually read a comment from a Polish prosecutor quoted in British media a day or two ago.

Polish prosecutor only commented that pilot was not pressured to land. Here is the article:


But nothing has been heard of from Polish side concerning investigation. Others in Polish government, however, are already suspicous.

There was VERY bad blood between Kaczynksi and Putin/Tusk. Tusk and Kaczynski even had a falling out just few days earlier, which is why Putin only invited Tusk alone, and only after did Kaczynski go, without Tusk. Very convenient that Tusk was not on plane, no?
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Why don't you read some news other than state-approved propaganda?

Execution of journalists critical of Putin may be one reason you don't.

just because the are known to blame others does not mean we should too.

Just because you are being fed something, don't swallow it so willingly.
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

some will not be happy until the finger is pointed squarely at some russians.

Don't forget, Russia is pro at blaming others...perfect example, 70 years of Katyn on Germans.

"Throughout history, Russian leaders have sought to suppress dissent by driving critics into exile - or worse"


And nobody is blaming "Russians." Only stating obvious reasons why to be justifiably suspicious of Putin. You forget he is ex-KGB lieutenant colonel? Why don't you read some news other than state-approved propaganda?
14 Apr 2010
News / Is it possible that Polish president was assasinated? If so then, by whom? [921]

Remember, investigators are going ONLY on what air traffic controllers are telling them... and you think they would admit it, if that were the case? Flight data has only been examined so far by Russia, Polish investigation is myth.

"Russian officials have recovered the two cockpit voice recorders and are decoding them."

"Poland's post-crash sense of unity starts to fray ..Aviation experts say the probe of the crash is moving relatively quickly but some Poles are complaining about a lack of public information, including the transcript of conversation in the cockpit before the accident..."This investigation is moving rather quickly and I've seen more information released than I would normally expect," said Bill Voss, president of the U.S.-based Flight Safety Foundation."

... and he thought he could do it again with eyes practically closed.
