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Posts by jarnowa  

Joined: 21 Nov 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 12 Mar 2013
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19 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Infact there are very few foreigners in Poland. When they come here, those who are educated and have a good personality

What do you know about their personality? All races have good and bad people, but if we have to believe you, all 3rd worldlers coming to Poland have, for some mysterious reason, a "good personality", despite quite a few examples of the oppositie. Who exactly are you trying to fool?

Why is it wrong to be in love? ...

It isn't wrong if a nonwhite male desires a white woman, it's understandable.
What's wrong is nonwhite males travelling to white countries to actually try their luck with white women.

That's where they cross the line. Because they obviously decrease the chances of single white men to find their dream woman.

Sorry i'll have to tell a peaceful guy like you that you should be ashamed, as you sadly enough don't care to sacrifice white men's happiness for the benefit of nonwhite males.
18 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Jarnowa, you are the biggest idiot on this forum by far.

another one getting personal because he doesn't have arguments.

i've told my story, the only reason i came here was because of my (now ex) Polish gf.

Do you have a shred of evidence for your claims that people of mixed race are less intelligent? Can't you see that YOU yourself are proving your own theory wrong?!

It has been proven that big intelligence differences exist between the 3 main races.
Before talking crap again, you better check the facts first.
17 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I firmly believe that its bound to happen that races come closer

just because you love a Korean woman?
what's good for you isn't good for white race as a whole.

face it, the best guarantee for an attractive white girl to ensure her offspring is of good quality is by chosing a white father.

especially attractive Polish girls can only lose by mixing with blacks. if you don't believe, just compare the intelligence, health, behaviour and looks of the average mulatto with the average white...
17 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

I don't think this is the reason why you can't get yourself a girlfriend, you racist... LOL

another one getting personal because she can't deny the facts.
let me guess, you are also one of those Polish girls selling yourself cheaply to 3rd world guys?
16 Nov 2010
Love / Polish relationships (race and religion) [140]

Welcome back Lodz_the_Boat,

Unfortunately your happiness didn't help you to think more realistic.

Just look at the facts:

-the majority of all 3rd world immigrants to EU is male.
-many of them are young and single (or they pretend they are).
-many of them are more interested in Caucasian females than in females of their own kind.

this means many extra competitors for the same amount of white females, making it more difficult for the average Caucasian guy to find his dream girl.

so these 3rd world guys are undeniably a threat to white guys' interest. who are you to tell white guys not to fight what threatens them?

Polish should mix in my opinion strictly inside the continent and avoiding certain individuals(Albos etc).

well said, my balkan friend. :)
30 Oct 2010
News / Poland hosts lowest proportion of foreigners in the EU [115]

You're right Darren. After dark you really don't want to walk around there because of all those shady (mainly non-European) people luring for easy victims.

I can understand that Europe is very attractive to them, but this is just not their part of the world.

If they would use the loads of money they spend on travelling to Europe for studying in their own country, they would be able to build a life in India, Pakistan or wherever they come from.

MareGaea, your example sounds nice but the bottom line is that without immigration there wouldn't be a problem in the first place.

And second, the efforts of many people costs tax money because all those police officers and social workers don't work for free.

And as you know at least 90% of tax money is paid by native Europeans (80% of the population who on average work much more than the 20% immigrants).

So the picture is: non-European immigration causes a problem. MareGaea is happy because immigration problems can be solved. But he forgets that native Europeans pay the price. So i don't think there is much to celebrate until immigrants start paying the full bill instead of enjoying welfare benefits and free language courses.
30 Oct 2010
News / Poland hosts lowest proportion of foreigners in the EU [115]

European foreigners are not a problem, because Poland benefits a lot from the EU.

The problem is the non-Europeans. The less of them, the better for everyone.
Poland can miss Africans, Asians and South Americans like a toothache.
18 Oct 2010
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

I bet there's a lot of Blacks and Asians and others who said similar things about white europeans a few centuries and decades ago.

Do you care about dead people's opinion? :)

Segregation is a harmful state of affairs and you are promoting it, jarnowa. It's not racist per se but why can't they integrate and enjoy freedom of association too?

Isn't it more natural to deny strangers in our living space unless the benefits for us, native European people, are very clear and very significant? And if not, wouldn't segregation be the way to go?
18 Oct 2010
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Women are liable to cut you some slack if you are extremely good looking, but all in all, an ugly man with a great personality can still get a woman faster than a handsome guy with zero personality."

So you really think that most ugly guys dating a hot girl are blessed to have more personality than better looking guys? I don't think great personalities are hard to find among better looking guys, so a real hottie doesn't ever need to date an ugly sh#thead.

Yet many of them do. And you still deny that those women have bad taste?

What's especially odd is that you are not even Polish, yet you care so much about Polish women. If it's anyone's problem, it's our problem.

Well, in general i'm positive about Polish people. But i'm deeply disappointed to see that too many hot Polish women don't feel ashamed at all to give themselves away to ugly guys that are way beyond their league.

Or have you already given up on Belgian women? Don't blame you, you have more Arabs and Africans there than white Belgians these days.

For every hot woman in B, there's 20 arabs/blacks trying to pull her, that's why i don't go back there. But i hope you agree that Belgians have the right to live in Poland, just like Poles have the right to live in Belgium. :)
18 Oct 2010
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Blacks,Arabs do not like women of their own race and the reason is obvious.But really competition against them is ridiculous.I mean you just need to be white and you are a winner.

in theory you are right. practice is that many hot Polish women give themselves away to the most unattractive guys around and often these unattractive guys are nonwhite.
18 Oct 2010
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Multicultural way of life in europe is normal even before poland joined the EU..so get use to it...ACE

Maybe you should move to western Europe to "enjoy" multiculturalism for a few years and then tell us if you still think multiculturalism should come to Poland. :)
18 Oct 2010
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Look at jarnowa's threads, all his posts are about "interracial" couples.
He is a racist and claims to be Belgium living in Poland and can't get a girlfriend and rather than accept responsibility for himself, he blames all his problems on "them".
You will find that he is impossible to discuss anything with. You have been warned :)

so you keep on lying.

you know very well that i have nothing against blacks in general, as long as they live in their own territory.

i just think that they shouldn't come to Europe to chase white women.

if white men would chase the most attractive girls in Africa, black males would also dislike white males. it's a natural thing and people like you wouldn't care.

but when white guys dislike black males who come to Europe to chase white women, these white guys are called "racist" for not accepting extra competitors.

so you once again show that you suffer from shameless leftist hypocrisy.
it's good to see that only whiners like dtaylor agree with your extreme leftwing "racism" talk. :)
17 Oct 2010
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Maybe in your case she's right.

I have a Polish friend in Poland who has a Black, African husband and a lovely Black kid.

She couldn't get a Polish husband?
17 Oct 2010
Love / Polish girls fall for Indian guys ? [217]

Sheer comedy! Found a woman yet Jarnowa? Or do they still flee from the sight of you to (in one of the whitest countries in the world) the embrace of men from as far away as possible?

yeah, why not ignore my statement and get personally again?

never heard of the shortage of women in India?
never heard of the fact that white women are seen as the most attractive women in the eyes of many black/indian men?
and the fact that Eastern Europe and India/Africa don't have a shared past and yet hundreds of Indian and African males find their way to Poland/Eastern Europe doesn't ring some bells?

and if it were for other reasons than women, then tell me why independent Indian/African women hardly choose for Poland?

these males are jealous of white men. "if white men can have all these beautiful white women, why can't we? let's try our luck too, let's give the finger to white men and grab their women!"

i see it, now maybe you see it too.
17 Oct 2010
Love / Polish girls fall for Indian guys ? [217]

I lived in Europe for 12 years and i have not seen Indians or pakis without a white girl heh

this shows that women - not money - is the main reason to invade white men's hunting domain.
16 Oct 2010
Love / Are there Polish women who date black guys? [281]

Might as well wear that badge in public so that people that don't think the same way can avoid you.

i think Polish women who date blacks should wear a badge, so me and other men with good taste can avoid them like the plague. everyone should know that these racist women prefer blacks over whites.
24 Aug 2010
Love / How to find an English speaking boyfriend in Poland [110]

Topicstarter, if you could choose between a nice and average looking Polish guy and a Nigerian you would even choose for the Nigerian because his native language is English?

I hope you are not that mental. :)

But to help you, you should look at couchsurfing.com. There you can select the language of the person you're looking for as well as the town.

Beware that most guys on there expect sex in return for offering their couch.
24 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

yes, like stealing Polish women ;D

Yes, although you know as well as me that there are many more reasons for Polish people not to welcome them in their country.

But i think it's fair enough if Polish people limit their hospitality to groups that aren't seen as a threat.

So i don't see the point of topicstarter that something would be wrong with Polish people not liking all groups coming to their country.
23 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

are you sure about the gypsies?

It's not my opinion, it's the ridiculous assumption by some people that blacks and gypsies get disliked for nothing but their different looks. If a group gets disliked despite a strong taboo on discrimination, you can be sure that there must be some really good reasons for it.
22 Aug 2010
Life / My own thoughts about life in Poland (have lived here for two years) [133]

Racism and Anti-Semitism are both appallingly embraced.

It's remarkable to see you having 2 unrealistic assumptions at the same time.
1) Poles talk bad about certain groups not because of their observations relating to these groups, but just because they are a bunch of evil rednecks.

2) Blacks, gypsies and jews don't do anything to cause hatred.

There is a name for your way of thinking (too negative about whites, too positive about nonwhites), it's called Political Correctness.

The rest of your story was nice to read and i agree on quite a few points you make. :)
17 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

They are way more outward about it. Just take a stroll with a black guy in Poland and do the same in Germany.

Why do you think that all people that insult blacks in the streets or just don't look too happy in their direction are automatically racists?

It's quite likely that most of these white people have nothing against blacks who stay in their own country. So these white people, even when insulting random blacks in the street, are not racists, they just don't welcome blacks/arabs/chinese whatever in their territory for various reasons. Just as people have the right to tell them that they are welcome, others have the right to tell them to f#ck off.
16 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

that is a strange question to ask, since the answers are obvious.

In a way, yes. Their answers will probably exactly what they believe white people want to hear to accept them in their territory, including many lies.

Quite the opposite. Which explains why a non-white person is more likely to be the victim of racist crime in Poland than in Germany, France, Austria or the UK.

You have any reliable source for this, probably not.

But i'm glad to read that even you confirm that crime against non-whites is very low in Western Europe, as opposed to black/arab crime against white people.
16 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

I think you sound like a racist yourself.

You're absolutely right.

It's always a legitimate question to ask these people why they are in Europe, asking this doesn't make people racist.

Those who suggest that all Poles/whites who ask these questions are bad people are the real racists.
16 Aug 2010
UK, Ireland / Are Polish people importing a new wave of ancient racism into the UK? [402]

Well, under sth like affirmative action and equal opportunities, blacks can occupy prominent positions in the civil service and as doctors etc etc. They just needed a chance.

They had a chance in their own country.

They shouldn't even get equal chances.

First British employers should try to find a native Brit, if they can't find one, they should try another EU citizen. If they can't find one, then it's time to look for people from other European countries (Norway, Serbia, Russa, etc). Non-European immigrants only if all other options failed because this is Europe, not Africa or Asia. Europeans first!
23 Jul 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

if that was true, you wouldn't have any problems to get laid... but you do... so....

this topic is not about me, it's about the weird taste of Polish girls.

Seriously, stop flattering yourselves, we do not prefer foreigners over our men, never ever. That's only in your imagination.


In my experience, Polish girls only go for a foreigner if he really stands out.
For white foreigners, it's either their money or they are very goodlooking or a very interesting personality. For blacks and arabs unfortunately the situation is much better, but i don't think this is the right topic for discussing that.
23 Jul 2010
Love / Why do Polish women prefer foreigners for boyfriends and husbands? [418]

ha ha yes i need a knight like you to rescue me from my ugly boyfriend ha ha! all my female friends fancy him actually and girls are checking him out on the street so i think i'm not doing too bad for myself :).

Despite your nasty character, you lucky girl!

ohhh it p*sses you off so much that even the mingers get laid doesn't it! it's hilarious that you think you deserve attention and appreciation from women. with your attitude, you don't even deserve a dog.

This is what i mean by nasty.
If hot English/Polish/whatever guys weren't interested in you and only in your ugly female friends, then you also would be sad and angry, if not committing suicide after a while. At least you would complain that it's unfair that you don't get the same as them! And you would say that English/Polish/whatever guys have a bad taste.

And now you see me criticizing hot Polish girls for spreading their legs for even the most unattractive guys and all you have to say is that because of this attitude i am some lowlife that doesn't even deserve a dog!

From all you wrote so far i think i am not far from the truth if i call you a hypocrite!