Love /
My recent experience with a Polish girl. [231]
Some good posts there thanks. We weren't actually together so why shouldn't we be able to be friends? Well the thing is she changes her mind all the time about everything and well I guess the other story explains it all better.
I was seeing a young, gorgeous, tall Polish girl for about 7 months, was pretty serious. She was amazing, until the end. We moved to different cities, and she was so damn cruel. She moved to Scotland, me to London. I took a 12 hour bus ride to go and see her, her job was taking up so much time, it was all I could do to try to stay with her. I got there, her attitude had really changed with this sales job she was doing. I gave up my job to be with her, we argued about the fact she was living with a bunch of guys and spending more time with them than me when I was there. She came back early from work one day. Grinned at me as I asked why. She just whispered to me then and then stood there grinning while this black guy and another work colleague threatened me and got me to leave. So off I went on a long bus ride with no job. After so long together, she never spoke to me again. All I got was a call from this black guy saying they were together. She was a cruel b*tch make no mistake about it. Even her Polish girlfriends started to dislike her. With her job she had suddenly changed and become very bossy. I had lent her money she never paid back, and then she was accusing me of looking at her money, incredible. But to never speak again and finish it like that was just disgusting.