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Posts by scrappleton  

Joined: 28 Apr 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 30 Jan 2010
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Posts: Total: 829 / In This Archive: 270
From: US, California
Speaks Polish?: no
Interests: naps.. boobs.. moms who don't play hockey.

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23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

No time....Mars missions to plan, Solar energy to gather, Scrappy to annoy...

..turks to ethnic cleanse ;-( .. Mars mission will take money and that EU is as stable as a lawn chair holding Merkel's fat ass.
23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Tja....if you say so...but thanks

you're welcome, now go suck another sausage and pretend it's Hitler's cock.

What is a Jew, BB?

anybody with a suntan for that p.issbrain.
23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

My are you a dumb crap!
No wonder the US are in such sh'it right now

Wow, not exactly a superman answer, ubermensch.. You sure you are related to Von Braun?

Ja, Ja.. the US is doomed , right? Same sh.t Euro clown always say.. and always ends up looking even more stupid than before. The US owes some money, the US has a lot of cash registers.. we're not you we don't lay around 1/3 of the year and there's such a thing as consumption tax.

You're the one who's in trouble as most of your economy relies on exports and without the "stupid" Ami to buy your inflated shi.t what are you to do? Mars my ass you'll be lucky to make it to North Africa for your little project.
23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

But could the West had won without the Russians? Highly doubtable....

Is it? You made some pretty dumb decisons with the Russians. Not exactly ubermensch like at all. It's likely you would have made the same decisions when you invaded us. Wisconsin and Illinois, New York are relatively cold places too. Unlike the Russians, Americans wouldn't have had to share rifles.

Well....thanks to you there was no way after 1945.

Why because we pilfered a few notes from you? Even you'd have to agree that's pretty stupid. You bred these people.. Create some more. Did we confiscate their secretaries and students as well??

Here again, the sheer irony of a Kraut lecturing anyone on stealing. Hoo boy.

But it could very well be that it will be Europeans who are the first to go to Mars.
And Germany is big in the ESA!

Haha, you modern Europeans are lazy as hell. We'll have red dusty boots before you. You stick to transmissions and inflated prices, Hans. That's you.
23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Without the Germans you would be nowhere!

Without Americans you'd be in Stalin's boneyard, ButtBurst. Talk about weeping. What a fu.cking clown. Still where is your space program since you literally built ours all by yourself? What's wrong didn't we give you enough money after you tried to kill yourselves a 2nd time??? Charity case = Germany. LOL.
23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Bratwurst Boy

You honestly think he did everything and the rest of NASA were just worker bees for him?

Typical Kraut thinking the sun shines out his ass. Where the hell is Germany's moon landing if you are a breeding farm for such geniuses?


Nonetheless, in 1963, von Braun, reflecting on the history of rocketry, said of Goddard: "His rockets...may have been rather crude by present-day standards, but they blazed the trail and incorporated many features used in our most modern rockets and space vehicles".[24]

23 Jul 2009
History / Polish hatred towards Jews... [1290]

Should the Americans not have flown to the moon because it was the Nazi von Braun who made that possible???

Yeah, and Goddard made Von Braun's work possible. Goddard was an Ami but not a Jew. Gah! Besides Von Braun - CHOSE - to come to the States. He actually seemed to kind of like it.
22 Jul 2009
USA, Canada / Do many Polish people in America hate Americans? [592]

Yes ma'am.


Whether you were born in America or came as immigrant, if you don't like it, leave.


Everyday I see these threads on here and it's just laughable:

Typical native Pole on PFs: "Americans are fat, stupid, materialistic, arrogant, lazy..." - But almost in the same sentence.. "Hey America, what's with the visa restrictions, why wouldn't you want more of us living with you?? We are the Polish.. WE DESERVE IT. Go out of of your way to accomodate our every whim.. if you don't, you're racist. - BTW, did we mention how stupid we think you are." :- S

How about this, don't call us we'll call you. At the end of the day, there's a lot of people who want to be here who don't think we're "fat, stupid..scourge of civilization" :-D
20 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Do you recognize yourself scrappy? ;

Do you? You're just as arrogant as me. You in particular think if somebody farts in a room it must have been soley intended for the Pole's nose. Ridiculous.. There is no genuine manifest hate for the Polish in the United States. Aside from probably Jews. I will neither confirm or deny that though. Honestly, I don't pal around with Jews.. so I really don't know.

I mean your believe that because you are an American you are better :)

You guys always say this stuff - Okay, you're better than us. Happy? Frankly, I don't really care. I don't get up everyday and beat my chest with some Tarzan yell because I'm American. I don't view it as an empire really. I'm not going to debate you anymore, Torq maybe, not you. You remind of a dog chasing its tail.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Too bad that your foreign
policies towards other countries are very often unfair.

Well you kicked that LowFunk guy out of your country. He's a student and was paying taxes. You don't see us starting threads about it and crying about the complete injustice of it.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

but you can read as well, can't you?

Yeah, I can tear through Wikipedia just like you. Difference is I won't try and pass myself off as some international lawyer when I"m done.

I'm extremely sorry for my abruptness,"friend" but did you have a f.ucking point??
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Hee hee! Hee hee!

??? .. Don't you have an appointment with a glazed ham?

moving right along..

you know nothing about it, do you? ha, ha, America not paying enough, you are such a joke my friend.

I'm not your friend ass wipe.. What did you expect a book report about it? I know what it is in general. I'm failing to see how it's the evil arm of America though. Maybe you don't know anything about it.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Proud of Copernicus?

Oh yeah, every minute of the day. The earth revolves around the sun. I p.ss my pants with excitement about it. ???

The 'go back to bed America' sketch of Bill Hicks is so relevant.

That's a comedy sketch, dude. :-( You know entertainment? .. Funny how you introduce Hicks into all kinds on your "intellectual" debates.

You have just proved my point, scrappy. Your laziness costs you. So many Americans just don't care enough. You are callous! You are very easily exploited

Look go to hell you damn clown.. Easily exploited? We live in the richest country on the planet? A lot of people would like to be "exploited" like we are. You are a rambling twit.

19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

America knows very well that profits are made from war. Tell me, what was the rationale for Vietnam? Was it a run out for troops, anti-communism, what? You want your money back? Go and run to Raytheon, Lockheed Martin or the other 5 arms firms that sit on the ATC.

yawwwnn.. so anyway..

avoiding commenting on IMF and the World Bank politics

Ahh you didn't ask me anything about it. I can't avoid an imaginary question, can I??.. What are you ******** about now? We don't pay enough into it or something?
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

now Europe has to go down on its knees and be thankful for that.

Don't want you on your knees.. you could pay for it though. Cheapos you are that won't happen.

Why should I make it easy for you to understand if you don't have the capacity anyways.

typical ass hole European thing to say. Translation: I don't really have a rebuttal and can't elaborate on anything so here's a cutesy little comment for you, Yankee. LOL, classic.

I am not going to enlighten you because you can do that yourself.

Well, you called me out as oversimplfying the whole thing. Thought you could help me out.

I am done here.

I would imagine you are. Thanks for the bluster.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

You did help us keep Europe together and I'm grateful for that.

You're grateful, huh? Why don't you pay us for it then. You know , money. It wasn't free we as tax payers had to pay for it, it allowed you to conduct business and make money. So cough it up.

But Scrappleton hates me

yeah I pretty much do..I get into Europeans faces when the come to the States. It's funny to see the look in their arrogant eyes. The words "fat and stupid" don't come to their lips. : D

I meant the truth about some of the activities of the shadow government in America.

You want this .. you demand that.. the hell with that.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Do you know US Civil War? :)

Yes sir, I do. I believe it concluded in the 1860's.. The Balkan genocide was about 10 years ago though. Here again.. we have Europeans "the exalted beings, masters of the universe" killing each other over pretty much nothing.

Things are much more complex then scrappy would like to admit.

Well, enlighten me European. I haven't oversimplified too much. Europe is more trouble than it's worth for us. Just like Israel. Screw it. You know you hate our guts. You say it all the time. I would sever ties with you if I could and deal exclusively with the Asians / N. S. Americans.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Europeans support Americans who want to get the truth out there?

You're not owed anything from us.The truth about what? We helped you keep Europe together. Our military even today keeps it stable. We get no pay for this .. but you are demanding the "truth".

Scrappy, why was Bush "an idiot"?

Ermm, Iraq, current economy.. on and on. I thought you knew everything about the US. :-(

For the most part: no.

:-D .. See, at least you're objective about it. Just look at the American hate on here, that's all I ask.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]


Nope, I'm American. I don't look or sound like a European. I don't identify with Europe at all. Bloodlines that's it.

Right now it's you who can't help spewing irrational hate

Warum night? You do it all the time. We are "stupid fat pigs". Your people even call us Nazis in your newspapers. Der Spiegel I think. Now that's irrational. I'm just being honest, man. Sorry, the more we as Americans realize the European backstabbng mindset the better.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

I doubt they will be fighting each other any time soon.

Look at their history, PP. Germany will get tired of doing everything and demand payment. It won't happen and there will be war. Simple. Hopefully, we'll stay out of it. We should just deal with the Asians anyway. They like us better. I'll take a Lexus over a BMW anyday. Hey, the European hates us. Go over there and see if you don't believe me. I'm just reporting what I know. They hate you and me... better to accept it I thing. Also, I would make Germany pay us back for all we did for them after WWII since they show us so much hate.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

You ask for Europeans to be fair to the US

I could care less what you think.. you're going to bi.tch and hate anyway. Until you need us again.

The US now has Canada in the north and Mexico in the South as lonely neighbours...after lots of war and bloodshed and some genocide thrown inbetween.
Quite comfy, isn't it! (I really can't see them threatening the US somehow somewhere)

Lonely for who. The European? LOL. Why Canada / Mexico threaten us. WE get along alright. We don't fight each other in N. America. At least not for centuries. That's the European's game. Destroy each other.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

Have you been to Europe Scrappy?

Yes: A.) Overrated B.) Expensive C.) Rude people. D.) 5 star hotel there is like one of our 3 stars. You even have to share the toilet. What a joke. You can have it.

How many illegals immigrants from Latin America is currently in your country 7millions? 11?

They are illegals, moron. Like you actually typed.. Sheesh. The get deported out all the time.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

there is no way that you know that it will happen again. What are you? A fortune teller?

LOL.. If the US leaves you to your own devices you will murder each other again. You always do it. 500 million fools cramped in that little continent can't help it. It's hilarious actually. The EU will fail because France and Germany will get tired of paying the lionshare of it and that will probably tip off another war.

black people are more aggressive or violent on average,

Sure limey, I'm way off base here what with modern genocide still going on within the continent in the 21st century. Surely they're just misunderstood or better yet the Yankee CIA is behind it.

The last time US pulled Europe apart they also made a bunch of money.

Who's fault would that be? Thanks for the markets.

Inferior to whom.

the United States of America. Inferior.. substandard. etc. You don't like it doesn't mean it's not true. You can bring up things from the 1800's all you want.

US does not do it for free.

not for long. nice that you admit it though.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

What about the crime rates in the US?

What about them? It's typically black on black. Look at the murder rate in Africa. Why don't you try connecting the dots. You are the professed Dr. of American studies over here.

I didn't drag your tired ass into anything.. you started popping off on your own. As I said AGAIN...The US does not typically prey on it's own people the European does. This is an inferior mindset. To actually kill your own populace. They've done it before and will again.. and the "STUPID" US wil have to pull them apart and separate them like the children they are.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

So stop speaking about Europeans.

Awwwww.. c'mon man, it's a forum after all. You spit your bs all day on here.

Bush didn't limit the press because they didn't reveal the true story to the public.

LOL.. here we go again with this sh/t. 911 was an inside job they just paid off about 13000 people. The moon landing was faked too. blahbitty blahhh. You are dumber than a bag of hammers.

KatyƄ was ordered by one man, scrappy.

and carried out by one man?

Native Americans mean anything to you, scrappy?

the ones murdered by the European? Ever heard of King Phillips War fat boy. Besides Hitler and Stalin were last century. Indian murder was the 1800s.
19 Jul 2009
News / Are Polish People Being Discriminated Against? Problems getting a US visa. [258]

There future division of power is shifting and China comes to mind, but I guess the Yanks are already there, aren't they, claiming that Chinese government is abusing human rights towards its citizens, while doing and building business with China.
I am looking forward to you comment. Just make it to the point:)

This has nothing to do with the point I made.. nothing whatsoever. So thanks for the ramblings. Chinese are another nation that kills it's own people.. like the Europeans. My point is the US does not produce dictators like Europe does. It doesn't prey on itself. Yes there's racism but no holocaust, mass executions etc. The US would never carry out a Katyn, etc. Bush was an idiot but he was not a dictator. He didn't limit the press etc.