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Joined: 3 Feb 2009 / Male ♂
Last Post: 3 Jan 2022
Threads: Total: 7 / In This Archive: 6
Posts: Total: 1379 / In This Archive: 632
From: welcome to the house of fun
Speaks Polish?: can I have your liver?
Interests: no one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

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22 Jun 2010
Travel / Only in Poland - about unique things and customs [9]

How can't you get that in England? Have they burnt all the pianos? I'm pretty sure classical music sounds the same everywhere and has the same nice vibe to it if listened too with a picturesque view in the background..
22 Jun 2010
News / Lech Walesa gives warning over 'dangerous' Polish candidate [60]

SB agent Wałęsa and now you.

He could have been a Russian tzar or a mujahedin for what I care.

Those youtube videos say nothing about Walesa they say a bit about polish flawed justice system and police. Don't believe everything you see on the internet that guy could have been well provoking him...
22 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Well educated? At my university the vast majority would not vote for Kaczynski. And it's in one of the most "traditional" parts of Poland.

It's a statistical fact that Kaczynski gets most of his votes in rural areas, where the level of education is low.

SzwedWPolsce - there's really no sense in replaying to 1ola's posts, just ignore them. There's no sense in argueing with such vexatious sick of hatred people.

From my experience this is a rubbish. I know ppl who are very intelligent, well-educated and vote for Kaczyński. You would be suprise how many is them. I think its propaganda set up by spindoctors... and I, myself, say that - a huge objector of Kaczynski!

Of course you will find educated people in Kaczyński's electorate, but it's a fact that most of his voters come from lower social classess. His popularity in the rural areas is just a part of that.
22 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Boy oh boy, lets go even deeper - there was time when there was only Polonia!!! Because there was no Poland.... damn those pesky bastards are actually helpful from time to time !!!
22 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Then she is life failure pry tell me!?

Jolly well then, it's not that bad with her actually :) loosers stayed in Poland.

What about Kaczynski lies could be more specific?

No. Because it doesn't make any sense at this point, we've already chosen our sides, and no one will change his mind because somebody says something. You will always have a retort to anything I'm gonna say and I'm gonna have a counter to anything you're gonna say. If we can't find the retort immediately we're just gonna google. Waste of time really (beside most of this stuff is already somewhere on these forums - search function).
22 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Well most of PiS voters in my family are life failures who are deep in debt and are barely making ends meet.

I hope aunt has children I hope!?

Nah she doesn't, but she's a PiS voter though..
22 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

or maybe they live near the freaking russians thus fall for the anti russian rhetoric..

I doubt that is the sole reason... I'm gonna stick with the uneducated mob thingie (not all of course - but most) easily swayed by Kaczynski's lies..

As for Ameripoles - my aunt lives in states and the polonia that lives in her closest area ,from what I know, is rasist and xenophobic (she is too), it's not a very big surprise for me that they voted for PiS...
22 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

interesting, because it confirms the general picture.

ok ok.. I think I just treat is as common knowledge because of it being same again and again, it just repeats.. it was similar in previous elections hence I'm not finding it that interesting....
22 Jun 2010
Love / Polish men what is the worst thing a girl can do upon first impression? [360]

you guys complain that women want only money from you and they date you only when you have lots of it...

guys who meet such girls are actually to blame for joining such social circles and guys who are in such social circles are in them of their own will and to their own liking... I really can't get such bleeting, through all my studying, numerous student and dorm parties haven't seen any gold diggers, on the other hand I've seen many empty shallow barbie girls when I've visited a techno club once... different worlds different needs ; o
22 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

Very interesting that Komorowski won all województwo's in Western Poland, and Kaczynski own all in Eastern PL.

It's not surprising at all.. PiS was always winning in the eastern PL because of it being more rural and less educated, more open to populist driveling and bywords..
21 Jun 2010
USA, Canada / US Polonia 70% for Kaczyński [343]

They do as they parents do, same as in Poland, there's a lot of young people voting for Kaczynski after their parents, you don't see them because you have friends in different educated social circles... beside most of Kaczynskis voters come from the countryside..
21 Jun 2010
News / Who are you voting for in the 2010 Poland's presidential elections and why? [82]

We have democracy in PL now, duck or no duck... we will survive :-)

Are you joking, any year with PiS or Kaczynski at the steering wheel is a year lost for Poland..

In America you're allowed to fail. It's painful to watch, but watch we do.

The thing is in America you never fail, if you are last in the run you are the last winner.. bollocks
21 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

This is exactly my point. I have worked in very busy pubs in Britain.

Don't mix these 2 things, barmans in pubs and bars and clerks in supermarkets are 2 different things.. no such thing has ever happaned to me in a pub..
19 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

in your grocery store? ; p

On a more serious note, I really don't believe in that no spare money in every shop...
19 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

I'm not saying it happens in many shops, read jwojcies post again, he is not saying that it doesn't exists he is just saying it's not a problem...
19 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

Try living in Poland.

I'm living in pl and I agree with jwojcie... with the exception of things I've mentioned above.
19 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

I have to say 2 thing struck me lately as very negative - and it's not some "small change" problem in shops, I do understand that, those people have a really tough work it might be hard for them to keep their nerve all the time and smile at everyone.

First of all I was at a bowling place lately in Gliwice, when we finished playing I was paying with my card the guy took the card and run out of the room, I'm asking the other guy in the room - slightly exasperated - where did he go? "He has too get into the antenna range!", I run out after him and was pretty angry about why didn't they inform me they are walking out of the compound with my card in the reader.. those guys instead of saying sorry started shouting back at me - what am I supposedly suspecting them of.

I don't think I'm gonna visit the place ever again, and I really hate that behaviour still visible in various shops, that "being on your clerks mercy thing", someone should really give them a lesson of capitalism and economy. They are the last chain between the client and product and they are effing it up big time. I'm about to write a complaint right now.

Another thing is the other behavciour - that happaned to me long time ago and it still happens from time to time, I was about to buy new shutters in a "widow,doors store" I went in with a usual good morning I wanted to ask "this or that" and the clerk lady there answer with "sorry but do you know how much does that cost?", I just barked out "You should learn some good manners" and slammed the door behind me..

I don't really think that the change problem at a register where clerks are earning the lowest amount is a really big problem next to those 2 thing which you can stumble upon in polish shops...
19 Jun 2010
Life / Sci-fi / Fantasy books in Polish? [12]

too old to be reading the childish Harry Potter series.

I was 23 or something like that when I read Harry Potter and I still think it's a very good read, it's not the top of the literature writing art - but it is so good to read, an easy relaxing jorney with adventures and such. I liked despite reading lots of more serious books don't simplify Harry, it's a good book for every age : )

For Lem I'd probably suggest reading "Opowieści o Pilocie Pirxie", one of the more youth aimed books by Lem..
18 Jun 2010
Life / Small change in shops in Poland!? [95]

What the hell is the problem in Polish shops that everyone needs the exact change?

I don't believe you really, I shop daily and it happens in one shop in 5, and it was ALWAYS like that before. The reason for it is that there's only paper money in the register hence the clerk lady would find difficult to give you the change, I prefer giving her spare change that weights a bit than having her go to another register and lengthen the whole process.

Moreover if I see that I probably have some spare money I offer that I can give exact spare change...

In other cases I really haven't noticed anyone making a dumb face over me paying with a bill...
18 Jun 2010
Law / Business Etiquette (Polish companies' dealings with clients in other counties) [14]

You shouldn't really ever need to speak via web-cam unless you are dealing with several different people at the same time in a conference situation.

It's hard not to if there are millions of kilometers/miles between you and whoever you are talking too, it happens really often in IT, people working remotely from their homes.

And when doing those long distant call it's really a waste of money if you can get the same sound quality with vision over your internet connection..

i'd like to know some of the dos and don'ts when it comes to dealing with, for example, Asian, American, European clients.

I noticed that my friends who had to work with Americans had really good impression of how positive their american co-workers were and how in comparison in polish crews everything was a bit dull and negative, lacked of energy. There are definitely different work styles in both of these countries..
16 Jun 2010
Classifieds / English cuisine week in Lidl shops in Poland [203]

There is sushi if you like, frd. It's all translated into Polish. The sauces are particularly good. Nasi Goreng is great but Tesco have that.

I'll try that too, you know I'm trying to be cautious too, probably only 25% of those things taste close to the real thing and the rest is just some kind of a cheap variation trying to lure people with foreign letters and nice pictures...