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Posts by isthatu2  

Joined: 3 Apr 2008 / Male ♂
Last Post: 6 May 2013
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From: in the auld empty barn
Speaks Polish?: a little
Interests: life the universe and everything

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30 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

Your welcome.
Time for me to climb the wooden stairs to bedfordshire.
One other slang nugget.
The (slang speaking ) black tendency to say Aks instead of Ask is ironically a pronuciation that can be traced back to Scots Ulster Overseers on the plantations. Black british kids use this pronunciation without a clue where it came from.....
30 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

We have slang in my town that is completly different to the town less than 10 miles across the moors :) The accent is also vastly different.

Some *slang* as hard as it is to believe is also ,literaly spoken Viking.
A narrow public foot path between houses/properties can be an Alley, a ginnel, a snicket and those three are just different terms from within a 20 mile radius of my house :)

Thats one of the reasons I dont like people being to set in their ways about what is or is not *proper* English.

Its just not that sort of language its always evolving,always changing and always wonderfully unique to the place and time you come from :)

Imagine foresooth if for happenstance we passing shadows on the earthly stage still had to converse in verily not divers ways but soley in the language of Shakespeare.......or all had to speak like Her Majness Liz no2 ....

My Grandma spoke both well educated officers daughter standard English but also the Glaswegian version of English she spoke as a girl mixing with her fathers employes children. Both were special,both were *correct*, just for different occasions :)

This is a fascinating series of documentries on the history of the English language,sounds dull as dishwater but is really worth a watch. The presenter is from an area where so many of the words and phrases date back to Old Norse
30 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

The pedant in me says neither,but some other pedant will say .....oh,wait,thats a spoken only *joke*...
You could be *good in English*
if someone has asked were you a good boy in school today and you answered, I misbehaved in math but I was *good in English*.

But, if you mean to say you have a certain skill in speaking and writing in the English language,no, dont just say * I am good in/at English* :)

But,then again,who am I to say? Maybe in the part of the world that you now live either of those ,in or at may be the norm,if so,its *correct*.

I know my written English is pretty poor, dyslexia and a general lack of inspiration because of that during English classes out side the Lit' parts will do that to a joe...

But, Ive always used my skills in spoken English to put food on my table so...
Grubas, yes, you can be good at something but you cannot simply say,for example. " Im good at Golf" without sounding like a Pleb or *special person*, " Im good at playing Golf" would be fine though.

Its insanely subtle sometimes but that is what seperates the pedents/overly educated native speakers from the rest of the world :)
30 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

I am going to be in Warszawa tomorrow. Anything special planned for the eve of the '44 Uprising? i plan to do the museum if nothing else.

Go to the cemetry in the evening. Very moving ceremonies there.
Double check it is on the eve though, I seem to remember it was in 04 but....

Calm down and stop telling everyone what to do and say,its not big and its not clever,its an internet forum,people have different opinions.

Some seem to have read the Bumper book of WW2 while others have read books without lots of pictures ,bound to be different apraisals of the capabilities of the various armed forces and political willingness of the democratic nations with those sort of wide ranging reads.
30 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

Henry Kissinger,sorry, I had a senior moment,just couldnt remeber the old boys name :)

Haha, finagle a bagle,not one Ive heard :)

Incidently, want to know how to catch out even most native English speakers?

Ask them to say outloud * Ye Olde Shoppe"

Hint, it should be pronunced as The Old Shop, but never is,see, English is not set in aspic :)
30 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

A cynic would say to pass as a native speaker one needs to learn how to speak utter bollox from time to time with absolutly no grammatical structure.

Its like totaly random and sick innit..

Sorry, back on topic.
Im mweh at French, tended to day dream about the cute blonde I sat beside in French class, but, I do watch a lot of French movies so the smattering I can muster tends to be delivered in a gritty Paris accent. A few polite words from me and French people tend to jabber away at me for 3 minutes before realising I have no idea what they are saying :)

So, in short kids,watch lots of movies and copy the accent, do an impression,sounds mad but I saw it work in a Russian night class I attended when some people just couldnt get the pronunciation of certain words the tutor got them to do *comedy russian * ( Alexander Meercat) accents, next time they tried the genuine Russian words they were as near as spot on as anyone on a taster course is likely to get :)
30 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

As I understand it non native speakers have a seriously hard time understanding Double Entendres, even the French,ironically dont have a word for Double Entendre.....

I would agree with Lyszko to a point but I would say that someone who came to English as a second language in their childhood could probably pass for a native speaker in much the same way as my Italian/Scots Bi Lingual cousins,fluent in both languages.

Coming into English discourse having learnt from books or on a course or even through immersion as an adult you will probably always be obviously non native till the day you shuffle off this mortal coil.

Look at ,oh,whats his name,the fella from the 60s ....sounds like a buzz saw cutting through ghoulash but at the forefront of Americas political scene for decades,hardly a dummie....p3, you know who I mean mate, throw us a bone pal :)

Another one of my pet hates! Take the word " like " out of the sentence :)

I loved the Bunny ;)
Sorry, obscure Miriam Margolyes reference for Brits of a certain age :)
29 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

If that was the case they would have deployed all resources for japan instead of heading to Europe first

It was the case, it was a treaty obligation for the US to put in an effort in Europe,as soon as that was done with they wanted out.

Even without the nukes we would have beaten them (the Russians) fairly easily.

Not a chance......Britain was sick of war,so much that Churchill was voted out of office during the war partly because he was seen as a war mongerer.

Even if that hadnt been the case,simply no chance of any army in Europe at that time stopping the Soviets if they had wanted to carry on to the English channel.

The allies nearly got their arses kicked in winter 44/45 by a pretty weak german counter offensive using mainly old men and school boys in the Battle of the Bulge....how well do you think they would have done against a Red Army willing to lose 300 thousand men in the Battle of Berlin alone?

Christ, the Americans still talk about Omaha beach as though it was the bloodiest battle ever and they lost less than 2 thousand men killed that day......2 thusand dead Red Army soldiers,Stalin would have not even been told about it....or cared.
29 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

As a non-native speaker of English, I may comment that I'd never say it that way. It certainly looks as an abuse of the word "however" in English.

This is another good example of non natives thinking they know best :)
Native speakers dont get offended when someone says * A Polish death camp* its only non native speakers who get p1ssy about it and will not be told that English is a far more flexable language than most others.

If we had stuck to set rules English would look something like this;
Hwæt! We Gardena in geardagum,
þeodcyninga, þrym gefrunon,
hu ða æþelingas ellen fremedon.
Oft Scyld Scefing sceaþena þreatum,

monegum mægþum, meodosetla ofteah,
egsode eorlas. Syððan ærest wearð
feasceaft funden, he þæs frofre gebad,
weox under wolcnum, weorðmyndum þah,
oðþæt him æghwylc þara ymbsittendra

ofer hronrade hyran scolde,
gomban gyldan. þæt wæs god cyning!
ðæm eafera wæs æfter cenned,
geong in geardum, þone god sende
folce to frofre; fyrenðearfe ongeat

þe hie ær drugon aldorlease
lange hwile. Him þæs liffrea,
wuldres wealdend, woroldare forgeaf;
Beowulf wæs breme (blæd wide sprang),
Scyldes eafera Scedelandum in.

29 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

There were only 2 bombs not even completed and ready yet when Germany Surrendered.
Nuke Moscow,so what, Napoleon burnt it to the ground and the Russians still chased his arse all the way back to Paris.
Americas main enemy was Japan.
This whole idea that the west would go straight into a war against the Soviets is pure hokum,even the US was running out of recruits and had slashed training by early 1945. The soviets still had millions more people they could arm.
29 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

reports suggested Patton

take on Russia.

Patton also thought he had been a general at the Battle of Carthege in the Punic wars. The man was a complete and utter idiot who recklessly nearly destroyed an entire Army group in his own search for glory.

If he hadnt died,and somehow those bonkers plans to re arm the nazis to take on the Soviets had gone ahead Poland would probably to this day be a smoking uninhabitable ruin....

Let's put it this way: where I come from (Oz) many people believe that Churchill sent the ANZAC soldiers to a certain death just to save the butts of his own troops.

You do realise tens of thousands more British troops died than ANZAC dont you? People everywhere are capable of believing utter bilge if it tallies with an agenda.

The agenda that made up all the lies regarding the ANZACs in 1915 was Republicanism, modern Australia has far better claims than those old lies to get rid of her majness :)

Aussie site,so...
29 Jul 2012
Language / Where is that "something" that makes others think you are really good in language [141]

" There were literaly thousands of them"
No, there may have been figurativly thousands of them though.....
Bugs me.
ps, remember the OPs point about spelling....note,dyslexia is not an indicator of lack of brains.....einstein et all..... :)

Its certainly not about using big words,anyone can find those in a thesaurus as demo'd by a certain member on here who Ive long ago blocked....
29 Jul 2012
Life / School and stadium violence in Poland? [21]

The Daily Mail recently reported that classroom indiscipline and violence were increasing in Britian's primary schools including attacks on teachers and classmates as well as sexual midconduct

But this is the usual sort of twisted rubbish normally reserved for articles on Poles in the UK.
The only change is that standards have shifted and reporting methods have gone bonkers.
An *attack* on a classmate can be two boys playfighting.Its still classed as class room violence. a 4 year old boy in the play ground flipping up a little girls skirt is now classed as Sexual assault instead of kids being kids......its the same with *racist* incidents....my best mate at primary shool was born in Germany to Brit Army parents, his nickname was *nazi* , last year a little boy was accussed of racism when he asked his Polish best friend to be the germans when they played war....... another little boy is now officialy a *racist* because he asked his black friend,who was a refugee from Africa,if he was Black because he came from Africa.........back in my day that would have been handled with a simple, *yes, he is Black because he comes from Africa,but lots of black people are born in England too.......* but no, the lad is on record as a *racist* for asking an innocent question of a friend....

28 Jul 2012
Travel / Where to meet English speaking teenagers in Warsaw? [15]

No, you were making a big song and dance political statement about some kid wanting to speak English again after 5 years living in Poland. I pointed out how most people realise its just nice to speak your first language now and again no matter who you are or where you are in the world.

Sorry if anything came across as *sly*, it was meant to be overtly mocking.

FYI, out side of Brick Lane have you vere seen a Pakistani British run shop with all the signs in Urdu? Answer,have you bollox,so,give it a rest.
28 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Churchill was a war criminal who should have been executed during WW1 already for his role in Gallipoli.

Explain please?
If every one who proposed a daring mission that failed was executed as a 8war criminal* then there would be no generals left anywhere......

Kondizor, my *point* was that most of these half educated fools think Churchill was to blame for Britain not invading Germany within 20 minutes of war being declared, it goes to show prior muppetness when they also spout trash about he said/she said hearsay rather than actual links or references to documents.
28 Jul 2012
Travel / Where to meet English speaking teenagers in Warsaw? [15]

not two hours later, posting on an internet forum...

So,tell me,why are Polish shops in England that have been here for 6 years now and have Polish customers who have been here just as long are still called Polski Sklep on the sign.....why do they speak Polish to each other?

Get a grip, its his native language,he wants to speak it out loud with mates for a change.
28 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

The British responded with assurances that the Royal Air Force would attack industrial, civilian, and military targets.

This is quite clearly a lie or said with hindsight. offical restrictions on which targets the RAF could attack on the out break of war precluded ANY attacks on private business and civilian targets. So, try again,maybe actually credit your sources too.


Again, do you have no shame? Poland invaded there ,not Britain.
27 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Yet Stalin was still reliant on British and US aid to fund and feed the Russian war effort.

The vast majority of that Aid went straight into storage or some of it was given to unreliable forces like the Polish and czech communist armies.

The only two bits of aid the Soviets really used fully was SPAM and GMC trucks.
Without those they would have had to eat more kasha and use a few more horses......they would have still kicked the western allies arses. remember.

Japan was the USAs main enemy by 1945,the war in the Pacific still had many months and hundreds of thousands of deaths to go.
27 Jul 2012
Life / Pepper Spray in Poland? [36]

looks more like a pikey has being following someones misses to me NMP :(
27 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Honestly, a lot of the time I think people mistake the armed forces britain had in 1939 with the ones it had a few years into the war.

We had less tanks than Poland,our heavy tanks were even worse than the Vickers (british btw) tanks Poland had.
There was no 1000 bomber fleet of Lancasters but a small handfull of antiquated bombers no better than the ones the Polish air force had at the time....

Then I just think some people are nationalistic muppets, they seem quick to point that finger at people , a bit like the G/F that accusses the innocent B/F of cheating,she is always the one playing away :)

If I were to slag off some of britains mistakes id be here all day,but it would be off topic, I wont however sit back and see lies and propaganda spread by people who seem to snatch their info from wikipedia and war movies who quite clearly dont have a concept of geography never mind strategy :)
27 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

Written by someone with total ignorance of anything

This said by the man who thinks the only river platte is in nebraska.....rolls eyes.....goof like that and I just giggle at the rest of what you have to say. You just show a complete lack of awarness of the strategic and tactical realities. The baltic is effectivley a big lake. the only way in at the time was through a narrow channel along the German coast line within range of the luftwaffe all the way . Even if a handfull of RN ships had got through to the Polish coast with any of the crew alive all the germans would have to do would be move 10 miles inland and wait for the remaining RN ships to be sunk one by one by the german navy and airforce.

But,anyone with any insight into the war knows this stuff already,anything else,any twisted version or whining is just rather pathetic whining.

I hope that is a joke, do you get all your information from google?

Lols.......talk about stereotypical America centric view of the world :)
26 Jul 2012
News / Work begins on 'Polish Disneyland' [37]

Alton Towers is 800 acres or 323 hectares.. this won't be the biggest theme park in Europe. Why does the Polish press print such rubbish?

OMG, you are comparing the size of theme parks???
People, can you see why some of us Brits can be a bit short tempered? We have numpties like this walking amongst us. :)
26 Jul 2012
History / Did British public protest against the sell out of Poland to the Soviets? [286]

c) Poland had already agreed that the land in question was part of Czechoslovakia and had signed an international treaty to that effect (yet another treaty which interbellum Poland broke as and when it suited them).

But,like I said with regards to the parts of Czechoslovakia taken by the Germans initially ,by todays international standards "we" in the west would also be supporting Poland in "freeing" its own ethnic population from minority Czech "oppression"...any further incursion into Czech territory would be spun as the liberators having to press their advantage against a dangerous foe who would just casue problems in the freed areas if not crushed ...regime change would follow,maybe not a Hess figure but certainly at first a foreign military governor. Anyhooo......

Very strange. What need was there for that post to be binned?

its OK,all been sorted and explanation recieved. Thats why my quoting it didnt get me suspended :)

Sanddancer...seriously, you are trying to say Poles were nazis because they wore an Austrian style Helmet in some regiments of one division,wow....thats pretty pathetic mate......they also wore French Adrienne helmets in the same Division, does that make them nazi pastry chefs?

SSSsshhhhhh, no one tell him about the Highlanders cap badges then eh ;)