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Turkish guy to study at a university in Poland. Is that problem for Polish people? [139]
majority of Muslims, just like majority of people on this planet, have similar goals in life - to have food on the table, to be happy, etc. etc. no matter what their religion tells them to do (or not to do).
This is a bit simple-minded. Yes, muslims are human beings with all the positive and negative implications of that.
They have similar goals in life in the sense that they have the same drives (food, shelter, reproduction etc)
But... they tend to have very different values (preferred state of affairs) from most Europeans.
Muslim values tend to be more hierarchical, less individualistic, more concerned with piety and more obsessive about sexual differences than those of most Europeans.
Small differences in values can produce very large differences in behavior, especially when the prevailing values in a minority group clash with those of the majority.
Can you find a single example of a muslim immigrant community in Europe that isn't dependent on welfare and which isn't overrepresented in crime?