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Posts by SigSauer  

Joined: 2 Oct 2017 / Male ♂
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Last Post: 13 Apr 2018
Threads: Total: 4 / In This Archive: 4
Posts: Total: 378 / In This Archive: 224

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26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


So when I become a Polish citizen, I can say that I'm Polish now? Of course not, I will always be American of Portuguese decent. I will never be Polish, despite being a passport holder.
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


Ok, there may be no harm in having one. However, the Polish people have collectively decided that they don't want one, even if there is no harm. So I don't understand why you have an axe to grind on this with Poland? Do you feel somehow superior to Poles, and therefore just in dictating to them their own domestic policies? I'm trying to understand where you're coming from, because using the supranational EU as an example is a very poor argument. The Brits had a referendum on the EU, and you see how that turned out. Nigel Farage is one of the best politicians of our time, he speaks truth to power, and he is right that if they do not change their course, the UK will not be the last to leave!
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


You'd have been the first Irish person I met that was politically correct if you were! Lol... neither here nor there, but an Irish soldier I worked with from Galway had some crazy ideas about.......everything, such as the Jews and CIA created AIDS, and the Jew bankers were responsible for all of Irelands ills.

Anyway. I responded by telling you where I'm from because you literally said "i dont know where you're from."

Moving on. This isn't really some hypothetical situation. I would rather challenge you to point to one example inside the EU where LARGE numbers of refugees/migrants from North Africa&M.E. where a barbaric and savage culture exists, that has effectively integrated into any of our European societies and espoused liberal values?

You know its rather prophetic really, kind of follows the same path as their book. At first, when their numbers are small, they play that victim card as hard as they can, they are victims, everyone is an islamophobe or xenophobe. And in the UK's unending quest to appear tolerant, I could imagine a situation where two guys are about to toss a gay off a rooftop, an officer rolls up, and he says Ohh I'm sorry I have to respect your religion, carry on mates!

The thing is, once they reach a sufficient number, they are no longer victimized refugees and migrants. They start demanding their own courts, they start demanding YOU the HOST NATION, accommodate THEM!

We are as they say, at an impasse. We will defend western liberal values, we will defend what it means to be EUROPEAN. Here is a hint, no one named Sadiq Khan is a Briton. Whatever nonsense is scribbled in his passport is inconsequential to me, he will never be British.
26 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


Alright I'd really like it if we can dispense with the veiled nonsense here. Can you just tell me what your agenda is? What country are you from? and what are your politics?

I'm asking this because I really need to wrap my head around this position. It's hard for me to understand how someone can hold such disdain for their own people. How can you value other people over your own fellow countrymen and citizens? Look, the deal may have been agreed upon initially, but the point is that we've seen the results of accepting these people in Sweden, in Germany, in France, and now other countries have had a prizm into the future and are saying, ok we made that deal, but we are not going to put our citizens in danger. If your only argument to the contrary is "well you agreed to it!," you're going to have to come with a much stronger argument I think to convince anyone they should commit fratricide on their own country. Excuse me if I am wrong in my assumptions, but your posts sound like you are cheerleading the destruction of your own culture. Why in gods name would you ever take such a position? I'm not being rude, I genuinely want to understand why someone holds these views.


Really? I mean I'll give you a ton of credit for having the balls to say something like. You admit they're difficult populations and then just kind of throw your hands up in the air and say "well they're difficult!"... The point is WE SHOULDN'T BE HAVING TO DEAL WITH THEM! Nations exist to protect CITIZENS first and foremost!!!

This is similar to the kind of things I see back in the U.S. when illegal immigrants get on CNN and start critiquing US immigration policy. These are people who HAVE NO RIGHTS under our US constitution. As an illegal immigrant you DONT GET A SAY IN OUR POLITICS, THAT IS ONLY FOR CITIZENS! The gaul it would take for me to go to a foreign country and then start MEDDLING in their politics and advocating for change to benefit MY position as a CRIMINAL. In any SANE non-cucked country, I would be deported before the damn segment ended.
25 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


No Mafketis, these people LOATHE the idea of the nation-state, and want to destroy it. They don't believe that states exist to serve their CITIZENS first. They have open contempt for the idea of national sovereignty, and to them 'patriotism' is a f***ing punchline to a joke.
25 Oct 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish career criminal gets six years for rape [43]


I want nation-states to assert their sovereignty and control who comes into their borders.


We were discussing a Pole who committed a crime in the U.K. Whether they have control over non-EU citizens isn't germane to the topic.

Rubas, if that is in fact true (I'm American, so can't claim to be an expert in your countries domestic policy affairs), why on earth would the home office allow someone with a criminal record like that persons to enter the United Kingdom and then to reside there? Canada will not even allow American citizens who have been convicted of 1 offense of driving under the influence to enter the country.

In any case, I am rooting for your country, and pray that all the details of the leaked Home Office memo are indeed true. The gravy train is over, and no longer will one barbarian from the commonwealth be able to get an underpaid job (I believe 18,600GBP/year) and bring over 10 of his family members to spread their hateful 7th century ideology.
25 Oct 2017
UK, Ireland / Polish career criminal gets six years for rape [43]


Another reason to end the idea of the 'free movement of people.' If the U.K. had control of its borders (and thank god it will soon again, and the Home Office will be slashing legal immigration) they would have rejected someone with a criminal record like this from entering the country. Instead, the EU policy of open movement has resulted in irreparable harm to one U.K. citizen. A nation-states first and foremost duty, and in fact ONLY duty, is to protect CITIZENS of that nation-state.
25 Oct 2017
News / Americans try to defame Poland yet again. [93]


Ok, just had about enough of you little man. It must infuriate you that I can travel to most countries in this world without obtaining a visa prior to arrival. It must also pain you to know that when I do decide to settle in Poland, I will make 10X the salary that you will, simply because of my passport, education, and experience. Thanks for playing little man, I will come to your country WHENEVER I PLEASE, and there's not a god damn thing you can do about it. Now, have a lovely evening getting drunk and yelling at your TV.
25 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


Fortunately, international relations is characterized by chaos, and countries act in their interests and they do what they can get away with. Short of invading Poland, I don't see a situation where Poland will honor that agreement, much to the chagrin of radical left statists.

Your last point is PRECISELY the reason that European politicians need to change course and abandon the open borders, forced multiculturalism (which is a proven failure). They will continue to fuel the rise of the far-right by trying to stick by these policies. At least as we can see in Austria, a centrist politician has decided to co-opt some of the platform of the right in order to win an election, and placate at least some of the electorate calling for extreme measures that are rather unpalatable for everyone.
25 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


You are trying to point out a mere technicality in the number of processed and approved asylum applications. Tomorrow the Polish government could decide it will grant all 1 million Ukrainians currently working and residing within their borders asylum status. That would warm my heart, as it would take the wind out of the sails of statists like yourself who actually think that countries who voted for an ECONOMIC UNION, should have their own internal POLITICAL affairs dictated to it by MEP's, who are often times obscure political hacks and failures in their own countries. The level of arrogance and condescension in your posts is truly unparalleled.

I'm not sure why we are really even having this argument. You can certainly engage in these mental gymnastics, but the stark reality is that Poland will not take one single refugee from one of these countries with 7th century cultural ideologies. You could certainly continue to be an ideologue on this issue, but really there are two points on why you shouldn't. 1) Poland is not going to comply. so the union in continuing to try to push this hardship onto Poland is only going to make itself like impudent to the rest of the member states. 2) As I stated previously, these policies are doing nothing to stem the rise of far-right politicians in Europe. We are all doomed if you think that in the last 2 years people are suddenly 'more racist' or 'more xenophobic' than they were 2 years ago. I liken this to the way people view large corporations, well prices have gone up because of the "greed on wall street." As if that is some sort of variable, when in fact greed is a constant.

I take significant issue with this world view because it has a sort of arrogance attached to it, that says to just 'shut up,' because you are not 'enlightened' like ME, you just don't know enough about the subject like ME. Really it is virtue signalling of the highest order, and to be honest people don't appreciate it. I know that leftists are accustomed to getting away with this behavior when they speak to people who aren't very well educated on these topics, and they throw out some buzz words and try to assert some ostensible superiority over that person.

If you want to engage in constructive dialogue about these issues, I would really enjoy that, as you are at least well informed in your own regard. We can at least address some of these points on their merits, rather than just saying "this is the decision, you little Polish people will like it!" (I'm not Polish by the way).
24 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


Poland has taken over ONE MILLION REFUGEES since 2014. 1.1 million Ukrainians actually. What other country in the EU has taken 1 million refugees besides Germany? Why should they take more? Poles have to share in the insecurity, vehicle attacks, concert bombings, and rapes like the rest of Europe? Have to really spread that misery out evenly among member states right. Guess what, Poland is a SOVEREIGN COUNTRY, a NATION-STATE. I know that really chaps the ass of you f***ing statists in the European Union, who have absolute contempt to notion of nation-states, but that is a fact. Here's an idea Atch, you want these refugees so badly, you clear out a few rooms in your house and let them move in with you, ok?

Really Lyzko? Can we dispense with the histrionics please? No one is committing genocide against these refugee/migrant groups. They would not be in a position to be persecuted however, if they stayed in their country, OR if they followed INTERNATIONAL LAW and taken refuge in the FIRST SAFE COUNTRY they reached, in many cases Turkey.

Right, whether they were Syrian or North-African, and I'm not sure how you could know their nationality since the majority of them were not arrested and brought to justice, but anyway, that is inconsequential; all it does is exemplifies my point that these people and their culture, are incompatible with contemporary liberal values and Western society.
24 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


This is a fallacious argument Lyzko. You're preaching your own version of leftism, and if I read your post right, you are trying to conflate people who don't agree with your world view on immigration as "Neo-Nazi's?" I am actually asking you to clarify what you said, not trying to editorialize what you said, I hope you understand.

Further to my point. While professing that Europeans should 'tolerate' people who hate their culture, seek to change and impose their own perverted 7th century morality on them; I don't see anyone lecturing the Japanese, Koreans, Chinese, Papua New Guineans, Ecuadorians, Hondurans, on how they should accept 160,000 Syrian refugees and be tolerant. It is somehow ok for Japan and Korea to have a homogeneous society. However, it's not ok for Poland to be homogeneous? It's not ok for Austria to be homogeneous? No of course, the "white devil" can't have a homeland, and to suggest otherwise means of course that you're a Neo-Nazi, bigot, islamophobe, xenophobe, <insert bombastic label to shut down any rational discussion of immigration policy and its deleterious effects.>,
24 Oct 2017
News / How will BREXIT affect the immigrants in UK and Poland. [1114]


There is no acting out. Those people do not belong in European society, and it has nothing to do with their skin color. Their cultures are antithetical to contemporary liberal values, they hate everything about our western civilization. They curse our laws and our customs, while going on the public dole.

Under International Law, you are to seek refuge in the FIRST SAFE COUNTRY that you enter. There is no stipulation that says you get to go the country of your choosing, or the country with the best public benefits. They should be grateful to be safe from war, AND they should REPATRIATE at the cessation of hostilities.

This liberal tree hugger nonsense has GOT TO END. You people are literally fueling the rise of far-right politics in Europe, and we do NOT NEED THAT, so it is time to wise up with importing people who literally hate us into our societies. Instead of doubling down on stupid like Frau Merkel, we need to chart the path that the European electorates across the continent have shown they want. They WANT nation-states, and they WANT borders to be controlled. They certainly do not want to be lectured by limousine liberal MEP's who tell you that you need to accept people with 7th century ideologies that hate you, whilst they live behind their gated communities, armed guards, up-armored vehicles, and inside a security envelope. They certainly don't need to worry about getting gang raped or groped by people who don't believe women have the right to say no.
24 Oct 2017
Classifieds / Trying to learn Polish language in Bialystok [16]


I can't relate to what you're saying because I've only been in Warsaw and Bialystok personally. I can say that I didn't enjoy Warsaw because it seemed like the liberal 'hipster' culture had infected the city. That is in stark contrast to my experience as a resident in Kyiv, where the progressive virus and hipster culture hasn't taken hold. So Bialystok certainly felt more authentically Eastern European if I compare to my previous experiences, although obviously much more modern compared to where I had lived previously.
23 Oct 2017
Classifieds / Trying to learn Polish language in Bialystok [16]


I would echo what Harry said. But if you are looking to self-study in your free time I would recommend 'Living Language.' I used quite a few different systems when I was learning Russian, and I found Living Language to be the best of all the systems. I'll be starting on Polish in a few months myself, and I'll be using their system.


I found it to be a delightful town...its where my fiance grew up, and I think it's such a beautiful region, definitely more my speed than Warsaw was, and reminded me the most of home as far as geography and quaintness. We would live there permanently if there was work for a respectable salary, but unfortunately I don't think that will be a reality anytime soon.
22 Oct 2017
Work / Confused ... 1 yr London Vs Poland Base hiring [30]

I don't know why $100k has become the litmus test of being well off. The truth is its barely getting by in the major cities and the North East of the United States.
19 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

You're thinking way too highly of yourself, coincidentally the same kind of self aggrandizement ACTUAL Nazi's took part in, thinking they were the center of the world, and that everyone was out to get them.

FACT: There are no Nazi's in the Ukrainian government, No Banderovyts in the government or military. These are fabricated Russian moskali lies. Keep sipping on that pepper vodka Boris.

Lol yes, NATO is the cause of all the ills in your **** hole country of Montenegro. If big bad NATO would just leave you poor "victims" alone everything would be ok, and your country would be able to take your rightful place as a glorious Slavic nation that should lord over the Untermensch (everyone who isnt a slav).

Poland is slated to be the most successful economy in Eastern Europe, their unemployment is shockingly low. They are a member of both NATO and the EU, which affords Poland a level of stability that would not have been possible without either organization. The EU development fund has been hugely beneficial to their infrastructure, reforming political organizations, etc. NATO allows them to have a medium sized military while still staying protected from Russia.

You know what Montenegrans do here? They do the **** labor, and they accept crap working conditions because we know you'll take the money and just be grateful not to be in that micro-state barely putting food on your table.

In honor of you Crnogorac3, I have a new hashtag slogan. #NukesOnPodgorica

Think harder before you speak to your betters.
17 Oct 2017
News / US Investor seeks 700 million dollars in damages from Poland [45]


It's not a feature of only PiS policy. In fact, it is a pervasive problem across Eastern Europe. Based both on evidence in reports, and anecdotally from expat investors I know personally. Property rights in many post-Soviet states is a problem with antiquated laws on the books, corrupt judges who take bribes, and allow legalized theft to take place. I don't have much sympathy for people who engage in this, particularly when they are trying to court foreign investors as is the case in Ukraine. The woes of one French winemaker in Odessa oblast are enough to scare away most foreigners.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Yea I misunderstood your post sorry, I thought you meant there was a present day genocide happening in the East. The rest of my post is entirely accurate though if you care to address it. Obviously I know about the genocide which took place around Lutsk in Volynskaya oblast.
10 Oct 2017
News / Polish-German Reconcilliation Seminar [491]


I would be way more concerned about rounding up people who held positions of power under the communist government and summarily executing them, than I would the German government paying reparations.

That is really funny the UK detesting Poles right? While the welcome thousands upon thousands of Bronze age savages into their country.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Crow, you literally have no idea what you are talking about with regards to Ukraine. Just stop already. There is no genocide in Ukraine, and the majority of the civilian casualties are caused by the indiscriminate shelling of the fake rebel forces (I.e.- Russian FSB/GRU terrorists). There was never a genocide or even a persecution of Russians in eastern Ukraine (na vostok). That was largely fabricated by Russian GRU, there are god damn phone intercepts of agents checking in with their handlers in Rostov-On-Don (rostov-na-donu) after shooting at both protesters AND police in Odessa in order to sew chaos. Last summer two Russian GRU (sabotage&reconnaissance) soldiers were shot and captured in the East and taken to Kyiv. They are what caused the release of Nadezhda Savchenko who was illegally kidnapped and taken from Ukrainian territory to Russia.

You should for one minute, put aside your prejudices and preconceived notions, and listen to people who know a hell of a lot more than you do about the conflict in the country, and not just from things they have read, but from being there.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Yea, exactly to your link. The leaders in the self-proclaimed DNR/LNR are a who's who of scumbags, derelicts, gopniks, and titushki. Alexander Zakarchenko ran a god damn soap factory before he became "General Major" in the Oplot battalion of Russian losers. Borodai got relieved because everyone started to wonder why people born in Moscow were in charge of Ukrainian cities. What a joke, and that this stuff isn't transparent to people even in Serbia is amazing. The DNR/LNR have 695 main battle tanks in an area the size of the state of Delaware. That is more main battle tanks than all of the armies in Europe combined, I guess they went down to the local tank dealership and picked em up half price.
10 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]

Neo-Nazis in former Yugoslavia:

Nacionalni stroj (National Alignment) - Serbia
Serbian Action - Serbia
Autochthonous Croatian Party of Rights - Croatia


National Socialist Society
Pamyat Nazi Party
Russian National Unity
Russian National Socialist Party

You were saying?

In regards to Poland:
National Revival of Poland cooperates with Ukrainian Svoboda and the Right Sector, whilst Association for Tradition and Culture "Niklot" and "Autonomous Nationalists" even sent members to fight in War in Donbass within the ranks of far-right Azov Battalion.
9 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


Since this is related to Poland in a way. Please tell me other than Praviy Sektor (Right Sector) who is an extremely fringe political element that the government in Kyiv is OPENLY HOSTILE to, where are the Nazis? Please name them, other than Oleg Lyashko who is really just a nationalist, not a white supremacist, who are the 'Nazis'? I lived there for several years (3 blocks from parliament near ulitsa Institutskaya) and never could spot a single one. Like I mentioned previously, trying to stir up a complete false, intellectually dishonest argument that there are ANY "Nazis" running things in Kyiv is only to serve sewing disunion between Warsaw and Kyiv, and thankfully it's not working on anyone with more than 3 brain cells.
9 Oct 2017
News / Poland - Ukraine. Młodzież Wszechpolska against Ukrainians. [180]


Shhh.......facts don't fit the agenda here, that countries aren't responsible for their own problems, it's all America's fault. So far this week on this forum, I've heard people talking about Slavic unity while simultaneously driving a wedge between Poland and Ukraine by repeating propaganda, and then earlier someone extolling to virtues of "uncorrupted communism" whatever the F--- that is?!, on a forum whose sole purpose is to discuss Poland, a country who was ravaged and lived under the thumb of communist oppression for 60 years, and caused UNTOLD suffering and misery for its people.

Carry on.