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Joined: 24 Sep 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 10 Apr 2013
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 41
Posts: Total: 420 / In This Archive: 267
From: USA Shelby Township, MI
Speaks Polish?: yes
Interests: everyhting pertianing to Poland, Polonia, Poles and things Polish

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12 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

And space aliens will be supporting Poland's old-age pensioners of 10 and 20 years from now. Poland is in the throes of a serious dmeographic crisis, even your hero Donny Boy says so, so it must be true!
12 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

If Poland's birth rate being 209th out of 222 countries is not a falling birth rate, then what is. OK it could be 222nd.
12 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

OK, what about a serious solution. You may have not said it outright, but you are certainly not up in arms over the garbage known as pop culture and the permissive ('anything goes') lifestyles with which society is being brainwashed and especially infects inexperienced and gullible youth. What about codes regulating socially harmful output?

In what way is that statement related to the topic of this thread, i.e. "Bishops defend Polish family"?

This is extremely germane to this thread which started with the statement: 'The Polish Episcopate has expressed concern over the fate of the Polish family which is a victim of the social, cultural and economic crisis. It decried attacks on the family by the news and entertainment media including attempts to ignore slight or replace the complete family with civic partnerships.' The family is the prime victim of commercially fuelled permissive pansexualism and all its repercussions and consequences.
12 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

During the 1980s, the proportion of adolescents in the United States who reported having had sexual intercourse before the age of 15 began to increase. Although some recent surveys indicate that this trend may be stabilizing, the U.S. age of sexual onset has continued to decline.1 This is of concern because early initiation of sexual intercourse places adolescents, particularly females, at elevated risk of being involved in an unintended pregnancy, of acquiring HIV or another sexually transmitted disease (STD), and of other negative social and psychological outcomes.2


Unless you dispute the fact that the age of sexual initiation has been dropping and that early initiation causes numerous heath issues as well as social and psychological problems, the question is why? Nothing just happens out of the blue. The Hairies of this world claim the media and entertainment industry are beyond reproach and have nothing to do with it. Maybe it is happening through osmosis or perhaps space aliens are telepathically implanting early-sex genes in the younger generation?
12 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

You will undermine, contest, ignore or take to pieces any sorucs that does not reinmforce, condone or justify your Church-bashing bias. Your anti-Catholic horse blinkers are fully in place and do not seem likely to become unfastened any time soon.

BTW, your'e the one who borught up Jew-cotnrolled Hollywood hating Catholics, and then you conveniently backed out since it's allegedly 'off'-topic'.
12 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

"Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular.

Do you believe the opposite to be true: 'Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who love Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular'?
11 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Whenever you are at a loss for answers, you undermine the source. Wikipedia is unreliable. RCC sources are unrelaible. You will probably say that this academic soruce is also unrealibale because it goes agaisnt your Catholic-hating prejudice.

Penn State professor Philip Jenkens reported that between 2 to 3 percent of Protestant clergy are pedophiles. His same study reported that less than 1.7 percent of Catholic priests are pedophiles. There is simply no reason to think that clergy child molesters are solely a Catholic problem. - *The results of this survey were reported in the book, Ministerial Ethics by Joe Trull and James Carter (2d ed. 2004), and in The Baptist Standard editorial, "Churches must act to prevent clergy sexual abuse," 4/22/2002. - (source: The voice of SNAP Baptist - stopbaptistpredators.org/alarmingnumbers.html

So probably, you poor wretch, your only alternative is to start citing LGBT sources which are always 259% reliable because they are based solely on the full truth and nothing but the truth, innit?
11 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Harry has already expected there are more victims of Protestant clergy abuse, since there are more Protestants in the US. The only difference, according to him, is that there is no Protestant cover-up. But the fact that it isn't being widely written about amounts to a media cover-up. To the underaged victims of abuse does it really matter whether the Church, the media or anyone else did ther covering up? It does only to the RCC-bashers.

For those who doubt there is a built-in anti-Catholic bias in the mainstream US media, read this:

11 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

It's the media that do the cover-up for the Protestants and they don't wnat to blow their own cover. But in WASP America it's always open season on the Catholic-

Don't you think the kids abused by Protestant clergy suffer as much as RC vicitms, except there are more of them
11 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

OK, but if there is more Protesant sex abuse, then why don't the media write about it imore often instead of constantly zeroing in on the less offfending Catholoc clergy. Yet another proof of the US media's anti-Catholic bias.

And what aboutt the celibacy business. PC Church-bashers always give that as the reason for priestly abuse.
11 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

This is not the situation in Poland where Protestants represent a tiny fraction of society, but I'm sure many PF-ers will be surprised to learn that in the USA more children are abused by Protestant ministers than by Catholic priests.

That shows the still existing pro-WASP and anti-Catholic bias of the mainstream American media, and mainstream US media influence the media all over the world.

Some things such as paedophilia amongst non-Catholic clergy and Jewish rabbis as well as the high suicide, drug abuse and domestic violence rate amongst homosexuals are clearly underreported. That's the PC way, highlight the misdeeds of your foes and turn a blind eye to those of your heroes, protégés and cronies.

9 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Either you have never darkened the door of a real chruch or subscribe to the Jehova's Witnesses' Decalogue. But in normal Cahtolic parlance No. 5 is Thou shalt not kill!
9 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

I can see where you favour a blasphemous and derisive attitude towards other people's religious faith (1, 2, 3) and believe in bladmouthing and disrespecting parents, but I didn't think you had fallen as low a scumbag as Delph who advocates murdering 160,000 Rydzyk supporters. You have gone a step further by calling for the depenalising of murder (No. 5 is 'Nie zabijaj'). Or do you limit yourself to butchering the unborn and euthanising doddering old fools who are needless taking up a hospital bed?
9 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

And which of the 10 Commandments would you strike out as no longer applicable?
9 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

But they are predicated upon the Decalogue, the most perfect code of human behaviour ever created. If you disagree, which of the 10 would you eliminate?

We need more people stealing, lying, killing, badmouthing their parents, betraying their spouses, breakingf up famileis, etc., etc. We haven't got there yet, but PC is making sure we're well on our way.
9 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Penalising murder and theft is also legislating morality. So is sanctioning libel suits (bearing false witness agaisnt one's neighbour).
8 Oct 2012
USA, Canada / Pulaski Day (celebrated in the US only) [54]

Polonia out in force on Pułaski Day

New York's Pułaski Day Parade is that Polonian community's major event of hte year. In Chicagoland, it is the 3rd of May parade.

Thousands don their 'Polish and proud' T-shirts, youngsters turn out in Krakowiak outfits, and there is fun, food, drinks and merriment all round. Long live Polonia!
8 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

WHo is it twisting Jesus' words?! Jesus was merciful and forgiving. Rather than see a harlot stoned, he saved her, but on one condition: go and sin no more. Everyone who is contrite, regrets his sins and does penance is forgiven. The trouble is the PC types give sins fancy names and have no intention of 'sinning no more'.
8 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

I would never call a real illegitimate child a bastard, but this is a discussion forum for sharing ideas and opinions. A Catholic is duty-bound to evangelise, and that means reminiding people of the Church's teachings. The PC way is to use feel-good eupehmisms for fornication, adultry, betrayal of spouses, breaking the marriage oath, butchering the unborn, because the PC types believe if you can make it sound nicer and prettier then it's OK., so go for it. And people do. What a rise the word 'bastard' caused here on PF. Wouldn't it be better direct your outrage at those who bring such kids into the world!? It only shows that PC is merely a slightly facelifted version of totalitarian mind control. PRL also did not attack many of the evils taking palce in the country bzt preferred to zero in (jail, beat, fine even kill) those who dared to openly talk about them.
8 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Without any consideration of what the future consequences that may have for the child...
8 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Before making such a rash decison, one should consider whether that is the only reason they have a higher birthrate. Maybre it's due to Third World immigration or other factors.

But if it really didt turn out that non-sacramental hook-ups produced more progeny, then morality would still have to win out.
When morality and expediency clash, a loyal Catholic has no choice but to opt for morality.
8 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

It is very popular and trendy today to define one's own private morality usually along the lines of egoism and personal convenience. I happen to accept the moral teachings of the Catholic Church. It's as simple as that. You can accept it or reject it, but it provides the guidelines for what is moral and immoral.

The child may some day want to marry and be joined in a sacramental union before God and man. A child whose thoughtless parents did not even bother to have him christened is in for a problem not of his own making. Of course, he can attend catechism classes and be baptised, make hsi First Holy Communion and Confiramtion as an adult, but that may be a hassle and embarrassment to some. Should his negligent parents be allowed to attend the respective liturgies or just come to the booze-up afterwards? He may just have top settle for a scrap of paper from the registrar, but to many in Poland that is not a 'real marriage'.
8 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

So what does if a baby is born a "bastard?"

That does not discredit the poor child, but it reflect badly on its stupid, thoughtless and irresponsible parents. Often in such cases the footloose father takes a powder, and the baby may even end up not getting baptised. A messy situation all round! And ultimately the child will suffer the most.
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Maybe it's the PC world you so admire that is sick. It cannot stand aynone or anything that disavows the grime and crud of run-away hedonism and egoism. Believe it or not, there were actually people who disliked JP2 for telling it like it is. Maybe not too many in Poland, but plenty in the Euroslime zone. I recall during a trip to Belgium, some went out to welcome him and take part in the services whilst others munched sausages and drank beer in cafés watching the goings-on from afar.
7 Oct 2012
News / Failures of Poland and Tusk`s government [191]

This is about the Polish body politic, what is developing on the Polish political stage which may have a bearing on the immediate and furtehr future. Tomorrow Kaczyński holds talks with Pawlak. I have it on good auhtority that the no-confidecne vote will be discussed.
7 Oct 2012
News / Failures of Poland and Tusk`s government [191]

Merged: Tusk government the worst in 23 years - Kaczyński

Speaking on Sunday in Elbląg PiS leader Kaczyński said the Tusk government was the wost in the past 23 years. It was incompetent, ineffective and based on corrupt oldboy networks, bribery and special arranegements. As proof of the inequaltiy it represrents, the leader of the biggest opposition party could not rent a hall in Elbląg, because someone in power had passed the word: Don't rent to PiS. That is Tusk style equality and democracy, and the sooner it is swept away, the better. That is why the Gliński non-parliamentary cabinet is needed to start cleaning up the post-communist mess, Jarosław said..

No link because anybody who wanted to could watch this live on TVP Info or TVN24 and rebroadcasts of highlights on all the stations..
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

No, I am only tring to be Semper Fidelis. You've heard of principled people I trust. High moral standards, not feel-good fun and convenience are supreme.
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

The children bear no blame for their predicmanet but theri crudball parents are guilty as hell and inconsiderate and selfish to boot.
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

Regardless of its impact on fertility, extramarital copulation is immoral no matter what fancy name it goes by: common law, cohabitation, partnership, shacking up, etc.! And those born out of wedlock are illegitimate children aka bastards. Let's not be afraid to call things by their right name. The PC types claim if you call something by a different name it solves the problem. But a pile of dog droppings remains what it is no matter what we call it, or even if we spray it with gold paint.
7 Oct 2012
Life / Bishops defend Polish family [105]

According to Catholic belief, morality and ethical concerns are superior to material considerations, scientific data or rationalising away one's trannsressions. I know all about the borgia poisoner popes, that the frog scumbag Richelieu and soem paedophile priest in Dublin or Podunk, Iowa. Presenting the standards and principles does not imply that everyone has always m,asured up. I say this becuase I know from past experience that some on PF are just itching to use any pretext to tie into Holy Mother the Church.