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Joined: 19 Aug 2012 / Male ♂
Last Post: 17 Oct 2016
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From: Łódź
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25 Jan 2016
Po polsku / Jaka sieć telefonii komórkowej w Polsce - w większości mobilny internet LTE na kartę. [6]

Co do światłowodu do domu, to zależy, nie powiedziałbym, że to już standard, do tego jeszcze daleko, ale są miejscowości, w których jest to dostępne. Albo ze strony TPSA (teraz to jest Orange, ale będę się, z przyzwyczajenia, posługiwać nazwą TPSA), albo od lokalnego operatora który dostał na to dofinansowanie z UE. Warto się zorientować czy tam gdzie będziesz mieszkać czegoś takiego nie ma.

Jeśli światłowodu mieć nie możesz, to z reguły najlepsze oferty i najlepiej działające łącza mają operatorzy od TV kablowej (np. UPC, Vectra, Toya, Multimedia itp.), ale oni zazwyczaj działają tylko w budynkach wielorodzinnych, i w danym budynku dostępny jest zazwyczaj tylko jeden operator (choć powoli się to zmienia). Czasem może być też tak, że jakość nie będzie wcale taka dobra, i to wynika z tego, jaką infrastrukturę ma u ciebie dany operator, więc pytanie się na ogólnopolskim, czy, tym bardziej, ogólnoświatowym forum tutaj nie pomoże.

Ostatnia opcja to ADSL - tu musisz mieć linię telefoniczną, za co, jeśli nie masz telefonu stacjonarnego, musisz dodatkowo dopłacać TPSA. I możliwe do osiągnięcia szybkości też zależą od infrastruktury. Poza TPSA (czy raczej Orange - usługa Neostrada) są dostępni także inni operatorzy, którzy wtedy od TPSA dzierżawią linię. Ja w Polsce korzystam z tej opcji, i mam umowę "do 10 Mb/s", w praktyce łącze wyciąga maksymalnie jakieś 6 Mb/s i czasem "przymula". Płacę za to, jeśli dobrze pamiętam, niecałe 40 zł miesięcznie + koszt telefonu stacjonarnego (na który, swoją drogą, umowa jest z Netią - która dzierżawi od TPSA łącze, ale internet udostępnia na nim TPSA bezpośrednio).

Całkiem możliwe że rzeczywiście wyprzedzamy pod tym względem UK. Na pewno pod względem internetu mobilnego i telefonii komórkowej wyprzedzamy Niemcy (za to ze stacjonarnym tak jakby w Niemczech było lepiej, ale to zależy też od konkretnej lokalizacji), a jak jest z UK, nie wiem.

Jeśli będziesz mieszkać w zasięgu LTE, to możliwe, że to LTE będzie działać lepiej niż dostępny w tej samej lokalizacji internet stacjonarny. Z tym że w łączach stacjonarnych nie masz limitów transferu danych. W mobilnych zawsze jakieś są, nawet jak oferta nazywa się "bez limitu".
25 Jan 2016
Po polsku / Jaka sieć telefonii komórkowej w Polsce - w większości mobilny internet LTE na kartę. [6]

Tu po prostu trzeba przejrzeć oferty wszystkich operatorów i wybrać najtańszą.

Play miał jeszcze niedawno taką zaletę, że w LTE w ofercie "bez limitów" po przekroczeniu limitu (bo czegoś takiego jak internet mobilny bez limitów nie ma) obcinał transfer nie do jakiejś absurdalnej wartości wolniejszej niż analogowy modem, jak inni operatorzy, tylko do 1 Mb/s. Ale nie wiem, czy to cały czas obowiązuje, i czy oferta "bez limitów" będzie ci się opłacała. Poza tym w "terenie" nie zawsze będziesz w zasięgu LTE.

Masz Playa, Plusa, Orange, T-Mobile oraz operatorów wirtualnych i wszelkiego rodzaju brandowane oferty w stylu np. Red Bull Mobile, będącego w rzeczywistości ofertą Playa. Popatrz gdzie masz najtańsze pakiety danych. Z wirtualnych jakiś czas temu dobrą ofertę miał Virgin Mobile, a z "normalnych" najtaniej miał Play, ale mogło się od tego czasu pozmieniać.

Play jest też dobry jeśli masz znajomych w tej sieci, bo połączenia i SMS-y wewnątrz sieci są bezpłatne (poza ofertą, w której po doładowaniu konto ważne jest przez rok - normalnie np. doładowanie za 30 zł ważne jest przez miesiąc, i tak ma praktycznie każda sieć, poza jakimiś nietypowymi ofertami, jak ta właśnie).
24 Jan 2016
Po polsku / Do zwolenników poczynań KOD. [14]

Brakująca większość obywateli w demokratyczny sposób wyeliminowała się sama nie głosując.

To nie jest nawet większość tych którzy wzięli udział w wyborach.

Dlaczego twierdzisz, że "Polska dla Polaków" to niebezpieczne hasło?

Wiem że bezpośrednio to z niego nie wynika, ale z mojego punktu widzenia ma taki wydźwięk, jakbyśmy mieli się izolować od świata. Poza tym nie wiem, może to kwestia tego jak to przekazują media, może nie, ale jednak ci ludzie na swoich demonstracjach zachowują się jakoś tak bardziej agresywnie od wspomnianego KOD-u.

Hasło to jest w o wiele mniejszym stopniu niebezpieczne niż "Niech EU rządzi naszym krajem".

Tyle że EU to organizacja międzynarodowa w której mamy takie same prawa jak inni i dobrowolnie w niej uczestniczymy. Nikt nas w UE siłą nie trzyma. Członkowstwo w UE nam się po prostu opłaca, bo jako samodzielny kraj w świecie byśmy się nie liczyli, a UE jako całość już ma siłę.

Dajmy PiSowi z rok czasu chociaż i potem sprawdźmy efekty ich rządów.

To ma sens. Ale gorzej jeśli po tym czasie nie będzie się już dało wybrać żadnej innej partii... No ale prawdopodobieństwo takiej sytuacji mimo wszystko duże nie jest, a nawet gdyby do tego miało dojść, to ewentualne zmiany wprowadzą w tak widoczny sposób, że każdy o tym będzie wiedział. Co, niestety, abstrahując już od konsekwencji typu PiS będzie dalej rządzić, nie wpłynie dobrze na to, jak na nas patrzeć będą inne państwa - tak samo jak nie wpływają na to dobrze dotychczasowe wydarzenia.
24 Jan 2016
Po polsku / Do zwolenników poczynań KOD. [14]

Zupełnie pomijając kwestię KOD-u.

Władza ma prawo zmieniać prawo i nikt tego nie kwestionuje. Chodzi o to że kompletnie nie liczy się ze zdaniem reszty. Niecałe 40% obywateli zagłosowało w wyborach na PiS (teraz poparcie tej partii jest prawdopodobnie mniejsze, choć to zależy od konkretnego sondażu). To nie jest nawet większość obywateli. Gdzie reszta? Władza powinna reprezentować interesy wszystkich obywateli.

I posługuje się absurdalnymi argumentami typu "poprzednia władza też tak robiła - to i nam wolno".

Czy to prawda, że to jest krajowa opozycja

A kto inny to miałby być? :) Chyba zrozumiałe, że demonstacjom przeciw działaniom obecnej władzy przewodniczy opozycja.

która jest sponsorowana przez obce korporacje międzynarodowe

Może, choć nie bardzo widzę w tym jakąkolwiek logikę (po co te korporacje miałyby te demonstracje sponsorować?). Tylko... skoro one są międzynarodowe, to dlaczego od razu obce? Są międzynarodowe, działają w wielu krajach. Taka jest współczesna gospodarka, że np. kupując pastę do zębów kupujesz tak naprawdę pastę jednej z kilku firm działających na całym świecie. Nie mówiąc o tym, że gdy kupujesz komputer, na 99,99% będzie miał on procesor jednej z dwóch firm i na, powiedzmy, 95% będziesz na nim korzystać z systemu operacyjnego jednej firmy. Co nie znaczy, że te korporacje nie zatrudniają ludzi w Polsce, ani że nie płacą tu podatków, nie znaczy też, że Polak nie może dostać się w takiej firmie na wysokie stanowisko...

wywołać chcą w Polsce, wojnę domową.

W jaki sposób? Jeśli coś miałoby doprowadzić do konfliktu - nie tylko w Polsce, ale ogólnie w Europie - to ja to widzę tak. Władze nie radzą sobie z przestępcami jacy do Europy przybywają wśród imigrantów/uchodźców z Bliskiego Wschodu. Czy raczej nie tyle nie radzą sobie, co traktują ich za łagodnie (dużo łagodniej niż przestępców "krajowych"), a nawet ich bronią. To znaczy dotyczy to przede wszystkim pewnego przywódcy pewnego kraju europejskiego (każdy wie o kogo chodzi), ale oddziałuje to na całą Europę. W tej sytuacji w krajach europejskich - co w Polsce już się obserwuje - w siłę rosną ruchy nacjonalistyczne. "Polska dla Polaków", te sprawy. A to już jest niebezpieczne. Ale nikt tu nie jest bez winy. I władze polskie - zarówno poprzednie, jak i obecnie - zachowują się pod tym względem zupełnie sensownie. Choć ciężko to w obecnym momencie oceniać, bo póki co fali uchodźców/imigrantów w Polsce, na szczęście, nie mamy. Ale nie podchodzą do tego na zasadzie "kochamy uchodźców i mają się u nas czuć jak w domu, a w ogóle to jeszcze lepiej i lepiej niż nasi obywatele".
24 Jan 2016
Po polsku / Dostęp policji do prywatnych zasobów internetu tylko za zgodą sądu [9]

Znalazłem, faktycznie w którejś z poprzednich wersji ustawy miał być zapis o udostępnianiu danych przez usługodawców internetowych policji na jej żądanie, bez specjalnej zgody sądu, ale w obecnej wersji już tego nie ma. Wolno natomiast, z tego co rozumiem - bez zgody sądu, zbierać metadane, ale tu nic się względem obecnej sytuacji nie zmienia.

To jest ustawa (nowelizacja) przyjęta 15 stycznia przez Sejm - zajmuje się nią obecnie Senat:

A to oryginalna ustawa:
22 Jan 2016

As said, out of Polonia (normal) and of East Germany (as close as could be), genuine tourists are very rare in Poland (official numbers confirm)

And the tourists representing less "mass" versions of tourism - others than those going to holiday resorts to lie flat on the beach in order to get a sunburn. This kind of tourism is most popular and it's obvious that it will not develop in Poland. Even though we have really long and beautiful beaches at the Baltic sea (in fact the whole coast is a single enormous beach), the weather is doing its job, and even really many people from Poland prefer to go abroad (which doesn't matter that the Polish beaches in the high season aren't so busy that it's difficult to find a place there).
22 Jan 2016
Study / Studies fees in Poland for spouse of EU national [8]

It depends what you mean as "free of charge". Full-time studies in Poland on public universities (and other higher education institutions), if you pass all the subjects on time, ARE free of charge for the EU citizens, apart from a few tens of PLN fee once for the whole studies for issuing the student ID and a few tens of PLN each year for the civil liability insurance.

If you fail a subject and you have to repeat it in the next academic year, then you have to pay for it.

They are free, of course, in the meaning they are financed from taxes.
22 Jan 2016
News / PiS to impose blanket retail tax in Poland [291]

As far as I know, the children graduating from schools in Poland have much wider knowledge than those from the schools in the UK... But maybe I am mistaken, and it also depends on the type of school, in case of which, whereas everything looks more or less the same in Poland (very strong dominancy of public schools - the differences appear only at the level of secondary schools, where you have some with better and some with worse results, chosen by students with different abilities and ambitions; the church and the private ones doesn't matter almost at all, although some of the church ones also have very good results), in the UK the variety is very wide.
21 Jan 2016
News / PiS to impose blanket retail tax in Poland [291]

Baffled as why they all finish class by 12:30/2:30, a lot sooner than when I was a lad in the UK.

If a British school needs more time to teach the students the same skills (or even less of them) than a Polish school, then it's rather difficult to call it a better one...
20 Jan 2016
News / PiS to impose blanket retail tax in Poland [291]

Ask the average Pole and he'll tell you Biedronka is Polish!

I think some will certainly say so, but not most of them. I bet that even less than 15% may be so thinking.

They destroyed local shopkeepers.

You say they destroyed them. But they still exist and doesn't seem to feel so bad. In a centre of a big city - you will find at least a single local independent shop most likely within one or two blocks of streets around you. And if someone is threatening them, then not Biedronka, but rather Żabka. But Żabka exists only in bigger cities. I am from an almost 15-thousand town, and we don't have any Żabka at all. We have two Biedronkas, a few of Delikatesy Centrum (but this is a kind of shop with a bit more expensive products - and a bit higher quality), and that's all of the chain supermarkets. The rest is a town-wide chain of shops owned by a local and quite a lot of totally independent shops.

Look at Germany. You almost don't have there any foreign supermarket chains. Everything is German. But you don't find also any (or almost any) local independent shops.

Shops in Polish villages are almost all independent, owned by locals. In towns in a vast majority too, and it's not a problem to find them in cities. In Germany they, however, don't virtually exist.
20 Jan 2016
News / EU debate on Poland [23]

Plus, there are also substantial capital out-flows from Poland to the EU, but they are not taken into account.in your reasoning.

Mention them. I believe there are some, but it's usually easier to convince someone using examples of facts than just statements like "Tusk lies" or "Kaczyński lies". Even though I have a feeling that this strategy doesn't really work on the PiS supporters :-)

Its a nice fairy tale for Poland to dictate terms to rest of the world.

I like this way of discussing, that means giving arguments. Making statements without showing any proof is what PiS supporters usually do. And the problem is that such propaganda still works on such people. Giving arguments in the discussion is a simple way to get stronger from them.
20 Jan 2016
News / EU debate on Poland [23]

Speakers representing the Polish anti-government Civic Platform party did criticize PiS' behavior

Who exactly? Because I haven't noticed such a speaker there, although I haven't watched the whole thing (I had to leave home about 18:20 of the Polish/Central-European time), but what I have heard was that there was there, basically, nobody from PO

For the most of the time Szydło was talking like in an election campaign. First that it's bad to the Poles in Poland, that they are poor, that they earn not much, and then, later, that Poland is one of the best economies in the EU... So is it bad or good in Poland then?

If you are talking that it has been happening bad in Poland while criticising the previous government (giving arguments for your "good changes") and then that is has been happening good while describing the economical situation (after 3 months of ruling, when the only introduced changes are the political ones, and when some factors show that it could get worse, not better), nobody will trust you. Sorry. Not if you are changing your opinion from minute to minute.

Please man, don`t say that. There is old Chinese proverb: ``Don`t give fish to man but learn him how to catch fish.``

Which is now the problem of the whole EU, and Poland is going exactly in this direction...

Poland is NOT independent

Is any European country, except for Norway, Switzerland and, maybe, Turkey (if you consider it European), independent?

In terms of the EU, look that this "lack of independence" shows up in what the countries are doing to solve the immigrants problem. The debate in Strasbourg just before the one about Poland. It turns out that there are decisions in Strasbourg taken, but... no country makes them come into force (which leads to the problem being still unsolved). And the EU has no measure to force them to do it. Does it mean that being a member of the EU makes the country less independent?
17 Jan 2016
News / Do you believe that western Europe (ie EU) won`t punish Poland if Poland try to go out of EU? [44]

Although that event is rather more likely, given that a number of Poles like unicorns, while virtually none have any wish to leave the EU which Poland does so well in.

Well, in £ódź we already have a stable for unicorns.

Crow, Poland leaving (or thrown out of) the EU is nothing more than political fiction.

Noone (I mean no country) in the western Europe will start a war in Europe, it's the most stupid thing they could do. Something we should be afraid of is some kind of a civil war due to unpopular politicians decisions, like letting immigrants from Arabic countries do too much in Germany.

Yes, Poland may face problems of local separatist movements that would like to stay within EU.

No, you are totally wrong :) Poland is probably the most homogenous country in Europe (or, for sure, one of the most homogenous ones). There is simply noone who could start such separatist movements. Silesians are considered themselves to be Poles.

Poland should be related to whole world when it comes to economy.

It is, like almost each country in the world these times. Now the world is a single huge economy and everything relies on export and import. We buy TVs of Korean and Japanese (or, in the best case, Dutch) companies, made of parts manufactured in China, assembled in Czech Republic, Poland or Hungary. Not a long time ago there was a moment when the prices of the computer memories rapidly jumped up due to... floods in the areas where most of them was manufactured (AFAIK somewhere in the East-South Asia) and damaged factories.

China will support Polish intention to become a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council.

Poland is trying to establish economic cooperation with China for a longer time. From 2013 there is, for example, a cargo train from £ódź to Chengdu - and from August 2015 it is carrying goods not only from China to Poland, but also from Poland to China (in this direction - mainly food).
17 Jan 2016
News / Do you believe that western Europe (ie EU) won`t punish Poland if Poland try to go out of EU? [44]

So, in other words, you think EU would cut major economic ties and contracts with Poland if Poland go out of EU. Is that what you say?

It might be so.

Why then cut ties with Poland on fields where exist common interest between Poland and some western European country?

It's difficult not to cut ties with Russia, when you need Russian gas. China and USA are much bigger and more developed countries.

Maybe they will not necessarily cut economic ties, but they will cease pumping huge amounts of money into Poland, in the infrastructure and so on, as they are doing now.

Poland is not Norway, neither is it Switzetland. It needs to cooperate with others to stay alive. Our most important natural resource, proud of the nation, is coal, from extraction of which we not only get no money, but we have to pay extra for that...

By the way, it's more likely that Poland will get thrown out of the EU than that it will leave it on its own.
15 Jan 2016
Language / "Róbta, co chceta" - Polish slogan meaning and usage [25]

Maybe "do y'all whatever you want". Normally it would look "róbcie co chcecie". The version of the 3rd person imperative with the suffix "-ta" is a kind of a slang form, expressing that you really don't care what they will do.
13 Jan 2016
Life / Best broadband provider needed by English speaker in Warsaw [6]

Just look at the post before your one, I have explained everything.

No, there is no operator which would provide Internet by cable (DSL, cable TV network) without a contract.

It is possible only with mobile phone networks, then you just buy a pre-paid starter and install it in a modem (buying it first if you don't have one).
10 Jan 2016
Travel / Trip to Poznan and Torun [19]

There is nothing bad in speaking English in Poland, it's just so that not so many people speak English here and that's way it's a good idea to be able to speak some Polish when coming to Poland.
10 Jan 2016
Life / Best broadband provider needed by English speaker in Warsaw [6]

It depends on the location, even on the specific building. There are different providers available in different places. And quality of their service may vary depending on the location, in some places they may have good infrastructure and in others - not.

The only one which is accessible almost everywhere by cable is Orange - since the former national telephone network belongs to them. But I wouldn't say that their quality is really good, and you may find something for a better price too (especially that you have to pay an extra monthly fee for the infrastructure maintenance unless you have a landline phone from them).

It's impossible to get an Internet connection without any contract (except for the pre-paids from the mobile phone networks), but most of the operators offer also 12-month contracts for a slightly increased monthly fee.

In terms of the pre-paids, you should check the LTE from Play or Red Bull Mobile (this is also actually an offer of Play). They are good in that they have transfer limits, but after exceeding the limit, the connection slows down to 2 Mb/s, which is a speed still allowing to use the Internet without problems.
9 Jan 2016
Law / Prawo autorskie - copyright / trademark of a business name in Poland [18]

I understand that as a cartoon you mean a TV series. There was also a series of comic books it was based on - but it was from the 1930s.

The comic books were being issued from 1932 to 1934. According to the copyright act from 1927 (pl.wikisource.org/wiki/Prawo_autorskie_%28ustawa_z_29_marca_1926_r.%29), which was valid that time, the copyright holds for 50 years after the death of the one of the authors who died last. In this case there was two authors: Kornel Makuszyński, the author of the texts, who died in 1953, an Marian Walentynowicz, the author of pictures, who died on 26th August 1967. So it will go to the public domain in August 2017.

The TV series from 1969-1971 was produced by Studio Miniatur Filmowych from Warsaw, which is still active. There is a problem with their website, because if you open it from a web browser in a language different from Polish, it automatically redirects you to the English version, which doesn't work, it shows a server error. You must set in the web browser that you prefer to see the websites in Polish, or, if it doesn't help, install the Polish version of any browser, then the website will work - but only in Polish version.

Anyway, the contact data of the studio are:
- telephone: +48 22 845 53 45
- email: smf@smf.com.pl
- address:
ul. Królewicza Jakuba 12a
02-956 Warszawa
6 Jan 2016
Law / Preferred online store for purchasing Electronics Item in Poland [22]

Because you usually order a pizza in a pizzeria located not more than a few kilometers away, having their own delivery guys and cars, and you order a tablet in a shop operating countrywide and sending items by post or courier service.

At euro.com.pl you can order some items with the option "receive in an hour" - but you have to personally go to the shop to receive them.

Also if pizza was delivered for a day, it would get cold and no more tasty, which is not the case for a tablet.

And if you buy a tablet, it's much more expensive than a pizza, so you think about buying it for a longer time and reconsider it. And then you use it usually for 2 years, or even more. So it's not a problem if you wait a day for the delivery. You "use" a pizza for less than 1 hour, so then it's important that it comes quickly.
4 Jan 2016
Law / Biggest supermarket chains in Poland vs Germany [23]

Everyone knows that the PiS tax is in fact not about helping private shops, but about gathering money to have something to be able to pay out the promised 300 zł for each child... Even PiS themselves say that. But (for the fans of Polish idioms :-) ) a cactoo will sooner grow up on my head than I will see 300 zł really given to each parent for each child by the government. They need money to finance events like Wieczornica Smoleńska, or for dinners in expensive restaurants where they discuss top-secret issues (as PO did, I don't believe PiS is different).

i am unsure why supporting small shops is seen as desirable policy - when I first came to Poland that was all there was and the service was awful

It depends on a specific store. We want to have free market - which wouldn't be dominated by huge chains, as it is in Germany (even though all of them in Germany are German). But whether something like that would work, I am also unsure.

Maybe it wasn't an independent store, but one belonging to one of the chains from the communist times: Społem or GS?

About small shops, we already have Żabka (which was grounded by a Pole, for some time it was Czech, but now it seems to be British), however, they are not present everywhere and it's not a problem to meet also an independent store of such size. It's more difficult in case of supermarkets, but it's easily understandable as they were brought to Poland by them (before there were only some smaller ones from the 1970s, belonging to the state company Społem).
3 Jan 2016
Law / Biggest supermarket chains in Poland vs Germany [23]

That's what most people in Poland think, that the foreign supermarket chains don't pay taxes in Poland. That they avoid them using some legal tricks. I have no idea whether it's true or not.
3 Jan 2016
Law / Biggest supermarket chains in Poland vs Germany [23]

On the other hand, Real - a German hypermarket chain - had to give up in Poland not a long time ago :-) And they sold all their shops to the French (they got taken over by Auchan).

Something like 5-10 years earlier - the German discount chain Plus-Discount (now in Germany it's, as far as I know, Netto, but it's a different Netto than the Netto present in Poland, if I am not mistaken, it belongs to Edeka) also had to give up in Poland, and they sold all their shops to Biedronka (Jeronimo Martins), so now they are Portugese.

The higher taxes for supermarket chains are supposed to help smaller private independent shops. Which are not present at all in Germany. Protect them is exactly what Poland should do.

In fact the only German supermarket branches that are present in Poland are the cheapest ones: Lidl and Aldi. Also Kaufland, and until the previous year also Real. From the grocery supermarkets that's all. Apart from that some specialistic chains from Germany, like Media Markt/Saturn, or Rossmann, are strong in Poland.
3 Jan 2016
Law / Biggest supermarket chains in Poland vs Germany [23]

There is many big supermarket chains in Germany, but they all are German. I am talking about shops one of which you can meet even in a smaller town or a village, and in bigger cities there is many of them.

In Poland we have some Polish chains, especially ones based on franchise, but they are the minority. The biggest chain of supermarkets is Portugese, there is also plenty of Lidls, Aldis, Carrefours (of different size, often also franchise-based), Tescos or InterMarches. On the other hand, there is also plenty of small "convenience" gorcery shops that don't belong to any chain. And there is nothing like that in Germany. You have Lidls, Aldis, Rewes, Edekas, Nettos, Nahkaufs (being in fact Rewes), Pennys (belonging in fact to Edeka), some variations of Edeka with different names, sometimes a Kaufland, from time to time a huge hypermarket (we call them so in Poland) of Real - and that's all. I have been living in Germany for half a year and I haven't seen any independent grocery shop there, apart from the Turkish ones, and maybe some with "Bio" food (but they usually also belong to some chains).