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Posts by WielkiPolak  

Joined: 3 Jun 2011 / Male ♂
Warnings: 1 - A
Last Post: 14 Feb 2019
Threads: Total: 54 / In This Archive: 48
Posts: Total: 988 / In This Archive: 666
From: London
Speaks Polish?: Yes
Interests: Football/ Travelling/ Philosophy/ Religion

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27 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

Jon thanks for reminding me why I've never much liked English people [generally speaking]. You think you're the most sensible intelligent human beings in the the world, when actually, you're the most shameful lying cowards known to man and then accuse others of being shameful, to protect yourselves.

It's shameful that you have been spreading nonsense and regurgitating trash from Poland-hating newspapers and it's also shameful that you keep lying about the 'hurt of this young person' when it was her family who wanted this to be investigated because they didn't believe the Egyptian's explanation and knew their daughter was not crazy.
27 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

The Independent piece is written by a young man with just over 100 followers on twitter, where he states that he is merely giving his opinion on how tabloids have jumped on this and made up stories.

Of course, he doesn't just say that, because he says autopsies confirmed that there was no foul play. No they didn't. They confirmed she was not strangled or physically killed, but no toxicology was done, which would suggest she might have been given something and I'm not sure if it is not too late for that now.

I have no shame wanting to discuss a recent death many people still have serious doubts about? Really?
27 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

Expect well known Gazeta Wybiórcza readers to come here and state that she was just "crazy" and that's why she committed suicide.

Yeah, I did expect it.

It's interesting that Jon has looked at the article from the Independent, quoted a part of it, and now 'he knows' that nothing suspicious happened.

We think it's suspicious but he must be more intelligent than us and knows for sure there was no foul play, because a writer in the Independent has told him so.

This young woman had mental issues and then suddenly went insane in Egypt. Suspicious? Nah - it must be the air over there, it does that to some people - makes them want to kill themselves.

"It is a parable for our times that could prove devastating to Egyptian tourism, not to mention Zuk's loved ones."

My favourite part though, of the Independent article, was the tactic above, also used after the tragic plane crash in 2010 - that the media reporting this as suspicious must be devastating to the families. Err, no, a large amount of them actually thought it was suspicious too and wanted it to be investigated further.

I'm pretty sure Magdalena's family don't think she went crazy in Egypt and committed suicide - they probably think there was more to it. If they're mad at any media, it's the media that tries to tell the public she was crazy, not the media who believe she might have been killed.
26 May 2017
News / Mysterious death of Magdalena Żuk on holiday in Egypt [144]

I had a look to see if this has already been posted and couldn't find anything. If it has then feel free to point me to the thread and close this.

I am just wondering if A) people have heard about this story? It was quite big in the Polish media recently.

and B) What your thoughts are on her death and whether you think it is suspicious or she killed herself.

For those who have not heard about it, the woman named Magdalena Żuk, who was 27, went to Egypt on holiday on her own, after her boyfriend who was supposed to go with her, told her he was unable to go due to visa issues. A few days in to what was supposed to be a 5-day trip, she was dead.

Some believe something happened to her over there that caused her to go 'crazy' and be put in a hospital, where she ended up killing herself. Others think she was killed.

The situation, despite being announced as a suicide by officials in Egypt, certainly sounds very suspicious, mainly as she supposedly had no mental issues before this trip. She was supposed to be shown around by a tour guide in Egypt and then suddenly supposedly went mad and had to be put in a hospital.

Many people believe the tour guide and other Egyptian men gang raped her and then killed her when the boyfriend's friend was supposed to travel to Egypt to pick her up after he felt she was behaving strangely when talking to him and pleaded for him to get her out of Egypt.

There are also other suspicions that the boyfriend might have been in on something more sinister too.

Of course we don't know that for sure and she could have simply committed suicide after having some sort of nervous breakdown, but it's difficult to believe. It's possible she did kill herself, but why? Was she just insane or was whatever was being done to her over there too much to bare that she wanted to end her life? Or was she pushed out of the window she supposedly jumped out of herself?

A recent Independent article seems sure there was no foul play and all these theories on her death are fake news, while other articles and people who are looking in to it suggest there might have been and that if she was behaving strangely, it is possible she was given a drug that caused her to behave the way she did and disorient her.

There are plenty of articles on her if you type her name in to the search engine. Here are two video clips. One shows her being restrained in hospital and the other I believe is the last video phone conversation she had with her boyfriend, where she appears to be frightened to say much too him as the Egyptian guide is right by her.


20 May 2017
News / The first PiS led government in 2005 lasted just over 2 years in Poland. [129]

No 'veiled threats' by the way. He's simply and decently outlining the rules that Poland has agreed to follow.

Yeah it was a promise made by Tusk and his cronies. PiS don't have to honour it.

That's like one party promising to do something, then the other party win the election and people say 'no, you still have to do what the other party promised.' No they don't.
8 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

So you say newspapers can be trusted more than websites - any particular reason for this?

It's like saying the news on television is more credible than news you find online. If people felt that way they would just eat up everything presented to them on TV - without thinking. I mean, surely you trust various internet sources over TVP right now right?
7 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Oh Jon, you make another statement not knowing anything about me.

You say you've lived in Poland more time that I've been alive. I wonder. You must have moved there very early in life. Either that or you're quite old.

By the way Jon, you keep calling the UK my country. Remind me, did you ever finally tell us where you are from originally or do you still prefer to dodge that question?

By the way I check the poll figures a lot. It seems PiS is still ahead, despite leftist media pretending the country has turned against them.
7 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

It's all very well to say that Jon, but when you say 'wider spread,' what you really mean is, talk to more people who don't like Kaczynski and PiS. Believe me I know plenty of those.

Just because you live in Poland and talk to Polish people there, doesn't mean you unferstand the general mood of the country better than me. I mean how many people do you know/have you conversed with? 10? 20? One hundred? Perhaps a few hundred? How many millions live in the Poland? Or are you now going to tell me that you travel around the country to talk to people from all over about politics?

The best way to measure the mood of a nation is to see how they vote in elections, and in the last one, both Andrzej Duda and PiS were chosen by the majority of the country.
7 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

As I say, have a look. It's long been known in Poland, and much reported in Polish language online media (so you'll need to put it though google translate).

I think that's more likely to be something you need to do, as I can speak and read Polish fluently thank you.
7 May 2017
Law / Stopped by the Poland's Police for no reason while walking at night [94]

It' the race card, playing the victim or whatever you want to call it. If he left out the last sentence it would have better. It would seem he wanted to know if police in Poland stop you and ask for your ID even when you appear to be doing nothing wrong.

He mentioned his race because he hoped somebody would say 'ah yes, it was because of the colour of your skin.'

A white person would not have said 'oh by the way I'm white.' Or a woman 'oh by the way I'm a woman' or a disabled person etc. You get the picture.
7 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Jon you're beginning to sound full of BS right now. I have seen what he said and his apology for it later too.

Other than the former president, who said what he said as a jab at somebody he disliked [and still does] and then later apologised for it, can you provide me with a link to any other site that says this is the case? I can't find any. If you can't provide me with one, I'm going to assume you don't have one to give and we'll leave it at that.
7 May 2017
Law / Stopped by the Poland's Police for no reason while walking at night [94]

Perhaps because he considered it was relevant.

Why would it be relevant if this is the first time in seven years he has been stopped by police, and other than that has said he has no issues in Poland due to his race? Why would he assume the one time he is stopped and asked for ID, it must be racism?
7 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Could you provide me with the more sensible sources Jon? Obviously I must not be as good at you at finding things on the internet, as I was not able to find a single sensible source that states Kaczynski is likely to be gay.
7 May 2017
Law / Stopped by the Poland's Police for no reason while walking at night [94]

I've been in Poland for 7 years studying medicine and I didn't have any racial telorance nor problems and I've been welcome everwhere

Why would you give this extra information unless you thought it was relevant?

You say you have not had any issues in Poland in seven years, then got stopped once, so what is the problem? It would be more suspicious if you were stopped every week in various areas of the country for no reason. Then you could write this and ask if it's about your skin colour.

it was a good idea for them to target Polish cars in the morning due to the tendency of Polish men to drink heavily and then drive

Well that's nice of you. Substitute Polish cars for cars driven by Muslims, blacks, women etc. and you would be seen as racist/sexist, you name it. At least we know who the on the site has 'donosicielskie' tendencies. Lucky Poland is not still a communist state.
7 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

I should have taken Wulkan's advice, as I was not locked in a white room and still went ahead and had a quick look at some of the sources that have reported this.

Of course what do I find? First of all, no source that claims to have any proof he is gay [if you have links to any that do Jon, then please feel free to post them here].

Secondly, those sites that even go in to whether he might be gay, are the likes of Pudelek and Tok FM, oh and websites like gaycity that you posted previously. Really top quality sources there.

Those who have suggested he is gay are all people who absolutely despise him i.e. Biedron, Palikot and Walesa, who by the way has since apologised for what he said.

I can't find the Rzeczpospolita piece you mentioned on Kaczynski being investigated. Can you provide a link? I have seen it mentioned on another site but can't find their one.

By the way, Pawel Rabiej, the guy accused of being together with Kaczynski back in the early 1990s, gave a interview to Rzeczpospolita in 2016, where he stated he knew nothing of these rumours at the time and they were just made up nonsense to hit Kaczynski where it hurts and discredit him.

Oh and if there was even a possibility that this could be true, do you not think Gazeta Wyborcza, the most mainstream ant Kaczynski paper in Poland, would have not had a field day with this? Unless of course they knew there was no proof whatsoever of this far fetched nonsense and decided not to risk trying to incorrectly smearing the guy and then getting in to trouble for it.
6 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

I'm struggling to work out if you really do believe this nonsense or if you're just going with it because you dislike him that much.
6 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

So what has Mr Kaczynski had to say about this? Give that according to you, he is widely believed to be gay in Poland.
6 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

You must be joking Jon. You are not gay because somebody said you are gay, particularly if it is somebody who does not like you and would purposely spread lies about you. Politicians all kinds of vile stuff about opposing politicians, on TV, but it doesn't make it true.

Let's go with your theory, even though I believe it to be false, and say he is. Why would he choose to be the head of a Catholic party who have no intention of creating any pro-gay legislation any time soon?
6 May 2017
News / Closet homosexual politicians in Poland [83]

Homosexuality (including among closeted politicians) has existed since the dawn of time and we're all not only still here

Is there something you'd like to tell us Jon?

Even Jaroslaw Kaczynski is still here

Not sure what he has to do with closeted homosexuals but yes, it's nice he's still here and hopefully he remains here for a long time.

The conservative politician Daniel Kawczynski has several kids before he married his husband.

Kawczynski came out bi-sexual didn't he? Not gay. Also are you sure he has married him? I just heard he had a male partner and lived with him.
4 May 2017
Language / Any good English term for lewactwo and derivatives? [16]

The only answers I see are strongly disagree, agree, disagree or strongly disagree. There is no, neither agree or disagree option.

Also I don't see any questions asking if you think abortion should be completely illegal or legal unconditionally.

Like I said it's an interesting site, which for example reiterates that Macron is actually for more right wing than Le Penn, for all those leftists in France ready to go out and vote for Macron.

I do find the way a lot of the questions are angled to be more from the left though. Not all of them, but a lot of them.
4 May 2017
Language / Any good English term for lewactwo and derivatives? [16]

Interesting website Jon, but seems very left leaning to me.

The way some questions in the test are phrased makes you come out of it a leftist every time. The way some questions are asked give you very little room to manoeuvre.

A few examples
A/ It's a sad reflection on our society that something as basic as drinking water is now a bottled, branded consumer product.
B/ It is regrettable that many personal fortunes are made by people who simply manipulate money and contribute nothing to their society.
C/ What's good for the most successful corporations is always, ultimately, good for all of us.

Obviously any reasonable person would agree with the two statements above, which pushes you more and more in to looking like an anti-capitalist, even when you're not. And the 3rd one, I mean come on. They just want you to give leftist answers.

Then there are these.

D/ Abortion, when the woman's life is not threatened, should always be illegal.
E/ What goes on in a private bedroom between consenting adults is no business of the state.

Again, I do not believe abortion should be made legal, but believe it is acceptable in a few cases, more than just the one that is stated in the question. I am also against some of the perverted things people do to each other the bedroom and believe there is a line they shouldn't go over, but don't believe the state ought to have any right to intervene in that.

All of these capitalist and social questions could have been asked differently and probably would have got a different answer if they had. It's still an interesting website as I said, but a but manipulative.
2 May 2017
Language / Any good English term for lewactwo and derivatives? [16]

Is there actually a definition of what views/policies you need to have to officially be considered left or right wing? A lot of people don't consider PiS a right wing party due to their economic stance and many don't see the Conservative government in the UK as right win, due to their social stance.
15 Jan 2017
News / The first PiS led government in 2005 lasted just over 2 years in Poland. [129]

I hope the PiS government does get to rule for the minimum time a party ought to rule after being selected. I find it quite shocking at how childish the opposition are, like a baby throwing their toys out of the pram and angry because it can't get its way.

PO had 8 years of rule and practically did what they wanted - now they have been out of power for one year and can't accept it.

Funny the reaction of the opposition in Poland is similar to that of 'anti Trumpers' and 'Remainers.' In theory they promote freedom and free speech, yet in reality, when they don't get their own way, they do everything they can to prevent democracy from running smoothly. People chose PiS so get over it and let them rule for now - then judge them later when they have had a bit of time.
18 Jun 2016
Life / Number of church attendees in Poland [54]

its more about traditions,nobody listen to what priest are saying really.

Erm, just because you didn't like it doesn't mean that others are like you. Don't assume that you are the typical example of a Polish person. In the UK the Polish churches are full....with young families and people. I am not saying that there are not Polish people who go to Church just because they were taught to and don't really care about it but the vast majority are Catholics and want families, heck even non Catholic do.
18 Jun 2016
News / Poland PiS' unpopular welfare policies lead to spike in TV purchases and alcohol problems [31]

As gregy said, they have/are achieving what they intended but unlike him I also think they will achieve a higher birth rate. This policy is basically to help and encourage people with a more difficult financial situation with their family life and to encourage them to stay in the country and have those families rather than leaving and having them somewhere else. This was a problem for Poland, that their population was decreasing because people were leaving and those who didn't leave were reluctant to have children, in fear of not being able to provide for them. PO was supposed to make things better to convince people to stay, but they did nothing.

Of course some people will abuse the system - people will always abuse good intentions no matter where it is, but I think on the whole, for the majority who don't abuse it, still work hard and just use this as extra help for their kids, it was and is a great idea.
4 Jun 2016
History / Poles the biggest hypocrites in the world [35]

Poles don't hate Islam but they think it doesn't belong in Poland. Simple.

Pretty much this.


Polish people do actually have a generalized dislike of countries around them such as Russia or Germany or even the UK for not helping in the Second World War after getting help from Poland.

With Islam, it's nothing to do with any war and everything to do with the culture simply not fitting in with the Polish one. I don't even think Polish people particularly dislike Muslims, they just don't want masses of them to enter their country and start imposing their cultures, as they have done in other Western European countries.
4 Jun 2016
Work / 13000 zloty salary enough to save 9000 zloty with normal living in Poland? [37]

Well it depends on the part of Poland you live I think.

That's a massive wage by Polish standards to be honest, so even if you want to send 8k home, 5k per month to live should be fine, unless you will be living in Warsaw or Krakow where rent might be high, then you might have to keep your own lifestyle fairly basic. It depends on your living costs.